The Verdict is In - post your thoughts here

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I find it interesting that WRAL chose to clip the interview for their sound bites to make it seem as though Kurtz is simple pointing at LE planting evidence. It has clearly worked with the BDI crowd. If you listen to the actual interview or read the entire article you clearly see that is not what he said at all. In fact he clearly said he was not saying that CPD tampered with the evidence.

I think BOZ's post verdict comments may help secure that appeal since he was so pleased that the Google search is what led to the guilty verdict.

I know. I wondered why the BDI crowd was so upset, but your assessment may be the reason. Yes, he was pleased about the google search. No wonder he was having dogs and kittens over defense witnesses. Perhaps the judge's open mic comment might be helpful too.
Kurtz had one of his assistants (the one with the long hair) reading WS every day, all day long. I saw it on her laptop when I was in court. She would highlight things and IM it to Kurtz. So yes, this defense attorney was using things from WS and likely other online places, to get ideas. The prosecution was not doing this. They were not sitting in court reading WS like Kurtz' team was. I suspect when the trial first started the prosecutors probably were unaware of WS. Kurtz had been monitoring it for 3 yrs.

People who have zero legal knowledge, don't know anything about the laws of this state, don't know anything about rules of evidence, and that's who Kurtz was using to figure out if the judge was ruling incorrectly and to get legal strategy? Foolish man. That to me demonstrates he didn't know what conspiracy to play, but he was looking for the one that would cause the most uproar.

He started by throwing everything against the wall, then whittled down to whatever played the best in the cesspool of social media. Further indication that there was no tampering and no conspiracy. The social media decided which one he would use based on their reactions. Played like a Hollywood producer looking to edit the ending of their movie so audiences will react.

The prosecution was monitoring this site too. They are the ones that brought up JWs post. And there were things said throughout the trial that seemed to come directly from here on both sides.
The prosecution was monitoring this site too. They are the ones that brought up JWs post. And there were things said throughout the trial that seemed to come directly from here on both sides.

I have it on good authority, knowledge of JW's post on WS was a tip to the prosecution after the fact.
You don't see Trenkle decrying the verdict, claiming tampering/planting, saying his client got railroaded. Think Trenkle might believe his client is actually guilty? I think he just might. Look who is making outrageous claims and who is not. Subtext.

Maybe that is because Kurtz was the lead attorney in this case.
Since this IS a post conviction of 1st degree murder..Does anyone have any idea just where he will be placed?..I did a quik look..and saw a list so long I didnt even bother to open each link...Yikes..

I do know he will be evaluated..But given this particular area..What is the options and most likely??..Anybody know...Here's the link to the list~~

Their choices will be limited to institutions that handle his custody classification, as is stated in the NC DOC Offender Public Information site, link below.

To wit:
"Custody Classification - A classification that ranks the degree of inmate custody in terms of facility security. Custody classification directly determines the type of facility where an inmate can be placed." ==>

Some, not all, custody classifications are: Minimum (I and II, maybe more under Minimum, IDK), Medium, Close, and Maximum. Most of the time, 1stDM inmates are classified as "Close" when the enter the system -- I don't know whether this entry classification is standard for all 1stDM. I don't know whether 1stDM folks can be classified lower or not after they have been reviewed at whatever intervals they have. Other non-1stDM inmates can earn lower custody classifications with good behavior, etc.

So we'll see.... :behindbar
I'll tell you how I see this case: Yes, I believe the right guy was found guilty, but he could have taken a different path in life, and gone on to have a bright and happy future, finding someone more compatible, or living the life of a wild and careful single guy after divorce, or whatever he wanted. Brad never saw the bigger picture and didn't understand the happier life he could have had for himself if he had just let go and gotten divorced. He was (and is) a bright man, whose career would have continued upwards. Whatever money he would have lost in a divorce would have been recovered many times over as his career continued. He would have been able to watch 2 adorable daughters grow up into fine women and had many cherished memories along the way.

There is no pleasure seeing a man hauled off to life in prison, knowing it didn't have to end with a young mother murdered. But for his different choices...

