Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #3

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I probably have no business here because I dont have a theory. flat out I have no idea what happened. I think we will never know what happened.

Even now I am mentally on the fence accident/murder on the basis on the info that has been released. I believe she killed her deliberately due to her actions, reactions, and lack thereof. but I dont know.

big thing in my head FOR accident: it seems the most likely time this occured was between 3 and 5 in the afternoon. seriously, do people PLOT having a normal day at home with their toddler, murder them at 4 pm, and go about the rest of the day like nothing happened?

big thing for murder: who loses their child in a true accident and the whole city doesnt hear their wails of anguish? then..goes to blockbuster all la la la la la?

but I think I keep forgetting premeditation can be split second - "I will kill you" then do it.
if it was that simple why go to such lengths to cover it up and risk life in jail or the death penalty? i'm not buying it

It's not LE fears, it's CA.

i tend to agree with that, however imo casey was holding her under at the time...

Unnecessary. Toddler wouldn't need to be held (or sedated) to be drowned.

When this goes to trial, I won't be very surprised if even the state can't conclusively say exactly how Casey killed Caylee.

(respectfully snipped) Well they better at least come up w a theory if they're going for predmed or even murder 1.

Pleeeaaaaazzzzz! about 31 days elapsed since you've seen your child and told no one. How about duct tape wrapped around the skull? How about 2.6 days in the trunk of the car? Etc., etc., etc.

We need to be able to distinguish btw the cause of death, and cover-up (and possible staging) afterward. JMO
To put "What happened to Caylee" in context, we have four broad theories:

1. KC killed Caylee following a plan she had (at least partially) planned for some time.

2. Caylee was killed "accidentally" from an overdose/mishap involving sedative/chloroform. That is neither a genuine accident, nor a planned out event.

3. KC was killed as a result of some accident, with KC's lack of care being a magor contributing factor.

4. KC, generally angry about her situation, specifically the flare up with Cindy, killed Caylee in a "spur of the moment" outburst.

I vote for 3. Negligence, that may have risen to the level of culpable. JMO
We have not seen anything (documentation) regarding duct tape for sure.
Remember the woman that stuck her child in the trunk and drove around for weeks this summer?
She says he accidentally died in May and she bagged him and left him in the trunk. She eluded police in a chase on July 21 (already 60 days past death) wrecked her car and left it at the tow yard. She did not want to be in trouble for stopping at the bar for a drink. She was already under investigation by DH and they started noticing something was wrong in September and found the child in the trunk at the tow yard.

What our new poster is saying... is just because Casey did not report her child missing and stuck her in the trunk and possibly duct taped her (which is not confirmed) did Casey have to drug her, beat her then drown her? What they mean by simple is .... it could have been only ONE of the above scenarios.. not all 3.

The poster you responded to stated she was new and to be nice. :)

ITA--this is essentially my point too, altho IMO there is a fourth option--negligence followed by a desperate simpleminded cover-up. And can everyone be nice to me too since I've only been here four months...? LOL
Here is my problem with the whole "drowning in the pool" scenarios. Intentional, not intentional, it doesn't matter. This is an above ground pool. It is level. There is not one inch of that pool where the water is not above Caylee's head. Even with floaties, there is not a single understandable explanation on this planet for putting a two year old child in a pool such as this by herself, or getting out and leaving her in it by herself.
If it was a case of Caylee getting into the pool on her own, I could maybe buy that if the circumstances leading up to this day were different. But not with the bathing suit thrown in, no way in hell did Caylee go put on her bathing suit to sneak in the pool.
So say Casey put her in the swimsuit, and told her they would swim later. I find this hard to believe, as well, because Casey is supposed to be at work, and Caylee with the nanny. We have a pool, and it is pretty obvious when someone has been using it. But say it was this way, then Caylee got tired of waiting and got in the pool on her own. This gives Casey the perfect opportunity to lay blame on Cindy, which, IMO, would be one of her fondest dreams coming true. "Look what you've done, Mother, my precious little girl is dead because you left the ladder out on the pool last night!!" Why wasn't she watching her? Because after she got them dressed to go swimming, then she had to go to the bathroom. No one is ever going to blame her for this, and she can torture Cindy with it to her dying day. I don't believe for one minute she would pass up this kind of opportunity for what we have instead.

Here are my problems w the above. I don't think they are actually problems. First, I can easily envision the scenario in which Caylee is initially helped into her suit in preparation for a swim (or as a reportedly very bright nearly three year-old who knows well the routine, is either encouraged or simply endeavors herself to pull a suit on herself maybe managing eg to get it on backwards or perhaps requiring some assistance.) Children this age are of course not known for having great patience tho and, if KC became distracted--do any of us here for one minute have any "problems" envisioning her attention being suddenly diverted to a more absorbing, selfish pursuit ie on her cell ("just for a sec"), picking up her voicemail (it'll just take another minute), texting say, I dunno maybe 10 or 20, of those 500+ messages (it won't take long), checking her myspace (she's probably in her playhouse), [/I]switching over to IM'g (gate should be closed anyway)--and before she knows it, 25 or 30 minutes have slipped away and it suddenly occurs to her that Caylee has been too quiet for too long. As for my problem w your second problem (!?) in the absence of adequate childproofing or recommended safety barriers to the family pool, it sadly fell to whomever was at home to check that gates and ladders were checked and the burden fell upon the person supervising Caylee to protect her--as in truth but especially by this age--her caregiver was in fact the ONLY barrier. HUGE mistake, needless to say, given Caylee had reportedly begun learning to master even these flimsy safeguards about which CA undoubtedly and with good reason had repeatedly warned KC... She would therefore have been held VERY MUCH responsible had it occurred this way (which I suspect is the case) and so have made this the ultimate, unpardonable mistake--held over HER head by CA to her grave and beyond--for which KC could never have shifted blame nor, she feared, be forgiven by CA. JMO
Either way, the avoid-@-all-costs m.o. reigns supreme in all of this, IMHO.

If KC did little Caylee in a pique of profound anger against CA ..the way KC remembers it that CA "caused it"!.

