Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #1

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Just got finish briefly watching OTR show 8/6/08 with Mark Furhman

I also feel that the shed was broken into on June 17th. George tells Greta he believes the last time he was in the shed was Sunday which would be June 22nd, but I think he was last in the shed on June 15th, Father's Day, while Cindy and Caylee were at the nursing home.

I still hear Casey's words "She is close to home".

I so want LE to break through that concrete and take a better look.

Yea I agree they don't really know when the shed robbery thing actually happened. But, I guess it was sometime between the times that george cuts the grass. He made it sound like he wasn't sure. That shed is over to the side of the house, out of normal site where one would notice when they go out to back yard.

Also, do we know for sure it was "poured" concrete or was it a matter of putting down pavers, similar to what they have near the back door?
Here's some pure speculation on what happened to Caylee while in the "care" of her mother.

6/15 - Casey and parents not getting along- Father's Day wkd- Casey feeling extra familial pressure, fights w/mom and decides to punish her by taking Caylee and staying elsewhere.

6/16- around 1pm Caylee is last seen leaving w/Casey both have backpacks and Casey says will be home very late if at all.

-Casey comes back over when parents are at work (sometime after 2:30pm) retrieves Xanax from stash or does anyone in home have prescription?
-Casey drugs the child as she's done before but this time gives her too much and Caylee throws up/has seizures/get violently ill?
-Casey panics and makes flurry of phone calls trying to call mom and dad at various numbers each 6 times along w/2 calls to unknown?
-Casey can't get in touch with anyone, doesn't get proper help and Caylee stops breathing.
-I think she wrapped Caylee up in blankets and trash bags and put her in the trunk.
-maybe put the ladder there- thinking I'll put her in the water and say that's what happened- decides against that- can't even accept that responsibility.

She rationalizes it -oops accident- they really should have answered my calls! This allows her to compartmentalize and not blame herself- she just needs to get rid of the problem. She begins to spin elaborate story to explain Caylee's disappearance. Her parents are kept at bay by aggravation story- they are used to her using this child as a pawn.

6/17- goes to Sawgrass apts as Zanny. I think Zanny may be a recurring character that Casey invented when she drugged the child -giving her Xanax and saying she's with Zanny the nanny so she could go out and party. People often give their drug of choice a "name" so they can talk about it safely.

-plans to somehow open a window so she can return later and hide the child in the empty apt - police would think Zanny had access to the child and this apt- Casey could say- damn that nanny!
-She may have done this before as an empty apartment would be a "child proof" place to leave sleeping child who's been drugged.
-something didn't work out- unable to leave an opening or she changed her mind.

6/18- goes home, backing into the driveway and borrows the neighbors shovel.

-plans to bury the child under the playhouse but digging is tough, she's worried about parents coming home or she just changes her mind.
-flurry of phone calls could be to parents- trying to find there whereabouts and make sure they're not coming home?
-not sure of the timing of these calls- if they're later she could have been trying to solicit help- trying to figure out alternative place for the body.

Was plan b to dispose of Caylee where she wouldn't be found- perhaps in the water and then leave her car somewhere w/purse in it and torch it? Hoping people would assume they both died and Casey could disappear with the money she'd been stealing.
If someone runs out of gas why would they take both gas cans? One is enough to get gas until you can get to a gas station.

7/3- Cindy despairs- writing of her frustration at not seeing Caylee- blaming daughter's betrayal and jealousy

Finally she crosses someone who doesn't let her get away w/it - Amy tells her mom about stolen money and where to locate Casey.

7/15- Cindy has been kept away from Caylee for a month and she's had enough- calls 911.

-Casey still tries to delay- telling her mom- she's w/the sitter I'll take you to her in the morning.
-Casey takes a deep breath and tries to spin and stick to her story.

She has been able to get away w/outrageous lies before -thus leading the cops around Universal before willing to let even that one go.

I think police have filed just enough charges to keep her off the streets and she may be cracking. Maybe she told her attorney's not to let family come for visit bc things they say could be "dangerous" - its getting harder to lie to parents bc you can hear it in Cindy's reassurances --"I believe Caylee is still alive bc there's no way Casey would put us through this" - I'm sorry but I think she would and is putting everyone through this charade.

I tried to make this one short because I went on forever on my blog but I'm slightly obsessed and just trying to put it all together!
Yea I agree they don't really know when the shed robbery thing actually happened. But, I guess it was sometime between the times that george cuts the grass. He made it sound like he wasn't sure. That shed is over to the side of the house, out of normal site where one would notice when they go out to back yard.

