Theories #1: What Happened to Jennifer Kesse?

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I'd never heard of the Richard Grissom case. So I looked it up. Yes, I can see this as a possibility that whoever abducted Jennifer used this same method. Only down side to the theory is that I can imagine the abductor doing it after midnight, say, maybe 2-4 AM, when they would know she was asleep. This is when similar cases have occurred, like the East Area Rapist. Between 10 and 11 PM is riskier. But then we don't know for sure that it could have occurred between 10 and 11.

I also wonder if the person responsible has committed rapes prior to this and was not caught. That night he took it much farther. I have to believe LE looked at any unsolved sexual assaults in the past and tried to find a pattern.

I have never heard about Richard grissom but maybe the same method were used here. Now about the time ,if 10-11 at night is risky,early morning around 700 am is even more risky. But it is all depend on the circumstances. If an abduction happened in the morning and it happanned to be there are no people at the area its not more risky than any other time.I think the abductor knew not many people lived in Jennifer's building. I don't know if jennifer was the only resident in her building and where the apt was located in the complex, if it was one of the back apts ,if it was overlooked the pool or the clubhouse..
I think while watching jennifer he knew not many people lived in her building.he saw how many cars parked every night in the building and so he knew building is mostly empty .In he knew if the nighbors are at home and when they come back.
I can't recall if Jennifer's neighbors, if she had any ,were at their house the night before or early morning.
I may be mistaken about the broken fence, but I seem to remember that the broken fence was near Jennifer's apartment....when I read this I thought that the POI could have possible parked his car or bicycle on the road that ran beside the Mosaic and perhaps stood there and watched Jennifer's windows to see when she turned her lights off...He could have been watching Jennifer from that broken fence for the two months that she lived at the Mosaic and got to observe her habits as to when she usually went to bed etc....I wonder if her bathroom had a window that could be seen from the broken fence that would have given the poi ideas as to when she may have showered as well?

Whatever, I still think that he would not have risked abducting Jennifer around 6:30-7:30 am , it would have just been too risky at that time of the morning with the workers staying at the Mosaic....This was too perfect of a crime I think for this to have been this POI's first abduction....too smooth and calculated...

I watch a lot of forensic and fbi many of the crime scenes look benign, no evidence of blood until they luminal the area and turn the lights off....then the area lights up like a Christmas tree....Who know's what kind of evidence might have been found in Jennifer's apartment if the first detectives had not been so self assured and cocky , dismissing the Kesse's , thinking that Jennifer and Rob had just had an argument and that she would soon return....What an injustice , they let Jennifer down and should be ashamed....
The kesse family went inside the apt also the office workers went to check on jennifer Looking back things would been done differently but the one to blame are law enforcement . The whole apt should have been treated as a crime scene. I watch a lot of forensic shows,the smallest things which seems insignificant later on helps solve the case. I Think law enforcement didnt do their job thinking jennifer is an adult and it is not an emergency situation and lot of time was lost until the case was taken seriously.The sad thing is who knows how many more lives he had taken in the 10 years snce the abduction.
we know Jennifer was very safe -conscious , she felt uncomfortable because of the workers and expressed her feelings.Being unaware of the effect her look has on people jennifer didnt keep low profile. She was a beautiful woman and she was not aware how much attention she attracts to herself.unfortunately she attracted the wrong attention.Once he spotted her he wouldnt let go.
Predatores are looking for young women and once they see an opportunity they hold on to it.

I have gone through missing women lists for the Orlando area a few years before 2006 and a few years after....just chose the one's who resembled Jennifer....everyone of the women that I read about, physical characteristics etc, you know what was common in every one of them? Tattoos ! I know that tattoo's are common but everyone of the women that I read about had a tattoo....Jennifer had a could be a clue if some or all of these tattoos were done by the same shop in or around Orlando....

On Dark Minds the murderer incarcerated on that show, forgot his name, said that whatever worked for the murderer in the beginning, he kept doing it murder after in where he dumps the victims, water, buries etc...

I have always thought that it would have been impossible for Jennifer not to have heard someone using a key to get into her apartment that night but since reading about one of Richard Grissoms victims who got away from him....she knows that she deadbolted her door before going to bed and checked all of her windows....she woke up when her bedroom light was turned on and saw Grissom standing in the doorway....That spooks me....If someone got into Jennifers apartment by using a key, undoubtedly she did not set her security alarm....

