The Verdict - Do you agree or disagree?

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Respectfully, the above statement is WRONG!!! She initially told the police that the "affair" did not happen. She then changed her story, admitted she lied under oath in her 1st statement to LE, she the sold her "story" to the National Enquirer (a very respectable source (gag)) for $4K to "tell her story" in full.

So she lies, it's ok, changes the story for money and she is credible????

There is not a doubt in my mind that GA was having an affair. I can't explain why she lied in the beginning about it. I would only be speculating on that. But, IMO, she was telling the truth on the stand.
erinleigh I think JF and other jurors thought voting her guilty on any of the three (or was it four) counts would've brought the death penalty. What they didn't understand was it was them, the jurors, that would've decided on LIFE or DEATH!!! :banghead: Yes, Judge Perry could've changed the sentence but ultimately it was the juror's job to decide on guilt first then decide on life or death afterwards. :banghead: It seems this went completely over their heads and they never looked back! :furious:

I'm with you on this Trapshooter but why or why do posters keep talking abou the death penalty?
So we've finally gotten people to realize this was the guilt phase not the penalty phase which I've been bringing up over and over again - and hooray - finally folk get this one, now let's take it the next step.

Yes, death was on the table. But for a guilty vote for the same ultimate charge - LWOP WAS ALSO ON THE TABLE! Ack - it was an either/or. To vote FCA guilty DID NOT mean they were voting for the death penalty! I think the jurors had play dough between their ears.

They weren't there to play GOD, they were there to use their common sense and decide through the process of elimination, and I emphasize the word process, who committed this crime. They were not there to put someone to death at that point. Even if it had come to a death sentence, it is the law's decision, not theirs.
My responses in Purple.

I don't see evidence that Casey wanted her child dead, she didn't love her child, and that the A's were the main caretakers of the child. Seriously, if I were to believe they were Caylee's main caretakers, then I would have to believe they could have been legally responsible for her. But, we know that wasn't the case. They were the main providers, but not the main caretakers. IMO, the jury didn't get confused on this. But, by GA's own testimony, he would be Caylee's caretaker in the mornings while Casey was getting ready for work. If Caylee died at that time, then GA would've been responsible. It's like if your child is injured in Daycare, they're responsible not you. But, I don't believe GA took care of Caylee in the morning, his testimony sounded scripted on what a "normal grandfather" would do with his grandchild. But that's just MOO.

We know that CA had spoken to FCA about custody of Caylee. Could have been what prompted this tragedy in the first place. So, your point on custody/caretaker is moot IMO.

Respectfully, if the hurricane destroyed any and all evidence related to this crime, how can you possibly believe the duct tape was originally over the nose/mouth? You can't have both IMO. Either the hurricane didn't destroy everything and would've left behind some evidence, or the hurricane did destroy everything and mangled the crime scene so what it was when discovered is certainly different then what it originally was.

First of all, it wasn't a hurricane but a tropical storm. I was 40 minutes from the area where Caylee was found and I went through that storm. Winds were not bad at all, it was the rain. Lots of it! 26 inches in four straight days. Water and heat will destroy all soft tissue in short order. Within a week, the water becomes more pungent and is the consistency of strong tea sitting on top of rotted foliage and peat like soil. There is a stench and lots of spiders, snakes, ticks. In other words, an abundance of decomposition going on there because everything is sitting in standing, rotting water. How do I know? Within 2 weeks after that storm, that water was still high enough to hinder the search efforts because I was there. The how or why (exactly) regarding destruction of duct tape, fingerprints, etc. I believe I'll leave to the experts to deduce and would not be so arrogant to think I should question or would have more knowledge than they do.

Casey did not bury her pets there. Kiomarie (and another girl from the block) buried their pets there with the heart stickers and the works. Casey was present for 1, maybe 2 childhood burials. Read the Kiomarie story, it's very informative. Casey did not apply heart stickers to dead animals, did not wrap them in bags, did not do any of it. For one pet they made cards (I believe) with hearts on them to show their love and honor for this pet that passed.