Also, do we know for sure it was "poured" concrete or was it a matter of putting down pavers, similar to what they have near the back door?

I heard pavers via LE, but someone called in a tip regarding pouring concrete.
For what it's worth, in last nites chat with Marc Klaas one of our poster's asked him if he thought Caylee was dead.

He said Yes. Why, because of the cadaver dogs hitting on the trunk of the car.

Ok - here we go

Caylee is alive and well and living in Puerto Rico with her bio father - Ricardo! Amy and Ricardo took her to PR -
Problem is they still have a murder - there was still a body in Casey's trunk and this body is still missing.

I like it! Maybe Amy and Ricardo took her because of the murder? Maybe Ricardo knows something about that body in the car - so he is staying safe in PR with Caylee.

Interesting. I agree about the LE observations. I thought it was highly unusual and suspicious that LE did an about face and said to still look for Caylee alive after all the hype they have given us about her being dead. Also, I am very surprised at the amount of information that has been made public.

Ok - here we go

Caylee is alive and well and living in Puerto Rico with her bio father - Ricardo! Amy and Ricardo took her to PR - it was ok with Casey as they just passed it off as a vaca. But- Ricardo had real suspicions that she was his. As far as we know, only Amy came back. But no one can tell me if he did. Ricardo has had enough time to do a paternity test - of course it came back that she is his.

The FBI has the resources we know that. I 'm willing to bet they have already checked this all out and even have Caylee on video in PR with daddy. They showed all this to Cindy and George on Wed - in that 6 hour meeting - the video, the paternity test - everything. Being its her father and this media circus they have - its safer right now to leave her there because. . . . .

Problem is they still have a murder - there was still a body in Casey's trunk and this body is still missing. Now the FBI doesn't get involved in "local" crime so its up to the OC sheriff to solve that one - hence the meeting with OC on Friday. Casey is still "in trouble" as this "body " was in her trunk.

With all these "players" involved and the party /drug crowd she runs with - they just can't come out and say "WE FOUND HER" without jeopardizing this other murder investigation - so they have told Cindy and George that Caylee is fine - even showed them videos - BUT - your daughter is still in trouble. Once we solve (or at least get to the bottom of this other, local investigation) we will not make a statement. If you (Cindy or George) go public - well then - GAME OVER and we charge Casey with murder (of whoever).

This explains Cindy and, especially George tonight saying Caylee is alive and well. It puts up a ruse to the public (and whoever else is involved in the "murder") that it is still all about looking for Caylee and solving HER murder. I think there are searches being done - but not for a little girls body.

I know this could be way off base - but look at how LE is handling this case. I have followed a LOT of cases and have NEVER seen LE behave this way. I don't put much credence into how the family acts - no one knows how they will act when faced with this type of situation. But - LE - this is what they do and especially the FBI - I have a HUGE respect for them and they know their "****". They have already solved that Rockefeller case - only took them a matter of days.

Only time will tell us the truth - its in those forensics. Once they come back - and I believe they do have at least preliminary ones which may already prove its NOT Caylee. I could be wrong - but if I'm wrong then that little angel is gone and I don't want to see that.

Casey is showing no emotion - because she knows Caylee is not dead - I mean even Susan Smith was snottin' and crying about her boys - until she cracked and it only took 9 days. Casey is a nut job - but she was still a mother. She is just ashamed that she had one put over on her and now "daddy" has her - Amy could have told her the jigs up when she got back. But she is still involved in some type of murder - or at least a cover up.

Crazy? What do you think?

Well, that would explain the lack of tears from everyone and Lee's smiles and Casey's look of lack of concern. I hope you are right.
Casey is showing no emotion - because she knows Caylee is not dead - I mean even Susan Smith was snottin' and crying about her boys - until she cracked and it only took 9 days.
Crazy? What do you think?

Susan Smith's "emotion" was faked. When the TV interview was broadcast, I took one look at her and told my husband,:liar: "she's lying, those are crocodile tears"! :boohoo::boohoo::boohoo:Turns out I was right. She was soooo phony!
I doubt they did either. But looking at the financial problems in the family, I am willing to bet that something transpired prior to her leaving that had something to do with them telling her that they couldn't afford to take care of her anymore. She was trying to hold on to Tony for dear life so she could live there and continue the life she had (not working and partying).

