Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh? #4

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Tommy told Cobra Misty was partying with Joe for 3 weeks but tmk we don’t know what Misty was in the habit of doing with the children while Ronald was werking; did she take the children with her and leave them asleep in a vehicle, leave them home alone in front of the tv, take them into the party with her, leave them at relatives, or entertain at home? We know when Ronald wasn’t werking, Misty left the children with him when she partied with her friends.

I wonder if Junior has been asked these questions:

Where were you and sissy when the man in black took HaLeigh?

If Junior says a man in black carried HaLeigh out of her home, I would ask him if he saw the man come into the house, and if Misty let this person in or was she sleeping in the big bed?

What was HaLeigh doing when the man in black took her? Sleeping? Changing her clothes by the back door?

Can Junior recognize Misty’s cousin Joe?
Okay so why would gma and mother push for rc to marry the likely suspect? and maybe even supplied the ring...hmm.

The only answer is they wanted to make sure misty didn't press charges on stat rape. If he didn't marry her, she could have pursued with charges and WIN! Rc would be in prison for a very looooong time. A 25 yr old with an under 17 yr old is many, many years...also convicted SO for his record. TN and AS would not like that, so I suppose they would have done anything to keep him out of prison, include talking him into marriage. His lawyers may have also suggested it, as they thought it would help with keeping jr, ala, having a stable relationship and no threat of prison for rc.

Wonderful post. Which in my mind clears up any questions about why the two got hitched.
You forgot to add though, that mom and grandma also supplied such a heartwarming reason for the marriage - it's what Haleigh would have wanted. Remember that silly remark? jmo
I'm thinking of a different theory other than the mondex pond.I still think MC let the person or persons in the house.I believe little Jr's story.What ponds are around the trailer they lived at or not far from the area?Is there a pond near the rail road tracks? I have always thought Haleigh was put at the dumpster untill some could get a car.What if something of Haleighs or a bandage on Haleigh or something that came in contact with her was at the dumpster and not her.It would make sense.They came to party at Misty's house.Something happened to Haleigh.They then went to the pond or somewhere near there.Maybe that is why Haleighs clothes were still at the trailer.Unless she was in pajama's.

And yes Ms Suzanne, Misty mentions in the 911 call that Haleigh was last seen wearing pajamas. Great post
Bluesky...JR said Haleigh was taken and she was sleeping. He was asked if she woke up and he shook his head "NO".

.....according to the interview on geraldo...IIRC.
Bluesky...JR said Haleigh was taken and she was sleeping. He was asked if she woke up and he shook his head "NO".

.....according to the interview on geraldo...IIRC.
That's what I heard too and that Misty was there.I feel she let the person or persons in the house.Has anyone heard if Jr said MC was asleep.
Bluesky...JR said Haleigh was taken and she was sleeping. He was asked if she woke up and he shook his head "NO".

.....according to the interview on geraldo...IIRC.


that leads me to believe one thing only, that HaLeigh was most likely deceased when she was removed from the MH. JMO
Bluesky...JR said Haleigh was taken and she was sleeping. He was asked if she woke up and he shook his head "NO".

.....according to the interview on geraldo...IIRC.

In what position was HaLeigh sleeping? I believe any person who had to lift a limpless body from the floor would make a grunting noise and their bones may make loud cracks; and they may loose their balance while attempting to stand up. Realistically I think a person would sway and collapse over onto Misty's bed and wake her up. If HaLeigh was abducted, the abductor would have to have excellent balance and a fit body like Ron's, agile and slender, to keep themselves from falling and making noises which would alert Misty.
Bluesky...JR said Haleigh was taken and she was sleeping. He was asked if she woke up and he shook his head "NO".

.....according to the interview on geraldo...IIRC.

