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let it snow said:
I SPEAK ONLY FOR MYSELF. Not on behalf of "the family" or any of Janet and Ravens friends. Unlike so many of you....I do know Janet, Raven and Kaiden.
You all keep asking "Were is Ravens support?", "Why isn't his family trying to defend him?","Why aren't we active on this sight?" Well like I said, I only speak for myself. I know Raven, I KNOW RAVEN IS INNOCENT!!!! I have been following your discussion on this sight. If I had to defend Raven to every one of you, I would be on this site 24 hours a day. I choose to support Raven and Kaiden in private. I choose to mourn the loss of Janet and her baby in private. For you to judge the number of people, family and friends (who actually know Raven and Janet) by your polls and postings is just not fair. You know, it is hard to even read some of the things you have posted on this sight. Do you guys seriously think that your accusations make anyone who knows the Abaroa, Bolton or Christensen family, want to join your site???
I think about Janet every day. I miss her too. I hope this sight can help bring justice for Janet.
P.S. I am the one who set up the Janet Abaroa Christensen Fund in Utah. I opened the account the morning after she died. Oh, and I know who Rooster is!

Like that's a big secret!!:rolleyes:
let it snow said:
I SPEAK ONLY FOR MYSELF. Not on behalf of "the family" or any of Janet and Ravens friends. Unlike so many of you....I do know Janet, Raven and Kaiden.
You all keep asking "Were is Ravens support?", "Why isn't his family trying to defend him?","Why aren't we active on this sight?" Well like I said, I only speak for myself. I know Raven, I KNOW RAVEN IS INNOCENT!!!! I have been following your discussion on this sight. If I had to defend Raven to every one of you, I would be on this site 24 hours a day. I choose to support Raven and Kaiden in private. I choose to mourn the loss of Janet and her baby in private. For you to judge the number of people, family and friends (who actually know Raven and Janet) by your polls and postings is just not fair. You know, it is hard to even read some of the things you have posted on this sight. Do you guys seriously think that your accusations make anyone who knows the Abaroa, Bolton or Christensen family, want to join your site???
I think about Janet every day. I miss her too. I hope this sight can help bring justice for Janet.
P.S. I am the one who set up the Janet Abaroa Christensen Fund in Utah. I opened the account the morning after she died. Oh, and I know who Rooster is!
Let it snow, I first want to thank you for posting. I imagine it must be very difficult, not only knowing the people involved, but also seeing that your opinion is in the minority.

I do want to say that your two mentions above about the people that "actually know" Raven and Janet sounds a bit angry - as if you think that perhaps we have no reason to make judgements because we didn't know them. You are correct - many of us here do not know the family, (although some of us did). But we heard about this case, and were saddened by it, and chose to discuss it in the hopes that the truth will be found. I hope that you aren't angry at or hurt by us because we really are the only ones talking about this right now. If it weren't for this site and this forum, Janet's case would be sitting on someone's desk somewhere and only those that knew and loved her would know anything about her. We have joined in the fight for justice for her without knowing her. Instead of being angry about us, our research, and our opinions, I hope that you can at least appreciate that we have refused to let Janet's story go quiet. At the risk of appearing to be patting myself on the back, I think that our efforts here are commendable. We made the choice to participate in this forum from our hearts. There are many other things that we could all be doing with our time but we have chosen to devote some of that time to talking about Janet's story again and again and again. Because her life DID mean something - not only to those that knew her but also to many of us that didn't. I think that our time spent here and the many, many hours of collective research we've done gives us the right to make judgements and state our opinions. I truly apologize if any of that is hurtful to you. We really all do share just one goal - to keep talking about this until Janet's murderer is arrested, and forced to pay the consequences for what he's done.

I do agree with you that if you were here to defend Raven to all of us that it would require all of your time. But I hope that you will come back to share some ideas with us because believe it or not, many of us are open to other ideas. We just don't know what other ways we can look without facts or persuasive opinions to steer us away from Raven.

FWIW, I hope that you realize that we care about Janet's family and friends. Most of us are fortunate in the fact that we haven't had to deal with something so horribly painful. I can't even begin to imagine the sadness for those of you that know this family, and have seen it broken apart. I am very sorry for what you're experiencing. I hope that justice will be found soon - regardless of who it is - so those of you that knew Janet can have at least some kind of closure. I also hope that time will help to lessen some of your pain.

As I said, please feel free to join us here again. I speak for many of us when I say that we are interested in you joining our discussion, and are willing to give you the space to say what you feel. Your opinion, obviously, is just as valid as any of ours and I, for one, promise to never attack you for anything you say.

Thanks again for posting, and please feel free to continue doing so! :)
Let it snow--one question, why, at a time that was so sad and confusing, did you set up a memorial fund? As it's been stated here, it was done the day after Janet's murder. I don't think that I would be thinking of that immediately after a loved one was found dead.
Jenifred said:
Let it snow--one question, why, at a time that was so sad and confusing, did you set up a memorial fund? As it's been stated here, it was done the day after Janet's murder. I don't think that I would be thinking of that immediately after a loved one was found dead.
If I was thinking money at all, it would be a REWARD for information leading to the arrest of the murderer...
juliagoulia said:
If I was thinking money at all, it would be a REWARD for information leading to the arrest of the murderer...

I swear julia, if I thought it once here, I've thought it a hundred times ... thanks for pointing out what should have been obvious to the Abaroa's.

The fund should not have been set up for Raven to buy a new $500 cell phone, nor any of the bills that he *forgot* to pay with the money he received from his crime.
Moxie said:
You would think.

I think his little plan is falling apart.

I wish there was some way we could know if there was a life insurance policy.

