The Verdict is In - post your thoughts here

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Studying to take my driver's license test tomorrow, now that I'm an NC citizen. I was looking through the book (attached) and noticed this excerpt in Chapter 7:

Transfer of License Plates
License plates can be transferred from one
vehicle to another of the same category provided
ownership is in the same name and insurance
coverage has been continuous.

Made me wonder if BC switched plates from his own vehicles. Not sure what the intent/motive would be. Just had a thought. It's crazy past all this speculation, I know. The missing bolt thing crossed my mind while trying to study for this silly test!! Gosh, this case sure got to me.

Perhaps it's PTTS (Post Traumatic Trial Syndrome). LOL!!

Good luck on your test. I never understood the missing bolt thing anyway. Heck I think I am missing one myself. Maybe I better go get replacement bolts before I get arrested for ditching a body. This case got to a lot of folks. I have never seen anything like it before.
:banghead:I literally cannot believe that anyone could defend the manner in which this man was treating the Mother of his children. 300 bucks a week and driving behind her to put gas in her car so he did not have to allow her further access to their marital assets? I am stunned.

Yeah, the poor woman had to make due with only $300 per week, which didn't have to go to paying bills. Oh the horror.

ETA: My post has nothing to do with the murder. It has to do only with someone having to live off of $300/week where it doesn't have to go to rent, utilities, car payments, etc.
Has anyone followed a case in the past where a defendant was found guilty, gone to jail, and then has had such a vigorous defense continue by posters/trial watchers continue after the verdict? If so who is/was the defendant? And then has that defendant ever won an appeal?

Ever heard of Amanda Knox?
I honestly do not know what the answer to this question is. While there are BDDI posters, there are posters and a group of individuals (I think quite a few) who believe the judicial system was biased towards the prosecution. Whether that would make a difference or not, this group is outraged not necessarily that BC was found guilty but the manner in which the trial was conducted. IMOO
These individuals get called BDDI'ers when in reality they are not avid BDDIers but pro justice, for lack of a better term. I think the sheer number of viewers (most ever) would indicate a tremendous interest in this case. There have been cases overturned because of the Innocence Commission but they were after the fact. Lastly, the recent knowledge of problems with LE and Forensic Laboratories definitely has increased the interest in all cases and been a major factor in questioning our judicial and Law enforcement community. I have never seen anything like this before. IMOO

Yeah, the poor woman had to make due with only $300 per week, which didn't have to go to paying bills. Oh the horror.

ETA: My post has nothing to do with the murder. It has to do only with someone having to live off of $300/week where it doesn't have to go to rent, utilities, car payments, etc.

I wouldn't mind having all of my bills paid and a $300 allowance, car provided, and all utilities provided for me. I might even throw in cleaning up at no charge.
Ever heard of Amanda Knox?

Working on the DNA in A Knox but she still has not gotten a retrial has she? Eye witness testimony in her case is just wrong (he got the day wrong IIRC).

Hope she gets a new trial.
Working on the DNA in A Knox but she still has not gotten a retrial has she? Eye witness testimony in her case is just wrong (he got the day wrong IIRC).

Hope she gets a new trial.

The point was that she was convicted of murder and people continue to defend her and question the evidence and the trial itself.
The point was that she was convicted of murder and people continue to defend her and question the evidence and the trial itself.

Language barrier, foreign country, rules of evidence, etc. Good point NCSU and Otto.
Even with all you said in THIS case IMO the right person was convicted.

Perhaps this can be a window into future cases for LE, experts,
forensic laboratories and so on.

Appreciate your thoughts TY.

You are welcome. I think this may be a window into this case actually, but most definitely future cases. The general public has a very persuasive ability to enact change.
Has anyone followed a case in the past where a defendant was found guilty, gone to jail, and then has had such a vigorous defense continue by posters/trial watchers continue after the verdict? If so who is/was the defendant? And then has that defendant ever won an appeal?

Ryan Widmer definitely fits in that category. He was found guilty, was in prison for 4 months and the verdict was overturned because of juror misconduct. His second trial ended in a hung jury. The third trial ended on February 15th with another guilty verdict. There is still a tremendous split with a large number of people believing in his innocence. (It actually came up among family at lunch today and it was about a 50/50 split for guilt/innocence.)
Working on the DNA in A Knox but she still has not gotten a retrial has she? Eye witness testimony in her case is just wrong (he got the day wrong IIRC).

