Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #5

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I haven't read completely through this very long thread, but would like to post my theory.

If George indeed saw KC and Caylee leave on the 16th., I believe KC drove around for awhile & came back to the house. If she drove around awhile, it's likely Caylee would've fallen asleep, so KC probably carried a sleepy Caylee into the house, Caylee's doll forgotten at the moment, and thus left in the car.

I started out believing Caylee was drowned, and I still believe KC drowned Caylee in the pool. Several things back up this theory as you will see. I hope.

Caylee wasn't wearing clothing or shoes when discovered. Yes, clothes were in the bag with her, but no shoes. If Casey had smothered Caylee, there would be no reason for her clothes to be off when she was wrapped & bagged, and again, no reason for her to be placed temporarily in the backyard. She could have easily been placed in a closet or under the bed while KC tidied up loose ends.

My reasoning for a drowning scenerio has more to do with who KC is as a person than anything else. KC is not an outdoorsy type, she's a club, girly girl, mall shopper type, young woman. Because of her ice cold nature, she's not afraid of death, but she'd rather not get her hands dirty if she doesn't have to.

She was not a hands on mother so why would she suddenly switch and become a hands on murderer? Not having been the real mother in Caylee's life, I can easily see Casey drug Caylee or not drug her, duct tape her mouth and hands behind her (additional pieces of duct tape found with body) and then put her into the pool, a hand's off murder so to speak. Then KC can say to herself that Caylee drowned in the pool, and she is therefore innocent. That Caylee drowned would fit in with the rest of KC's "mistruths" or 1/4 truths. KC might even think to herself she gave her a chance--sink or swim. She may have used the ladder to fish her out of the pool, the reason it wasn't in it's usual place.

Then again if Caylee had been drugged, KC may have pulled her from the pool before she was quite dead, and covered her mouth so she couldn't expel any water she'd gotten into her lungs. Less likely, but a possibility. I think the sticker went on the duct tape after Caylee's death, the heart signifying a love that KC was incapable of giving, but to her it showed she loved Caylee. Sick as it is, it's likely all that KC really understood, the symbology and nothing more. She knew the words, but not the meaning. I think the knife was used to cut the duct tape from Caylee wrists. I believe all of KC's actions were deliberate and premeditated, maybe not far in advance, but in advance.

With a wet and dead Caylee, KC wraps her up in the Winnie the Pooh blanket. No sign of guilt here; she does it simply because thats what you do with a wet child that's been in a pool, you wrap them up in a towel or blanket. It's automatic thinking. Next she hides Caylee momentarily under the playhouse or in it rather than carry her back into the house. She gathers up the clothes Caylee was wearing, and puts them into a laundry bag. Takes it outside, puts Caylee in it, & then puts her in the trunk of her car. A wet Caylee transfers the moisture to the Pooh blanket which transfers it to the now damp laundry bag which collects dirt, something that would not occur as easily if Caylee had been smothered & dry when bagged.

At no time is Caylee's body ever left in the yard overnight. The Anthony's own dog/s would have alerted to the smell, and been clawing at the playhouse or trying to dig under it.

I think KC disposed of the duct tape that same day by tossing it out the car window somewhere along the usual routes she took, probably a field. Now that I think about it, that would sure be something to look for if a person had the time & knew where to look. Some time elapsed between the murder & KC's meeting up with TL.

About another theory, if Caylee was drugged and placed in the trunk, then I see no reason for her body to ever have been in the Anthony's backyard. While a good theory, that cancels it as a possibility IMO.

Also, I just have to say, I'm amazed with all the things our sharp sleuthers have come up with, particularly the cell phone pings. Wow. And the ones that found the vacant house where DC was digging around. Another wow. All the photos and info dug up...too many wows to list! So many have poured so much effort into this case. All I can say is I'm proud of the work that's been done here to bring justice to Caylee, and proud to be a part of this community.
Yes. According to the clothes/items found with Caylee's body and Casey's phone pings Caylee was probably killed in the Anthony house.