I keep remembering KC's first phone call home from the slammer.."Because I don’t ****ing know where she’s at. Are you kidding me?"

what a bizarr-o thing to say ("Are you kidding me?"). KC is so incensed that CA would DARE to cross KC. What a complete diva she had to be...and "avoid-@-all-costs" is the watchword!
I don't know. I think everyone is making it much more complicated that it really is. Caylee was almost 3. My DD is the same age. I know how they can get. Just 2 days ago my DD talked non-stop from the moment she woke up til the moment she went to bed (she stopped taking naps at 18 mos) and it was all talking loudly and screaming etc. It drove me up the wall. 5 minutes of quiet, that's all I wanted. Geez Louise, will you please just beee quiet for a minute. It just about had me at the ragged edge.

Now, let's put ourselves in KC's shoes for a minute on July 16th. Had a big fight with CA just a week before and stayed away from the house. Had to stay at RM's with Caylee or maybe slept in the car, etc. Then Sun the 15th she brings Caylee back so CA can take her to Mt. Dora. I'm sure KC enjoys the day away from Caylee and CA. KC gets back home that evening and CA confronts her about stealing from GGP's and maybe some of the things that Caylee told her about where they had spent their last week. Big fight ensues, shouting match, CA choking KC, Caylee's probably scared and crying. KC grabs Caylee and goes to her room and slams the door. CA and GA here them in the morning through the door of the room. CA heads to work hoping that things will cool off before she sees KC again. KC's got to maintain the charade of working so she gets Caylee dressed and gets herself dressed like she's going to work. Maybe Caylee has been whining all morning becasuse of the fight last night. KC is still very angry at CA for what happened last night. This layered upon the resentment KC feels toward Caylee and CA for the relationship that they have and that KC is no longer the center of CA and GA's universe puts KC at the ragged edge but she still maintains.

KC and Caylee head out the door until they know that GA has left for work. They double back to the house to hang out there while KC figures out what she's going to do. She puts KC down for a nap and gets on the computer. Caylee wakes up from her nap at 3:00 pm approx and starts in on KC with the whining, crying, the "I want CiCi", the "I don't like you Mommy, I want CiCi" (my DD uses that one when I have to discipline her. I don't like you Daddy, I want Momma). KC's probably telling her to shut up and be quiet. KC's feeling that increase in external and internal pressure, getting madder and madder and madder. The madder KC gets the more distraught Caylee becomes until KC can't take anymore and snaps. She throws Caylee on Caylee's bed and puts a pillow over her head to shut her up. She is so furious and out of control she doesn't realize that Caylee has stopped fighting and moving. She let's go of the pillow and storms out of the room to cool off. A couple of minutes later she comes back in and realizes that Caylee's not moving or breathing. Now, any normal person would have gone to pieces, grabbed the phone, dialed 911, made a hysterical call for help and been totally overcome with grief at what she had done in a blind rage. She wouldn't have been the first parent to do this, she won't be the last.

Now is where the real KC comes to life. Instead of calling 911 and getting help for her precious baby, that is laying there lifeless and dealing with whatever consequences there are, she goes into KC mode. After all, it's kept her out of trouble so far in life. I'm sure the first thing that went through her mind was "Oh chit! Mom's going to be pi$$ed". After all, it's CA she fears the most. So, what to do, what to do. Since she can't think more than 10 minutes ahead at anyone time, she throws Caylee in the trunk wrapped in a comforter from Caylees bed set. Takes a bit to compose herself and heads over to TonE's at about 4:28 pm. She's enough of a sociopath that she can totally block out what just happened and smooch on TonE as the look for videos at Blockbuster.

She does think about it some. She knows that she can't leave Caylee in the trunk of the car forever. So on the 18th of June she comes back to the house, backs her car up in the garage and figures that she'll bury Caylee in the back yard and problem solved, for now. She opens the trunk and makes the discovery that bodies start to really decompose over the course of 2 1/2 days. So she grabs a trash bag, and even though it is really icky, stuffs Caylee and the comforter in the bag. Now I'm sure while doing this, the body became visible and KC became totally weirded out by a dead, decomposing Caylee looking at her with open eyes and bloated rotting skin so she grabs a roll of duct tape (she probably had latex gloves on, since CA's a nurse, probably had some in the garage by the washer/dryer in case she ever had to wash something icky that she got into at work). Anyhow, KC grabs the roll of duct tape and starts wrapping it around Caylee's head so she doesn't have to look at her face. She then stuffs Caylee in the bag and carries her out to the back yard and sets her down. She starts to dig but soon realizes this is hard work and she can't break a sweat, she's meeting TonE later. So she carries the bag back into the garage and tosses it in the trunk on top of all the other junk that gets stored in a 22 y/o's trunk. Takes a shower, washes her clothes, dumps the clean clothes in the back seat (think gray stripped pants) and returns the shovel to the neighbor.

She leaves the house and heads over to TonE's. So far everything is working ok. The plastic bag is containing the smell for now, she's bought herself some time to think of what to do. Fast forward a couple of days later. She's still driving around with Caylee in the trunk. The smell is still being contained by the plastic bags, maybe just a slight whiff every once in a while. Then, "Oh, carp!" She runs out of gas. She calls TonE to come pick her up. She knows that she can get a couple of gas cans from GA's shed. She has TonE drive her to the house where she breaks into the shed and steals the gas cans. Fuels up the car, throws the cans in the trunk and she's on her way. GA gets home, sees the shed has been broken into and calls 911 to report a theft. THis is June 24th.

The next day KC starts to notice that the car is starting to really stink. She finds a secluded spot and checks the trunk. She finds that the gas cans in the trunk have pokes a hole in the bag and decomp juice is running out into the trunk. What to do, what to do. She gets another garbage bag and double bags the first bag and tosses in everything that got contaminated, like Caylees book, pictures, clothes, doll clothes, etc. Seals that bag and drives to Suburban Drive. She goes down all the way to the end and turns around. She's looking for a place to dump the body. It may even be dark now. All the areas she see's on the south side of Suburban have too much grass until she gets nearer to Hopespring. She finds the spot, opens the trunk, gets the bag out, takes a couple of steps into the underbrush (she knows not to go too far, she grew up here and knows what can be in that brush), she starts swinging the bag back and forth and lets the back fly into the heavy brush about 15 feet off the road. That 10 minute problem is solved. She heads to TonE's to get ready to go to Fusian. This is turning out pretty ok. Kid's gone, I get to shack up with my BF and I don't have to put up with my parents.

Ooops, next problem. The car stinks and it stinks bad. She takes a trash bag from TonE's and throws it in the trunk to maybe work on the claim that it's rotting garbage that smell that bad. She has to try and clean it but nah that would be too much work. After all, she's got a tatoo to think about.

