Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh ? #5

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I'm aware DFS was involved in this instances however Ron said he was going to jail if HaLeigh missed anymore school and his comment concerns me if it's true. I don't believe the school was threatening to send Ron to jail over HaLeigh's attendance at school. Has anyone heard of a parent being sent to jail because their children missed too much school? Even if this law is in effect, I think the school would offer workable solutions and Ron misunderstood them.

I suppose Crystal didn't ask Ron to explain what he meant when she told him she wanted to take HaLeigh out of school early. If he felt this way days before HaLeigh went missing, I am afraid Ron might have made his daughter disappear to get them off his back especially if he was dealing drugs.

Hi Bluesky#1 :)

The link to the article i am posting is in Orange County Florida. I can't seem to find any law links to back me up, but in Broward County (which is one county North of Miami-Dade) they are doing this as well.

There are also laws that when a teenager drops out of school, before of legal age, The FL DMV can either revoke the D/L of the teen or IF the teen drops out prior to getting a D/L the DMV can choose not to issue a license at all until the teens have turned of legal age.... personally, i think it is great.
The thread I was going to put this in is closed, so I'm putting it here (move if need be).

According to Art:
Then, Misty related, Ronald Cummings mother, offered to pay her. “She told me, ‘Teresa (Neves) said, ‘I’ll pay you to watch ‘em.’ But I told her, ‘No, you don’t have to pay me, I’ll watch ‘em.’ Remember that weekend, she and Ronald were fighting after she came back, so she told his mother, ‘No, I’ll go home and watch ‘em if it’s okay with Ronald.’”

My question is if she was supposedly home talking to RC all night etc etc, where was she that she needed to go home and watch the kids? (and didn't they discuss this before he went to work since she was supposedly there?) It's hard to be home and somewhere else at the same time. These stories seem to conflict IMO.

Just wanted to add...why in the h*ll did they leave the children with Misty??? Why??? I blame Ron first and then his mother and GGMS. If they knew Misty in the past left the children alone, was fight with Ron over the weekend and on a drug binge, why for heavens sake did they allow the children to stay with Misty? And if they didn't, then who the heck did? I wonder if TN and GGMS ever mention this to LE? I know Misty lies a allot, but I would believe her not wanting to babysit. What 17 yr would, especially after the 4 day parting? Makes no sense and I hope they all get charged with child endangerment for Haleigh and Jr. And to think DFS dropped all of there investigations against Ron..WTH is wrong in that county? Sorry had to vent! :furious:
Just wanted to add...why in the h*ll did they leave the children with Misty??? Why??? I blame Ron first and then his mother and GGMS. If they knew Misty in the past left the children alone, was fight with Ron over the weekend and on a drug binge, why for heavens sake did they allow the children to stay with Misty? And if they didn't, then who the heck did? I wonder if TN and GGMS ever mention this to LE? I know Misty lies a allot, but I would believe her not wanting to babysit. What 17 yr would, especially after the 4 day parting? Makes no sense and I hope they all get charged with child endangerment for Haleigh and Jr. And to think DFS dropped all of there investigations against Ron..WTH is wrong in that county? Sorry had to vent! :furious:

ITA MAD!!! (no pun

IIRC, the old man that LC and TC robbed (the stolen gun and some checks, i believe) made a statement that Misty said that she is tired of watching other people's children. not sure if this is factual or not, but it was in the same time frame that Misty asked him to pray for her....

I agree with Ron being the first to blame. They are his children and he wanted custody of them (or at least that is what everyone is lead to believe, anymore, i think TN and GGM wanted Ron to have custody of the children, and they were the ones who put it in his head to file, i betcha) Ron is an adult that won custody of his children, it should have been HIS responsibility to make sure those children were cared for properly. When he wasn't able to contact Misty, he should have left work and went and checked on his responsibilty. He may have had to take the rest of the night off, but so be it. I would easily give up a days pay to ensure the safety of my children. shoot, i would give up a years salary to ensure the safety of my child.

For all we know, Ron could have left work, after calling Misty 20 some odd times, and went home, fight happened, HaLeigh now gone.... I want to see the ping TIMES, when was the last ping from Ron's cell?

I do blame TN and GGM as well. Especially if TN had contact with Misty regarding the children and watching them. If she said she was too tired, then an adult should have been over there to get the children, IMO, regardless.

this is all JMO :)
The problem with that is it wasn't the media reporting it wrong. Watch some of those early videos with TN - she speaks for herself. She clearly says there was a fight over the gun. No blaming the media for what she says.

