The Verdict - Do you agree or disagree? #3

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Thank you. I am so tired of the accusations being made against the jury with no proof of any of it.

I agree with you here, there's been a lot of negative speculation about them.

The only "proof" we do have are the interviews, which were enough for me (and many others) to conclude there was misunderstanding/misapplication of the jury instructions. I think the hows and whys have been written out a hundred times on this forum and I have nothing to add.

In terms of quantity, not a huge amount of "proof" the jury failed in their responsibility, but in terms of quality, there's a lot there.

What they jurists told us in their interviews was IMPORTANT stuff, very revealing. I wouldn't go so far as to condemn any jurist's character (they just wanted to go home/on their cruise/whatever). I would interpret what they said at face value.

They blew it.
I'd like to see someone who agrees with the verdict mention Caylee's name and to tell me how it feels that justice for this little girl wasn't served.
Just a random thought.

See, to me this just brings emotion into it. We should be talking about the verdict without the emotional aspect.
So, the interview with Cheney Mason was posted (thank you) and I listened and watched it again. Matter of fact, twice. Where again in this interview does Cheney say she was obviously guilty?

Am I crazy? And just not hearing it?

Is there some other interview you are speaking of?'s WHAT he says:

Cheney-----"You can pretty well predict that there's going to be a life sentence. And, and either a plea and get it over with, or have a circus trial and then be convicted and then get life."

..using logic and common sense-----it can be reasonably deduced that the speaker ---is predicting that one way or another, kc anthony is going to get a life sentence. "predicts" a life sentence for someone they think is innocent.

..if he DID think she was innocent----he would have been shouting THAT loud and clear-----but he didn't.

..therefore----he either believed that she was guilty--or that the evidence (even then) was strong enough that a plea would get her life--or a trial would get her life.....convicted/Guilty/life sentence.

..just b/c you didn't "hear him say"----i think kc is guilty.------doesn't mean that he didn't infer such through what he DID say.

..which i believe was a HUGE problem with the jury.

..they HAD available to them all of the trial testimony/physical evidence/expert opinions/videos/pictures/jail calls/CSI reports etc etc---to use in their deliberations----applying logic/common sense/drawing reasonable inferences/connecting dots...

..but it appears that they too said:

----"Am I crazy? And just not seeing it?"

b/c the state did not provide them with a video.
judge showed attorneys a letter in private regarding this juror....

I'm wondering when JP showed this letter & to which attorneys?:waitasec:
After I read the comments about the "mock jury" I haven't watched another 48 hours since - feel like filling us in? Especially after a teaser like that! :rocker:

Good interview with LKB. Said the 31 days behavior made KC her own worst enemy. Claimed the DT would have been happy just to keep her from the DP. Didn't expect full acquittal. Exposed the A's as to having known that the family would be thrown under the bus. That they know she is guilty but, were happy she didn't get death. Showed video of the people outside the courthouse and the full impact of the verdict on most. Reiterated on how much KC is hated and the outrage continues. Even did an interview w/the Attorney General for the State of Fla. and how strongly she believes KC was guilty of Murder One.'s WHAT he says:

Cheney-----"You can pretty well predict that there's going to be a life sentence. And, and either a plea and get it over with, or have a circus trial and then be convicted and then get life."

..using logic and common sense-----it can be reasonably deduced that the speaker ---is predicting that one way or another, kc anthony is going to get a life sentence. "predicts" a life sentence for someone they think is innocent.

..if he DID think she was innocent----he would have been shouting THAT loud and clear-----but he didn't.

..therefore----he either believed that she was guilty--or that the evidence (even then) was strong enough that a plea would get her life--or a trial would get her life.....convicted/Guilty/life sentence.

..just b/c you didn't "hear him say"----i think kc is guilty.------doesn't mean that he didn't infer such through what he DID say.

..which i believe was a HUGE problem with the jury.

