The VERDICT! He's....GUILTY!!!

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Even if Smith altered his testimony from extortion to DP killing Kathleen, how can one extort money from someone unless they have something 'on' them? In other words, wouldn't what Stacy told him that DP killed Kathleen have to have substance in order to extort money from DP? The more Brodsky discusses this the more he is proving his client is guilty.



IMO Brodsky is an idiot and will say anything to try to make Smith and Stacey look like they lied. Typical, he and hi sclient are cut from the same cloth.

What an error he made! You are not so smart Brodsky!:seeya:
I completely agree with all you have stated. DP used his position in LE numerous times in a number of ways in the commission of this crime. So what if he was off duty at the time of the murder...this was not a crime that happened spur-of-the-moment. Drew plotted, planned, solicited, stalked, and it all led up to murder. Also what cannot be ignored is what affect Drew's position in LE had on Kathleen's expectations for anyone within LE seriously coming to her aid if she complained about Drew harrassing, stalking or threatening her.

I am torn on the pension issue because on one hand I do not want DP given anything. He is no longer a free man and should not have the rights of a free man. But on the other hand, there are minor children to consider--I would not want them to suffer any more than they already have. Still, I worry that even if the pension is paid for the care of the minor children, if monitoring of expenditures is not strictly enforced a significant portion of the funds could end up in the murderer's control.

Pensions are not meant for the support of children so the children basically are not entitled to that money. However if Stacy were declared dead the minor children are entitled to SS benefits until they are 18, I believe. So if DP really, really has concerns for his minor children he would do the right thing once he is sentenced. Sounds as if the police pension board needs to update their benefits plan to exclude any police officer who is convicted of murder while employed by LE. jmo
Finally watched the dateline piece. Wow. Does anyone think the DT actually believes the steaming pile of horse poo they are trying to sell? Greenberg talking about what a great dad Drew is? Lmao, NOT! I loved seeing Sharkboy getting rattled by the jeering crowd.

Brodsky also received a phone call from Peterson around 7 p.m. Thursday, hours after the verdict. “He wanted assurances his family was OK,” Brodsky said. “Believe it or not, he’s in good spirits ... I’ve gotten to know him really well over the past few years, and he’s really doing all right. He’s like the Marlboro man in a way. He feels he can handle whatever comes his way,” Brodsky said.


Marlboro Man. Whatever, Brodsky. Somehow Drew doesn't conjure up images of a fetching cowboy enjoying a smoke as the sun sets behind him.

Brodsky is as cray-cray as Drew, IMO.

I just have to say that I am still smiling about this verdict and it's been what, almost a week that justice spoke so clearly? We waited so very long for this, it's been a very bumpy ride, but in the end, the jury got it right.

Thank you to all who kept me updated. Hard to keep up on these trial when one works third shift and I always know I get the best updates here from my wonderful Websleuths family.

Thank you to the prosecution team who persevered and fought the good fight and brought Kathleen and her loved ones justice.

Thank you to the jury who took their task seriously and even though much information was kept from them, they too saw the truth of the matter and found the rogue wife murdering cop guilty and took their time to deliberate and come to a unamious verdict.

I still find myself smiling for what seems like no reason to others, but is actually because I now know drEWWWW will spend the remainder of his miserable life behind bars. Never to enjoy a motorcycle ride, a family cookout, a cold beer, family gatherings for the holidays and all the things in life that we on the outside will be enjoying each day.

Kudos to all, it WAS a team effort and I am thankful that I had all of you to bring comfort to each other while we endured the long wait for justice.

I love my Websleuths family!

Marlboro Man. Whatever, Brodsky. Somehow Drew doesn't conjure up images of a fetching cowboy enjoying a smoke as the sun sets behind him.

Brodsky is as cray-cray as Drew, IMO.

Yeah, what an azzhat. Marlboro man, NOT. Brodsky for some reason seems to feel the need to romanticize this somehow, but once again, epic fail!

Now if he would have said the Boogie man I could accept that a little better, although it is an insult to all Boogie men............

Marlboro Man. Whatever, Brodsky. Somehow Drew doesn't conjure up images of a fetching cowboy enjoying a smoke as the sun sets behind him.

Brodsky is as cray-cray as Drew, IMO.


He's kinda like the Marlboro Man....all his dreams went up in smoke :fence::rocker:
IIRC They asked for DP's phone records and for the photos of the body in the bath. They also wanted transcripts of the testimonies of Niel Schori and Harry Smith. The judge wouldn't give them the transcripts but he brought the jury back into court where the transcripts were read to them.

:thankyou: so much!!
He said he went to their house and Stacy shared some scary things with him,but won't say what she said

I guess we'll have to wait till he's a witness for the prosecution of Convicted Murderer Peterson for the murder of his 4th wife, Stacy. May she rest in peace for the rest of eternity and may DP try to rest with one eye open while he sleeps for the rest of his natural life in a max security prison somewhere in Illinois.
Thank you for asking the same question that has been niggling away in the back of my mind. I have always wondered about his work schedule that weekend as well. If this has not yet been answered, if anyone knows, please share!!