Caylee had on an aqua top and white shorts on June 15. She may have worn a swimsuit to go swimming with Cindy later, but after swimming Caylee would have been put into a nightie or pajamas.

Casey stayed home with her parents Saturday night (June 14). The next morning, Caylee went to Mt. Dora with Cindy. Casey didn't need to put the mama doll and Caylee's backpack into her car to go see Tony on June 15. She would need the mama doll, pull-ups and baby wipes to sit in the car for an hour with Caylee waiting for George to go to work

If Casey intended to overdose Caylee and leave her in the back seat/trunk of her car to "visit" Tony or anyone else, Casey would have put a change of clothes into Caylee's backpack (in case of an accident). Where in the car were cookies and a sippy cup of water to give Caylee when she woke up?

Tony did not see Casey go near her car on Blockbuster night.

I don't think anything points to Casey thinking there was a chance she'd need anything for Caylee after 4 p.m. on June 16.[/QUOTE]

Besides sticking a live child in the trunk DRUGGED would have been very risky.

My daughter is 1 week older than Caylee. Believe me, this little ones sure can struggle and wiggle away. I do not believe Casey stuck Caylee in the trunk as a babysitter. She was done being a parent as of 4 pm.

There are only a few ways a mother could be so carefree while out having fun.
1. Mother is no longer a custodial parent and the child is with the father.
2. The child is at a babysitter's or in someone trustworthy's care.
3. Mother is no longer a parent - child has died and mother has had time(months) to recover and to grieve.
4. Parent has no general care or concern for child's well-being on a consistent basis.

Mothers are not carefree while having fun..
1. Child is sick.
2. Child has been kidnapped.
3. Not to sure about sitter's...(new or inexperienced)
4. Child needs to be constantly monitored.
5. Child could interrupt or cause a disturbance while parent is socializing. (we often feel anxious like this when talking to other adults and the child are acting up because they are bored and want to go) We may be talking but we generally do not enjoy ourselves when the child causes a disturbance.

We know that Caylee was not with a custodial father or with her grandparents, aunts or any relatives. We know that Caylee was with her mother in the days and weeks before June 16th - June 20th. Caylee was photographed June 15th looking happy, healthy and well-kept.
From the first list above, we can safely say the mother is no longer a parent, the child has died. The abnormalcy lies in the fact there was NO GRIEF SHOWN AT ALL.

Out of the second list, we can see that a parent would not be carefree if a child had to be monitored or could cause a disturbance.
It would be easy to surmise that Caylee was put in the trunk dead before the trip to BB because Casey was not concerned about monitoring a drugged child nor was she concerned about the child waking up and kicking and screaming in the trunk.
Yes your are right, KC didn't care about covering her crime up. She did expect it to stay between her mother and her. I really believe that it didn't sink in to her bones (CA) when she called LE saying the car smelled and KC wouldn't take her to Caylee. She knew, but she didn't know, if that makes sense. We'll never know if we'd have ever heard of Caylee Anthony if CA had been able to add two and two together at that moment. She couldn't figure the end result right then as she was in a panic, world spinning. After she made that call, it was too late. jmo

I have often wondered to myself how often CA regrets that phone call.
My guess? Every moment of every day.
I think that, initially, the call was made to scare Casey straight.
snipped for room and bolded by me.....
Caylee wasn't wearing clothing or shoes when discovered.

I do think Caylee was wearing the those clothes. They were found in the bag with the bones. There was nothing LEFT to hold them on. Once the muscle and tissue decomposed, there was nothing left to hold the bones together. Once the bones were no longer connected there would be nothing to hold the clothes on. The bag was under water from the day Fay hit until sometime in late Oct? The bag floated in the the water and things broke lose and became scattered. So the clothing became scattered and decomposed as well.
I have a problem with the duct tape being used for anything other than keeping Caylee quiet, in the event she woke up, after being placed in the trunk. I just can't reasonably accept that Casey would put duct tape on Caylee to stop fluids from coming out of the mouth. If Casey wanted to drown Caylee, all she would have to do is put the ladder against the pool and let Caylee get in...she couldn't swim without floats.
SNIPPED: "... I do think Caylee was wearing the those clothes. They were found in the bag with the bones. There was nothing LEFT to hold them on. Once the muscle and tissue decomposed, there was nothing left to hold the bones together. ..."
Bolded by me, Chezhire.