June 27th. The car really stinks. No way she's going to be able to clean this. She tried cleaning it at CA and GA's but again, it was too much work. She has been mentioning to Amy H about the stink and claims that its the squirrels. She says screw this cleaning thing. I've just had a light bulb moment. I'll get rid of the car. She grabs some groceries from Casa d' Anthony and heads toward TonE's Now remember she's been developing the Nanny story to explain to TonE and her friends where Caylee has been. Whether it runs out of gas at Amscot or she choses to just park it there, she abandons it there with the hopes that it will be stolen and never recovered. Or if it is recovered, she can work it into the Zanny kidnapping story. She calls TonE to come pick her up, makes some excuse that the car broke down and her dad will get it and have it fixed explaining why she is just leaving it there. She never expected that the car would be towed. She just knew it would get stolen. Right? Again, never thinks things through.

Every thing goes along fine. She's living "Bella Vida". She's bummed that she didn't get to go to PR with her friends but she consoles herself by going on a shopping spree at AH's expense. Doesn't ever think that Amy will come back from PR and find the $700 missing. Never thinks that far ahead. All she knows is that she has some hip new sun glasses and a couple of killer new bras from that fine clothier "Tar~get~" (You get the pronunciation.

The "Bella Vida" continues until GA and CA get the notice about the car. She sits at TonE's, without a care in the world. She assumes that the nightmares will stop soon. She's making plans to get out of town and go west to Calif to be with MH if things get too hot around Orlando. She's just got to put some fundage together. She wonder's how much money TonE's got?

Knock, knock. Whose's there? Amy. Amy, who. "It's gonna take an amy to pull me off of you if you don't tell me where Caylee is" says CA. The jig is up. No time for plan C. Straight to plan Z. Lie, lie, deny, deny. Here's my convoluted, makes no sense in a backward sort of way, I'm really everyones greatest resource, Zanny did it story that she feeds to CA. Under her breath she's enjoying seeing how upset CA is. How's this workin' for ya, Mom?? Guess who's the spiteful beotch now, Mom. Your never going to see your precious little Caylee again and I'm going to watch you squirm and cry about it forever. Because if you give me just one more day, like I'm asking. I'll be gone forever and I'll just say that I have Caylee with me. (Don't know where I would go...I don't think that far ahead).

What? You'll call my bluff and call the cops?? Go ahead. I've devised the perfect story. They'll be out chasing leads on Zanny the nanney for years while I play the role of greif stricken mother whose child was ripped away from her by Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzoles-Rodrequez-Morales-Conchita-Bonita and her evil sister Samantha. I've got it all worked out, Mom. There will probably even be a movie on Lifetime about it. It will be a national news story. I'll be in the spotlight. Everyone will pay attention to me, like it should be. Absolutely! In my gut, I feel it.

Ooops. I guess the police aren't bumpling idiots like on TV. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Hey...that Hose A is kinda cute. Do you know, is he married? (he's married and a horrible lawyer says someone in the cell block).

Oh Mr. Handsome Defense Attorney..... would you be my lawyer please. I'll really make it worth your while. Wink, wink!

That's my saga and I'm sticking to it. It all fits, it's all very logical and it's all very KC. THe circus that takes off from there is driven by the Anthony family and the media and continues to this day. If she had just put Caylee in her bedroom, closed the door, went outside and took a 10 minute time out to cool off (like the rest of us in the normal world do), little Caylee would be alive and would be enjoying playing with all the Christmas presents she would have just got. She might have even grown up and found the cure for cancer. We'll never know. KC is a spiteful beotch!
QUESTION!!!!!!! For some of the Therioes..It has pretty much been pointed out that Caylee died sometime after Fathers Day. Probably that Monday Night. Because GA stated he seen them on Monday. Was she at the Club on that Monday Night, or was she at Tony's??
QUESTION!!!!!!! For some of the Therioes..It has pretty much been pointed out that Caylee died sometime after Fathers Day. Probably that Monday Night. Because GA stated he seen them on Monday. Was she at the Club on that Monday Night, or was she at Tony's??

Monday, June 16th was the night her and Tony went to Blockbuster to rent movies. Seen on surveillance video from the store walking arm in arm and smoochin'. No Caylee in sight.
I don't know. I think everyone is making it much more complicated that it really is. Caylee was almost 3. My DD is the same age. I know how they can get. Just 2 days ago my DD talked non-stop from the moment she woke up til the moment she went to bed (she stopped taking naps at 18 mos) and it was all talking loudly and screaming etc. It drove me up the wall. 5 minutes of quiet, that's all I wanted. Geez Louise, will you please just beee quiet for a minute. It just about had me at the ragged edge.

Now, let's put ourselves in KC's shoes for a minute on July 16th. Had a big fight with CA just a week before and stayed away from the house. Had to stay at RM's with Caylee or maybe slept in the car, etc. Then Sun the 15th she brings Caylee back so CA can take her to Mt. Dora. I'm sure KC enjoys the day away from Caylee and CA. KC gets back home that evening and CA confronts her about stealing from GGP's and maybe some of the things that Caylee told her about where they had spent their last week. Big fight ensues, shouting match, CA choking KC, Caylee's probably scared and crying. KC grabs Caylee and goes to her room and slams the door. CA and GA here them in the morning through the door of the room. CA heads to work hoping that things will cool off before she sees KC again. KC's got to maintain the charade of working so she gets Caylee dressed and gets herself dressed like she's going to work. Maybe Caylee has been whining all morning becasuse of the fight last night. KC is still very angry at CA for what happened last night. This layered upon the resentment KC feels toward Caylee and CA for the relationship that they have and that KC is no longer the center of CA and GA's universe puts KC at the ragged edge but she still maintains.

KC and Caylee head out the door until they know that GA has left for work. They double back to the house to hang out there while KC figures out what she's going to do. She puts KC down for a nap and gets on the computer. Caylee wakes up from her nap at 3:00 pm approx and starts in on KC with the whining, crying, the "I want CiCi", the "I don't like you Mommy, I want CiCi" (my DD uses that one when I have to discipline her. I don't like you Daddy, I want Momma). KC's probably telling her to shut up and be quiet. KC's feeling that increase in external and internal pressure, getting madder and madder and madder. The madder KC gets the more distraught Caylee becomes until KC can't take anymore and snaps. She throws Caylee on Caylee's bed and puts a pillow over her head to shut her up. She is so furious and out of control she doesn't realize that Caylee has stopped fighting and moving. She let's go of the pillow and storms out of the room to cool off. A couple of minutes later she comes back in and realizes that Caylee's not moving or breathing. Now, any normal person would have gone to pieces, grabbed the phone, dialed 911, made a hysterical call for help and been totally overcome with grief at what she had done in a blind rage. She wouldn't have been the first parent to do this, she won't be the last.

