The Verdict - Do you agree or disagree?

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The link I posted is his depo. The point is Why Lie? If the can, the tape, whatever is NO BIG DEAL, then Why Lie? Unlike Cindy, George's lies did not cover for Casey. They only covered for George. And, he didn't just start lying after JB's OS. JMO

I am with you. I am only good at solid evidence stuff. This human struggle and personality stuff is over my head.I want to understand why a young girl would want to dump her car?
I'm not saying George is guilty of anything...

No one got on the stand and said Casey was a horrible mother... NOT ONE PERSON. They all said the exact opposite. yet we all believe that she went from loving mother to child killer in 0-60 seconds. Why is such a stretch that an apparently loving grandparent could do it too?

My post was a response to another post, not yours.

But while I'm at it ... what did GA have to gain by offing Caylee ? Versus the freedom to party that FCA would gain if Caylee were gone ? And also the chance to regain the attention of
her parents who doted on Caylee if Caylee were out of the picture ? IMO, there is no comparison ...
There's the video of Greta on the Theories on what happened to Caylee thread where his story about the gas cans is very different from his depo. I don't know how to link to you'll have to go there.

Thats in the media not in court. Not any diffent then when CA and GA started saying the car smelt like garbage.
I looked at pg 11-13 from the link and I didn't see anything regarding the phone call at 3:03pm to the home from GA's cell. Did you see it?

Beginning on Page 11, Line 21


22 Q. Uh huh (Affirmative). During this time frame, from talking to your wife

23 she's playing hell trying to get your daughter locked down on where

24 she is and where the child is.

25 A. Most definitely.


1 Q. Um, did you yourself have conversations over the phone as well or

2 did your wife just run lead on that?

3 A. No I, I know I called her a few different times myself.

4 Q. (Inaudible).

5 A. I can't remember specific days but I'm sure we could bring up the old

6 phone records and they can be very specific of my cell phone cause I

7 would generally call her from my cell.

8 Q. Can you, and your cell George the number is?


10 Q. Uh huh (Affirmative).


12 Q. I have that in my phone already.

13 A. Okay.

14 Q. I don't know what I was thinking.

15 A. Matter of fact we were thinking about just going on the AT&T site and

16 just opening things up. Cause, cause some days I ask my wife, I say,

17 "Did you talk to Casey yet today," "No." I just op, opened a

18 (inaudible), "Hey where you at, what's going on." I've been

19 worried about her car cause it needed an oil change, she needed a

20 bunch of stuff done to it and I keep on, for the last few months I've

21 been saying, "When are you gonna get this done."

Now click on

22 Q. Did she ever, in the month of June particularly, did your daughter

23 ever give you the car to go have it fixed? Did you; were you ever in

24 possession of that car?



1 A. I offered to take it numerous times to get an oil change, run it over to

2 the Chevrolet dealership there on uh, 436 by the airport, but again,

3 "Dad I'll do it." I give her coupons for oil changes, just you name it.

Then click on the phone log for that day. It's the 9th call on the list. I see it as 26 seconds in duration but maybe I'm not seeing it correctly.
IMO - I think the prosecution should have given a lesson to jury in how sociopaths/psychopaths and those under their control think and lie.

Obviously, the jury did not understand.
This may be more clear

GA called Casey's Cell at 3:03 or 3:04 depending on what document you use. Then Casey called GA at his work # an hour later and again after 4 attempts to get Cindy
I looked at pg 11-13 from the link and I didn't see anything regarding the phone call at 3:03pm to the home from GA's cell. Did you see it?

GA called Casey's cell at 3:03 or 3:04 depending on what document you use. Then Casey called GA at his work # an hour later and again after 4 attempts to get Cindy
Originally Posted by eleni777
I'm not saying George is guilty of anything...

