Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #8

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Here is a mystery I wish the police, FBI or the SA had tried to solve but never did.

If they had it might have led somewhere.

In his interview with the police and the FBI, in his depositions and in court George told one story over and over and it never changed according to one fact.

When George went to open the trunk he said a little prayer that neither Casey or Caylee were in the trunk.

He stuck to that story to the end.

Here is what is so strange about that. George and Cindy had just gotten the letter from the tow yard and knew the car had been there two weeks.

George went into the office and found out the cost for the two weeks the car had been there.

George had to call Cindy to get the money. Cindy and George went and argued with the people at the tow yard about the cost for the 2 weeks and the letter being sent out late they thought.

When George went to open that trunk he knew full well that car had been in the lot for 2 weeks.

Why did he think Casey might be in the trunk?

You know full well Cindy had been telling George that whole time she was talking to Casey.

If George thought Casey might have been in that trunk then he had to have thought Cindy was lying to him and had killed her.

He was upset, confused?
I'm missing something ... why would the A's need to take the pool ladder down if Caylee was missing ?

I'm not OP, but I think it's a bit shocking because it was "second nature/routine" for CA to put the ladder up every time.
I'm not OP, but I think it's a bit shocking because it was "second nature/routine" for CA to put the ladder up every time.

The ladder up means someone had been swimming in the pool in the two weeks since Casey was arrested. It was within those two weeks they thought Caylee might have drown. Cindy had told the police before that interview the story of finding the ladder up and the gate opened.

Here is a mystery I wish the police, FBI or the SA had tried to solve but never did.

If they had it might have led somewhere.

In his interview with the police and the FBI, in his depositions and in court George told one story over and over and it never changed according to one fact.

When George went to open the trunk he said a little prayer that neither Casey or Caylee were in the trunk.

He stuck to that story to the end.

Here is what is so strange about that. George and Cindy had just gotten the letter from the tow yard and knew the car had been there two weeks.

George went into the office and found out the cost for the two weeks the car had been there.

George had to call Cindy to get the money. Cindy and George went and argued with the people at the tow yard about the cost for the 2 weeks and the letter being sent out late they thought.

When George went to open that trunk he knew full well that car had been in the lot for 2 weeks.

Why did he think Casey might be in the trunk?

You know full well Cindy had been telling George that whole time she was talking to Casey.

If George thought Casey might have been in that trunk then he had to have thought Cindy was lying to him and had killed her.

Only problem is KC called CA on her cell WHILE they were at the tow yard!

o/t wow it's storming bad here north of Atlanta!
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The ladder up means someone had been swimming in the pool in the two weeks since Casey was arrested. It was within those two weeks they thought Caylee might have drown. Cindy had told the police before that interview the story of finding the ladder up and the gate opened.
Well, FCA was arrested on 7/16/08 and since I live in Orlando, I can attest to the fact it is around 95 degrees and 100% humidity toward the end of July. It is not a stretch for me to think maybe CA/LA/GA hopped in the pool to cool off even with Caylee missing and FCA arrested.

Cindy's story about the ladder being left up on 6/16 and calling GA to ask him about it was proven to be a lie as CA's cell records show no calls to GA at work that day.
The ladder up means someone had been swimming in the pool in the two weeks since Casey was arrested. It was within those two weeks they thought Caylee might have drown. Cindy had told the police before that interview the story of finding the ladder up and the gate opened.

So she left the ladder up the entire time and never took it down? I'm a bit confused:crazy: :)
If "someone" was coming in to their yard and swimming in the pool without permission, they never would have left the ladder up.

There was an interview or deposition where Cindy was talking about the stuff from the trunk and what she did with it.

She said there were some plastic toys she took out of the trunk and because of the smell put them in the playhouse or sandbox to air out.

Does anyone else remember that story?
Casey is a sociopath who viewed her growing daughter as an impediment to her partying/dating, a potential squealer who would be able to talk soon, and someone who got more attention than Casey herself. And, Caylee was keeping Casey from spending the nights with TonE and her new club friends. Casey knew on June 15th that George was suspicious of her stories and Cindy was planning to put the breaks on the free babysitting and the stealing. Casey was pissed and she was in full "spiteful *****" mode.

This is what I imagine Casey was thinking and doing in those 31 days (posted in an earlier thread; updated based on evidence at trial):

Time to get rid of the kid. Knock her out with that homemade chloroform intended for mom and dad, tape her nose and mouth to ensure she doesn't wake up, hide her in the wheel well of the trunk, and then go hang with TonE. Make mom suffer til you come up with a good story; keep CeeCee (gag me) at bay with the "Caylee's with the nanny" story until you come up with a long term plan. Wonder if TonE's thinking about me right now? Yep, the kids gotta go; it would be way better to eliminate mom and dad and get the house too, but dad's already sleeping with one eye open and mom is like a cockroach; unsquashable. God I hate them; no way they're getting their precious little Caylee and kicking me to curb, no effing way...