Now is where the real KC comes to life. Instead of calling 911 and getting help for her precious baby, that is laying there lifeless and dealing with whatever consequences there are, she goes into KC mode. After all, it's kept her out of trouble so far in life. I'm sure the first thing that went through her mind was "Oh chit! Mom's going to be pi$$ed". After all, it's CA she fears the most. So, what to do, what to do. Since she can't think more than 10 minutes ahead at anyone time, she throws Caylee in the trunk wrapped in a comforter from Caylees bed set. Takes a bit to compose herself and heads over to TonE's at about 4:28 pm. She's enough of a sociopath that she can totally block out what just happened and smooch on TonE as the look for videos at Blockbuster.

She does think about it some. She knows that she can't leave Caylee in the trunk of the car forever. So on the 18th of June she comes back to the house, backs her car up in the garage and figures that she'll bury Caylee in the back yard and problem solved, for now. She opens the trunk and makes the discovery that bodies start to really decompose over the course of 2 1/2 days. So she grabs a trash bag, and even though it is really icky, stuffs Caylee and the comforter in the bag. Now I'm sure while doing this, the body became visible and KC became totally weirded out by a dead, decomposing Caylee looking at her with open eyes and bloated rotting skin so she grabs a roll of duct tape (she probably had latex gloves on, since CA's a nurse, probably had some in the garage by the washer/dryer in case she ever had to wash something icky that she got into at work). Anyhow, KC grabs the roll of duct tape and starts wrapping it around Caylee's head so she doesn't have to look at her face. She then stuffs Caylee in the bag and carries her out to the back yard and sets her down. She starts to dig but soon realizes this is hard work and she can't break a sweat, she's meeting TonE later. So she carries the bag back into the garage and tosses it in the trunk on top of all the other junk that gets stored in a 22 y/o's trunk. Takes a shower, washes her clothes, dumps the clean clothes in the back seat (think gray stripped pants) and returns the shovel to the neighbor.

She leaves the house and heads over to TonE's. So far everything is working ok. The plastic bag is containing the smell for now, she's bought herself some time to think of what to do. Fast forward a couple of days later. She's still driving around with Caylee in the trunk. The smell is still being contained by the plastic bags, maybe just a slight whiff every once in a while. Then, "Oh, carp!" She runs out of gas. She calls TonE to come pick her up. She knows that she can get a couple of gas cans from GA's shed. She has TonE drive her to the house where she breaks into the shed and steals the gas cans. Fuels up the car, throws the cans in the trunk and she's on her way. GA gets home, sees the shed has been broken into and calls 911 to report a theft. THis is June 24th.

The next day KC starts to notice that the car is starting to really stink. She finds a secluded spot and checks the trunk. She finds that the gas cans in the trunk have pokes a hole in the bag and decomp juice is running out into the trunk. What to do, what to do. She gets another garbage bag and double bags the first bag and tosses in everything that got contaminated, like Caylees book, pictures, clothes, doll clothes, etc. Seals that bag and drives to Suburban Drive. She goes down all the way to the end and turns around. She's looking for a place to dump the body. It may even be dark now. All the areas she see's on the south side of Suburban have too much grass until she gets nearer to Hopespring. She finds the spot, opens the trunk, gets the bag out, takes a couple of steps into the underbrush (she knows not to go too far, she grew up here and knows what can be in that brush), she starts swinging the bag back and forth and lets the back fly into the heavy brush about 15 feet off the road. That 10 minute problem is solved. She heads to TonE's to get ready to go to Fusian. This is turning out pretty ok. Kid's gone, I get to shack up with my BF and I don't have to put up with my parents.

Ooops, next problem. The car stinks and it stinks bad. She takes a trash bag from TonE's and throws it in the trunk to maybe work on the claim that it's rotting garbage that smell that bad. She has to try and clean it but nah that would be too much work. After all, she's got a tatoo to think about.

June 27th. The car really stinks. No way she's going to be able to clean this. She tried cleaning it at CA and GA's but again, it was too much work. She has been mentioning to Amy H about the stink and claims that its the squirrels. She says screw this cleaning thing. I've just had a light bulb moment. I'll get rid of the car. She grabs some groceries from Casa d' Anthony and heads toward TonE's Now remember she's been developing the Nanny story to explain to TonE and her friends where Caylee has been. Whether it runs out of gas at Amscot or she choses to just park it there, she abandons it there with the hopes that it will be stolen and never recovered. Or if it is recovered, she can work it into the Zanny kidnapping story. She calls TonE to come pick her up, makes some excuse that the car broke down and her dad will get it and have it fixed explaining why she is just leaving it there. She never expected that the car would be towed. She just knew it would get stolen. Right? Again, never thinks things through.

Every thing goes along fine. She's living "Bella Vida". She's bummed that she didn't get to go to PR with her friends but she consoles herself by going on a shopping spree at AH's expense. Doesn't ever think that Amy will come back from PR and find the $700 missing. Never thinks that far ahead. All she knows is that she has some hip new sun glasses and a couple of killer new bras from that fine clothier "Tar~get~" (You get the pronunciation.

The "Bella Vida" continues until GA and CA get the notice about the car. She sits at TonE's, without a care in the world. She assumes that the nightmares will stop soon. She's making plans to get out of town and go west to Calif to be with MH if things get too hot around Orlando. She's just got to put some fundage together. She wonder's how much money TonE's got?

Knock, knock. Whose's there? Amy. Amy, who. "It's gonna take an amy to pull me off of you if you don't tell me where Caylee is" says CA. The jig is up. No time for plan C. Straight to plan Z. Lie, lie, deny, deny. Here's my convoluted, makes no sense in a backward sort of way, I'm really everyones greatest resource, Zanny did it story that she feeds to CA. Under her breath she's enjoying seeing how upset CA is. How's this workin' for ya, Mom?? Guess who's the spiteful beotch now, Mom. Your never going to see your precious little Caylee again and I'm going to watch you squirm and cry about it forever. Because if you give me just one more day, like I'm asking. I'll be gone forever and I'll just say that I have Caylee with me. (Don't know where I would go...I don't think that far ahead).