I agree with the above statement: one Caylee's muscle and tissue decomposed, leaving nothing but her bones, there was no practical way for Caylee's clothes to remain on what was left of her body. :(

Would be no different than someone trying to "wear" clothes that were many, many sizes too large: the clothes won't stay on that person's body.
I haven't read completely through this very long thread, but would like to post my theory.

If George indeed saw KC and Caylee leave on the 16th., I believe KC drove around for awhile & came back to the house. If she drove around awhile, it's likely Caylee would've fallen asleep, so KC probably carried a sleepy Caylee into the house, Caylee's doll forgotten at the moment, and thus left in the car.

I started out believing Caylee was drowned, and I still believe KC drowned Caylee in the pool. Several things back up this theory as you will see. I hope.

Caylee wasn't wearing clothing or shoes when discovered. Yes, clothes were in the bag with her, but no shoes. If Casey had smothered Caylee, there would be no reason for her clothes to be off when she was wrapped & bagged, and again, no reason for her to be placed temporarily in the backyard. She could have easily been placed in a closet or under the bed while KC tidied up loose ends.

My reasoning for a drowning scenerio has more to do with who KC is as a person than anything else. KC is not an outdoorsy type, she's a club, girly girl, mall shopper type, young woman. Because of her ice cold nature, she's not afraid of death, but she'd rather not get her hands dirty if she doesn't have to.

She was not a hands on mother so why would she suddenly switch and become a hands on murderer? Not having been the real mother in Caylee's life, I can easily see Casey drug Caylee or not drug her, duct tape her mouth and hands behind her (additional pieces of duct tape found with body) and then put her into the pool, a hand's off murder so to speak. Then KC can say to herself that Caylee drowned in the pool, and she is therefore innocent. That Caylee drowned would fit in with the rest of KC's "mistruths" or 1/4 truths. KC might even think to herself she gave her a chance--sink or swim. She may have used the ladder to fish her out of the pool, the reason it wasn't in it's usual place.

Then again if Caylee had been drugged, KC may have pulled her from the pool before she was quite dead, and covered her mouth so she couldn't expel any water she'd gotten into her lungs. Less likely, but a possibility. I think the sticker went on the duct tape after Caylee's death, the heart signifying a love that KC was incapable of giving, but to her it showed she loved Caylee. Sick as it is, it's likely all that KC really understood, the symbology and nothing more. She knew the words, but not the meaning. I think the knife was used to cut the duct tape from Caylee wrists. I believe all of KC's actions were deliberate and premeditated, maybe not far in advance, but in advance.

With a wet and dead Caylee, KC wraps her up in the Winnie the Pooh blanket. No sign of guilt here; she does it simply because thats what you do with a wet child that's been in a pool, you wrap them up in a towel or blanket. It's automatic thinking. Next she hides Caylee momentarily under the playhouse or in it rather than carry her back into the house. She gathers up the clothes Caylee was wearing, and puts them into a laundry bag. Takes it outside, puts Caylee in it, & then puts her in the trunk of her car. A wet Caylee transfers the moisture to the Pooh blanket which transfers it to the now damp laundry bag which collects dirt, something that would not occur as easily if Caylee had been smothered & dry when bagged.

Yours is a very well thought out theory. I still haven't ruled out the pool playing a part, but I'm leaning toward chloroform as the method of death rather than drowning.

I agree with ibyoungr about the clothes. They probably fell off the decomposing body, with help from the elements.

