Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #8

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I was wrong about the calls in the first week. There was one call from the house. If you notice all communication was being initiated by FCA not by the A's...with the exception of one call. Thank you for pointing this out.
Very fitting scenario. She could have done her dirty deed that night while AT Blanchard Park. That makes the half-truths fit in very well.

I don't think so...all cell pings originated from Hopespring area. After appr 1200am they started pinging between 2 towers next to the house. She may have left the house and drove around the corner to talk to TL or she could have even been sitting in the driveway talking to him. She talked till about 3:00am.

To keep Caylee from crying she may have taped her right there in the driveway. She could have been on the phone; opened up the door w/remote in hand and grabbed the tape to keep her from making noise while texting and talking to her lover.
it was found fairly close to the body. residue of heart-shaped sticker on duct tape witnessed by two people, not one. heart-shaped stickers found in casey's bedroom. casey's photobucket acct had pics of caylee with heart-shapes superimposed. That's why, IMO.

I do recall that the technician showed it to her supervisor. And...I could be wrong, but I believe they noticed it was heart shaped and then had them search the recovery area to see if they could find a sticker, which they did.

Didn't the jurors ask about the stickers right in the middle of the trial? I think it made them realize they had not followed the caution not to discuss the case and the defense might have even brought up a mistrial (again). Just the first hint that the jurors didn't think the rules were important.
I think she came up with the description of nanny from the murdered girl at the park. She certainly was a ten, came from a good family, from NJ/NY and was hald puerto rican and half-black, I believe. She took it straight from the her pic was there.

FCA told Rob that her mother told her not to go to Blanchard Park because of this murder. This is when she told Rob that zanny assualted her there and took Caylee because she wasn't a good enough mother.
I don't think so...all cell pings originated from Hopespring area. After appr 1200am they started pinging between 2 towers next to the house. She may have left the house and drove around the corner to talk to TL or she could have even been sitting in the driveway talking to him. She talked till about 3:00am.

To keep Caylee from crying she may have taped her right there in the driveway. She could have been on the phone; opened up the door w/remote in hand and grabbed the tape to keep her from making noise while texting and talking to her lover.

I have wondered what evidence exists that FCA left the house the night of June 15 or very early morning of June 16 - is there a statement to that effect somewhere?

By the way, I was looking over her first interrrogation by the detectives and she said this:

But then this just happened. And she (Zani) was nonchalant with me the morning of. Everything was perfectly fine.

Keeping with the theory of bits of truth revealed by FCA here and there, she could be saying that FCA herself was nonchalant at the time of Caylee's murder in the morning, and that she was perfectly fine with it. It just happened, done, and she moved on.

It's also interesting what a contradiction this version is with what Rob said!
Just like the imaginary car accident that Zanny had...wasn't it Amy who had wrecked her car & also a friend of TL? I just can't remember the time frame of these 2 and whether they coincide with the Zanny in the hospital story!

I think y'all are on to something with the sand! I've always thought she either left the body in the backyard or laid Caylee on the ground hence the dogs hitting on those spots. But, the sand finally explains the shovel & FCA backing her car into the garage! Perfect sense...she didn't have Caylee in the trunk, she had bags of sand (what did she buy at Home Depot??) and yes, they are indeed heavy! She had to have the shovel to get the other sand out after she removed Caylee....couldn't use GA because he changed the lock. Time of day? If she did it early enough, things would look back to norm by the time GA/CA came home.

Then she bagged up Caylee, took her around the corner, bag tore, stain in trunk (which I think probably disgusted her) so she just threw her & that's why she wasn't that far into the woods. The clean up is as you said earlier. So, if this was the same day as the "gas can argument w/George, could it be he didn't smell the decomp because Caylee was bagged? Or, had it not began that process yet? And, if it had began to smell with Caylee being in the sand for a couple days, wouldn't they have smelled it when they took the dogs out?
I have wondered what evidence exists that FCA left the house the night of June 15 or very early morning of June 16 - is there a statement to that effect somewhere?

By the way, I was looking over her first interrrogation by the detectives and she said this:

Keeping with the theory of bits of truth revealed by FCA here and there, she could be saying that FCA herself was nonchalant at the time of Caylee's murder in the morning, and that she was perfectly fine with it. It just happened, done, and she moved on.

It's also interesting what a contradiction this version is with what Rob said!

Or maybe that CA was normal, everything fine before she left with Caylee to see her Dad but after she came was he!! to pay because of the stolen money story??
I am guessing this family had been in a turmoil with FCA for about two weeks prior. FCA was upping her game once she started sleeping with TL. My guess is that cindy gave her the ultimatum about Caylee at the beginning of June. FCA was biding her time and the rage was building. She WANTED to be with TL and she wasn't going to be denied. GA most likely starting putting his foot down because cindy was getting very upset. To get away from them, she went to ricardos's apt for a few days. Caylee was getting to be a handful and she was short on patience. When Tony said that Caylee was not allowed to stay with them..Caylee was in trouble. When Tony said he would like to have a son in preference to a girl..Caylee's fate was sealed.