Drew&#8217;s timeline for last weekend of February (As published in Drew Peterson Exposed)

Feb. 27 &#8211; Drew picks up Tom and Kris from Savio&#8217;s home. He spends the rest of the night at home with Stacy and his children.

Feb. 28 &#8211; Drew spends the day at home with his family, including his adult son Stephen.

Feb. 29 &#8211; Drew, Stacy and the children go to the Shedd Aquarium before attempting to return Tom and Kris at about 8 p.m. Savio does not answer the door or her phone.

March 1 &#8211; Drew calls and leaves messages for Savio throughout the day but does not get a response. He goes to work at 5 p.m. and goes to Savio&#8217;s house at 7 p.m. He summons Savio&#8217;s neighbors, Mary Ponterelli and Steve Carcerano, and a locksmith to gain entry to Savio&#8217;s home. Ponterelli and Carcerano enter the home while Peterson waits outside. Peterson runs into the house when he hears the neighbors scream.
He went to work @ 5 and was at Kathleens house @ 7?

I thought it was 9 ish when the neighbord went into the house...


Pontarelli said she and her husband Tom, their son Nick and another neighbor, Steve Carcerano, entered the home late in the evening of March 1, 2004 after Drew told her he could not get in touch with his ex-wife.
Drew’s timeline for last weekend of February (As published in Drew Peterson Exposed)

Feb. 27 – Drew picks up Tom and Kris from Savio’s home. He spends the rest of the night at home with Stacy and his children.

Feb. 28 – Drew spends the day at home with his family, including his adult son Stephen.

Feb. 29 – Drew, Stacy and the children go to the Shedd Aquarium before attempting to return Tom and Kris at about 8 p.m. Savio does not answer the door or her phone.

March 1 – Drew calls and leaves messages for Savio throughout the day but does not get a response. He goes to work at 5 p.m. and goes to Savio’s house at 7 p.m. He summons Savio’s neighbors, Mary Ponterelli and Steve Carcerano, and a locksmith to gain entry to Savio’s home. Ponterelli and Carcerano enter the home while Peterson waits outside. Peterson runs into the house when he hears the neighbors scream.

If this were true, then Drew was NOT off-duty at the time. Even if, as Noway posted, it was later, he was still on active duty.

That brings me back to his pension issue. I'm now wondering if the rules indicate that the CRIME was committed while off-duty, he gets his pension. I suppose the "discovery" business wouldn't be covered, as it was technically not the actual comission of the crime.

In addition, I also wonder if his not following standard practices during the "wellness check" could help deny him his pension.
Brodsky also received a phone call from Peterson around 7 p.m. Thursday, hours after the verdict. “He wanted assurances his family was OK,” Brodsky said. “Believe it or not, he’s in good spirits ... I’ve gotten to know him really well over the past few years, and he’s really doing all right. He’s like the Marlboro man in a way. He feels he can handle whatever comes his way,” Brodsky said.

Yes, because everybody wants a convicted murderer to be in good spirits and as happy as they come.
If this were true, then Drew was NOT off-duty at the time. Even if, as Noway posted, it was later, he was still on active duty.

That brings me back to his pension issue. I'm now wondering if the rules indicate that the CRIME was committed while off-duty, he gets his pension. I suppose the "discovery" business wouldn't be covered, as it was technically not the actual comission of the crime.

In addition, I also wonder if his not following standard practices during the "wellness check" could help deny him his pension.

I would guess a good attorney could argue that the "wellness check" was part of the crime since Drew staged
the whole thing in order to get Kathy's body "discovered" and he took steps to make sure HE wasn't the one to discover it. I do hope he is stripped of his pension as we have on record multiple incidences of him using and abusing his authority as a police officer. Also the pension has been supposedly going to his son Steve to take care of Drew's minor children. IMO I don't trust Steve at all, and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Steve helped or knew the truth about Kathy and Stacy. I think he is a chip off the old block...IMO JMO and :moo: (said the cow). The minor children should be entitled to SSI benefits as someone (Lambchop?) already astutely mentioned above.

:seeya: I am checking here for any updates or news ...

I am still "surprised" that this jury GOT IT RIGHT !

Thank you for asking the same question that has been niggling away in the back of my mind. I have always wondered about his work schedule that weekend as well. If this has not yet been answered, if anyone knows, please share!!

To me the answer to this question is really quite simple and very compelling evidence against DP. I was married to a bully like DP so I think I can understand some of his moves. I personally think he was in uniform and patrol car while not on duty to intimidate people into doing what he wanted. For example, he probably thought the locksmith wouldn't dare second guess a police officer or the neighbors would just go in and check on her if he told them to because everybody would naturally assume he was on duty. So I think it was just an intimidation tactic and a way to throw his weight around. In fact, it worked. He got everybody to do exactly what he wanted them to do. Would they have done it, no questions asked if he had simply shown up as the ex-husband wanting to know why she didn't answer the door? Probably not. Would you?
Another thing that sticks out in my mind is why did he call the locksmith. He essentially was breaking in. Why not call all her relatives, boyfriend, etc. and tell them he is going to keep the boys until she returns his phone calls? He was too eager to get the neighbors into that house, way too eager. There was no proof she was even there. Let them check it out. Too many things just do not add up. jmo
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