What? You'll call my bluff and call the cops?? Go ahead. I've devised the perfect story. They'll be out chasing leads on Zanny the nanney for years while I play the role of greif stricken mother whose child was ripped away from her by Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzoles-Rodrequez-Morales-Conchita-Bonita and her evil sister Samantha. I've got it all worked out, Mom. There will probably even be a movie on Lifetime about it. It will be a national news story. I'll be in the spotlight. Everyone will pay attention to me, like it should be. Absolutely! In my gut, I feel it.

Ooops. I guess the police aren't bumpling idiots like on TV. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Hey...that Hose A is kinda cute. Do you know, is he married? (he's married and a horrible lawyer says someone in the cell block).

Oh Mr. Handsome Defense Attorney..... would you be my lawyer please. I'll really make it worth your while. Wink, wink!

That's my saga and I'm sticking to it. It all fits, it's all very logical and it's all very KC. THe circus that takes off from there is driven by the Anthony family and the media and continues to this day. If she had just put Caylee in her bedroom, closed the door, went outside and took a 10 minute time out to cool off (like the rest of us in the normal world do), little Caylee would be alive and would be enjoying playing with all the Christmas presents she would have just got. She might have even grown up and found the cure for cancer. We'll never know. KC is a spiteful beotch!
If you arent right on the mark I think your damn close to it.
I think some of us (myself Included) have given KC far more credit for cunning then she deserves. Like a lot of borderline sociopaths she just floats along like a raft bumping from rock to rock as it goes downstream manipulating and lieing as the situation of the moment demands.
ecs... as unfunny as all this is, this much needed comic relief was not only relieving some of the tension and frustration, I actually think much of it is probably close to the truth! Many know my annoying negligence drowning theory but it could pick up your story from the point where you say "KC really comes to life" (4th pg). After which I have no trouble envisioning any of these hairbrained, shortsighted, poorly considered, simpleminded actions she took in the aftermath--including the abduction she attempted to stage by strewing purse contents and abandoning the car at Amscot, ("If it's found there, great... if it get's stolen, even better..."). Except I think duct tape was also part of the staged kidnapping, only I just can't figure out if Plan A was to have remains discovered in woods off suburban but staging there foiled by Fay... or whether that was Plan B, and the original Plan A was staging Caylee's remains to be discovered inside trunk as part of Amscot car staging... after which car sat there for so long or she had a few minutes away from AL to rethink her plan ("Hmm, that might be too obvious leaving in my own trunk, then I'll really have to leave town, and AL... maybe I should put the body in a different location...") so decided instead to leave bag out in the open assuming it will be found sooner and just as she leaves it. Did she return to the car? Could she have done it then, dumped Caylee's body and reparked there? That's the part that's so baffling! JMO
Today the latest news and video is that sources close to the case say kc INTENTIONALLY KILLED CAYLEE.........:behindbar:furious:
IMO, waiting for a document dump, there is much more evidence than we know. Atleast 1 unanswered question..........NOT ACCIDENTAL.........LP and many others were thinking that, now wrong........IMO
I don't know. I think everyone is making it much more complicated that it really is. Caylee was almost 3. My DD is the same age. I know how they can get. Just 2 days ago my DD talked non-stop from the moment she woke up til the moment she went to bed (she stopped taking naps at 18 mos) and it was all talking loudly and screaming etc. It drove me up the wall. 5 minutes of quiet, that's all I wanted. Geez Louise, will you please just beee quiet for a minute. It just about had me at the ragged edge.

Now, let's put ourselves in KC's shoes for a minute on July 16th. Had a big fight with CA just a week before and stayed away from the house. Had to stay at RM's with Caylee or maybe slept in the car, etc. Then Sun the 15th she brings Caylee back so CA can take her to Mt. Dora. I'm sure KC enjoys the day away from Caylee and CA. KC gets back home that evening and CA confronts her about stealing from GGP's and maybe some of the things that Caylee told her about where they had spent their last week. Big fight ensues, shouting match, CA choking KC, Caylee's probably scared and crying. KC grabs Caylee and goes to her room and slams the door. CA and GA here them in the morning through the door of the room. CA heads to work hoping that things will cool off before she sees KC again. KC's got to maintain the charade of working so she gets Caylee dressed and gets herself dressed like she's going to work. Maybe Caylee has been whining all morning becasuse of the fight last night. KC is still very angry at CA for what happened last night. This layered upon the resentment KC feels toward Caylee and CA for the relationship that they have and that KC is no longer the center of CA and GA's universe puts KC at the ragged edge but she still maintains.

KC and Caylee head out the door until they know that GA has left for work. They double back to the house to hang out there while KC figures out what she's going to do. She puts KC down for a nap and gets on the computer. Caylee wakes up from her nap at 3:00 pm approx and starts in on KC with the whining, crying, the "I want CiCi", the "I don't like you Mommy, I want CiCi" (my DD uses that one when I have to discipline her. I don't like you Daddy, I want Momma). KC's probably telling her to shut up and be quiet. KC's feeling that increase in external and internal pressure, getting madder and madder and madder. The madder KC gets the more distraught Caylee becomes until KC can't take anymore and snaps. She throws Caylee on Caylee's bed and puts a pillow over her head to shut her up. She is so furious and out of control she doesn't realize that Caylee has stopped fighting and moving. She let's go of the pillow and storms out of the room to cool off. A couple of minutes later she comes back in and realizes that Caylee's not moving or breathing. Now, any normal person would have gone to pieces, grabbed the phone, dialed 911, made a hysterical call for help and been totally overcome with grief at what she had done in a blind rage. She wouldn't have been the first parent to do this, she won't be the last.

Now is where the real KC comes to life. Instead of calling 911 and getting help for her precious baby, that is laying there lifeless and dealing with whatever consequences there are, she goes into KC mode. After all, it's kept her out of trouble so far in life. I'm sure the first thing that went through her mind was "Oh chit! Mom's going to be pi$$ed". After all, it's CA she fears the most. So, what to do, what to do. Since she can't think more than 10 minutes ahead at anyone time, she throws Caylee in the trunk wrapped in a comforter from Caylees bed set. Takes a bit to compose herself and heads over to TonE's at about 4:28 pm. She's enough of a sociopath that she can totally block out what just happened and smooch on TonE as the look for videos at Blockbuster.