Using Kio's story of the burial of pets off Suburban Dr. to point out that Casey was only present for 1, maybe 2 childhood burials and did not participate in the burials other than being present brings out what point? How does that exonerate her of ever participating in that type of behavior at any point after her childhood? That's a stretch to expect anyone to believe she would not be capable ESPECIALLY given the similiarities.

The DT has no obligation to prove their case, none whatsoever. That is the way our justice system works, and that's been teh way the justice system has operated for many many years. I don't understand why our country was fine with our justice system in the past, but now that the system didn't do what they wanted it to do, it's faulty, etc. IMO, the jury didn't have to believe a single word JB said, all they needed was enough evidence in their mind to convict, and they just didn't have that. They believed she was innocent in the beginning on the trial and the prosecution didn't show them enough for them to "tip the scale". It is what it is. And, just because the DT threw out another story that could've happened doesn't necessarily mean the jury bought that story (although I did.).

Frankly, I'm a little tired of hearing that. It's one thing to realize that our system, such as it is, can be faulty from time to time but quite another to witness the DT cloud the the courtroom with "smoke" bringing up sexual abuse and drowning with GA participating in the act? Those were out and out lies and they SHOULD be expected to prove their words especially in the case of a "death penalty". For not having to prove anything, they sure did their da*ndest to create a fantastic "story" with no backup, and then to think that some actually bought it? What does that say about our "system"? I'll tell you what it says to me. Caylee Anthony lost her life and no one was held accountable because of people playing with words that resemble nothing close to the truth. If her defense team were to try to reinforce her image, they should be telling us all about her "work she wanted to do to help find missing children" if she ever got out of jail. IIRC, that's what she said she wanted to do. Instead, they are negotiating how much money she can make.

Reposted the whole quote, my posts are in red still, your's still in purple.

Each and every one of these reponses of mine are to another post. The reasonings for my responses make sense with the original post in context. The responses that are provided above do not go along with the original disagreement, so there's no point, IMO to even debate this. :twocents:
What I want to know is that if someone doesn't think KC killed Caylee, how do you think she died and how do you explain her ending up in trash bags with duct tape? And why would KC as a mother not report an accident? Not being sarcastic, I really want to know. I can't think of one innocent reason for her to end up on the side of the road as trash.

In MY OPINION, Caylee drowned in the pool while GA and Casey were in the home with her. Casey was not watching her and GA thought Casey was. In MY OPINION, due to sexual molestation in the home to both Casey and Caylee, GA went in to cover up mode and Casey was so freaked she went alone. In my OPINION Casey is immature. In MY OPINION, GA packaged and dumped Caylee using CASEY's car before going to work. In MY OPINION, Casey never left the home at all until she pinged toward TL's. In MY OPINION, that gave GA and Casey from the time Cindy left until GA showed up at work, not just until 1pm. Again, IN MY OPINION.
As complex as this case was, their minds should have been "made up" during deliberations. That's what deliberations are for. Having enough time to hear it all and think about it does not equate to a fair or just means to come up with a verdict.

As far as the evidence, it's apparant that they didn't understand the evidence.

Ok, if you poll the jury in the beginning of deliberations, and everyone is in agreement as far as where there mind is at, there is no reason to further deliberate on the evidence. If you poll the jury and everyone is NOT in agreement, then you continue deliberations to understand the evidence in a way you can all agree. They came to a point where they understood the evidence in a way they could all agree. They "deliberated", whether or not it was in the amount of time people would've liked it to be. There isn't a minimum amount of time that juries have to deliberate, they talk until they come to an agreement.
:banghead:Ya think if they were confused...they could have at least taken the time to reread the jury intstructions...I have never seen twelve people who had more difficulty following directions.

The thing I would pay money to hear? What the FBI brother said to the Jury Foreman after finding out what his vote on the jury was and after listening to his explanation to Greta, just exactly did the FBI brother have to say to him?