I realize that the Kesse's , friends and family contaminated Jennifer's apartment(any of us would have entered that apartment had that been our daughter) however, that is really no excuse made by law enforcement....they could have fingerprinted and gotten buccal swabs from all of the people that had been in Jennifer's would have been more work, but it could have been done....what if the apartment had been processed and they found enough DNA to determine
marable, you mentioned most of the missing women in Orlando had tattoos .that's a good point . It will be hard to follow on this lead.Most likely not all the victims got tattoos in the same place in Orlando... they could have got tatoos in different states... in different times in their lives... who knows when and where...
Now days most young people have tattoos.Some have only one tattoo ,some have many ,it's a common thing.
I think 10 ys ago it was the same.
Some of the comments mentioned in the video it looked like the poi has a tattoo on his neck .Let's say the poi tattoo looked like a scorpion so people will look for a person with tattoo with this praticular shape but what if he removed it and doesn't have it anymore...
Also many tattoos are temporary they last 2-3 weeks. Temporary tattoos are very common, people like to change tattoos . Now days it's a fashion thing.We don't know if the poi tattoo was temporary at that time he had one tattoo and today he has a different tattoo.
I first read about this case not too too long ago. It's puzzling. A few observations...

Regarding the POI, if filters are applied to the pic to add color - it's tough to tell if the colors are accurate but it seems to become clear that the POI's hair is a slightly lighter color than the hat/helmet. I presume this means that the POI has brown hair. POI appears to be wearing a watch on his right hand - which would be a little bit distinctive. I tend to think that the POI is wearing a bike helmet - aside from appearance, there appears to be something reflective underneath his right ear, which would be perfectly consistent with the strap from a bike helmet.

I know a prevailing theory is that Jennifer was abducted by a construction worker (or the equivalent) at her complex. I am (potentially falsely) under the impression that when an immediate neighbor/contactor/etc is the perp, that the crime often is a crime of convenience, the crime tends to happen inside the victim's residence, and the perp often feels no need to dispose of the body in part because he doesn't expect to come under suspicion. That would not appear to be a match for this case.

Regarding the time of abduction, what strikes me the most is that, from what I gather, every belonging that was missing was a belonging that Jennifer would have had on her when she left for work in the morning - and nothing else was missing. Is that incorrect? I agree that a daylight parking lot abduction is wholly illogical. But one possibility I haven't seen mentioned is that Jennifer could have willingly left her condo with the perp, under the pretense that one was giving the other a ride somewhere. In this scenario, the perp is known to Jennifer, spends the night at her residence, and has the opportunity to secretly tamper with her phone if not also her car.

But based on ping data and more Blink (on crime) seems under the impression that this was a night time abduction which hapeened away from her home. If so, why has the perp not abandoned her car before sunlight (or has he)? My best guess would involve hotel checkout time (at noon), but it seems pointless to speculate.

Regarding similar cases, I recently saw the Juli Busken case profiled on Forensic Files (Oklahoma, 1996). That case is best summarized here; perp is alleged to have abducted the victim outside her car at her apartment complex around 5:30 am. Perp is then alleged to have used the victim's vehicle to transport the victim to where her body was found, and he eventually abandoned the victim's vehicle at an apartment complex across the street from the victim's apartment complex.

In a likely coincidental twist, Jennifer disappeared on approximately the same exact day that jury selection was to begin in that trial. There is/was a man named Anthony Sanchez in jail for that crime, but if he could somehow have been framed or was an accomplice to the actual killer, there could be a far-fetched theory waiting to be explored.
"Jennifer could have willingly left her condo with the perp under the pretense that one was giving a ride somewhere " She was safety aware and this would make sense especially if that person appeared unable for some reason to drive home.

Jennifer's briefcase, snakeskin shoes(her favorite), keys, her cell and her brothers' friend's phone is missing....

I think that it is possible that Jennifer might have opened her door Monday night or Tuesday morning if she knew the person...I don't think that she would have opened her door to a stranger and I don't think that she would have left her apartment on Monday night to look for a place to mail her brothers' friend's phone as some have speculated....

I to believe that if the POI was a Mosaic worker that it would have been a crime of opportunity instead of the seemingly well planned out abduction....If it was a crime of opportunity then I think that Jennifer would have been left in her apartment....

To me, it just seems to well planned by someone who knew her, who planned to keep her for a few days or whatever before disposing of her either by trafficing her or murdering her....the car being taken , driven and returned to within I think a mile and a half of where Jennifer lived just seems so risky....who would risk being stopped driving a car belonging to a woman reported as missing?

You never know but it just seems to me , if she were abducted outside of her apartment there is a good chance that something belonging to Jennifer would have been found in the parking lot...I keep going back to the Jodi Huisentruit abduction, numerous things were found outside of her car belonging to her....Jennifer would have been carrying her briefcase, if she dropped it or through it would it have held up without bursting open...I cannot see an abductor running around gathering spilled contents from the parking area....