Hope she gets a new trial.

You asked for a case where there was an arrest, a lengthy (11 month) trial, a conviction, and people still talking about it long afterward.
Yeah, the poor woman had to make due with only $300 per week, which didn't have to go to paying bills. Oh the horror.

ETA: My post has nothing to do with the murder. It has to do only with someone having to live off of $300/week where it doesn't have to go to rent, utilities, car payments, etc.

I haven't posted much but I've followed this case since the beginning. I walked away right after the verdict was read but it is heavy on my mind so I came back to take a quick peak. (I don't post usually because I find it hard to juggle homeschooling, motherhood, taking care of my house wife duties, spending time with my husband, etc... so while I read, I avoid commenting.

Anyway, I don't know how to quote more than one post so just to add to whomever commented above about victims of domestic violence and whether or not NC was abused...

I'm a survivor of domestic violence but not in the sense of a husband/wife relationship. My dad was abusive, manipulative, controlling, angry, and violent. I lived in that house with him for 21 years and have now been out of it and married for 10 years. He died suddenly 8 years ago and I still carry the burdens of all of his abuse. By God's grace I have forgiven him and have grown to love and miss him. (He became a born again believer just weeks before he died.) But my husband can attest to the fact that as far as I have come, I still look in the mirror and 10 years later I sometimes see the worthless, ugly, stupid, unlovable, piece of crap that he spent my entire life convincing me that I was. I don't carry it on my shoulders like I used to but sometimes it sneaks up on me. I have learned how to put it down and go on with my life.

I simply don't see an abused victim in NC. I see a lost, confused, and unhappy woman in NC that hadn't found her way in life but not an abused woman. I look at my mom whom defended us no matter the consequences, whom I watched my dad literally try to choke to death, and I see an abused, controlled, manipulated woman but I just don't see it in NC.

I'm conflicted b/c I don't know if BC killed her or not. I think her story is so incredibly tragic and it breaks my heart. I cried like a baby when her sister was on the stand. I'm so sad for her family and those babies of hers. I know statistically speaking, BC likely killed her but I also know that something doesn't fit here and I can't place it.

As far as the $300 a week and the reason I quoted you ncsu95....I think everyone needs to stop trying to use that as an example of controlling. I think it's absurd and it doesn't help the BDI side at all. Sheesh!

I know some people live in a world where that is not enough but I'm here to tell you, $300 a week for groceries and whatever else you want to spend it on is a lot of money. My husband is a foreman in a construction type of field and he does not work during the winter due to the materials he works with not setting up properly when it's under 40 degrees. He used to make a salary year round and he used to work 70-80 hours a week in the summer but have 2-3 months off in the winter.

Well, his company has been struggling and 2 winters ago they took him off of salary and he has not had any overtime in the summer to compensate. Well, the first winter was rough because he was put on a seasonal/temporary type of unemployment and it was a significant loss of income but we managed. But the second winter, because of the way they figure the unemployment and because there were 3 months with 0 income figured into that, his check was cut all the way down to $354 a week.

We are a family of four that survived for 3 months on $354 a week and we paid our mortgage, electric, propane, water, car insurance, internet, and groceries with $354 a week! It was tough and it sucked but we did it and we made it and I can honestly say that I just do not see complaining about having $300 a week for groceries and whatever else. It baffles me and confuses me and I simply don't see what there is that everyone is trying to make this into such a shocking thing of abuse and control. I just don't get it.

Ok, I have peaked in and now I'm stepping back out because I have a dear hubby that wants to spend some time with me! Later y'all!
I thought I recalled comments made by Nancy's family about her relationship with her mother-in-law. Jim Lister's deposition in 2008 summarizes his recent and somewhat objective view of Nancy and Carol in 2005. It was not a happy situation. I believe once Nancy even asked Carol to leave the house because of her rudeness and negativity.

Here's the link:

Thank you for locating this. I'd been trying to find the Rentz/Lister affidavits for quite some time. I'd heard the relationship between Nancy and her in-laws was expecially strained to say the least. Do you have links for the others, or a main link? Thank goodness the children are with family who love them.
See, i never thought it was a frame job, I think he went to the map to find his OWN house, and zoomed in on the wrog location, and it HAPPENED to be the place where they dumped the body.
It took 8 clicks to zoom all the way in to that cul-de-sac.
The 40 files collected show all 8 clicks.
You would attribute that to a typo?