..they HAD available to them all of the trial testimony/physical evidence/expert opinions/videos/pictures/jail calls/CSI reports etc etc---to use in their deliberations----applying logic/common sense/drawing reasonable inferences/connecting dots...

..but it appears that they too said:

----"Am I crazy? And just not seeing it?"

b/c the state did not provide them with a video.

Personally, CM says whatever gets his mug on TV.

It is risky to apply logic/common sense and draw reasonable inferences. It is risky because you're gonna have to take responsibility for it. I think some folks are so intimidated by the risk that they avoid making decisions at all. Then, they can blame someone else (like the prosecution) rather than themselves if it all goes sideways.

They just felt "sick" that they "had" to acquit this person who obviously had SOMETHING to do with Caylee's death. If only the prosecution had done their JOB and presented decent evidence, THEN none of this crap (read: public criticism) would have happened.

It's not THEIR fault a possible killer got to walk. It was the prosecutions fault. And that mean, unfair public, criticizing them for doing their best with the crappy excuse for evidence they were forced to work with!

Not only does Casey Anthony walk free, so do the jurors who've rationalized their cowardice into some kind of moral highhorse. They refused to bring a criminal to justice and found a clever (but transparent) explanation for doing it.

I'll admit I have avoided responsibility countless times in my life, most of the time I do it automatically. I'd just rather "not decide" and then when the consequences come, I can say "well I was just sitting here minding my own business when . . ."

I believe I can relate with how the jury appears to have handled their responsibility. If folks are honest, I think we all can.

No amount of clever fake "morality" or "integrity" one might convince oneself of makes for real morality or integrity.

They saw the gravity of their responsibility, and instead of rising to the occasion -- admittedly a very serious one -- they copped out.

I've done it in my life. And suffered for it. I don't see anything unfair to the jury about pointing this out about them. It's not like they are the first people to commit an act of extreme cowardice. It's practically the human condition to get yourself in a pickle like this :(
See, to me this just brings emotion into it. We should be talking about the verdict without the emotional aspect.
...and I was waiting for someone to say that. I'd lol...but it's just too sad...IMO.

PS- and if only the jury did the same thing. There was no emotion attached to just not liking George...pleeeez!
judge showed attorneys a letter in private regarding this juror....

I'm wondering when JP showed this letter & to which attorneys?:waitasec:
Sorry to jump in...but are we talking about the juror who had to see a dentist...or something like that?
Did you catch 48 hours tonight? Interesting.......
Thank you for bringing up 48 had crossed my mind more than once that perhaps that jury consultant was behind the "test" photo op out in Ohio. Trying to get a feel of what the public wants or will tolerate?
Thank you for bringing up 48 had crossed my mind more than once that perhaps that jury consultant was behind the "test" photo op out in Ohio. Trying to get a feel of what the public wants or will tolerate?

Yeppy, I got that impression too. Many people at this point and time are pretty certain the jurors were coached and prepped before the trial started.
Day 1 of the trial--they'd already made up their mind.

Such an injustice for Caylee.
I was unhappy at how fast the jury was selected. That last juror was voicing his desire not to be on the jury and judge grabbed him up as it was reaching the end of the last day. I dont know what number he was. Would he have been the 12th? Anyway it is my opinion with the haste this jury was picked so was the haste in the deliberations.

did we witness the same voir dire?
...and I was waiting for someone to say that. I'd lol...but it's just too sad...IMO.

PS- and if only the jury did the same thing. There was no emotion attached to just not liking George...pleeeez!

Isn't that the truth!
Baez spouted the words 'George and pe--- 'in his opening statement and the jury immediately hated George.
It is my very own opinion that the members of the jury formed their very own opinions the minute the "P' word popped out of JB's mouth. Whenever I see his name now, you can be sure what word association comes to mind.

Your correct. He didn't use the word guilty.What is your point about this though?

My point is that it has been posted here on WS and on this thread that he said she was obviously guilty. Just want to get the record straight.

Originally Posted by MissJames
Even Cheney Mason said she was obviously guilty before he became her lawyer.
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