Thanks Whisp, I don’t put any stock in the answers Junior gave his mother because Crystal is not trained to work in this field and MO is a child psychologist or psychiatrist could get Junior to open up and reveal what he knows. If I was in Crystal’s shoes, why not consent to Junior undergoing hypnosis?
I strongly believe that Misty and her friends would have ceased breathing on February 9th -10th IF Ron C was not involved in Haleigh's disappearance...If he were innocent and even thought for a second she and any of her friends were involved and the reason for Haleigh's disappearance he would have wasted them before the police were ever called...No way would he have allowed any of them to continue to breathe...JMO

I agree with you Emeralgem. 911 would not have been called. Ron would have sought vengence immediately upon learning that Haleigh was harmed. The only way that I can explain Ron's actions (and those of his mother and grandmother) to myself is to believe that Ron is involved with whatever happened to Haleigh. IMO, there is no other explanation.
In what position was HaLeigh sleeping? I believe any person who had to lift a limpless body from the floor would make a grunting noise and their bones may make loud cracks; and they may loose their balance while attempting to stand up. Realistically I think a person would sway and collapse over onto Misty's bed and wake her up. If HaLeigh was abducted, the abductor would have to have excellent balance and a fit body like Ron's, agile and slender, to keep themselves from falling and making noises which would alert Misty.

The person who was "lifting" Haleigh would also be between the mattress on the floor and the queen bed. That would put that person almost in Misty's "sleeping" face trying to lift dead weight without making noise. The original story of Haleigh sleeping in the big bed with Misty and Jr. would have put the person leaning over Misty and probably jr and lifting Haleigh from the inside of the bed. I guess when Ron and party began to visualize that scenario, they realized that it would have been impossible thus, the mattress on the floor and a changed sleeping arrangement story was created.
I don't remember, but I don't believe the cadaver dogs were brought in immediately..
I suspect she was placed in or under that dumpster at some point that night but moved to another location before LE was ever called...I don't see how they could have moved her after LE showed up...JMO,2933,501724,00.html

Midway down the article, there is information that other dogs were used prior to this but this was the first time that cadaver dogs had been used near the dumpster.
The person who was "lifting" Haleigh would also be between the mattress on the floor and the queen bed. That would put that person almost in Misty's "sleeping" face trying to lift dead weight without making noise. The original story of Haleigh sleeping in the big bed with Misty and Jr. would have put the person leaning over Misty and probably jr and lifting Haleigh from the inside of the bed. I guess when Ron and party began to visualize that scenario, they realized that it would have been impossible thus, the mattress on the floor and a changed sleeping arrangement story was created.

The person would have to crouch down to the floor and remain on their feet while they scoop and lift HaLeigh who weighs 60 lbs off her mattress on the floor. I know I couldn't do it alone. Does it make sense what Junior said, "that she was asleep?" If HaLeigh was really asleep, wouldn't she awaken in the process of being lifted from the bed? Isn't a sleeping child harder to carry than an awake one because they can't hold onto the person carrying them?

Maybe Misty was only pretending to be asleep and she saw the abduction take place.
Jr, if he has followed a normal developing path. should be able to know what happened if he were awake and there when it happened.

I see no reason to believe Crystal's questions were not valid (I would do the same for sure). By the time she asked him on that video though, he could have merged his thoughts with other ideas brought to his attention. Nothing the therapist does now will fly with a Defense Attorney (if one of the family is involved) however.

I don't believe the sleeping arrangements or anything that misty says. The whole bunch of them have a problem communicating accurate facts. I don't think well trained cadaver dogs or scent trained dogs lie. A good point was made today why would the trail lead out the back door when it is never used, according to rc and misty. Apparantly it was used that day, and they are hoping to eliminate themselves as suspects by insisting THEY do not use it.
I think Ron Jr is suffering from a severe case of separation anxiety because his sister has been missing for a very long time now. Junior is very impressionable and his relationship with his sister has been stolen from him and his father, his idol, has not TMK promised to bring his sissy home to him. Perhaps HaLeigh will come home in God's time but in the meantime Jr needs to be loved and his father Ron needs to involve Junior in physical and educational programs where Jr can make new friends, learn age appropriate skills, and have fun. I wish Jr started a prekindergarten program the same time HaLeigh started school. I bet the days HaLeigh went to school were very difficult for Ronnie Jr and the most exciting part of Junior's day was when he saw his sister after school so it must be very difficult for Junior to be alone without companionship at his father's house. I hope Junior gets a real puppy for christmas this year.
Jr, if he has followed a normal developing path. should be able to know what happened if he were awake and there when it happened.

