Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #3

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Knock, knock. Who's there? Amy. Amy who? "It's gonna take Amy to pull me off of you if you don't tell me where Caylee is", says CA. The jig is up. No time for plan C.

Very good comic relief, although we all know there's nothing funny about this story. ITA with much of your theory, but I still think she taped Caylee's mouth and chloroformed her. Maybe poured it on the pillow. Maybe they found the pillow in the woods.
I'm not trying to be gross and have asked the question on the "Intentional killed Caylee," We know the 2 plants dug up in A's backyard by LE were the hibisus & the pink flower plant? Would the seedlings of these plants mature in Caylees skeleton over the last 7 and halk months? I called a young botonist student at Wash. Stae Univ. and she thought I was Bananas!
I'm not trying to be gross and have asked the question on the "Intentional killed Caylee," We know the 2 plants dug up in A's backyard by LE were the hibisus & the pink flower plant? Would the seedlings of these plants mature in Caylees skeleton over the last 7 and halk months? I called a young botonist student at Wash. Stae Univ. and she thought I was Bananas!

I was thinking those roots that were at the crime scene laying on the tarp. Could they have been bamboo roots from the A's to mark the spot or to grow and hide the spot? Nevermind, too much thought for CA to do.
ITA--this is essentially my point too, altho IMO there is a fourth option--negligence followed by a desperate simpleminded cover-up. And can everyone be nice to me too since I've only been here four months...? LOL

I throw you some love too, kiki... :blowkiss:

I agree that there is the fourth option above. And sadly we may never know how Caylee really died and by what action.
Always in the back of my mind are those silent videos that Casey loved to take of Caylee. You know, the ones where the camera person says nothing but observes Caylee at play, eating, dancing, coloring, etc. Now I wonder if there is a film of what happened to Caylee somewhere. I liken it to Casey never quite feeling her life, but looking in at it through a lens. Then she literally took up camera and began documenting moments in Caylee's life, to put it into pictures that one-remove her from the action in order to look at it objectively to see it as "real." I know that makes more sense in my head than I probably conveyed it here. In short, pictures are more real than reality. I said it in another thread that Casey observes and adapts to the people around her. But in her own home, with a child, there is no one to observe except the child. The disturbing "Breakfast With Caylee" video on youtube is a good example of what I'm talking about.

:eek: When my daughter first started talking I did a couple of "silent" videos for a few minutes.. because I wanted to hear and remember what she saying and how she sounded. At that age.. sometime if I would talk to her while videotaping she would not say anything. I also have a picture of when my DD fell down the wooden staircase(3 steps -tripped on blankie..daddy caught her on bottom one), she got a big knot on her forehead.. a few days later she had 2 black eyes(the blood seeped down from her knot to her eyes.. I called the dr FAST!) I took a picture of her to email my sister who lives in another state. . EEK.. if she would get kidnapped or lost I would be A PRIME SUSPECT.:eek: This was the only accident she has had besides a skinned knee.
Now I guess I will have to destroy those videos and the picture of her black eyes. :(
:eek: When my daughter first started talking I did a couple of "silent" videos for a few minutes.. because I wanted to hear and remember what she saying and how she sounded. At that age.. sometime if I would talk to her while videotaping she would not say anything. I also have a picture of when my DD fell down the wooden staircase(3 steps -tripped on blankie..daddy caught her on bottom one), she got a big knot on her forehead.. a few days later she had 2 black eyes(the blood seeped down from her knot to her eyes.. I called the dr FAST!) I took a picture of her to email my sister who lives in another state. . EEK.. if she would get kidnapped or lost I would be A PRIME SUSPECT.:eek: This was the only accident she has had besides a skinned knee.
Now I guess I will have to destroy those videos and the picture of her black eyes. :(

But it is not about you.
I posted a question about this on the 'questions for members' thread. I saw a few IMs between KC and someone....maybe first initial was /I/ but I thought they were after June 15th.

Did KC refer to Zani before June 15th (last day Caylee was alive for sure)?

What about her computer you (or anyone) know the date(s) she searched Zani's name and/or information?