Then there is the question, why take the briefcase at all? Could the POI have been a coworker and knew that there was something in her briefcase that he needed or was there something in it that might implicate in some sort of scheme? Was it kept as a trophy?
IT IS QUIET POSSIBLE SOMEONE SHOWED AT JENNIFER'S DOOR AT NIGHT. He knew not to call her,the police can traced phone calles ,even if the number is blocked they can see which area it's pinged. I think it was someone JENNIFER knew,if it was a coworker maybe before she left to go home they talked , who knows about what maybe work related issues or not but he said to her something like this " I will be in your area tonight so maybe I will dropped by your house and I can show you these things... "
He made sure Jenniffer wouldn't be suprised when he showed up at her door. That's one reason I can think of why Jennifer would opened her door at night.
If it was a nighbor maybe he knocked on the door saying " do you have a car like this and this... someone just hit it by...or
I hit by mistake... " when she opened the door to go to check her car he pushed himself inside the apt gertting control of her. The fact that no one heard or knew what is coming is because this person is very cleaver. He planned it very carefully.
Since there was a meeting that Jennifer was to lead, perhaps a coworker called her up and said he needed to discuss whatever the topic was to be and could he come over for a few minutes....I to believe that this was carefully planned and I think the tipping point was the trip to St. Croix....Believe this coworker was boiling over with jealousy....He could have decided to confront Jennifer privately(I think that he had already confronted her at work on that Monday) at her home...perhaps he was so filled with rage that he thought "if he could not have her, no one else would". I think that this coworker was either hiding in her apartment before Jennifer arrived or he came to her door after she finished her call with Rob....
the police didn't traced any phone calls after Jennifer last call to Rob at
10 00 pm.
most likely he talked to her at work telling her maybe he will come to her house,he didn't promised he will come for sure, that way Jennifer will not mention it .
When Jennifer came home she was tired and didn't think twice about their conversation and she didn't mention it to anyone else.
Iam sure if he would tell her he will be at her house for sure and Jennifer agreed to meet with him that night, she will say to her family " ...jonny will be here at 1100 pm tonight ...
He is a smart man and he taught about all small details .

I have read, of course I have no idea what to believe but there was something about which phone that she talked to Rob on....She apparently had a land line in addition to her cell....
if jennifer got any phone calls after 10pm whether on her cell or on her home phone the police would know it. Even if the calls can't be traced the police can found out all outside calls.
I think the last phone call was made to Rob around 10:00 pm. No other call was made after talking to Rob. No other call was received after talking to Rob.
I think if it was a coworker he could have said to Jenifer they need to discuss some things ... jennifer just returned from vacation and needed to catch up with things at work He could have said to Jennifer something like this: " ...We will talk about things tomorrow before the meeting ..and there is a chance i will be close to where you live tonight so in case I will be in the area i will stop by your house"
He didn't tell her he would come for sure so she will not say to people " I am meeting with Johny tonight" but she will not be surprised when he showed up at her place.
Not sure if this has been touched on or not but the guy in the video seems to be wearing all white. Like a painter would wear. Having worked those kind of jobs before its likely these workers would have had access to a master key, especially if multiple units were under construction at once. I would say its likely that one of the labourers may have been responsible, especially given the fact that they were living on site during the renos. I would look at who would have had access to the master key, and therefore access to all the units. I sure hope law enforcement did some meticulous record taking and follow up on the labourers living and working there.
Not sure if this has been touched on or not but the guy in the video seems to be wearing all white. Like a painter would wear. Having worked those kind of jobs before its likely these workers would have had access to a master key, especially if multiple units were under construction at once. I would say its likely that one of the labourers may have been responsible, especially given the fact that they were living on site during the renos. I would look at who would have had access to the master key, and therefore access to all the units. I sure hope law enforcement did some meticulous record taking and follow up on the labourers living and working there.

The video is black and white there is no way to determine the color of person clothes
Interesting case. I doubt more than one person was involved. I doubt day laborers eager for work and money would commit such a crime under the circumstances (daylight, open area, witnesses). Which brings me to another doubt, there had to be witnesses. And since no one has come forward this crime did not happen at her apartment. I think she made it to work or near work. No phone activity, so I think the crime occurred in the parking lot at her job. Now who wanted her dead at work? Would this person have time to drive car back to the complex the car was discovered? She knew this person. This person must not have a record, he's is a cool fellow to hold on to this for so long.
I don't think it happened at work no coworkers saw Jennifer and her car that day. maybe it happened on her way to work where she stopped somewhere
Maybe so. But whoever did this crime, the person was a friend or an acquaintance. I say this because she never used her phone. No attempt to dial a number in distress. Why would someone surprise her and immediately subdue her and possibly kill her? No motive? Does it happen this way? I would think there was a confrontation with someone she knew and it got bad quick. What is so hard to understand is where this person took Jennifer. Maybe to his home and then dropped the car off? Would a stranger go through this much to hide a body? I think not. So if she knew this person, it is someone emotionally connected to her.
Didn't a family use her food stamp card after she went missing? Or am I mistaken?
Didn't a family use her food stamp card after she went missing? Or am I mistaken?

I don't think Jennifer Kesse had a food stamp card. She was a young single woman with a good paying job.
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