I see her kiling Caylee because she was just done with this. Her parents were kicking her out and TL didn't want Caylee, so she made her disappear and came up with a short term plan.

GA and Cindy are both lying about the days and weeks prior. Heck, they are also lying about what happened after also. They were in control as they had ownership of the vehicle and could have solicited help in finding her. I would have called my vehicle in stolen and explained the story to LE if needed. The question is why didn't they?
I have had a few different thoughts about this and they have changed a little over time

The fight with CA on the night of the 15TH was just the excuse Casey was looking for
I think the fight was THAT BAD and a whole lot of stuff was said ..
It would not suprise me a bit if when Cindy said she would take Caylee away that Casey said ' I will kill her first' I really believe that .
That's why Cindy cleaned the car and didn't call the police . I am betting GA suggested calling the police and CA told him "No go to work !"
She was scared right there that Casey really did it .
Anyway that's just my thoughts ..that an a penny gets you a penny .
FCA gets her lies from parts of reality. I believe cindy threw FCA on the floor and threatened to kill her. She probably screamed she was filing for she knew she didn't work. Casey incorportated this scenario into Zanny held me down and said she was taking Caylee because I was not a good mother. She chose Blanchard Park because of the recent death of the young beautiful girl who was part puerto riccan and black that was murdered there about the 9th of June. Events happeing about the 9th of June seem to be important. She morphed this girl into Zanny. The entire description fits perfectly...every part.

I don't know whether FCA killed her in the bdrm or killed her in the car. I suspect she killed her in the car while she was on the phone w/TL. She came back to the house after her mother left for work. She played on the computer and left before GA got up. He never say her or Caylee on the 16th.

The strange thing is neither parent talked to her by phone in the first week. Why not? ICA did all the calling and the parents were not talking to her. This tells me there could have been a huge blowup on Sunday night and the parents were furious with her.

BBM...I noticed in the call logs that George made a call to KC's cell phone on June 16th, I believe it was approximately 3pm, from what I recall it was like a one minute call meaning it must of went to voicemail but no message was left or so it seems. Also, it seemed they didn't have an actual phone conversation, I always thought that was weird for some reason. It was before all the flurry of calls to Cindy and George. Why would he call KC's cell and then not answer when the flurry of calls went out?!? Just another one of those little things that drives me insane about this case.

Anyway, wanted to say Kuddos to Whisperer, I can totally see this making sense to KC when she's telling everyone these crazy stories in her backwards sort of way, lol. Anyone who didn't know anything about this case would think your theory was crazy but to us who know how crazy this whole case is knows it could be true as strange as it sounds, lol. I can see her making up this crap from everything that happened between her and Cindy, the very thing that might have in her mind started the wheels turning as far as little Caylee's demise.
I am guessing this family had been in a turmoil with FCA for about two weeks prior. FCA was upping her game once she started sleeping with TL. My guess is that cindy gave her the ultimatum about Caylee at the beginning of June. FCA was biding her time and the rage was building. She WANTED to be with TL and she wasn't going to be denied. GA most likely starting putting his foot down because cindy was getting very upset. To get away from them, she went to ricardos's apt for a few days. Caylee was getting to be a handful and she was short on patience. When Tony said that Caylee was not allowed to stay with them..Caylee was in trouble. When Tony said he would like to have a son in preference to a girl..Caylee's fate was sealed.

I see her kiling Caylee because she was just done with this. Her parents were kicking her out and TL didn't want Caylee, so she made her disappear and came up with a short term plan.

GA and Cindy are both lying about the days and weeks prior. Heck, they are also lying about what happened after also. They were in control as they had ownership of the vehicle and could have solicited help in finding her. I would have called my vehicle in stolen and explained the story to LE if needed. The question is why didn't they?

I would of done the very same thing, Cindy didn't mind reporting the car stolen AFTER she had KC in the car on the first 911 call and NEVER mentioned Caylee being missing in that call.....only in the second 911 call did she say she had a POSSIBLE missing 3 year old child. I would have called that car in as stolen long before that as soon as I knew I was being lied too, then explained to the cops about my daughter and grandchild....that would have made more sense. I think most people would do that, these people either don't think like most or they know a lot more than they are saying especially Cindy. It doesn't make sense why Cindy would let this drag on for so long claiming it was Caylee she was so worried about then in the first call to police she only brings up the car and money. :banghead:
I am guessing this family had been in a turmoil with FCA for about two weeks prior. FCA was upping her game once she started sleeping with TL. My guess is that cindy gave her the ultimatum about Caylee at the beginning of June. FCA was biding her time and the rage was building. She WANTED to be with TL and she wasn't going to be denied. GA most likely starting putting his foot down because cindy was getting very upset. To get away from them, she went to ricardos's apt for a few days. Caylee was getting to be a handful and she was short on patience. When Tony said that Caylee was not allowed to stay with them..Caylee was in trouble. When Tony said he would like to have a son in preference to a girl..Caylee's fate was sealed.

