The Verdict - Do you agree or disagree?

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I'm not saying George is guilty of anything...

No one got on the stand and said Casey was a horrible mother... NOT ONE PERSON. They all said the exact opposite. yet we all believe that she went from loving mother to child killer in 0-60 seconds. Why is such a stretch that an apparently loving grandparent could do it too?

As for all the friends of Casey who testified that she was a "good mom" to Caylee - how much time did those friends actually spend around them? IMO, it says very little that they never saw her abuse Caylee. Casey was skilled at portraying herself in a favorable light to her friends and acquaintances. She played the successful event planner (who can afford a nanny!) and bubbly party girl, when in reality she was the thieving, unemployed, high school dropout who frequently pawned Caylee off on whoever she could scam into babysitting.

That she allowed Caylee to sleep in the same bed with herself and Ricardo is enough to make me question her parenting skills.
I understand that you don't believe GA is guilty ... I was responding to the 2nd part of your post. I believe anyone would have displayed GA's temper if they had been relentlessly harassed by the media and outside of their home. I'm actually surprised that GA did not physically assault someone and go to jail.

As far as FCA wanting out of her parent's home, why didn't she just get a real job and an apartment and move out after Caylee's birth ? Or get an apartment with AH or someone else ? The obvious answer is that she did not want the responsibility of raising Caylee alone and CA/GA's help was too much to give up.

JMO ...

I have no answer for the bolded part. I'm sure even if Casey got a job and her own apartment, Cindy and George would still babysit for her, probably more than if she lived at home with them because they wouldn't see her all the time. If she really hated Cindy that much she could have given Caylee up for adoption to strangers..It makes no sense and is just so sad.
I disagree with the verdict, and I wonder, do you think the jurors question why, now that FICA has been found NG, no one in her family is asking "What happened then?". "Who did this to Caylee?". I just think that, since GA and CA claim no drowning, they would want answers. Unless, ofcourse, they already know (sarcasm). IDK, I just wonder if the jurors are asking themselves now how the GP's can go on vacation and have no answers or closure to what happend to their dear granddaughter Caylee.
I disagree with the verdict, and I wonder, do you think the jurors question why, now that FICA has been found NG, no one in her family is asking "What happened then?". "Who did this to Caylee?". I just think that, since GA and CA claim no drowning, they would want answers. Unless, ofcourse, they already know (sarcasm). IDK, I just wonder if the jurors are asking themselves now how the GP's can go on vacation and have no answers or closure to what happend to their dear granddaughter Caylee.

I'm sure they already have an idea what happened and have realized their daughter is the reason Caylee is not on this earth today. They have connected the dots and certainly after they learned what the defense strategy was they had no doubt she was guilty. That is why, IMO Cindy lied on the stand, because she was pretty certain there would be a conviction and she wanted to save her daughter from premeditated murder 1 conviction. From everything I have witnessed with Cindy, she is excellent at denial. George seems to simply follow along with what every Cindy says or does and appears submissive to her.
Why wouldn't Cindy's? Or Lee's?

It's a proven fact that Cindy lied. Lee was just as, if not more shady looking than George and Cindy, why did Lee look evasive, hesitating, stammering and acting as if he was hiding something?

It must mean that Lee and Cindy harmed and disposed of Caylee.

I remember the day I was watching YouTube...... I think it was a depo that I was watching.....not sure, but I remember my jaw literally dropping open, and stayed that way for quite awhile when I heard Lee's response:
Lee was being asked a question and he proudly and with a slight smile stated "I believe everything my sister tells me".
Maybe not word for word (it's been a long time since I've watched that exchange) but I remember Lee repeating that same/similar answer at least two, maybe three times.
It was almost like a game of "Catch me if you can". Something just felt way, way off.
To those who agree with verdict ,could you articulate for me the reason Casey and George wanted to cover up an accidental drowning? And how TWO adults were able to act as though nothing happened to a child they loved and cherished ?
I lost a child unexpectedly and cannot fathom how TWO people could have NO REACTION. TIA

Well I can theorize why I think they wanted to cover it up. But unfortunatly I can't for the life of me figure out why the WHOLE CLAN acts the way they do. If I had to guess, my theory would probably explain that too. However, my theory gets bashed all to he77 and back with insults by others that have theory different than mine. JMO
I've changed my mind a few times about this case..I now think it was an accident but Casey is still to blame. I thought for sure she would be guilty of the 3rd charge and was SHOCKED to hear NG.
I'm having a hard time following quotes and I just wanted to offer some unsolicited advice :)

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Sorry to be such a noodge but it can get rather difficult following threads and trying to keep track of what is being said and what has been said and how it all flows together.

I disagree with the verdict wholeheartedly and am still very angry that FCA gets to "play" while Caylee's life was cut short by the person whom EVERYONE I've spoken to about this case believes is responsible - FCA! (love the run on sentence? :))

I've voiced my "why's" on my feelings about this verdict in several other threads, so I won't repost here or rehash, what is IMO, the most obvious issues with jurors and theories.