IIRC, the IM referring to Zani was between Casey and AR sometime in May. The computer searches on ZG I believe were done after the police were called, like late night July 15, early morning July 16, maybe even later, but I could be wrong on that.
Here are my problems w the above. I don't think they are actually problems. First, I can easily envision the scenario in which Caylee is initially helped into her suit in preparation for a swim (or as a reportedly very bright nearly three year-old who knows well the routine, is either encouraged or simply endeavors herself to pull a suit on herself maybe managing eg to get it on backwards or perhaps requiring some assistance.) Children this age are of course not known for having great patience tho and, if KC became distracted--do any of us here for one minute have any "problems" envisioning her attention being suddenly diverted to a more absorbing, selfish pursuit ie on her cell ("just for a sec"), picking up her voicemail (it'll just take another minute), texting say, I dunno maybe 10 or 20, of those 500+ messages (it won't take long), checking her myspace (she's probably in her playhouse), [/i]switching over to IM'g (gate should be closed anyway)--and before she knows it, 25 or 30 minutes have slipped away and it suddenly occurs to her that Caylee has been too quiet for too long. As for my problem w your second problem (!?) in the absence of adequate childproofing or recommended safety barriers to the family pool, it sadly fell to whomever was at home to check that gates and ladders were checked and the burden fell upon the person supervising Caylee to protect her--as in truth but especially by this age--her caregiver was in fact the ONLY barrier. HUGE mistake, needless to say, given Caylee had reportedly begun learning to master even these flimsy safeguards about which CA undoubtedly and with good reason had repeatedly warned KC... She would therefore have been held VERY MUCH responsible had it occurred this way (which I suspect is the case) and so have made this the ultimate, unpardonable mistake--held over HER head by CA to her grave and beyond--for which KC could never have shifted blame nor, she feared, be forgiven by CA. JMO

Bolded by me.

It's my opinion to come to this conclusion you are essentially ignoring a lot of the irrational lies Casey has told. For example:
"No, I'm not pregnant, it's a tumor."
"No, I'm not pregnant, I would have to have sex to be pregnant."
"Yes, you are the father, even though I was 2 months pregnant when I met you."
"Yes, I work at Universal Studios, even though I have no income."
"Yes, I work at the Sports Authority, and I don't get paid for that, either."
"I was robbed at gunpoint of the $4000 I was supposed to deposit. No, I didn't report it."
"You walked in your sleep and hid your money, Amy."
"Please follow me, officers, my office is right down this hallway."
"I will lie and steal to get the lingerie and beer I need to find my daughter."
Why do you think a person who would lie the way Casey has consistently lied, stupid lies that are easily proven false, would have any trouble laying all the blame on Cindy? This is the same woman who seemed to think as long as she lied about where Caylee was, no one would ever seriously look for her.
But it is not about you.

No.. it's about Caylee. I am personally happy that I only could hear Caylee's voice on the video they were so precious because I could hear every word. If Casey would have talked on the video then it would be said "Casey talks to much on the video." Having Casey's voice on the video would have more than likely been irritating to say the least.

It is saddening, that anyone could find the "silent videos" odd in some fashion because I think there could be alot of good parents that have done the very same. They want the video to be about the baby. We must be careful while condemning Casey (justly so) that we do not condemn actions that have nothing to do with the murder as we might condemn others(good parents) in the same instant.

Just can't see how the silent videos play into how Caylee was killed or much about Casey's personality. JMHO..
No, it is about Caylee... I was trying to make a point as to why she might have been silent.. JMHO there is NOTHING wrong with the silent videos.. they may also have many videos with Casey talking to her or the grandparents talking to her but they were not released to the media as they wanted a good video that had ONLY CAYLEE'S VOICE on it.
Your post made me think about those videos I took and realized I did not know how they looked to the outside world I think the idea came from a parenting magazine to "tape your child on video without talking to them"

IMHO.. The videos in themselves.. because they are "silent" do not show any bad parenting at all or show that Casey is a murderer. I doubt the prosecution or any juror would even take this as evidence. I believe she killed (whether intentionally or negilently) that precious baby and threw her out like a piece of garbage. But do I think we should convict her on the "silent videos?" NO. Because even though we hate Casey and everything about her does not mean we should condemn all of her actions. Especially when other GOOD parents may have done something so innocent as to take a silent video.