No one got on the stand and said Casey was a horrible mother... NOT ONE PERSON. They all said the exact opposite. yet we all believe that she went from loving mother to child killer in 0-60 seconds. Why is such a stretch that an apparently loving grandparent could do it too?
Not directed at you just using the comment in bold to make my point. It happens everyday just because it might seem they are good mothers doesn't mean something didnt change in those 0-60 seconds. Susan Smith was said to be a great mom and all it took was a man. IMO if Casey was such a great mom then she had to show love and caring in front of others for Caylee. But according to the DT she was unable to show normal emotions because she was abused thats why she supposely party for 31 days after Caylee death. If she was capable of showing Caylee love in front of others then she was more then capable of greiving for her daughter yet she showed nothing.
There's the video of Greta on the Theories on what happened to Caylee thread where his story about the gas cans is very different from his depo. I don't know how to link to you'll have to go there.

I've already quoted the depo and linked the video earlier in this thread. The stories match.
I've already quoted the depo and linked the video earlier in this thread. The stories match.

Yes I know -- And I've corrected my post. As well as explained several times on several post that it took me 3 times to watch the video to hear SHE instead of I and that I STAND CORRECTED. I WAS WRONG ON THE VIDEO. HE DOES SAY SHE opened the trunk.
Yes I know -- And I've corrected my post. As well as explained several times on several post that it took me 3 times to watch the video to hear SHE instead of I and that I STAND CORRECTED. I WAS WRONG ON THE VIDEO. HE DOES SAY SHE opened the trunk.

Just so we're clear on this, he didn't "change" his story. It was the same all along.
My post was a response to another post, not yours.

But while I'm at it ... what did GA have to gain by offing Caylee ? Versus the freedom to party that FCA would gain if Caylee were gone ? And also the chance to regain the attention of
her parents who doted on Caylee if Caylee were out of the picture ? IMO, there is no comparison ...

I prefaced my post with I didn't believe George was guilty..

My point was that we all believe Casey is guilty..her behavior during the missing times is very strange, and I'm being generous when I say very strange.


But we have no idea if he can "flash into a rage" (I love that phrase, thanks you very much)...we have seen him lose his temper..when he was questioned by the media... but for the most part he allows Cindy to be the family mouth piece. Why? Why does he always allow Cindy to talk to the media? Just maybe it is because he has a very bad temper. I was just throwing it out there for arguments sake that any of them could be capable...we just don't know.

The other thing is I don't believe Casey wanted her parents attention all to herself. I think she wanted to be away from them...the thing keeping her in their house and under CA's thumb was Caylee.
Just so we're clear on this, he didn't "change" his story. It was the same all along.

His story did change a bit.
He never said he opened the trunk and got the cans out.
He always said Casey opened the trunk and got the cans out.
But IIRC, his story about the behavior, F-bombs and demeaner of Casey changed.
Details like that, that were added or omited depending on the interview.

To those who agree with verdict ,could you articulate for me the reason Casey and George wanted to cover up an accidental drowning? And how TWO adults were able to act as though nothing happened to a child they loved and cherished ?
I lost a child unexpectedly and cannot fathom how TWO people could have NO REACTION. TIA
I prefaced my post with I didn't believe George was guilty..

My point was that we all believe Casey is guilty..her behavior during the missing times is very strange, and I'm being generous when I say very strange.


But we have no idea if he can "flash into a rage" (I love that phrase, thanks you very much)...we have seen him lose his temper..when he was questioned by the media... but for the most part he allows Cindy to be the family mouth piece. Why? Why does he always allow Cindy to talk to the media? Just maybe it is because he has a very bad temper. I was just throwing it out there for arguments sake that any of them could be capable...we just don't know.

The other thing is I don't believe Casey wanted her parents attention all to herself. I think she wanted to be away from them...the thing keeping her in their house and under CA's thumb was Caylee.

No one got on the stand and said Casey was a horrible mother... NOT ONE PERSON. They all said the exact opposite. yet we all believe that she went from loving mother to child killer in 0-60 seconds. Why is such a stretch that an apparently loving grandparent could do it too?

I understand that you don't believe GA is guilty ... I was responding to the 2nd part of your post. I believe anyone would have displayed GA's temper if they had been relentlessly harassed by the media and outside of their home. I'm actually surprised that GA did not physically assault someone and go to jail.

As far as FCA wanting out of her parent's home, why didn't she just get a real job and an apartment and move out after Caylee's birth ? Or get an apartment with AH or someone else ? The obvious answer is that she did not want the responsibility of raising Caylee alone and CA/GA's help was too much to give up.

JMO ...
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