Good Morning! I apologize for the length of my post in advance but I really want the facts to be presented about the fight over the gun. I feel guns and the fight and Joe and Tommy are very important in this case. I have pages of notes and links but these are just a few, hope you care enough to read! : ))

Cousin first reported on, 2/18/09 same day that we heard about the Knoxville sighting at Carabba’s.

snip~Sources close to the investigation also confirmed Thursday that Croslin's cousin visited from Tennessee and left the same morning Haleigh disappeared. ~ end

6:30 pm 2/18 FCN ran the below article. “family member spoke about stolen gun, no mention of which family member and authorities would not confirm.

snip~ A relative told First Coast News Cummings accused the other man of stealing a gun. The relative could not remember the name of the man or where the fight happened.

The relative said the man disappeared the next day and the gun was found in a ditch.
No word on the type of gun, but on the night Haleigh disappeared, Cummings told responding deputies he had a 9 mm Beretta handgun and would kill the person who had taken his child. ~ end

On 2/19/09 Family( Teresa and Ronald) talk to the media and reiterate there was no fight over a gun.
At 3:33 Ronald states no fight over a gun with cousin.

at above link is a press conference ( same day) where we hear S Hardy discuss the cousin beginning at 2:39. At 4:08 Hardy states cousins timeline under investigation. At 4:49 Hardy is directly asked about the fight between RC on night before Haleigh went missing, Hardy will not confirm or talk about that because it is directly related to investigation.

Lastly, Teresa herself interviewed by Nancy Grace on February 20th answered the question about the fight over the gun for the first time, and quite clearly in my opinion.


Snip~GRACE: Back to Teresa, the grandmother of little Haleigh. What have you heard about an alleged argument regarding a gun? That gun later found in the ditch?

TERESA NEVES, GRANDMOTHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD, HALEIGH CUMMINGS: There was a gun that was found in the ditch. There was no fight. The gun incident was two weeks before Haleigh`s disappearance. ~ end
Thank you for that article but it does not state that Teresa N said there was a fight over a gun. I read it a few times, maybe I am missing the words. Fox News was reporting on the cousin and the alleged fight. What TN stated was that she knows nothing about the cousin except that he was a described as a jerk and she had no idea if he was a pedophile or not.

The media has reported falsely and inaccurately on this case since just about day 1, I believe it stems from the investigators being so tight lipped with the information they were willing to confirm. The whole point of dismissing the fight, or not dismissing the fight, by LE would determine whether or not the public believed the "pedophile, jerk", cousin "stole Haleigh. I don't think investigators were prepared to allow the public to draw that conclusion and rightly so. Everyone should have been looking for Haleigh.
You'll find my snipped comment in the 8th paragraph of the article. It's a couple of paragraphs under TN's description of the cousin being a "jerk."
Thank you for that article but it does not state that Teresa N said there was a fight over a gun. I read it a few times, maybe I am missing the words. Fox News was reporting on the cousin and the alleged fight. What TN stated was that she knows nothing about the cousin except that he was a described as a jerk and she had no idea if he was a pedophile or not.

The media has reported falsely and inaccurately on this case since just about day 1, I believe it stems from the investigators being so tight lipped with the information they were willing to confirm. The whole point of dismissing the fight, or not dismissing the fight, by LE would determine whether or not the public believed the "pedophile, jerk", cousin "stole Haleigh. I don't think investigators were prepared to allow the public to draw that conclusion and rightly so. Everyone should have been looking for Haleigh.

Did you read this?

Neves said "Joe" and Ronald Cummings got into a fight over a gun during his visit, and that the cousin left town the same day Haleigh disappeared.
The mixture of a drugged up teenager babysitter who didn't want to babysit,
just wanted to sleep..........probably did.........
did Haleigh find dad's stash? his gun?
A little kid playing around finds a loaded gun and accidently shoots herself???
a father with guns, temper, fights, drugs, booze,
grandma's that didn't seem to care and looked the other way,
the friends, characters and relatives around the children,
Everyone is guilty for leaving both children down!
Poor "HALEIGH" missing is all their faults!
IMO, TN and GGS know allot more than they will ever say unless arrested!!
I think this happened to Haleigh one to many times.

Sheffield also said she was told by her cousin of an incident where Cummings apparently hit Haleigh after the child bumped into him or smarted off to him.

"She said he just backhanded her. And she fell flat on her face on the porch," Sheffield said.,2933,498704,00.html
Did you read this?