Something else that strikes me...Cindy seemed to be the mother figure and Casey seemed to be more like the sister to Caylee (Cindy has stated that she took care of her, fed her, clothed her, etc.) She may have planned on taking her kid over to Tony's so she could mooch for her kid too. Casey probably had no clue how to take care of a kid since her mom had been doing it for 2 yrs. She probably lost her temper with Caylee.

Too bad Casey didn't just let her mother adopt Caylee, since she obviously didn't want to be a mother to her. Young mothers like her think babies are Barbie dolls who can be put back on the shelf when you're tired of playing with them.:furious: I'm tired of posters bashing Cindy for being over-bearing. There is no proof of that. With a daughter like Casey, can you blame her??? I can't. Casey was an irresponsible "mother". I could blame Cindy for being an enabler to Casey, but over-bearing? NO!:twocents:
I do not believe Caylee is alive. Those cadaver dogs 'hit' on the trunk of that car for a reason. They are highly trained animals, with no agenda other than to work as trained and get the job done.

So, with that said, Caylee, IMHO, is dead and has been the entire time she's been "missing."

Mother is responsible for her death, though I don't know if it was 'murder' or 'manslaughter,' intentional or unintentional, but I believe her mother killed her or caused her death.

As for the family, who knows. The grandmother is histrionic and I think she either knows or believes deep/deep/deep down that her granddaughter is dead, but she's continuing with the ruse to try and protect her daughter. Her lashing out at the media is one indication. She's doing the proverbial 'bite the hand that feeds you' dance, which to me indicates 2 parts deception mixed with 1 part pure whackadoo. Shaken, then stirred.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

Bingo!:clap: There's a theory, I think it's Occam's Razor that says that the simplest explanation is usually the closest, in other words if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's a duck! People are coming up with convoluted scenarios to explain why another dead person could be in the trunk rather than Caylee. Although noone wants Caylee to be dead, she is missing, and she is the most obvious and logical choice to be the cadaver in the trunk.
Has anyone checked the weather for June 16-18th? It was cool around 71 degress and raining and cloudy with thunderstorms, no hot cars or swimming in pools...
With the report of all the phone calls Casey made on the 16th, there's been a lot of speculation about something could have happened to Caylee then and she was calling her parents for help, but what if Casey was trying to get ahold of her parents for some other reason, they were mad at her and not taking her calls. This infuriating Casey!!!! She could have gotten into a terrible rage and was alone with Caylee. I'm sure the investigators know by now what cell towers those calls bounced off of so they'd be able to know if she was at home or not.

Has anyone checked the weather for June 16-18th? It was cool around 71 degress and raining and cloudy with thunderstorms, no hot cars or swimming in pools...

From Orlando June 16, 91 for the high 82 for the low. And it probably rained sometime during the day (that's the usual weather pattern here)
Just wondering about :

1. Per the cadaver dogs hitting on the backyard, and the body maybe being somebody else besides Caylee, wouldn't someone else in the party crowd be missing?

2. If Caylee is in PR, how did she get there? Wouldn't she need an id or something? I think you don't need a passport, but don't you need a Visa these days for PR and Canada , even for a child? I just can't see anyone using a private plane here.
With the report of all the phone calls Casey made on the 16th, there's been a lot of speculation about something could have happened to Caylee then and she was calling her parents for help, but what if Casey was trying to get ahold of her parents for some other reason, they were mad at her and not taking her calls. This infuriating Casey!!!! She could have gotten into a terrible rage and was alone with Caylee. I'm sure the investigators know by now what cell towers those calls bounced off of so they'd be able to know if she was at home or not.


I was just beginning to wonder that. What if Casey ran into somebody she owed money to. I had a drug user roommate in college and once a person she owed money to came to the door and to be honest, it was pretty scarey.
What if she began calling people to borrow the money from them and then something happened to Caylee? Thats why she can't tell.

Maybe LE really do know the whole story , we just don't get to hear it.

On the flip side, ... her careless laughing and attitude when her friend was crying really causes me to distrust her.

The only thing I do know for sure is that little Baby needs to be found.
Lee Anthony says some of the names called on June 16/17
were "quite interesting" :confused:
I believe the theory that was leaked to WFTV on Friday is probably what happened to Caylee.

Either she drowned accidentally or her mother left the pool ladder up and let the child into the pool & turned away while she drowned. I'm not convinced it was an accident based on Casey's behavior since June 16th. I believe this creature is capable of intentionally killing Caylee.

I don't think anyone in the family knows for sure what happened but I do think LE has been preparing them for what is coming next. The DNA results will be in soon and if that is Caylee's DNA in the trunk of that car; then George, Cindy and Lee will have to face the unthinkable: Caylee is dead and Casey is responsible for what happened to her.