She does think about it some. She knows that she can't leave Caylee in the trunk of the car forever. So on the 18th of June she comes back to the house, backs her car up in the garage and figures that she'll bury Caylee in the back yard and problem solved, for now. She opens the trunk and makes the discovery that bodies start to really decompose over the course of 2 1/2 days. So she grabs a trash bag, and even though it is really icky, stuffs Caylee and the comforter in the bag. Now I'm sure while doing this, the body became visible and KC became totally weirded out by a dead, decomposing Caylee looking at her with open eyes and bloated rotting skin so she grabs a roll of duct tape (she probably had latex gloves on, since CA's a nurse, probably had some in the garage by the washer/dryer in case she ever had to wash something icky that she got into at work). Anyhow, KC grabs the roll of duct tape and starts wrapping it around Caylee's head so she doesn't have to look at her face. She then stuffs Caylee in the bag and carries her out to the back yard and sets her down. She starts to dig but soon realizes this is hard work and she can't break a sweat, she's meeting TonE later. So she carries the bag back into the garage and tosses it in the trunk on top of all the other junk that gets stored in a 22 y/o's trunk. Takes a shower, washes her clothes, dumps the clean clothes in the back seat (think gray stripped pants) and returns the shovel to the neighbor.

She leaves the house and heads over to TonE's. So far everything is working ok. The plastic bag is containing the smell for now, she's bought herself some time to think of what to do. Fast forward a couple of days later. She's still driving around with Caylee in the trunk. The smell is still being contained by the plastic bags, maybe just a slight whiff every once in a while. Then, "Oh, carp!" She runs out of gas. She calls TonE to come pick her up. She knows that she can get a couple of gas cans from GA's shed. She has TonE drive her to the house where she breaks into the shed and steals the gas cans. Fuels up the car, throws the cans in the trunk and she's on her way. GA gets home, sees the shed has been broken into and calls 911 to report a theft. THis is June 24th.

The next day KC starts to notice that the car is starting to really stink. She finds a secluded spot and checks the trunk. She finds that the gas cans in the trunk have pokes a hole in the bag and decomp juice is running out into the trunk. What to do, what to do. She gets another garbage bag and double bags the first bag and tosses in everything that got contaminated, like Caylees book, pictures, clothes, doll clothes, etc. Seals that bag and drives to Suburban Drive. She goes down all the way to the end and turns around. She's looking for a place to dump the body. It may even be dark now. All the areas she see's on the south side of Suburban have too much grass until she gets nearer to Hopespring. She finds the spot, opens the trunk, gets the bag out, takes a couple of steps into the underbrush (she knows not to go too far, she grew up here and knows what can be in that brush), she starts swinging the bag back and forth and lets the back fly into the heavy brush about 15 feet off the road. That 10 minute problem is solved. She heads to TonE's to get ready to go to Fusian. This is turning out pretty ok. Kid's gone, I get to shack up with my BF and I don't have to put up with my parents.

Ooops, next problem. The car stinks and it stinks bad. She takes a trash bag from TonE's and throws it in the trunk to maybe work on the claim that it's rotting garbage that smell that bad. She has to try and clean it but nah that would be too much work. After all, she's got a tatoo to think about.

June 27th. The car really stinks. No way she's going to be able to clean this. She tried cleaning it at CA and GA's but again, it was too much work. She has been mentioning to Amy H about the stink and claims that its the squirrels. She says screw this cleaning thing. I've just had a light bulb moment. I'll get rid of the car. She grabs some groceries from Casa d' Anthony and heads toward TonE's Now remember she's been developing the Nanny story to explain to TonE and her friends where Caylee has been. Whether it runs out of gas at Amscot or she choses to just park it there, she abandons it there with the hopes that it will be stolen and never recovered. Or if it is recovered, she can work it into the Zanny kidnapping story. She calls TonE to come pick her up, makes some excuse that the car broke down and her dad will get it and have it fixed explaining why she is just leaving it there. She never expected that the car would be towed. She just knew it would get stolen. Right? Again, never thinks things through.

Every thing goes along fine. She's living "Bella Vida". She's bummed that she didn't get to go to PR with her friends but she consoles herself by going on a shopping spree at AH's expense. Doesn't ever think that Amy will come back from PR and find the $700 missing. Never thinks that far ahead. All she knows is that she has some hip new sun glasses and a couple of killer new bras from that fine clothier "Tar~get~" (You get the pronunciation.

The "Bella Vida" continues until GA and CA get the notice about the car. She sits at TonE's, without a care in the world. She assumes that the nightmares will stop soon. She's making plans to get out of town and go west to Calif to be with MH if things get too hot around Orlando. She's just got to put some fundage together. She wonder's how much money TonE's got?

Knock, knock. Whose's there? Amy. Amy, who. "It's gonna take an amy to pull me off of you if you don't tell me where Caylee is" says CA. The jig is up. No time for plan C. Straight to plan Z. Lie, lie, deny, deny. Here's my convoluted, makes no sense in a backward sort of way, I'm really everyones greatest resource, Zanny did it story that she feeds to CA. Under her breath she's enjoying seeing how upset CA is. How's this workin' for ya, Mom?? Guess who's the spiteful beotch now, Mom. Your never going to see your precious little Caylee again and I'm going to watch you squirm and cry about it forever. Because if you give me just one more day, like I'm asking. I'll be gone forever and I'll just say that I have Caylee with me. (Don't know where I would go...I don't think that far ahead).

What? You'll call my bluff and call the cops?? Go ahead. I've devised the perfect story. They'll be out chasing leads on Zanny the nanney for years while I play the role of greif stricken mother whose child was ripped away from her by Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzoles-Rodrequez-Morales-Conchita-Bonita and her evil sister Samantha. I've got it all worked out, Mom. There will probably even be a movie on Lifetime about it. It will be a national news story. I'll be in the spotlight. Everyone will pay attention to me, like it should be. Absolutely! In my gut, I feel it.

Ooops. I guess the police aren't bumpling idiots like on TV. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Hey...that Hose A is kinda cute. Do you know, is he married? (he's married and a horrible lawyer says someone in the cell block).

Oh Mr. Handsome Defense Attorney..... would you be my lawyer please. I'll really make it worth your while. Wink, wink!

That's my saga and I'm sticking to it. It all fits, it's all very logical and it's all very KC. THe circus that takes off from there is driven by the Anthony family and the media and continues to this day. If she had just put Caylee in her bedroom, closed the door, went outside and took a 10 minute time out to cool off (like the rest of us in the normal world do), little Caylee would be alive and would be enjoying playing with all the Christmas presents she would have just got. She might have even grown up and found the cure for cancer. We'll never know. KC is a spiteful beotch!