I bow to your belief that they are "odd" or "wrong" but I will humbly disagree with you on this point that they could have anything at all to do with the murder. I am actually glad when I watch the video I can only hear Caylee.. it is so darn cute and I do not have to hear Casey's voice.


First it was those trying to say that Caylee's speech skills were not "advanced" enough for a child her age, based on snip its of video the "silent" videos of here are abusive? I have to say, some of the most precious and funniest video I have of my kids are silent. Letting them act and play without knowing they are being filmed is genuine and sentimental. Some people want to make every single thing that we see of that childs personal life a factor that lead to her death. I think Caylee's life and the circumstances of her death are two completely and SEPERATE events....people think that all children that are killed by a parent are abused all along, and thats simply not true.
I was thinking those roots that were at the crime scene laying on the tarp. Could they have been bamboo roots from the A's to mark the spot or to grow and hide the spot? Nevermind, too much thought for CA to do.

That was my theory from the beginning. Bamboo or or other quick growing shallow rooted plant transplanted on top of the body, except I was thinking shallow grave. I wonder if bamboo will grow and root without being down in the soil, but just placed in water.
I have seen bamboo root in water before but I believe it was the invasive type the A's had. I live in the desert and it's hard to control during monsoon season. It's exeptionally hardy and spreads fastly. I don't know why anyone would plant the bamboo at the site other than to hide the body. It really doesn't make sense for KC to do it. I couldn't even believe it when CA explained why KC borrowed the shovel from the neighbor (due to tripping over the roots). Very curious about those roots at the crime scene on the tarp though. Maybe the plant life, the bugs, etc...Sorry O/T. Will put this in Questions thread.

Bolded by me.

It's my opinion to come to this conclusion you are essentially ignoring a lot of the irrational lies Casey has told. For example:
"No, I'm not pregnant, it's a tumor."
"No, I'm not pregnant, I would have to have sex to be pregnant."
"Yes, you are the father, even though I was 2 months pregnant when I met you."
"Yes, I work at Universal Studios, even though I have no income."
"Yes, I work at the Sports Authority, and I don't get paid for that, either."
"I was robbed at gunpoint of the $4000 I was supposed to deposit. No, I didn't report it."
"You walked in your sleep and hid your money, Amy."
"Please follow me, officers, my office is right down this hallway."
"I will lie and steal to get the lingerie and beer I need to find my daughter."
Why do you think a person who would lie the way Casey has consistently lied, stupid lies that are easily proven false, would have any trouble laying all the blame on Cindy? This is the same woman who seemed to think as long as she lied about where Caylee was, no one would ever seriously look for her.

this is a genius post! lol! brilliant!
First it was those trying to say that Caylee's speech skills were not "advanced" enough for a child her age, based on snip its of video the "silent" videos of here are abusive? I have to say, some of the most precious and funniest video I have of my kids are silent. Letting them act and play without knowing they are being filmed is genuine and sentimental. Some people want to make every single thing that we see of that childs personal life a factor that lead to her death. I think Caylee's life and the circumstances of her death are two completely and SEPERATE events....people think that all children that are killed by a parent are abused all along, and thats simply not true.

I haven't seen the other "silent" videos that Casey took of Caylee, but I have seen "1-2-3 Cheese." In this video, Caylee definitely knows she's being videotaped. Over and over she asks her mommy, "1-2-3 Cheese? 1-2-3 Cheese?" She tries to show her Casey her crayons and talk about her coloring. Cold silence is all she experiences. Caylee literally heaves a sigh of stress/frustration during this filming. It's hard to watch.
I just can't see any reason why Casey would have planned to kill Caylee with chloroform. Why would she go out and get a strange substance that could possibly be traced - and definitely raise red flags - when there are so many toxic substances already in the average house? It would seem more logical to use rat poison or something like that - or perhaps antifreeze. Not to think like a perp, here - but supposedly anti-freeze has a sweet taste that a kid would presumably willingly drink - and if you got caught, it would be easier to claim the child accidently ingested it, rather than trying to explain away chloroform. Maybe I've watched too many old movies, but I connect chloroform with trying to knock someone out - not with murder. Could she have tried to dope Caylee unconcious while she was going out partying, and either given her too much, or it was too hot in the car and she died from heat stroke.