Neves said "Joe" and Ronald Cummings got into a fight over a gun during his visit, and that the cousin left town the same day Haleigh disappeared.

yes, I read that a while back..........ALLOT happened the day of Haleigh disappearing!
I don't know how any child could survive in all that mess within 48 hours!
I need to write it all down, time wise.
HALEIGH never had a chanse and they all know what happened!
I can't believe the neighbors never knew all this was happening.
Honestly, I really think with the drug action, fights, in and out people,
and LINDSY has to know everything..........IMO
Did you read this?

Neves said "Joe" and Ronald Cummings got into a fight over a gun during his visit, and that the cousin left town the same day Haleigh disappeared.

Hi there. Yes, I did read that. But it doesn't appear to be a direct quote from TN, rather a conclusion drawn by Fox News . I posted direct quotes from Ronald, Teresa, S Hardy and also in one of the stories Crystal also said she heard what the media was saying about the rumor about the gun story but didn't know if it was true. It is my opinion there was no fight about the gun. Meaning, argument or physical altercation between RC and JO. I 100% believe Hank jr, Timmy and Joe O were at Haleigh's home approximately two weeks before Haleigh went missing and a RC had a gun stolen. I just can't be sure( after learning about all of Tommy's alleged thievery) that it was indeed cousin Joe that stole the gun. I truly don't believe there was a argument or physical altercation, but that is just my opinion and we can agree to disagree on the gun subject.:truce:
I don't think the gun was stolen or involved in an argument so to speak. I think the gun was used in a crime and hence the need to make it appear Joe had it. Just another attempted cover up that Ron and Teresa failed to get straight before mentioning. IMO.
Hopefully someday soon we might get the answers.

Sorry about the lag, I am painting a bench today and I should have wore some gloves.
Here's Teresa denying that there was a fight.

GRACE: Well, what do you know about an alleged argument that was had that evening?

SHEFFIELD: I`ve heard about it. I don`t know if it`s true.

GRACE: Back to Teresa, the grandmother of little Haleigh. What have you heard about an alleged argument regarding a gun? That gun later found in the ditch?

TERESA NEVES, GRANDMOTHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD, HALEIGH CUMMINGS: There was a gun that was found in the ditch. There was no fight. The gun incident was two weeks before Haleigh`s disappearance.

GRACE: And to Crystal Cummings, the aunt of Haleigh. Miss Cummings, what, if anything, do you know about this mystery figure, this cousin Joe, that apparently disappeared from town around the time Haleigh went missing?

CRYSTAL CUMMINGS, PATERNAL AUNT OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I only know what Misty has told me. I don`t know -- I just found out his name by the media because, obviously, we get a lot of our information from the media. So I know of that by that. I have no idea what he looks like or anything. I mean, I don`t know much of him.

Mind you, I find it very odd that Crystal C would have to watch Nancy Grace or Fox to find out the name of Misty's cousin. They had spent days camping together, didn't the family talk about anything?
Just wanted to add...why in the h*ll did they leave the children with Misty??? Why??? I blame Ron first and then his mother and GGMS. If they knew Misty in the past left the children alone, was fight with Ron over the weekend and on a drug binge, why for heavens sake did they allow the children to stay with Misty? And if they didn't, then who the heck did? I wonder if TN and GGMS ever mention this to LE? I know Misty lies a allot, but I would believe her not wanting to babysit. What 17 yr would, especially after the 4 day parting? Makes no sense and I hope they all get charged with child endangerment for Haleigh and Jr. And to think DFS dropped all of there investigations against Ron..WTH is wrong in that county? Sorry had to vent! :furious:

Hey Mad! I just had a thought:

What if TN or GMS DID watch Haleigh and Junior that evening and something happened to Haleigh on their watch? Maybe that's why they did not find a "crime scene" at the mh. Just thinking out loud
Hi Whisperer,

Crystal Sheffield said Ron told her he would go to prison if slipped up and HaLeigh missed any more school time around the time HaLeigh disappeared.
Was the school at the end of their rope with Ron regarding his daughter's attendance in Feb 09? DFS would be talking to Ron if the school had concerns with HaLeigh's attendance wouldn't they?

I think the school and information regarding this situation is part of the "ocean" as concerned papa put it recently-that what we know is a drop, what some close to the case know is a river, and what LE knows is an ocean
Hey Mad! I just had a thought:

What if TN or GMS DID watch Haleigh and Junior that evening and something happened to Haleigh on their watch? Maybe that's why they did not find a "crime scene" at the mh. Just thinking out loud

I think if this had happened Misty would have given them up a long time ago. This has to do with Misty and Ron in my opinion.
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