And that is a real tragedy, as much as Nancy being murdered. Brad Cooper ended two lives that fateful Sat in July 2008, and forever altered scores of others.
I have it on good authority, knowledge of JW's post on WS was a tip to the prosecution after the fact.

I figured someone working for the prosecution or pro prosecution sent that to the prosecution. Same thing. I am sure the defense did not send it to the prosecution or the judge.
I find it strange the defense didn't line up an expert...if all the defense could come up with is that Brad was framed that is a very weak defense imo

AS was brought out on that last Friday, they didn't have money to pay for an expert.
Kurtz had one of his assistants (the one with the long hair) reading WS every day, all day long. I saw it on her laptop when I was in court. She would highlight things and IM it to Kurtz. So yes, this defense attorney was using things from WS and likely other online places, to get ideas. The prosecution was not doing this. They were not sitting in court reading WS like Kurtz' team was. I suspect when the trial first started the prosecutors probably were unaware of WS. Kurtz had been monitoring it for 3 yrs.

People who have zero legal knowledge, don't know anything about the laws of this state, don't know anything about rules of evidence, and that's who Kurtz was using to figure out if the judge was ruling incorrectly and to get legal strategy? Foolish man. That to me demonstrates he didn't know what conspiracy to play, but he was looking for the one that would cause the most uproar.

He started by throwing everything against the wall, then whittled down to whatever played the best in the cesspool of social media. Further indication that there was no tampering and no conspiracy. The social media decided which one he would use based on their reactions. Played like a Hollywood producer looking to edit the ending of their movie so audiences will react.

Maybe you have forgotten it was BZ who introduced a WS posting and the FB of JW, the GOLO and WS postings of CH, and I think one other similar item. The printed copy of JW's FB page was from February 2011.

Maybe you couldn't see what was on the screens on the prosecutor's desk.

Seveal times when the camera pulled back from the witness stand, I caught glimpses of what was on the screens of the prosecutors. A couple of times they looked like local news sites, one time the layout and color looked like it was WS but it was too far away for me to see the little dancing icons.

K set out the his case-in-chief in his opening and he followed through on it, excepting the GM testimony which was not allowed into this trial. K and T are more than capable of assessing. the rulings without help from any of us
I look forward to eventually hearing from the jurors...after they have been able to digest all the information that they were not privy to, in particular the assertions by the defense expert who wasn't allowed to testify about tampering. I wonder if any will feel any differently.

As for Kurtz, I think he did a fantastic job. What he had to do over the past 2 and 1/2 years was far from easy and I give credit to him and his entire team. I doubt many of you could have handled it as well as he did. So you really should just chill out with the nastiness towards him. And I think this case is far from over, so all your victory laps may be premature.

I don't get the nastiness towards Kurtz either. He talked to every single witness on both sides with respect. He was enver condescending towards anyone. So people don't like his "whiny" voice. He was very effective in his cross examinations of the prosecutions witnesses in my opinion. He's a very intelligent man.
Maybe you have forgotten it was BZ who introduced a WS posting and the FB of JW, the GOLO and WS postings of CH, and I think one other similar item. The printed copy of JW's FB page was from February 2011.

Maybe you couldn't see what was on the screens on the prosecutor's desk.

Seveal times when the camera pulled back from the witness stand, I caught glimpses of what was on the screens of the prosecutors. A couple of times they looked like local news sites, one time the layout and color looked like it was WS but it was too far away for me to see the little dancing icons.

K set out the his case-in-chief in his opening and he followed through on it, excepting the GM testimony which was not allowed into this trial. K and T are more than capable of assessing. the rulings without help from any of us

You are so right that K and T are very capable of handling this case without our help. I know that is devestating to some of our brilliant minds, but it is true.
For those few good WS buddies that asked if I died, I did not! I found that not posting, just reading the posters whom I chose to all I need. I'm glad you cared enough to ask and to say nice comments about me. That was unexpected and nice of you.

As to the Brad Cooper, I really really got tired of reading the same old things over and over, even after he's rec'd the guilty verdict. I will say that I had no idea what would be coming as a verdict, and I was pleasantly surprised.

Now, on to the next trial of Jason Young.

