The word "hurt" in media reports

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radar said:
I have read those and isn't it 6 to 7 hours for rm to set in? So I ask again, how can they be so precise? 10:55PM!
Did you see the posts on body temperature?
radar said:
Yes I am trying to be objective, thank you. Most of the things brought up on this forum are rumors! If LE operated on rumors we would all be in trouble.

You're right !!! Many criminals would not have been brought to justice !!! LE would not have fully investigated some crimes if they had NOT listened to rumours !!Where there is smoke, there is fire!!
radar said:
I have read those and isn't it 6 to 7 hours for rm to set in? So I ask again, how can they be so precise? 10:55PM!

Radar, I really don't have the energy to reinvent the wheel here. We have tons of posts on how TOD can be determined so accurately.
ewwwinteresting said:
What person in their right mind would be thinking about money the MORNING after Janet and her unborn baby was MURDERED??????????
A person who is thinking about the future of the six month old child. While the story is in the news headlines.
Ummm......... Radar, the story wasn't in the headlines as of yet!

Janet was only dead after being MURDERED, several hours before they started this fund and most people, at this time, were under the impression that Janet committed suicide, from what I hear! Wouldn't a Reward leading to information be a better option??????
radar said:
A person who is thinking about the future of the six month old child. While the story is in the news headlines.

The real problem I see with this Radar is that there is no guarantee that this money is earmarked for Kaiden's future. Raven has the discretion to buy toys ($500 cell phone) or pay ES for his felony (not misdemeanor) embezzlement. This is not a fund for Kaiden's future, but a fund Raven is using to clean up his past.

How would you feel if you donated to that fund only to find out that it wasn't for it's stated purpose and Raven was misusing the funds based on the intention of those that donated!?!?

:furious: :furious: :furious:
Your t-shirt should say - Bald so therefore Mulletproof GM!
golfmom said:
The real problem I see with this Radar is that there is no guarantee that this money is earmarked for Kaiden's future. Raven has the discretion to buy toys ($500 cell phone) or pay ES for his felony (not misdemeanor) embezzlement. This is not a fund for Kaiden's future, but a fund Raven is using to clean up his past.

How would you feel if you donated to that fund only to find out that it wasn't for it's stated purpose and Raven was misusing the funds based on the intention of those that donated!?!?

:furious: :furious: :furious:
Is this speculation on your part? Where is the proof? Or are going to post more rumors?
radar said:
Is this speculation on your part? Where is the proof? Or are going to post more rumors?
In a case with such a lack of media attention, rumors are sometimes all that we have to discuss. And rumors, after all, are better than nothing to generate discussion. IMO, rumors are head and shoulders above blind, unsupported statements about someone's innocence.
radar said:
Is this speculation on your part? Where is the proof? Or are going to post more rumors?

It doesn't take much effort here to speculate Radar. Raven's been jobless, fired, and is working part-time in a bike shop. How exactly did he afford to buy his $500.00 cell phone? Where do you think the funds are coming from to pay his lawyer and fines?

You want speculation ... here it is, I think he's pretty much sitting around with his thumb up his butt thinking that there's going to be a big payday from a life insurance policy here shortly. Raven here's a clue bud ... no payouts while an investigation is in process, especially to the person that is considered the prime suspect.
golfmom said:
It doesn't take much effort here to speculate Radar. Raven's been jobless, fired, and is working part-time in a bike shop. How exactly did he afford to buy his $500.00 cell phone? Where do you think the funds are coming from to pay his lawyer and fines?

You want speculation ... here it is, I think he's pretty much sitting around with his thumb up his butt thinking that there's going to be a big payday from a life insurance policy here shortly. Raven here's a clue bud ... no payouts while an investigation is in process, especially to the person that is considered the prime suspect.
$500 cell phone, speculation. Life insurance policy, sepculation.
radar said:
$500 cell phone, speculation. Life insurance policy, sepculation.

$500 cell phone, fact. Numerous folks have confirmed the cell phone's existence.