There is a whole story there in itself! :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh::great: :great: :floorlaugh:
Thanks. Then the military green tape is properly referred to as Duck tape...while the silver tape is properly referred to as Duct tape. Which type was used on poor Caylee the murder victim?

Henkle brand "DUCK tape"....

[ame=""] Duck Tape 1.88 Inch Wide 20 Yards-Camo: Home & Garden@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]

I don't believe I was disputing if the duct tape was present. I was disputing that people argue that the hurricane washed away all DNA evidence, but miraculously the duct tape held it's original position. I'm just not buying it.

Again, there was no hurricane. It was a tropical storm that accumulated many inches of water over a 4 day period. It didn't get "washed away", it deteriorated over the 6 month period.

I don't believe the duct tape affixed itself to the mandible because it was not affixed to the mandible. It was lying over the mandible area, but not attached in any way.

You don't believe it was affixed to the mandible because it was not affixed to the mandible. Scratching my head here. The duct tape was taped to the face of Caylee in the mandible area. It was not "placed" on the mandible but on the face. It ended up on the mandible because the soft tissue had deteriorated. All that was left was the hair and bone of which the duct tape was now attached to both! There was testimony from more than one witness to say that was the only thing that kept that mandible together so how you can dispute the expert's testimony is beyond me.

And, IMO, the main thing that hurt Dr. G's opinion was her saying 100% of all accidents are reported. One member of the jury was a nursing student, and as a member of the medical field you know nothing is ever 100%. Nothing. If Dr. G's said "a majority", "95%", etc... I think it would have held more water. But, when she used the words "100%", it made her appear to be emotionally involved and not able to make an objective opinion. JMO :innocent:

I believe she said, "in her experience, 100% of all accidents are reported". If it's an accident, there's no reason NOT to report it. One more reason she deemed this a "homicide".

As far as your belief that there was no decomp in the trunk of KC's car, how do you explain the cadaver dogs hitting on the back yard AND the trunk (wheelwell), the napkins in the trash bag with grave wax, the odor of the car and the experts with experience in the smell of decomp? IMO, there's no question the decomp was in the car.
How do you know if Laci was ever on the boat ? SP bought the boat on 12/9 and Laci was reported missing 12/24. How do you know that SP did not take Laci to see the boat between 12/9 and 12/24 and she climbed in to check it out ?

Well, IMO it's obvious she was on the boat at some point... her first and last boat ride..... :twocents:
You just tripped beccalecca. If there is one thing that is 100% positive for sure without any doubt...there was human decomp in the trunk of the Pontiac. Someday maybe never I hope you will smell human decomp. There is nothing on this planet that smells like it.

I don't believe I did. And, if there was a definite smell of human decomp in the trunk, why did it take so long for them to confiscate it? And, additionally, why didn't the officer who secured the vehicle (applied tape to every opening of the car) smell it?
You see Sustained, there it is right there. We have Not Guilty posters who are now declaring that proven evidence is not proven evidence at all. Even though the Defense experts AND the State's experts all agreed there was decomp in the trunk, we have believers who declare, they in all their wisdom have decided otherwise. What IS - is. How is it possible to have a rational discussion when apparently the sky isn't blue, it's green?

I don't recall a defense expert stating there was decomp in the car. Can you guide me to who said that?
There is not a doubt in my mind that GA was having an affair. I can't explain why she lied in the beginning about it. I would only be speculating on that. But, IMO, she was telling the truth on the stand.

And this opinion, IMO, is based on an admitted liar's testimony. Exactly the same situation, IMO, as believing the assinine "story" of CFCA & team.

IMO, it is completely illogical to believe a story concocted by CFCA & team in OS and disregard ALL of the lies told for the 2 yrs & 10 months awaiting trial.

This question I am about to ask is geniune....

