The "war",what was it all about

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What was it all about?

  • JR did something and FW knows what

    Votes: 138 80.7%
  • FW did something and JR suspects what

    Votes: 6 3.5%
  • BOTH were involved somehow in what happened

    Votes: 17 9.9%
  • Both are innocent and it was all just a misunderstanding/ego

    Votes: 10 5.8%

  • Total voters
13 So anyway, I didn't want to think
14 too much about it, and then when we were in
15 Atlanta, I just sort of remember Priscilla
16 standing in my mother's living room, family
17 room, you know, just kind of like this and
18 saying, "well, I know what's going on" and she
19 said, "if you would give me a few minutes of
20 your time, I could let you in on some things."
21 And I turned to her and I said,
22 "Priscilla, how can you know so much?" And I
23 said, "I am the mother of this child. And I
24 know nothing."
25 TOM HANEY: What was she referring
1 to?
2 PATSY RAMSEY: I don't have a clue.
3 I really, I mean, you know, so many times I wish
4 I would have taken her up on it to see what the
5 hell she was talking about. There was just her
6 -- you know, it was just this kind of, I know
7 what's going on here and you don't. And if you
8 give me a few minutes of your time, I could clue
9 you in.
10 TOM HANEY: But she didn't give you
11 a clue or--
12 PATSY RAMSEY: Didn't say, didn't
13 say. So that was like the second little thing.

Keeping this story in mind, consider the following for a moment:

FW-III was closer in age to JonBenet, but because of gender he usually drifted toward Burke when the families were together. At parties also, he would probably play with the boys instead of girls who might be his own age. So the group of boys included younger ones as well as older. Even though he might not participate in conversations and actions of the older boys, he would have an idea about what was going on with the understanding that some things just aren’t told to parents. Now consider this in light of what was reported about JonBenet saying to someone at the earlier Christmas party that she “didn’t feel pretty.” Then several days later, JonBenet is sexually assaulted and dead. Most likely every parent with kids who knew the Ramseys was grilling their own kids about anything at all that they might know or might have heard. Perhaps even not understanding what it was all about, FW-III might very well have related enough about the kids’ “secrets” to his parents that they were able to piece it all together so that Priscilla did “know what’s going on.” Or maybe Patsy misunderstood or didn’t relate the exact words to investigators. Maybe what Priscilla actually said was, “I know what was going on.”

And why on earth when hearing something like that after her daughter had been murdered would Patsy not grab her by the shoulders and scream, “Tell me! Tell me what you know! My daughter has been brutally assaulted and murdered and I need to know any information you or anyone else might have!”

No, instead she simply says, “I am the mother of this child. And I know nothing.”

Absolutely. Not discounting what the White's daughter might have contributed too? Personally I reckon Patsy knew exactly what subject Priscilla would raise, so simply argued her away to avoid any discussion. PR might also have nuanced her description also, so to avoid any explicit reference with the interviewer?

Other families in the R's social circle knew and once JonBenet was murdered have since fallen silent, i.e. they do not want the publicity associated with JonBenet's homicide.

Or there is the possibility that conversation simply never happened. I believe in Johns second police interview he begins to deny that much of the odd behavior by the Whites ever happened.

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Other families in the R's social circle knew and once JonBenet was murdered have since fallen silent, i.e. they do not want the publicity associated with JonBenet's homicide.


Can any point me to a thread where people are discussing odd behavior at the Christmas party or changes in JBR around this time? I have read it mentioned on this thread, would like to read more.

If people knew more and didn't want publicity, did insiders post information anonymously or under assumed identities? I feel like many old posts have felt like spin from TR, but I wonder if others have come out to say what they know and want off their chests.

In the earlier days of this case there were a few semi-anonymous case insiders who posted on forums. The one I remember is Judith Phillips (posting under the name cookie? candy? one of those). She was PR's friend and a photographer who took several photos of her and JB together as well as pictures of PR during chemo. She posted one really interesting story That I remember called "The Garden Party" in which she, Susan Bennet (jameson) and a caretaker are at JB's grave site, and the whole thing was strange. This all can be found on acandyrose.

There have been others who were not confirmed I think.

There is a wealth of information on this page. or

As for the behavior at the Christmas party was that in Perfect Murder Perfect Town? Someone who has read it can chime in, I haven't.
It's odd how in the interview UKGuy quotes from and the 911 call PR refers to herself as "the mother".
, I'd have LOVED to see LE call JR out about exactly WHO was included in his statement that "a lot of people were here at 3 in the morning." Because according to the Rs, only 4 people were in the house at 3 in the morning.. a sleeping JR, Patsy, BR and a (by then, dead) JB.

Hello. Does anyone know where I can read more about this statement?

In the earlier days of this case there were a few semi-anonymous case insiders who posted on forums. The one I remember is Judith Phillips (posting under the name cookie? candy? one of those). She was PR's friend and a photographer who took several photos of her and JB together as well as pictures of PR during chemo. She posted one really interesting story That I remember called "The Garden Party" in which she, Susan Bennet (jameson) and a caretaker are at JB's grave site, and the whole thing was strange. This all can be found on acandyrose.

There have been others who were not confirmed I think.