I don't think Casey will ever admit to what happened; I think she's stupid enough to believe if she doesn't talk eventually they will have to let her go. I think she's stupid enough to believe they will need a body to convict her. The bottom line is I think she is stupid and stupid people are not good at covering their tracks. LE is building the case against her and if it is 1st degree murder; well let's make sure we have enough for the DP.

I feel so bad for George, Cindy and Lee. No one wants to believe their child is capable of such a horrible thing but in the next few weeks I am afraid they will have to face it: they raised a murderer who committed the worst crime of all; the murder of a child.

PS - Winter Park is a mostly affluent town right next to Orlando. Older homes, tree lines streets. Very fancy for the most part. Grandma's house is smack in the middle of Winter Park; where they have signs up that say "Drive with extraordinary care". I spent a good part of my life in WP and there are a lot of spoiled rich kids in that town (I used to be one of them).
Hey everyone! All of these theories are likely. I have been following this case but havent yet posted because I don't want to come off in a bad way or anything. I do, however, feel deep downinside that both the Cindy and Casey...knew at the time or very shortly after that the child was dead. Casey is the one I believe to have actual harmed Caylee, but from all I have seen about the case I do believe very strongly that Cindy knew right after and has been covering up for her immature, young, naive daughter since. They, IMO, should both be prosecuted...for the cover up and neglect as well as messing with the evidence in the case..and Casey well she prosecuted (which I believe she is being?) for the act against her daughter. I know we all want to hope that Caylee is still with us but All evidence points to her death, horrible as it may seem, another mother has hurt her poor innocent child by an act or anger and selfishness...and many of us here can't imagine hurting our own children or any child for that matter, which i think is why we want the hope that many are still trying to have..but the facts point to theis conclusion (IMO) Sweet adorable Caylee has joined many others who have gone this way with our lord....
I think it is plain and simple. GM Cindy has always known Casey was a lying, stealing, out for herself, fair weather daughter. GM Cindy always told Casey that she could take better care of Caylee and made a beautiful space for both of them .....saw the Greta interview last night and the tour of the house....Cindy was still displaying for the world her home and how it constituted what a great GM she was. Fights insued around the end of June, Casey taking Caylee away from Mom because THAT is the ONLY way she could get at her Mom.......both of these women are cut from the same cloth, imho. So angry that she did this to herself and could not take Caylee home to her Mom's again to babysit when she wanted to go out, she left her in the car tooooo long. Realized her tragedy, tried to right it by "planting" her close to home when parents weren't home so it made it look like the Mom might have something to do with it. Realized again, NOT a good plan put baby back in trunk, where decomp was setting in, hence the smell, hence the hit by cadaver dogs. Abandoned car to entrap the unlucky soul who chose to steal it.....alas no takers. She couldn't play the Susan Smith ticket that someone stole her daughter from her. Don't know what she did with Caylee but she is dead as Casey states to Lee she "can feel she is close by" .....Casey's angel that is looking now over her shoulder. *when someone dies they are close to your head, heavy in your heart, you memorialize them or your freedom from them, hence the tatoo.* A true Narcissistic Sociopath, Casey figures they will have no case because she has thrown so many smoke screens and is having the Family do the same that the LE will NEVER figure it out. She thinks she is outsmarting them. Caylee WILL be found....she will come back to us and let us know what happened to her. It will all unravel in time and that is why I sit here glued to WS's board and all the talking heads on TV and await that moment. Again, as I stated before in another thread, there are no tears for Caylee, they family knows she is gone and is trying to save one of their own which is in essence trying to save themselves. Prayers for the LE as they wade through the MUCK of this family. Caylee's tears will wash the lies away.
I believe Casey killed Caylee

but little theories keep popping into my head - perhaps in an attempt to believe Caylee isn't really dead - cause that's just too sad.

What if all of that money she took from her mom's bank acct., her friend Amy's cash and the money she got wiping out Amy's account (probably at the place she abandoned the car - the check cashing place) what if she needed that money to pay someone to HOLD Caylee for awhile. It would seem that she could have planned all of this ahead to punish her mom. If you believe the speech reversal stuff....and how her speech in reverse...says "boys did this" and says that they are "scared even though they are not guilty....etc.etc" for yourself on I mean THAT would explain her not being scared - and being able to happily dance at clubs, etc. otherwise, I just don't see how to explain a mother not upset.

anyway...I don't believe my own theory there, but it is one more thing to consider in the realm of unlikely...
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