Can someone please explain to me why/what allowed you to come to the conclusion that now at trial all of the previous lies told could be disregarded and NOW statements are true?
Thanks. Then the military green tape is properly referred to as Duck tape...while the silver tape is properly referred to as Duct tape. Which type was used on poor Caylee the murder victim?

In which HENKEL BRAND calls it DUCK tape.
I don't believe I was disputing if the duct tape was present. I was disputing that people argue that the hurricane washed away all DNA evidence, but miraculously the duct tape held it's original position. I'm just not buying it.

Again, there was no hurricane. It was a tropical storm that accumulated many inches of water over a 4 day period. It didn't get "washed away", it deteriorated over the 6 month period.

Hurricane/Tropical storm. The original poster I responded to mentioned hurricane so I went with that. Either way, the weather flooded all DNA evidence (and possibly any more evidence that could've linked Casey), but it didn't damage the duct tape enough so the tape was allowed to keep it's original position?

I don't believe the duct tape affixed itself to the mandible because it was not affixed to the mandible. It was lying over the mandible area, but not attached in any way.

You don't believe it was affixed to the mandible because it was not affixed to the mandible. Scratching my head here. The duct tape was taped to the face of Caylee in the mandible area. It was not "placed" on the mandible but on the face. It ended up on the mandible because the soft tissue had deteriorated. All that was left was the hair and bone of which the duct tape was now attached to both! There was testimony from more than one witness to say that was the only thing that kept that mandible together so how you can dispute the expert's testimony is beyond me.

According to the autopsy report, the tape was only affixed to the hair. The tape was "covering" (not adhered to) the mouth/nasal area. The presumption was that the tape was placed over this area prior to decomposition because the mandible was held in place. There is no way to know if this was a fact, it is an expert opinion. Even experts are wrong every now and then.

And, IMO, the main thing that hurt Dr. G's opinion was her saying 100% of all accidents are reported. One member of the jury was a nursing student, and as a member of the medical field you know nothing is ever 100%. Nothing. If Dr. G's said "a majority", "95%", etc... I think it would have held more water. But, when she used the words "100%", it made her appear to be emotionally involved and not able to make an objective opinion. JMO :innocent:

I believe she said, "in her experience, 100% of all accidents are reported". If it's an accident, there's no reason NOT to report it. One more reason she deemed this a "homicide".

She said she researched it for her community, and she found that 100% of all accidents are reported. Well, her database I would presume is filled with reported data.... therefore her numbers are 100% naturally.

As far as your belief that there was no decomp in the trunk of KC's car, how do you explain the cadaver dogs hitting on the back yard AND the trunk (wheelwell), the napkins in the trash bag with grave wax, the odor of the car and the experts with experience in the smell of decomp? IMO, there's no question the decomp was in the car.

As I stated in one of the other threads this one originates from, the only thing that led me to believe it was possible was the cadaver dogs because they are not biased, don't watch the news, aren't looking for their 15 minutes, etc. But, they hit on the car once, they hit in the back yard once, but didn't hit on the second time.

The napkins were consistent with adipocere, there were not confirmed to be that. And as far as the odor of the car, there were LE that should've smelled it but didn't... just as there were LE that smelled it. So, when dealing with "presumed innocent until guilty", I would have to say that I would presume that it wasn't decomp in the trunk, too many inconsistencies. Let alone the number breakdown of the chemical analysis, because I've posted that one already.
I don't believe I did. And, if there was a definite smell of human decomp in the trunk, why did it take so long for them to confiscate it? And, additionally, why didn't the officer who secured the vehicle (applied tape to every opening of the car) smell it?