If one existed, there's Raven's motive.
A life insurance policy would hold no significance to me. Many married couples have life insurance.
radar said:
A life insurance policy would hold no significance to me. Many married couples have life insurance.
I guess it would depend on when it was purchased, and how long after death any claims were filed. Yes, lots of people have life insurance policies. And lots of people have life insurance policies come up in court during their spousal murder trials. When considered with other factors, it can be quite significant.
JerseyGirl said:
I guess it would depend on when it was purchased, and how long after death any claims were filed. Yes, lots of people have life insurance policies. And lots of people have life insurance policies come up in court during their spousal murder trial. When considered with other factors, it can be quite significant.

Timing can be everything, but finances would play a big part as well. Let's say someone couldn't afford to pay their rent, car payments, credit card bills, utility bills, etc. and still manages to have a big ticket life insurance policy, i'd consider that quite significant as well.
let it snow said:
I SPEAK ONLY FOR MYSELF. Not on behalf of "the family" or any of Janet and Ravens friends. Unlike so many of you....I do know Janet, Raven and Kaiden.
You all keep asking "Were is Ravens support?", "Why isn't his family trying to defend him?","Why aren't we active on this sight?" Well like I said, I only speak for myself. I know Raven, I KNOW RAVEN IS INNOCENT!!!! I have been following your discussion on this sight. If I had to defend Raven to every one of you, I would be on this site 24 hours a day. I choose to support Raven and Kaiden in private. I choose to mourn the loss of Janet and her baby in private. For you to judge the number of people, family and friends (who actually know Raven and Janet) by your polls and postings is just not fair. You know, it is hard to even read some of the things you have posted on this sight. Do you guys seriously think that your accusations make anyone who knows the Abaroa, Bolton or Christensen family, want to join your site???
I think about Janet every day. I miss her too. I hope this sight can help bring justice for Janet.
P.S. I am the one who set up the Janet Abaroa Christensen Fund in Utah. I opened the account the morning after she died. Oh, and I know who Rooster is!
It was good to finally see some one who knows Raven, post. However, Janet?? Janet's name is: Janet Marie CHRISTIANSEN Abaroa.
Welcome to the Forum BirdHunter, and I pray the Bird gets caged, then fried soon.
JerseyGirl said:
I guess it would depend on when it was purchased, and how long after death any claims were filed. Yes, lots of people have life insurance policies. And lots of people have life insurance policies come up in court during their spousal murder trials. When considered with other factors, it can be quite significant.
Good point JG. I can't ever fathom how money, no matter the amount, would ever motivate me to commit murder. But, you are right, you hear about it often during trials. If there was an insurance policy on Janet, it would matter to me how long after her death Raven tried to collect ont it. Say if he called the insurance company before the funeral took place. This would be a serious problem for me.
BirdHunter said:
Say if he called the insurance company before the funeral took place. This would be a serious problem for me.
I couldn't agree more. I would find that to be seriously disgusting. How badly would you need cash to file a claim before you've even buried your loved one???
I cannot even fathom someone killing their wife, who was pregnant. But, that would be pure premeditation right there, if this were actually the case. I need to pop some Tylenol, I just got a huge headache even trying to grasp this as a theory.
BirdHunter said:
Good point JG. I can't ever fathom how money, no matter the amount, would ever motivate me to commit murder. But, you are right, you hear about it often during trials. If there was an insurance policy on Janet, it would matter to me how long after her death Raven tried to collect ont it. Say if he called the insurance company before the funeral took place. This would be a serious problem for me.
I would have serious issue with that, as well. Which would then be yet another RED FLAG SCREAMING his guilt.
JerseyGirl said:
I couldn't agree more. I would find that to be seriously disgusting. How badly would you need cash to file a claim before you've even buried your loved one???
This would be interesting to put in order:

1. When did raven hire an attorney...or ask his embezzlement attorney to help him with the murder issue?

2. When did raven call the life insurance company to ask for a claim packet to be sent to him?

3. When was the 'GIVE ME MONEY' trust fund set up?

We know the trust fund was set up hours later and I would bet the first two were initiated before that.
LTUlegal said:
I would have serious issue with that, as well. Which would then be yet another RED FLAG SCREAMING his guilt.
I thought I read or heard that Janet's family paid for the funeral in its entirety...raven wouldn't have needed money for the funeral. You would think he would have had at least the decency to pay Janet's family back for the funeral from the free trust fund money, but we haven't heard he even did that!!!
ewwwinteresting said:
I thought I read or heard that Janet's family paid for the funeral in its entirety...raven wouldn't have needed money for the funeral. You would think he would have had at least the decency to pay Janet's family back for the funeral from the free trust fund money, but we haven't heard he even did that!!!
Wow, poor Janet...she thought she was kissing a prince & it really turned out to be a TOAD.
Raven must've watched Jerry McGuire a lot so he could get "show me the money" down pat. He's making Scott Peterson look pretty spiffy right now.:doh:
ewwwinteresting said:
But the fact is raven wasn't away from home. TOD 10:55 pm.....raven home 10:30ish. Am I the only one that can't get over this blaring fact?

There must be a reason that he hasn't been arrested yet so it must not be that simple. If LE could put Raven in the home before Janet was murdered they would have arrested him. There has to be a reason that he hasn't been arrested. I don't think this case is cut and least not in the eyes of LE.

How do we know for sure what time Raven got home that night? I'm sure he didn't say 10:30ish or did he say that before he found out the time of death?

I don't think Let It Snow had any intention of sticking around. I think he/she came her to say his/her piece and that was all. I would like to hear why that person is so sure that Raven is innocent.

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