Still waiting on jurors names, etc.; not that I'll sleuth them here or anything.. It's just the lack of transparency and my inability to fathom such a quick verdict, in contrast to the legal requirements for findings / deliberations; that still leaves me questioning how they came up with this verdict, in lightof what I saw during trial.
One part of GA testimony that stuck out was when he was discussing the last time he saw Caylee on June 16, he says with certainty that Caylee said in excitement "I'm going to see Zanny!" Yet in his FBI Interview below, he says Caylee never mentioned Zanny at any time, never. This testimony bothered me as it sounded like there was a Zanny based on what Caylee said to him.

Why did he change his story on this point? I don't think he was involved in the death of Caylee, but this embellishment of facts is strange. Is it possible he invented this event to try to cover up the fact FCA stormed out of the house early that morning on June 16 after a bitter fight with CA, providing a clear motive and state of mind to the jury? Was this done to save his daughter from getting the death penalty?

His statement is at around 8:30 of this video.


Compare that to his testimony at the beginning of this video, four minutes in:

[ame=""]‪Casey Anthony: Murder Trial Day 12 - 5/24/11 Part 26 "George Anthony"‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

ETA: But in the FBI interview, at 6 minutes in of this segment, he says it is FCA who told him at 12:50 p.m. on June 16 she was taking Caylee to Zanny's:


I don't get the reasoning of GA to change his story.
One part of GA testimony that stuck out was when he was discussing the last time he saw Caylee on June 16, he says with certainty that Caylee said in excitement "I'm going to see Zanny!" Yet in his FBI Interview below, he says Caylee never mentioned Zanny at any time, never. This testimony bothered me as it sounded like there was a Zanny based on what Caylee said to him.

Why did he change his story on this point? I don't think he was involved in the death of Caylee, but this embellishment of facts is strange. Is it possible he invented this event to try to cover up the fact FCA stormed out of the house early that morning on June 16 after a bitter fight with CA, providing a clear motive and state of mind to the jury? Was this done to save his daughter from getting the death penalty?

His statement is at around 8:30 of this video.


Compare that to his testimony at the beginning of this video, four minutes in:

‪Casey Anthony: Murder Trial Day 12 - 5/24/11 Part 26 "George Anthony"‬‏ - YouTube

kinda helps to prove he wasn't covering for Casey doesn't it.
To those who agree with verdict ,could you articulate for me the reason Casey and George wanted to cover up an accidental drowning? And how TWO adults were able to act as though nothing happened to a child they loved and cherished ?
I lost a child unexpectedly and cannot fathom how TWO people could have NO REACTION. TIA

The only thing I can possibly imagine and just imo is that both GA and KC were petrified of CA.

However, I personally do not believe there was any accidental drowning.

((((Miss James)))) so sorry for your loss.

I have been watching Cindy A part II. This woman is living in the twilight zone. How could anyone get duped, faked out so bad? Cindy comes off as very immature. Just hearing her repeat all these Casey bs stories like they really happened is very scarry almost childish. Very strange lady.

George seems fine, yea he slips on some testimony but who wouldn't make a mistake or two. But that is almost her mind is conditioned to talk to old people that have lost it...very weird.
And whats up with Casey sitting there shaking her head no when Ashton asked George if he ever sexually abused Casey? What an act. This was organized bs from the word go. What a tramp you are Casey, you should get an Oscar for that job..
His story did change a bit.
He never said he opened the trunk and got the cans out.
He always said Casey opened the trunk and got the cans out.
But IIRC, his story about the behavior, F-bombs and demeaner of Casey changed.
Details like that, that were added or omited depending on the interview.


OR what he recollected when the story was new as opposed to having some time to reflect on it.
One part of GA testimony that stuck out was when he was discussing the last time he saw Caylee on June 16, he says with certainty that Caylee said in excitement "I'm going to see Zanny!" Yet in his FBI Interview below, he says Caylee never mentioned Zanny at any time, never. This testimony bothered me as it sounded like there was a Zanny based on what Caylee said to him.

Why did he change his story on this point? I don't think he was involved in the death of Caylee, but this embellishment of facts is strange. Is it possible he invented this event to try to cover up the fact FCA stormed out of the house early that morning on June 16 after a bitter fight with CA, providing a clear motive and state of mind to the jury? Was this done to save his daughter from getting the death penalty?

His statement is at around 8:30 of this video.


Compare that to his testimony at the beginning of this video, four minutes in:

‪Casey Anthony: Murder Trial Day 12 - 5/24/11 Part 26 "George Anthony"‬‏ - YouTube

ETA: But in the FBI interview, at 6 minutes in of this segment, he says it is FCA who told him at 12:50 p.m. on June 16 she was taking Caylee to Zanny's:


I don't get the reasoning of GA to change his story.