That's even less reasonable than to suggest that a CPD officer decided on his own to frame a citizen to support the town council's mission to make people think Cary is a safe place to live.
Isn't it somewhat of a long standing truism that daughter-in-law/mother-in-law relationships are often tense?

Hardly, I absolutely loved my mother in law. Always cried when she left after a couple week visit with us. Unfortunately, she passed away suddenly, but I'd always told my husband 'she was welcome to come and live with us' when she got older. I missed watching the verdict live, so I didn't see the coopers rebuff of the rentz family in the courtroom. It certainly didn't surprise me though, from past actions reported by Nancy's family & friends.
Hardly, I absolutely loved my mother in law. Always cried when she left after a couple week visit with us. Unfortunately, she passed away suddenly, but I'd always told my husband 'she was welcome to come and live with us' when she got older. I missed watching the verdict live, so I didn't see the coopers rebuff of the rentz family in the courtroom. It certainly didn't surprise me though, from past actions reported by Nancy's family & friends.

They didn't really show it. They didn't show Mrs. Rentz talking to Mrs. Cooper. They did show Mr. Rentz going and saying something. But I wouldn't consider it a "rebuff". There son was just convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison with no parole. I think they were in shock.
Thank you skaylie693 for your comments. I completely agree with you.
I agree.
I am finished with this case/trial. I have been reading along mostly since the verdict was announced. There is very little point in debating the evidence, the personalities, the issues now.
I will not post any more to this thread. I have enjoyed the heck out of interacting with most of you. I have also enjoyed reading, for the most part, both sides of all the issues.
I wish each of you well.

I agree with you. A separate thread was started to *discuss* all these issues. Like you, I don't see any point to the continual debate either. Brad spent mothers day in prison, and Nancy's girls spent mother's day with Krista-mom instead of Nancy. :(
Yeah, the poor woman had to make due with only $300 per week, which didn't have to go to paying bills. Oh the horror.

ETA: My post has nothing to do with the murder. It has to do only with someone having to live off of $300/week where it doesn't have to go to rent, utilities, car payments, etc.

I'm goiing to say goodbye to you for this topic, NCSU. Although we are at opposite ends of the spectrum on this one, we've managed to be friendly and cordial. :great: I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. We obviously have very different views on marriage and what constitutes a partnership, a respect for each other as life partners. I asked my husband, the math major, how much 15 ironman competitions, costing 2000 to 2500 dollars a pop, over a two year period, added up to. Let me tell you, it was a whopping amount. We come from different generations, you and us. I remember once when our kids were all young, three under the age of six, catching my husband, the engineer, sticking a couple playing cards from a deck, into his shoe, because the sole had a hole worn into it, and he didn't want to spend the money on new shoes yet. Kids probably needed things, our priorities were far different in those days then many are today. This 300 bucks obviously sticks in your craw. Now me, hell, for a guy making 120,000 a year, doesn't sound like that much when one considers all the 'incidentals' involved in raising kids. Kids clothes, shoes, school supplies/snacks for school, lunches, things from the drug store, etc. I usually buy my grandsons new shoes each season. It's nothing to drop $150 bucks on shoes for three children. Everything adds up. Prescriptions, deodorant, tampons, toothpaste, etc. Let me put it this way, Brad expected his wife and two children to live on the same amount of money he spent on himself and his iron man competitions for one year. Now I don't know about you, but that doesn't seem right to me. JMO
They didn't really show it. They didn't show Mrs. Rentz talking to Mrs. Cooper. They did show Mr. Rentz going and saying something. But I wouldn't consider it a "rebuff". There son was just convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison with no parole. I think they were in shock.

And the Rentz family lost their daughter, forever. Yet they were cordial, even though they believed that the coopers son murdered her. The end of the trial appeared to be extremely emotional for Nancy's mother, dad, sister & brother. I can say from experience, even though something *ended*, even years before, that final acceptance, that final moment of realizing something is over, has ended, can be very traumatic. IMO, the Rentz family exibited exemplory behavior. MOO
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