If that's your saga, it makes so much sense to me that I'm sticking to it too!
Excellent job!

And thanks for the smile in this horrible tragedy by writing the follwing line:
Knock, knock. Whose's there? Amy. Amy, who. "It's gonna take an amy to pull me off of you if you don't tell me where Caylee is" says CA

If no one has told you today, you rock!
ecs5298, Bravo, bravo. I don't agree with every little thing in your post, but I sure do like the way you say it.
I don't know. I think everyone is making it much more complicated that it really is. Caylee was almost 3. My DD is the same age. I know how they can get. Just 2 days ago my DD talked non-stop from the moment she woke up til the moment she went to bed (she stopped taking naps at 18 mos) and it was all talking loudly and screaming etc. It drove me up the wall. 5 minutes of quiet, that's all I wanted. Geez Louise, will you please just beee quiet for a minute. It just about had me at the ragged edge.

Now, let's put ourselves in KC's shoes for a minute on July 16th. Had a big fight with CA just a week before and stayed away from the house. Had to stay at RM's with Caylee or maybe slept in the car, etc. Then Sun the 15th she brings Caylee back so CA can take her to Mt. Dora. I'm sure KC enjoys the day away from Caylee and CA. KC gets back home that evening and CA confronts her about stealing from GGP's and maybe some of the things that Caylee told her about where they had spent their last week. Big fight ensues, shouting match, CA choking KC, Caylee's probably scared and crying. KC grabs Caylee and goes to her room and slams the door. CA and GA here them in the morning through the door of the room. CA heads to work hoping that things will cool off before she sees KC again. KC's got to maintain the charade of working so she gets Caylee dressed and gets herself dressed like she's going to work. Maybe Caylee has been whining all morning becasuse of the fight last night. KC is still very angry at CA for what happened last night. This layered upon the resentment KC feels toward Caylee and CA for the relationship that they have and that KC is no longer the center of CA and GA's universe puts KC at the ragged edge but she still maintains.

KC and Caylee head out the door until they know that GA has left for work. They double back to the house to hang out there while KC figures out what she's going to do. She puts KC down for a nap and gets on the computer. Caylee wakes up from her nap at 3:00 pm approx and starts in on KC with the whining, crying, the "I want CiCi", the "I don't like you Mommy, I want CiCi" (my DD uses that one when I have to discipline her. I don't like you Daddy, I want Momma). KC's probably telling her to shut up and be quiet. KC's feeling that increase in external and internal pressure, getting madder and madder and madder. The madder KC gets the more distraught Caylee becomes until KC can't take anymore and snaps. She throws Caylee on Caylee's bed and puts a pillow over her head to shut her up. She is so furious and out of control she doesn't realize that Caylee has stopped fighting and moving. She let's go of the pillow and storms out of the room to cool off. A couple of minutes later she comes back in and realizes that Caylee's not moving or breathing. Now, any normal person would have gone to pieces, grabbed the phone, dialed 911, made a hysterical call for help and been totally overcome with grief at what she had done in a blind rage. She wouldn't have been the first parent to do this, she won't be the last.

Now is where the real KC comes to life. Instead of calling 911 and getting help for her precious baby, that is laying there lifeless and dealing with whatever consequences there are, she goes into KC mode. After all, it's kept her out of trouble so far in life. I'm sure the first thing that went through her mind was "Oh chit! Mom's going to be pi$$ed". After all, it's CA she fears the most. So, what to do, what to do. Since she can't think more than 10 minutes ahead at anyone time, she throws Caylee in the trunk wrapped in a comforter from Caylees bed set. Takes a bit to compose herself and heads over to TonE's at about 4:28 pm. She's enough of a sociopath that she can totally block out what just happened and smooch on TonE as the look for videos at Blockbuster.

She does think about it some. She knows that she can't leave Caylee in the trunk of the car forever. So on the 18th of June she comes back to the house, backs her car up in the garage and figures that she'll bury Caylee in the back yard and problem solved, for now. She opens the trunk and makes the discovery that bodies start to really decompose over the course of 2 1/2 days. So she grabs a trash bag, and even though it is really icky, stuffs Caylee and the comforter in the bag. Now I'm sure while doing this, the body became visible and KC became totally weirded out by a dead, decomposing Caylee looking at her with open eyes and bloated rotting skin so she grabs a roll of duct tape (she probably had latex gloves on, since CA's a nurse, probably had some in the garage by the washer/dryer in case she ever had to wash something icky that she got into at work). Anyhow, KC grabs the roll of duct tape and starts wrapping it around Caylee's head so she doesn't have to look at her face. She then stuffs Caylee in the bag and carries her out to the back yard and sets her down. She starts to dig but soon realizes this is hard work and she can't break a sweat, she's meeting TonE later. So she carries the bag back into the garage and tosses it in the trunk on top of all the other junk that gets stored in a 22 y/o's trunk. Takes a shower, washes her clothes, dumps the clean clothes in the back seat (think gray stripped pants) and returns the shovel to the neighbor.

She leaves the house and heads over to TonE's. So far everything is working ok. The plastic bag is containing the smell for now, she's bought herself some time to think of what to do. Fast forward a couple of days later. She's still driving around with Caylee in the trunk. The smell is still being contained by the plastic bags, maybe just a slight whiff every once in a while. Then, "Oh, carp!" She runs out of gas. She calls TonE to come pick her up. She knows that she can get a couple of gas cans from GA's shed. She has TonE drive her to the house where she breaks into the shed and steals the gas cans. Fuels up the car, throws the cans in the trunk and she's on her way. GA gets home, sees the shed has been broken into and calls 911 to report a theft. THis is June 24th.

The next day KC starts to notice that the car is starting to really stink. She finds a secluded spot and checks the trunk. She finds that the gas cans in the trunk have pokes a hole in the bag and decomp juice is running out into the trunk. What to do, what to do. She gets another garbage bag and double bags the first bag and tosses in everything that got contaminated, like Caylees book, pictures, clothes, doll clothes, etc. Seals that bag and drives to Suburban Drive. She goes down all the way to the end and turns around. She's looking for a place to dump the body. It may even be dark now. All the areas she see's on the south side of Suburban have too much grass until she gets nearer to Hopespring. She finds the spot, opens the trunk, gets the bag out, takes a couple of steps into the underbrush (she knows not to go too far, she grew up here and knows what can be in that brush), she starts swinging the bag back and forth and lets the back fly into the heavy brush about 15 feet off the road. That 10 minute problem is solved. She heads to TonE's to get ready to go to Fusian. This is turning out pretty ok. Kid's gone, I get to shack up with my BF and I don't have to put up with my parents.