I also can't see doing a computer search for a shovel. Duh, is there anyone on the planet who doesn't know what one is or how to use it? And you can buy one at any store. The only logical reason I can see would be if you used the family shovel to hide the body and either lost/damaged/contaminated it and wanted to find one that was an exact duplicate to replace it.
Fellow posters please be gentle...

If the info from the source, that was reported on NG tonight, is true then therefore by the source's timeline

Caylee was killed 6.16.08
Caylees decomposing body was in Casey's trunk for approx. 2.6 days
Caylees body was put at the remains site on 6.18.08
Casey borrowed a neighbors shovel on 6.18.08
Cadaver (sp?) dogs hit twice in the Anthony's backyard.

So somehow part of Caylees decomposing body got into the backyard.

Did she use the neighbors shovel to transfer some of Caylees remains to the backyard? From her trunk?

Was it with the shovel on the 18th? Or was the 18th a second try?
I wonder why the remains may have been placed in the back yard of the Anthony home, maybe this is where the wrapping in the trash bags took place.
Fellow posters please be gentle...

If the info from the source, that was reported on NG tonight, is true then therefore by the source's timeline

Caylee was killed 6.16.08
Caylees decomposing body was in Casey's trunk for approx. 2.6 days
Caylees body was put at the remains site on 6.18.08
Casey borrowed a neighbors shovel on 6.18.08
Cadaver (sp?) dogs hit twice in the Anthony's backyard.

So somehow part of Caylees decomposing body got into the backyard.

Did she use the neighbors shovel to transfer some of Caylees remains to the backyard? From her trunk?

Was it with the shovel on the 18th? Or was the 18th a second try?

my bold.....

I think KC emptied the vac's in the backyard after cleaning the trunk (she backed three times to do something)....

KC might have borrowed a shovel *thinking* she was going to dig, but decided it was too much trouble, brush too thick.......maybe the snake showed up ??
Here are my problems w the above. I don't think they are actually problems. First, I can easily envision the scenario in which Caylee is initially helped into her suit in preparation for a swim (or as a reportedly very bright nearly three year-old who knows well the routine, is either encouraged or simply endeavors herself to pull a suit on herself maybe managing eg to get it on backwards or perhaps requiring some assistance.) Children this age are of course not known for having great patience tho and, if KC became distracted--do any of us here for one minute have any "problems" envisioning her attention being suddenly diverted to a more absorbing, selfish pursuit ie on her cell ("just for a sec"), picking up her voicemail (it'll just take another minute), texting say, I dunno maybe 10 or 20, of those 500+ messages (it won't take long), checking her myspace (she's probably in her playhouse), [/i]switching over to IM'g (gate should be closed anyway)--and before she knows it, 25 or 30 minutes have slipped away and it suddenly occurs to her that Caylee has been too quiet for too long. As for my problem w your second problem (!?) in the absence of adequate childproofing or recommended safety barriers to the family pool, it sadly fell to whomever was at home to check that gates and ladders were checked and the burden fell upon the person supervising Caylee to protect her--as in truth but especially by this age--her caregiver was in fact the ONLY barrier. HUGE mistake, needless to say, given Caylee had reportedly begun learning to master even these flimsy safeguards about which CA undoubtedly and with good reason had repeatedly warned KC... She would therefore have been held VERY MUCH responsible had it occurred this way (which I suspect is the case) and so have made this the ultimate, unpardonable mistake--held over HER head by CA to her grave and beyond--for which KC could never have shifted blame nor, she feared, be forgiven by CA. JMO
I can understand why so many people myself included would rather believe it was an accident...
but there comes a point and its coming soon that were all just going to have to face the reality that Caylee's death was not an accident.
She was murdered by her mother.
The point has passed and continues to receed with each new day of information where all these accident scenarios become more and more implausible.
Sadly its not going to benefit anyone to continue to cling to them to the point of Denial.
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