I agree with you on everything except that I believe that her coworker abducted her....he had motive(she rejected his advances) , opportunity(she probably left her condo keys at her desk while at meeting elsewhere in the building and he had a set made for himself and he had the means to do it(he was a supervisor and did not have to clock in and out).
I think that Jennifer was tired from her vacation, let her guard down , did not set her security alarm and he let himself into her apartment soon after she went to bed after talking to Rob around 10 pm....OR, he was hiding out in her apartment in a closet and waited for her to finish her phone calls that evening for fear that she would scream out his name while on the phone if he attacked while she was talking...
Jennifer was spooked living there, I don't think that the catcalls the Mosaic workers made while she walked by would be enough to make her nervous about living there, I believe that she sensed that someone was coming into her apartment and nosing around while she was not there...the coworker could have been coming into her apartment while she was at work, he would have noticed that she often had several outfits laid out on her bed, pj's and panties on the bathroom floor and put her wet towel on her washer or dryer to dry....
I also think that the abductor returned to her apartment and cleaned up and made sure that no evidence was found, I think that he is the one who showered in her shower as I do not think that her shower would have still been wet approximately 7 to 8 hours from the time she would have showered that morning and when the Kesse's arrived around 1 or 2 pm...
It sent chills down my spine when I read that Mrs. Kesse said that Jennifers apartment was "maid clean", her brother and a bunch of his friends stayed at that apartment for I think four days, I would think that they cleaned up, but I do not think that they would have cleaned well enough for it to be "maid clean." Also , she said that Jennifer's mail was "stacked neatly" on the counter....I think that she would have plopped that mail down without giving much thought to it being neatly stacked, she was tired...As per her father, Jennifer was a "car slob", my daughters are to and so are their homes.....I just believe if she kept an untidy car that her apartment probably was not pristine....
I think had she been abducted at her apartment or car that her briefcase would have been dropped or thrown and evidence of an assault would have been found in the parking lot...what abductor is going to pick up evidence thrown around during the abduction??
I agree, she was abducted during the night...