You say there would be no reason to put the body in the back yard if she didn't die back there. I do believe KC backed into the garage three days in a row to figure out how to dispose of the body in the trunk, and she may have put it back there for a little while.
You say there would be no reason to put the body in the back yard if she didn't die back there. I do believe KC backed into the garage three days in a row to figure out how to dispose of the body in the trunk, and she may have put it back there for a little while.

I think there was bagging/rebagging goiing on when she backed in, and maybe a cleaning effort. I just can't envision her putting the body in the yard - what if someone drove up while she had it there? I think she hosed off the shovel in the yard, or had decomp fluid on her shoes.
I think there was bagging/rebagging goiing on when she backed in, and maybe a cleaning effort. I just can't envision her putting the body in the yard - what if someone drove up while she had it there? I think she hosed off the shovel in the yard, or had decomp fluid on her shoes.

There's the theory that KC originally planned to bury the body in the yard, hence borrowing the shovel and the decomp hit by the sandbox. She couldn't dig the hole, or decided against it.
Oh, I think you are onto something BIG. I've posted a couple of times that the co-sleeping situation was a major issue in that house.

I have friends that started co-sleeping at the newborn phase to make nursing and sleeping easier only wind up sleeping with their toddler until they were 4-5 years old....most enjoying every moment of it but admitting they were the only ones to get their child to sleep and it required them being in bed with them.

Bedtime would NOT be easy without KC.... ever.

I think it's exactly why she shared a bed with Ricardo and Caylee.

It's why CA would call KC in the middle of the night to come home....probably because Caylee woke up scared and in a panic waking the entire house. (I swear I remember posting about this but can't remember which thread...maybe the "where exactly Caylee died thread??")

KC was Caylee's "lovie" to fall asleep with which breaks my heart even more.

KC knew she couldn't bring Caylee to TonE's.....and she knew she couldn't leave Caylee alone to sleep at the A's. Co-sleeping was a major thorn in her side.

Good post, BJB!!!

I agree with both of you...BUT, I truly feel that the real reason for CA to insist on KC being home @ a certain point in the evening was simply because she said so...period.

If CA & GA were typical grandparents then, it would make sense that by night (bed) time, cosleeping or not that KC needed to be there to take care of her child.

I think I speak for most grandparents that it's fun to be with your grandchildren and even to go above & beyond to assist your working children with babysitting BUT, when they should be home to take over---they need to be home.

I mean...CA was the only employed adult there most of the time so, it's understandable if only for that reason that she'd be ready for KC to come home and take over with her parental responsibilities especially at bed time.

The problem which CA may have created was that she took over a lot of the "fun-time" parenting of Caylee and what was left over for KC didn't seem so appealing anymore especially when it involved having to be home when the fun is just getting started with her other life.
I also think the pool was involved somehow. The reason why is, the dogs hitting in the yard, and this also: During the infamous jail visit, I think the date was Aug.14th, CA tells KC that the media is saying that Caylee drowned in the pool, and I watched KCs face, and it looks scared, but she is trying real hard to control it, but I see something in her eyes, and then she says "surprise, surprise," which is a really random wierd thing to say, like stalling. I just think it looks like CA hit on something right there. JMO of course.
ITA. Plus, IIRC KC and TL slept in the next morning and TL took time off school. KC no longer had any responsibilities because Caylee was gone -- she could lay and chill with TL.

KC makes me sick.....
* 12:50 she said Good Bye to GA
* 5:30 getting ready to meet TL at BLOCKBUSTER
*7:30 Blockbuster....
* after that :couch:
:bedtime: :bedtime: :bedtime:

Now folks.... that is what I call *** C O L D * * *
~~~~~~~~~S I C K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Beyond Belief..............

cause even if the Zanny/Nanny ZFG took the Toddler
Little Angel C A Y L E E ~

THAT IS BEYOND ~ **** cold ***** Sick !!!!!

Just ~~~~~~~~ UNFORGIVABLE ! ! ! !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

talk about puke KC makes the PUKE PRINCESS ! ! !

God Bless