Life Insurance ... I've gotten just enough information to lead me to believe that there is a substantial life insurance policy, but you are right that I cannot absolutely with 100% certainty state that as confirmed. This is just one of those items that I guess only time will tell.

Here's another tip I just recently received that I'm unable to confirm. The laptop didn't turn up missing until AFTER LE had requested it.
golfmom said:
Here's another tip I just recently received that I'm unable to confirm. The laptop didn't turn up missing until AFTER LE had requested it.
What do you mean? That Raven didn't claim that the laptop was stolen that first night? That at some point later, LE asked for the laptop and suddenly Raven claimed it had been stolen? How strange - as we've heard from media reports, Raven was asked for his computer in the past during the embezzlement investigation. And from what we hear, he gave it up willingly to be checked. So he's completely aware that a laptop would be of interest to investigators.

Very interesting info, gm.
Very very interesting information, Indeed!
radar said:
$500 cell phone, speculation. Life insurance policy, sepculation.

You keep saying speculation yet you never divulge one iota of fact that would prove us wrong ! You seem to spew the same phrases over and over. Is there one scintilla of fact that you can state that would lead us in your direction ? One little thing ?
radar said:
$500 cell phone, speculation. Life insurance policy, sepculation.
..ok......i'll bite.......

..both of the above.........speculation......

...your theory.....raven's innocence:

...please give us some facts , or your spec, to back that up..............

( anything will do , he was at the soccer game until ??? who was there with him to confirm the game ??? he left at----------??? home life, in your opinion, was it a happy marriage ??? was he looking fwd. to another baby ???)

...radar............i don't know if you're a close friend of raven's, or not...........maybe......or maybe you're dropping in just "to stir things up'........
...i can tell you............those here..........truly CARE about what happened that night...........some knew janet...and some are just outright saddened, and are here to see justice done..........

..if you're a friend of raven's......then say god........this IS an anonymous board.....speak up for the guy......... have your "facts"....those here have theirs..........let's have an honest debate.....
GM, I just want to say that I think you're doing a great job on this forum. You've dedicated so much of yourself to this, and I personally find the information that you (and most others) post to be valuable. Even if they are just rumors or speculation, at least they are actual ideas that prompt discussion. Please ignore those on the forum that blab about Raven's innocence without offering anything to open discussions. For whatever reason, they're simply trying to get under our skin. Clearly they have no evidence to point us in another direction because after REPEATED requests for intelligent dialogue, none has been given. So either they've got nothing of any substance to say, they've been forced to keep quiet for fear of saying something incriminating, or they are trolls that know nothing about this case and find some degree of satisfaction in using a forum dedicated to the memory of a beautiful woman and an unborn child for their ugliness. From now on, I myself am going to skip right over those empty "Raven is innocent" posts because they're completely worthless in a discussion forum.
Thank you JG! Sometimes I'm just not sure to do with the information that people give me. I try to sort it out the best I can and share with ya'll. Most people who contact me are truly in such pain at the loss of Janet and want Justice for her, Kaiden and her baby so badly.

Just another Monday morning thought, if it was Raven that was murdered, do you think his family would be so quiet? Would they be outraged and demand justice for him? Or would they move on with their lives and hope this all goes away like their collective response to Janet's murder?
golfmom said:
Thank you JG! Sometimes I'm just not sure to do with the information that people give me. I try to sort it out the best I can and share with ya'll. Most people who contact me are truly in such pain at the loss of Janet and want Justice for her, Kaiden and her baby so badly.

Just another Monday morning thought, if it was Raven that was murdered, do you think his family would be so quiet? Would they be outraged and demand justice for him? Or would they move on with their lives and hope this all goes away like their collective response to Janet's murder?
That is an excellent question Golfmom. My guess is no, but I do believe that a Raven Abaroa Memorial Fund would have been established, although probably not as quickly.
The only time we've heard from them is asking for money. Since Janet would have Kaiden if raven was murdered, I don't see them talking at money to be made. Maybe this is just they way they "show" their love and support?:rolleyes:

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