So long to confiscate it? What? One day? 24 hours? That's a long time? Additionally, if the officer who secured the vehicle was not familiar with the smell, they wouldn't recognize it. So, how does all that tie into the 31 days, the duct tape, Caylee's blanket, the chloroform searches on "how to make", the dogs, the odor in the car, the expert witnesses including the Medical
Examiner of Orange County who has an impeccable reputation.....etc, etc. I guess logicalgirl is right. The sky is green to some and your comments are looking more and more green as we go along. Not attacking you becca, but your logic just isn't ringing true.
So long to confiscate it? What? One day? 24 hours? That's a long time? Additionally, if the officer who secured the vehicle was not familiar with the smell, they wouldn't recognize it. So, how does all that tie into the 31 days, the duct tape, Caylee's blanket, the chloroform searches on "how to make", the dogs, the odor in the car, the expert witnesses including the Medical
Examiner of Orange County who has an impeccable reputation.....etc, etc. I guess logicalgirl is right. The sky is green to some and your comments are looking more and more green as we go along. Not attacking you becca, but your logic just isn't ringing true.

Wasn't it confiscated on the 17th? They were in the garage in the early AM hours of the 16th, when GA told YM about the smell in the trunk. IIRC, they didn't pick it up until SB saw the story on the news and alerted LE about it being in his towyard and the smell. Why not, when you're there interviewing the family and discover information about a smell from ex-LE, investigate that?? Perhaps because you were near the car and didn't smell anything? But, when you get another tipster call in, then you decide to investigate it and base everything off of this "smell" that for some reason wasn't there the first night?

And, from what I understand about this smell, it's nothing like you've ever smelled before. Don't you think if LE was confiscating a car, securing it up close and personal in all cracks, smelled something they've never smelled before, then were called to trial 3 years later (naturally remembering this because it's something you've never smelled before and it sticks in your mind once you smell it) they would testify that they, in fact, did smell something funny that day?

Logic, as far as I'm concerned, is based on perception when it comes to this case. I believe I'm a logical person. I try not to think with emotions. I try to see things for what they are. Just because I don't see things the way others do does not mean I lack logic, just because others don't see things my way doesn't mean they lack logic. And, in all of my posts I have not stated anyone else lacked it. IMO, it's all in the eyes of the beholder, and it does nothing for me personally to state others don't have it because they don't see things the way I do.
Now that is just insulting and attacking. I think becca... has posted many times exactly why she believes there was no decomp. I don't believe she just decided hey there's no decomp. Everyone is entitled to there opinion and how they read the tesimony and evidence. All JMO but most of us really try not to insult other posters just because we differ on agreement of verdict.

logicalgirl is not an insulting poster. She calls it the way she sees it though. BTW, you're absolutely correct on everyone being entitled to their opinion based on the testimony and evidence but, there seem to be wide discrepancies as to what was testified to about the evidence. I cannot, for one, understand how so much evidence can be disregarded, much less the flippant attitude the jury seemed to have exercised here.
logicalgirl is not an insulting poster. She calls it the way she sees it though. BTW, you're absolutely correct on everyone being entitled to their opinion based on the testimony and evidence but, there seem to be wide discrepancies as to what was testified to about the evidence. I cannot, for one, understand how so much evidence can be disregarded, much less the flippant attitude the jury seemed to have exercised here.

I respect your opinion. And since I respect your opinion I'm not going to post that you lack logic and insult you that since this is how you think or believe that you must be delusional and think the blue sky is green.
Now that is just insulting and attacking. I think becca... has posted many times exactly why she believes there was no decomp. I don't believe she just decided hey there's no decomp. Everyone is entitled to there opinion and how they read the tesimony and evidence. All JMO but most of us really try not to insult other posters just because we differ on agreement of verdict.

How is that insulting or attacking? logicagirl did not attack becca or even her opinion. She was addressing Sustained regarding the people who believe the evidence wasn't there. They clearly see it a different way than those of us who believe premeditation was proven.

The way I took the portion of logicalgirl's post you bolded, it sounded as if she is saying the "not guilty" posters have their minds made up. It's basically going round and round in circles on points we will never agree on.

The same could be said by the "not guilty" posters about us "guilty" posters, I'm sure and it just goes to show that we all interpret what is said and what we see differently.
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