I see no reason to believe Crystal's questions were not valid (I would do the same for sure). By the time she asked him on that video though, he could have merged his thoughts with other ideas brought to his attention. Nothing the therapist does now will fly with a Defense Attorney (if one of the family is involved) however.

I don't believe the sleeping arrangements or anything that misty says. The whole bunch of them have a problem communicating accurate facts. I don't think well trained cadaver dogs or scent trained dogs lie. A good point was made today why would the trail lead out the back door when it is never used, according to rc and misty. Apparantly it was used that day, and they are hoping to eliminate themselves as suspects by insisting THEY do not use it.

Lets not forget that it's possible that someone from LE spoke with Jr. prior to Crystal & family arriving in Satsuma. I agree that a therapists' word/testimony,at this point, is of little use to the proscecution but if Jr. told LE something very early on, before Crystal & her family arrived, that would be a whole different story IMO.

Have you seen any signs of living creatures in the Cummings' households? The fish tank even looked like a fish could not survive with these people.

I don't think a puppy would fair very well in their environment. RC and shows no signs of responsible behavior. A puppy, while a precious and warm thought, in actuality, would not be good thing in that environment for it requires money for vet bills, warmth, love, secure place and attention. None of which rc can provide at this time.
I think Ron Jr is suffering from a severe case of separation anxiety because his sister has been missing for a very long time now. Junior is very impressionable and his relationship with his sister has been stolen from him and his father, his idol, has not TMK promised to bring his sissy home to him. Perhaps HaLeigh will come home in God's time but in the meantime Jr needs to be loved and his father Ron needs to involve Junior in physical and educational programs where Jr can make new friends, learn age appropriate skills, and have fun. I wish Jr started a prekindergarten program the same time HaLeigh started school. I bet the days HaLeigh went to school were very difficult for Ronnie Jr and the most exciting part of Junior's day was when he saw his sister after school so it must be very difficult for Junior to be alone without companionship at his father's house. I hope Junior gets a real puppy for christmas this year.

Have you seen any signs of living creatures in the Cummings' households? The fish tank even looked like a fish could not survive with these people.

I don't think a puppy would fair very well in their environment. RC and shows no signs of responsible behavior. A puppy, while a precious and warm thought, in actuality, would not be good thing in that environment for it requires money for vet bills, warmth, love, secure place and attention. None of which rc can provide at this time.

I hope Jr can receive all the stability, security, support, attention and counsel he deserves. I pray Jr. can just be a carefree little boy this Christmas. :prayer:

Have you seen any signs of living creatures in the Cummings' households? The fish tank even looked like a fish could not survive with these people.

I don't think a puppy would fair very well in their environment. RC and shows no signs of responsible behavior. A puppy, while a precious and warm thought, in actuality, would not be good thing in that environment for it requires money for vet bills, warmth, love, secure place and attention. None of which rc can provide at this time.

What about plants?


Ron doesn't have kindness and empathy in his heart for his own child in my opinion, much less an innocent puppy.

Although we all care about Butterbean we have to realize that his chances of growing up to be a kind, caring man are very slim. The odds are against it. The cruelty he is experiencing now , and yes it is cruelty to deny him creative, appropriate time with other children his age, will forever color his lonely world. His only figure of authority is that immature, cruel, gangsta father, Ron. JMO
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