~~~~ I want to say I am sorry for feeling this way about KC
really..... that is worse than C Manson and his sick killing ways !!!!!

snuggling afterwards.... P U K E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if I get time out it
is ok
with me

It's hard for me to imagine the gall Casey must have to even think of placing Caylee's body in her parent's back yard. That's the move of a confident person, confident that if her parent's found the body they might cover for her, I wonder ?
I also think the pool was involved somehow. The reason why is, the dogs hitting in the yard, and this also: During the infamous jail visit, I think the date was Aug.14th, CA tells KC that the media is saying that Caylee drowned in the pool, and I watched KCs face, and it looks scared, but she is trying real hard to control it, but I see something in her eyes, and then she says "surprise, surprise," which is a really random wierd thing to say, like stalling. I just think it looks like CA hit on something right there. JMO of course.

I remember that too. That was one of CA's "test" statements to see how KC would react. I also thought KC's reaction was odd.
KC makes me sick.....
* 12:50 she said Good Bye to GA
* 5:30 getting ready to meet TL at BLOCKBUSTER
*7:30 Blockbuster....
* after that :couch:
:bedtime: :bedtime: :bedtime:

Now folks.... that is what I call *** C O L D * * *
~~~~~~~~~S I C K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Beyond Belief..............

cause even if the Zanny/Nanny ZFG took the Toddler
Little Angel C A Y L E E ~

THAT IS BEYOND ~ **** cold ***** Sick !!!!!

Just ~~~~~~~~ UNFORGIVABLE ! ! ! !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

talk about puke KC makes the PUKE PRINCESS ! ! !

God Bless

~~~~ I want to say I am sorry for feeling this way about KC
really..... that is worse than C Manson and his sick killing ways !!!!!

snuggling afterwards.... P U K E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if I get time out it
is ok
with me


I understand your feelings 100%....:blowkiss:
I also think the pool was involved somehow. The reason why is, the dogs hitting in the yard, and this also: During the infamous jail visit, I think the date was Aug.14th, CA tells KC that the media is saying that Caylee drowned in the pool, and I watched KCs face, and it looks scared, but she is trying real hard to control it, but I see something in her eyes, and then she says "surprise, surprise," which is a really random wierd thing to say, like stalling. I just think it looks like CA hit on something right there. JMO of course.

well ~ here's a SURPRISE for you KC

LWOP or DP ! ! ! !

surprise ~ surprise !!!!!

shame on you lying & lying

shame on you with or without the Zanny/Nanny ZFG

That is a Bad example of Motherhood ~ not calling 911 ! ! !
That is bad and Wrong anyway you look at it....

leading LE on Wild Goose Chases ! acting scared.... while

~ D A N C I N G ~ & Snuggling & sleeping in.....

while little Angel CAYLEE is..... God Only Knows W H E R E ! ?


I am just going to take a break from this KC ___________________

fill in the blanks !

Really ticked off!

I'm sorry.....

I just Lost it....

I'll put myself in "TIME OUT ! !"

I apologize to Ya'll

I also think the pool was involved somehow. The reason why is, the dogs hitting in the yard, and this also: During the infamous jail visit, I think the date was Aug.14th, CA tells KC that the media is saying that Caylee drowned in the pool, and I watched KCs face, and it looks scared, but she is trying real hard to control it, but I see something in her eyes, and then she says "surprise, surprise," which is a really random wierd thing to say, like stalling. I just think it looks like CA hit on something right there. JMO of course.

Bolded by me.

If Caylee had been killed in the home & then put in the car backed into the garage, why would KC take her out to the backyard first? Sorry, that just makes no sense to me seeing how lazy KC is. She would be creating more work for herself. She's not a large person so toting around 40 lbs. is a lot of work. There's really not much for her to do once Caylee was dead other than put her in the bag, & put her in the trunk.

If LE says the clothes weren't on the body, I believe them. I'm guessing they were wadded up in the bag, and that's how they knew that.
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