I always felt that George was on to FCA, even before all of this happened, but CA wouldn't let him confront her the way he wanted to. Early in the investigation, he knew who all the evidence was pointing to and he wanted to be as helpful as possible to OCSO because, I think, HE really needed answers. Remember when he went to talk to police without CA knowing? After that video was released and the family obviously saw that he did that, I began to notice a change in George. He started "towing the line."
Yes, I do think he changed up is story on the stand to try and save his daughter from the DP. I think all of his actions on the stand were for that reason. JMO
From the beginning of this case so many of here ,at WS,continually questioned JB's competence as a lawyer. His motions weren't written properly,Judges had to give him lessons in the law, and repeatedly ineffective counsel came up. He failed to follow Court orders and just appeared to bumble around.

When he gave the opening statement we were sure he'd lost his mind ,and any chance of FICA being spared the death penalty.So many posters who had been undecided were now saying she SHOULD get the death penalty for being so evil ,that she'd throw her father and Lee under the bus on top of murdering Caylee.

How there can be such a disconnect between what so many of us,who have watched this play out from the beginning,believed and the jurors ,who actually saw the photos of Caylee's remains with the duct tape,will always remain a mystery to me.
I think we will eventually hear from the other jurors and perhaps get a sense of what the dynamics were in that jury room,but I'll never understand how twelve people can agree that ICA was NG.
Over and over again I have to ask, with so much definitive scientific evidence, what the heck did George and his gas cans have to do with the case? George long suspected FCA was lying and stringing her mother along about working when she clearly wasn't. He suspected she was sneaking back home after she left with Caylee in tow pretending she was going to work.

But George and his gas cans had nothing to do with this case. What would they or George have to do with FKC's guilt or innocence? This case wasn't about George, it was about FKC.
It became about George when Baez suckered the jury into believing George both found Caylee's lifeless body in the pool and (probably) bagged her and disposed of her, and sexually abused her most of her life. No juror apparently noticed there was absolutely no basis of fact presented in either accusation, - absolutely none at all.

But because George was looking a bit shifty because he was facing the lawyer who pretended for three years he was their friend, and the lawyer who publicly on the stand of two of the most despicable deeds in this world there are.

I don't believe that any of you if placed on the stand and accused of those two things, would be calm and reasonable. You wouldn't when every newspaper, radio and TV station was blaring those lies, and apparently - most people were thinking they were true. Any sane person would have been disgusted and very very angry.

Baez didn't have any credibility before this trial, he didn't during the trial and I really wish people would stop giving his smear campaign credibility after the fact without providing specific proven links. All IMO of course.

George is a guy with issues. He is not a pedophile and he did not find and dispose of his grand daughter's body.

ITA. This was just something JB used to point the finger away from FCA.
Beginning on Page 11, Line 21


22 Q. Uh huh (Affirmative). During this time frame, from talking to your wife

23 she's playing hell trying to get your daughter locked down on where

24 she is and where the child is.

25 A. Most definitely.


1 Q. Um, did you yourself have conversations over the phone as well or

2 did your wife just run lead on that?

3 A. No I, I know I called her a few different times myself.

4 Q. (Inaudible).

5 A. I can't remember specific days but I'm sure we could bring up the old

6 phone records and they can be very specific of my cell phone cause I

7 would generally call her from my cell.

8 Q. Can you, and your cell George the number is?


10 Q. Uh huh (Affirmative).


12 Q. I have that in my phone already.

13 A. Okay.

14 Q. I don't know what I was thinking.

15 A. Matter of fact we were thinking about just going on the AT&T site and

16 just opening things up. Cause, cause some days I ask my wife, I say,

17 "Did you talk to Casey yet today," "No." I just op, opened a

18 (inaudible), "Hey where you at, what's going on." I've been

19 worried about her car cause it needed an oil change, she needed a

20 bunch of stuff done to it and I keep on, for the last few months I've

21 been saying, "When are you gonna get this done."

Now click on

22 Q. Did she ever, in the month of June particularly, did your daughter

23 ever give you the car to go have it fixed? Did you; were you ever in

24 possession of that car?



1 A. I offered to take it numerous times to get an oil change, run it over to

2 the Chevrolet dealership there on uh, 436 by the airport, but again,

3 "Dad I'll do it." I give her coupons for oil changes, just you name it.

Then click on the phone log for that day. It's the 9th call on the list. I see it as 26 seconds in duration but maybe I'm not seeing it correctly.

I'm still not seeing why he called the house at 3:03 pm.... I see him referencing calling Casey a couple times from his cell phone, but he doesn't know the exact dates.

So, this guy who remembered to a "T" what Casey and Caylee was wearing the last time he saw Caylee doesn't remember if he called the house that day as soon as he got to work?
GA called Casey's cell at 3:03 or 3:04 depending on what document you use. Then Casey called GA at his work # an hour later and again after 4 attempts to get Cindy

Thanks, I thought, for some reason he called the house. My mistake :)
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