Ooops, next problem. The car stinks and it stinks bad. She takes a trash bag from TonE's and throws it in the trunk to maybe work on the claim that it's rotting garbage that smell that bad. She has to try and clean it but nah that would be too much work. After all, she's got a tatoo to think about.

June 27th. The car really stinks. No way she's going to be able to clean this. She tried cleaning it at CA and GA's but again, it was too much work. She has been mentioning to Amy H about the stink and claims that its the squirrels. She says screw this cleaning thing. I've just had a light bulb moment. I'll get rid of the car. She grabs some groceries from Casa d' Anthony and heads toward TonE's Now remember she's been developing the Nanny story to explain to TonE and her friends where Caylee has been. Whether it runs out of gas at Amscot or she choses to just park it there, she abandons it there with the hopes that it will be stolen and never recovered. Or if it is recovered, she can work it into the Zanny kidnapping story. She calls TonE to come pick her up, makes some excuse that the car broke down and her dad will get it and have it fixed explaining why she is just leaving it there. She never expected that the car would be towed. She just knew it would get stolen. Right? Again, never thinks things through.

Every thing goes along fine. She's living "Bella Vida". She's bummed that she didn't get to go to PR with her friends but she consoles herself by going on a shopping spree at AH's expense. Doesn't ever think that Amy will come back from PR and find the $700 missing. Never thinks that far ahead. All she knows is that she has some hip new sun glasses and a couple of killer new bras from that fine clothier "Tar~get~" (You get the pronunciation.

The "Bella Vida" continues until GA and CA get the notice about the car. She sits at TonE's, without a care in the world. She assumes that the nightmares will stop soon. She's making plans to get out of town and go west to Calif to be with MH if things get too hot around Orlando. She's just got to put some fundage together. She wonder's how much money TonE's got?

Knock, knock. Whose's there? Amy. Amy, who. "It's gonna take an amy to pull me off of you if you don't tell me where Caylee is" says CA. The jig is up. No time for plan C. Straight to plan Z. Lie, lie, deny, deny. Here's my convoluted, makes no sense in a backward sort of way, I'm really everyones greatest resource, Zanny did it story that she feeds to CA. Under her breath she's enjoying seeing how upset CA is. How's this workin' for ya, Mom?? Guess who's the spiteful beotch now, Mom. Your never going to see your precious little Caylee again and I'm going to watch you squirm and cry about it forever. Because if you give me just one more day, like I'm asking. I'll be gone forever and I'll just say that I have Caylee with me. (Don't know where I would go...I don't think that far ahead).

What? You'll call my bluff and call the cops?? Go ahead. I've devised the perfect story. They'll be out chasing leads on Zanny the nanney for years while I play the role of greif stricken mother whose child was ripped away from her by Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzoles-Rodrequez-Morales-Conchita-Bonita and her evil sister Samantha. I've got it all worked out, Mom. There will probably even be a movie on Lifetime about it. It will be a national news story. I'll be in the spotlight. Everyone will pay attention to me, like it should be. Absolutely! In my gut, I feel it.

Ooops. I guess the police aren't bumpling idiots like on TV. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Hey...that Hose A is kinda cute. Do you know, is he married? (he's married and a horrible lawyer says someone in the cell block).

Oh Mr. Handsome Defense Attorney..... would you be my lawyer please. I'll really make it worth your while. Wink, wink!

That's my saga and I'm sticking to it. It all fits, it's all very logical and it's all very KC. THe circus that takes off from there is driven by the Anthony family and the media and continues to this day. If she had just put Caylee in her bedroom, closed the door, went outside and took a 10 minute time out to cool off (like the rest of us in the normal world do), little Caylee would be alive and would be enjoying playing with all the Christmas presents she would have just got. She might have even grown up and found the cure for cancer. We'll never know. KC is a spiteful beotch!

This is very good and pretty much how I have it figured, except in my scenario KC had "let" the child get into a dangerous situation without supervision. (ie pool). I keep remembering the report (from neighbor?) of loud splashing. With the new report that authorities know that KC is "soley responsible" ....those of us who thought KC was "purposefully negligent" must reassess.

It is wild that we all keep wanting to understand her and what happened...She obviously did this in some profound state of depersonalization and disassociation. Who among us has ever seen anyone reach a level of mental illness that could have this sort of result? It is so hard to accept.

The parents had to know that they had big problems with a young woman who did not finish high school, became pregnant, won't divulge who the father is and lies and steals. In retrospect KC was a ticking time bomb, but CA and GA probably just thought she was a rather "typically" screwed up young person.
This is very good and pretty much how I have it figured, except in my scenario KC had "let" the child get into a dangerous situation without supervision. (ie pool). I keep remembering the report (from neighbor?) of loud splashing. With the new report that authorities know that KC is "soley responsible" ....those of us who thought KC was "purposefully negligent" must reassess.

It is wild that we all keep wanting to understand her and what happened...She obviously did this in some profound state of depersonalization and disassociation. Who among us has ever seen anyone reach a level of mental illness that could have this sort of result? It is so hard to accept.

The parents had to know that they had big problems with a young woman who did not finish high school, became pregnant, won't divulge who the father is and lies and steals. In retrospect KC was a ticking time bomb, but CA and GA probably just thought she was a rather "typically" screwed up young person.

Always in the back of my mind are those silent videos that Casey loved to take of Caylee. You know, the ones where the camera person says nothing but observes Caylee at play, eating, dancing, coloring, etc. Now I wonder if there is a film of what happened to Caylee somewhere. I liken it to Casey never quite feeling her life, but looking in at it through a lens. Then she literally took up camera and began documenting moments in Caylee's life, to put it into pictures that one-remove her from the action in order to look at it objectively to see it as "real." I know that makes more sense in my head than I probably conveyed it here. In short, pictures are more real than reality. I said it in another thread that Casey observes and adapts to the people around her. But in her own home, with a child, there is no one to observe except the child. The disturbing "Breakfast With Caylee" video on youtube is a good example of what I'm talking about.
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