I do wonder what goes on in these criminal minds. Also, wonder what it smells like in Central Prison, do the inmates smell dirty (or are they required to wear deodorant, etc.), is the food really awful, do you really have to watch your back at all times, etc. I would love a "day in the life" documentary of Brad or some other prisoner who is doing life at Central.

Seriously, I could not make it. The first thing that would do me in is the lack of privacy on that toilet in the middle of the room. I would be learning the bedsheet ties to hang myself from a pipe on the ceiling. But then, I could not do that either.

I guess you must pay with a life of hell on earth for doing the deeds that get you into prison in the first place. Karma.

ETA: I was t/o'd I've decided that it isn't worth posting to have someone slapping me on the wrist and not being very professional about how they handle those issues. I'll only post when it becomes worthwhile to me, but I am checking my important posters who mean a lot to me with what they have to say. That's all that matters. In the end, I make my decisions, no one else.

Some of you know what I mean by this: In about three or so weeks I will find out my answers. There will either be: try chemo again, but there's no cure, or HOSPICE.

Thanks for checking in. I'm praying for a miracle for you.
I don't get the nastiness towards Kurtz either. He talked to every single witness on both sides with respect. He was enver condescending towards anyone. So people don't like his "whiny" voice. He was very effective in his cross examinations of the prosecutions witnesses in my opinion. He's a very intelligent man.

I still think some folks feel threatened and have to find any way of discrediting him. Really sad IMO. I think this happens in sports games when the outcome is clouded by a very questionable call by the officials.
Cooper will most likley be assigned 'close custody' at a medium security prison.
If/when he proves he is not violent and obeys orders, he may be reclassed in several years to "medium custody".

Following the similar path of Mike Peterson, he was close custody then moved to medium custody today. Suprising, considering the number on infractions he has racked up - the most recent being "create offesive condition".
Knowing his very public sexual orientation, I can guess what that was :D

DOC Number: 0816932 Offender Name: MICHAEL I PETERSON

Infraction Date
Infraction Type

10/19/2010 DISOBEY ORDER
04/09/2010 DISOBEY ORDER
Maybe you have forgotten it was BZ who introduced a WS posting and the FB of JW, the GOLO and WS postings of CH, and I think one other similar item. The printed copy of JW's FB page was from February 2011.

Who is "CH?" I said I don't think the prosecution was spending all day monitoring WS and social media sites like Kurtz' team was. I'm sure they heard about witnesses publishing information on sites since everything is public, but moment-by-moment monitoring? Had I not personally seen Kurtz' team with WS on their laptop I might not have believed it, but I did see it more than once and with my own eyes.
Cooper will most likley be assigned 'close custody' at a medium security prison.
If/when he proves he is not violent and obeys orders, he may be reclassed in several years to "medium custody".

Following the similar path of Mike Peterson, he was close custody then moved to medium custody today. Suprising, considering the number on infractions he has racked up - the most recent being "create offesive condition".
Knowing his very public sexual orientation, I can guess what that was :D

DOC Number: 0816932 Offender Name: MICHAEL I PETERSON

Infraction Date
Infraction Type

10/19/2010 DISOBEY ORDER
04/09/2010 DISOBEY ORDER

as long as Brad Cooper stays in America ..I don't really care where he is placed. At least in America, life means life...not so in Canada
More randomly placed PSA's

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Thanks much.
Thanks for checking in. I'm praying for a miracle for you.

per_curiam, I don't know your thoughts on naturalistic/holistic medicine, but you may want to consider contacting Andreas Moritz. I have practiced a lot of his health recommendations to prevent disease naturally. He really has helped so many people.

And another great site for natural healing is

ETA: link to Andreas's site:

Best to you.
I don't get the nastiness towards Kurtz either. He talked to every single witness on both sides with respect. He was enver condescending towards anyone. So people don't like his "whiny" voice. He was very effective in his cross examinations of the prosecutions witnesses in my opinion. He's a very intelligent man.

Intelligent - yes, very much so.
At the end of the day, if the jury doesn't like you.......
Nash Correctional


Yes, MP has a "medium" custody classification, and Nash is a medium security facility. :behindbar

Thanks for the pix!
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