I see her kiling Caylee because she was just done with this. Her parents were kicking her out and TL didn't want Caylee, so she made her disappear and came up with a short term plan.

GA and Cindy are both lying about the days and weeks prior. Heck, they are also lying about what happened after also. They were in control as they had ownership of the vehicle and could have solicited help in finding her. I would have called my vehicle in stolen and explained the story to LE if needed. The question is why didn't they?

I have been looking for any information on the contents of the texts and phone calls between FCA and AL in the early hours of June 16. Is there any info on this? I listened to the detective interview and read his deposition but don't see he was asked about it.

Also, the phone call on June 16 at 7 45 am from the Anthony home to FCA cell. What is that about? One site suggests it was FCA checking her messages, but why from the home phone?
Always wondered if Casey was Zanny the nanny. Perhaps she was taking the Xanax when she had to watch Caylee, even got them from Mom to help her 'cope'. Passes out and Caylee gets in the pool and drowns. Casey is stoned; can't let anyone see her as it would be her fault and decides to think of a kidnap story.
Problem is that it just got too complicated and she is lazy so she just dumped the body in the first place she could think of.
I think she came up with the description of nanny from the murdered girl at the park. She certainly was a ten, came from a good family, from NJ/NY and was hald puerto rican and half-black, I believe. She took it straight from the her pic was there.

FCA told Rob that her mother told her not to go to Blanchard Park because of this murder. This is when she told Rob that zanny assualted her there and took Caylee because she wasn't a good enough mother.
BINGO! and whoever killed nicole/nanny must have killed caylee!
I have wondered what evidence exists that FCA left the house the night of June 15 or very early morning of June 16 - is there a statement to that effect somewhere?
By the way, I was looking over her first interrrogation by the detectives and she said this:

Keeping with the theory of bits of truth revealed by FCA here and there, she could be saying that FCA herself was nonchalant at the time of Caylee's murder in the morning, and that she was perfectly fine with it. It just happened, done, and she moved on.

It's also interesting what a contradiction this version is with what Rob said!
A neighbor, J Couty, told lp, MF and in his interview by LE told "of" KC leaving alone but wouldn't pin a day down for them. He said KC came out in the yard cussing at CA got in the car & left alone, He did not see Caylee.
Other neighbors The bailey's heard it but didn't see her. Couty ws washing his car. Try a candy rose. transcripts she has them☺
Just like the imaginary car accident that Zanny had...wasn't it Amy who had wrecked her car & also a friend of TL? I just can't remember the time frame of these 2 and whether they coincide with the Zanny in the hospital story!

I think y'all are on to something with the sand! I've always thought she either left the body in the backyard or laid Caylee on the ground hence the dogs hitting on those spots. But, the sand finally explains the shovel & FCA backing her car into the garage! Perfect sense...she didn't have Caylee in the trunk, she had bags of sand (what did she buy at Home Depot??) and yes, they are indeed heavy! She had to have the shovel to get the other sand out after she removed Caylee....couldn't use GA because he changed the lock.
Time of day? If she did it early enough, things would look back to norm by the time GA/CA came home.
Then she bagged up Caylee, took her around the corner, bag tore, stain in trunk (which I think probably disgusted her) so she just threw her & that's why she wasn't that far into the woods. The clean up is as you said earlier. So, if this was the same day as the "gas can argument w/George, could it be he didn't smell the decomp because Caylee was bagged?
Or, had it not began that process yet?
And, if it had began to smell with Caylee being in the sand for a couple days, wouldn't they have smelled it when they took the dogs out?
BB was wrong about the time on the 18th it WAS after 3:00pm I found it somewhere. I'll look and link ina sec. IF I can find it again!

IMO the smell may have been fermenting slowly. and by the 25th unbearable. :puke:

Got it!Casey Anthony Calls:

click pic. screen will open. the double click you should see full size. ☺
☻double clicked & still can't read? hold contol & click the "+" sign until readable. to reduce size hold control & the "-" sign. better?
( ",)


  • 618acr.jpg
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Here is the Greta V.S. interview with Cindy and George regarding the backyard/sandbox and etc.... very interesting to rewatch it now....

Here's the story about the murder of Nicole G. with some good footage of the park. This happened within days of Caylee being abducted there. You can see how she weaves her lies...IMO, Niclole G. became "Zanny".

Didn't Nicole G. also work at the same place a real Zenaida G. worked? The one that got her PC stolen?...or am I remembering this wrong?
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