There is a wealth of information on this page. or

As for the behavior at the Christmas party was that in Perfect Murder Perfect Town? Someone who has read it can chime in, I haven't.

Thank you. That has been my favorite place to get lost since I began this obsession. I haven't read PMPT or FF yet. I suppose that I've been interested on formulating an independent conclusion first and am planning on reading those after. I would say its time though.
In my 'half-baked' theory, there is an as yet unidentified female person who had a grudge against JR and thought he 'owed' her and wanted to punish and scare him. JR knew as soon as he saw the RN who had written it and why. There were 'in jokes' in the RN and it was obviously 'her work'. He did not believe for one minute that it was a genuine kidnapping by a foreign group, nor did he really think that 'she' would harm JBR. Still, he was spooked and wanted JBR back ASAP as he now knew 'she' was mentally unstable and had gone too far by taking JBR. The Whites were the first people there and I believe FW was told who and why (although I sort of think he may have known the story anyway). PR did not know about 'her' or what had happened to cause this and JR did not want her to know either. FW thought JBR might still be in the house initially and this is why he searched, despite the RN, though he didn't look hard enough. When JR found her, FW immediately ran to the phone. Who was he going to call??

So, to the fight. FW thought JR should tell the cops who had done it. JR said it was too late for that now, it would serve no purpose. 'She' was no danger to anyone else and it was the lawyer's opinion that 'she' would not be convicted of murder as 'she' was not mentally fit to stand trial and hadn't intended to kill JBR. JR didn't want the whole sorry tale to come out, as it would reflect very badly on him, this is why the separate lawyers. What was done could not be undone. FW thought he should make a clean breast of it and cop the flak - afterall, it was PR who was under the 'umbrella of suspicion', and she didn't deserve to suffer first the killing of her child then to have to defend herself.

When the cops asked who might be involved, JR named FW amongst others! This was the final straw - first not telling, then trying to divert attention to others. Still despite this FW has stayed quiet all this time and 'towed the line'. He must be busting to tell!!

Well-reasoned theory, but it doesn't explain the staging or the placement of the body. If this was a revenge killing, JonBenet would have been placed in front of the Christmas tree or something -- not hidden. The ransom note would have been placed on the kitchen counter or beside JonBenet's bed where it would surely be found -- not in an area only Patsy came down.
It's odd how in the interview UKGuy quotes from and the 911 call PR refers to herself as "the mother".

It's called 'distancing'. The Ramseys were very good at it from the get go.

Well-reasoned theory, but it doesn't explain the staging or the placement of the body. If this was a revenge killing, JonBenet would have been placed in front of the Christmas tree or something -- not hidden.
I'd go a step further.....if it was a revenge killing, her body would have been graphically posed in an open area for shock value.
"I am the mother" means she sees herself playing the socially accepted part of mother, as opposed to actually feeling a loving strong connections to her children.
"I am the mother" means she sees herself playing the socially accepted part of mother, as opposed to actually feeling a loving strong connections to her children.

She's also distancing herself from JonBenet, perhaps because JonBenet was already dead and she didn't want to claim ownership of her body.

One other thought I had was that this could be a subconscious slip-up — she's "the mother" of two actors in this family drama.
OK, I have always been firmly in the BDI camp, but the comment from MurriFlower (sorry, can't get it to pull up for some reason) along with something another poster mentioned on a separate forum (which I'll address later in this post) made me wonder... And I know this will all sound crazy at first but bear with me here...

MurriFlower suggested "another" woman, and although that doesn't ring true at all with me, the possibility that entered my mind was whether PR could have been far more mentally ill than any of us know... What if she had Multiple Personality Disorder (now called Dissociative Identity Disorder)?

I know it sounds craaaaazy, but just give me a minute... I have researched this disorder some, and while I'm not an expert, I know that the people who have it sometimes have personalities (called "alters") that are not even their same gender or age. And they are sometimes not even fully aware of what the others do. Strange, I know, and eerie, and creepy. Have you ever witnessed someone with this disorder "switch"? It is astonishing.

Anyway, this theory would explain the sexual stuff as more than just a cover-up (especially if it was a male alter) as well as the strange RN and also why PR as her "nice devoted mother" (primary alter) could vehemently deny it all, but JR and PR could somehow be covering for someone...

Lastly, a poster on another forum said that when PR was asked about her own history and whether there was sexual abuse in her past, she answered in a childlike manner that made the poster quite certain that she had indeed been sexually abused by her own father. Both the childlike response and the possibility of long-term sexual abuse would fit with the disorder.

I imagine some of you will dismiss this as ME being a lunatic gone off her rocker. Haha! And I'll be the first to admit, it IS a far-out theory. But I wonder if any of this is even a remote possibility? I honestly still lean toward BDI, because I would imagine investigators would have explored this theory and discarded it. And IF she did indeed have this disorder, I Imagine it would've come out in the extensive psych evals and interviews. But maybe the Ramseys were masterful at hiding it, and it's just so far out that no one thought of it. And we know there were lots of mistakes and oversights by LE.

I am not offended if you all poke giant holes in this theory-- that's what we all do and I love it! :) Like I said, it is super far out there. But once it occurred to me that this might be a bizarre possibility that could fit some of the pieces together, I thought it was worth mentioning on here.

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