Over the next couple of days:
Oh crap, it stinks in this car. Damn kid; it must be the body. Shoulda thought about that. Bummer, having such a good time with TonE and all the club peeps, shopping too, but must get rid of the smell. It's harshing my gig and someone is bound to notice it soon... Time to sneak home to get trash bags and a blanket,will bury the kid in the backyard just like we did with Ginger. Okay, get this overwith. Man, it's heavier than I thought... Wouldn't want to break into the shed for a shovel and have dad call the cops, such a loser. Ah, borrow a shovel from the neighbor dude; he wants me. Oh hell, should have taped the top of the bag, gross stuff spilling on the lawn. Geez it reeks. Just get it done; focus Casey. Hose down the back yard a little and dig a plot before anybody sees you. FFS, the ground is too hard, what to do?. Of course, take the body to the makeshift pet cemetery and hide it. Grab that laundry tote in the corner; gonna have to carry the kid a bit and no way I'm getting that stuff all over me. If I hurry, I can make it to Fusian for happy hour. Well done Casey, now get a move on...

Party, party, party, sex, sex, sex, lie, lie, lie, tattoo... Man, the car still smells. That kid is still causing me problems. Blame it on dumb--s dad hitting a squirrel, in case anybody's noticed. Good one Casey. Must get rid of the car soon though; the stench is getting worse. Ditch it at the Ascott when it's low on gas. Good idea. Park it by the dumpster so the smell doesn't stand out immediately; leave daybook, shoes, doll, etc... so it will appear that I ran out of gas again and me and the kid were stranded and got jacked. Wonder how long it will take for the cops to find the car and notify good ole CeeCee and JoJo? Bet dad will feel like total crap about being such a meiser with the gas in his precious shed.. Lol...By the time the car is identified, I'll be long gone, presumed missing or dead with the kid...Mom and dad will never forgive themselves for driving me away. Better get my party on good before I go on the down low. God I'm smart and such a good liar...

Party, party, party, sex, sex, sex, lie, lie, lie, procrastinate... How rude, busted by mom at TonE's. Nice going Amy, always knew you were jealous of me, I shoulda stolen and sold your car... Hmm, still a possibility - maybe later. God mom's a crazy bit--, just go with her and come back to TonE's later. No way to float the stranded car abduction story now. Use your head Casey; no biggie. Beg mom to give you one more day (and I'll be gone by the time the sun rises). Geez, mom ain't playing; she really called the cops. Oh well, the cops are dumber than dad and Lee. Been telling mom the kid was at the nanny's, so stick with that part of the story and blame it on the nanny, a targeted kidnapping - brilliant, almost as good as a random abduction from the car. Stick to the work story too; it's worked so far and explains the need for the nanny and makes you look a committed young mom. Not good enough for CeeCee though; :unfit", whatevs... Oh, and tell the parents you can't give them all of the details surrounding the kidnapping because it could endanger their lives and you sure as hell won't put them in harm's way. Hee hee, they'll buy it, suckers. Be kinda fun to watch them suffer while they beg me for information and love me for wanting to protect them at all costs. While everyone's looking for the nanny and feeling sorry for me, I'll hit the road, maybe California? Wait about a month and then slip out when the heat dies down; say I'm off to find Caylee... Perfect...

Damn, cops are all over this in a hurry. Not buying my story, losers. Now they want me to take them to my office; hey, why not? Once they see I'm willing to go, they'll believe me and let it go, everybody does. Wow, this Yuri dude is an ahole; who does he think he is? Can't believe they're arresting me for lying; smile for the videographer (glad I'm wearing my new Target hoodie; my *advertiser censored* look killer, wonder if TonE is watching)...

Out of denial and then preservation and a dose of greed, the family starts lying and covering up. 3 years later, Casey and her team of attorneys find a way to make her lies and the questionable characters of her family members work in her favor. Acquittal....

I think it is a fairly simple but extremely twisted case of hate/jealousy + retaliation + immeasurable selfishness = evil.

YOU write the book. I think you pretty much nailed it, right down the line.

KC is not like most people who aren't sociopaths. Too many people are trying to make this all make sense, but, for most, it never will because she was fine with what she did, had what she considered to be good reasons for doing it, didn't care about anyone's feelings or reactions and just rolled with it 'til it finally worked out...and boy, did it work out.
Here is a mystery I wish the police, FBI or the SA had tried to solve but never did.

If they had it might have led somewhere.

In his interview with the police and the FBI, in his depositions and in court George told one story over and over and it never changed according to one fact.

When George went to open the trunk he said a little prayer that neither Casey or Caylee were in the trunk.

He stuck to that story to the end.

Here is what is so strange about that. George and Cindy had just gotten the letter from the tow yard and knew the car had been there two weeks.

George went into the office and found out the cost for the two weeks the car had been there.

George had to call Cindy to get the money. Cindy and George went and argued with the people at the tow yard about the cost for the 2 weeks and the letter being sent out late they thought.

When George went to open that trunk he knew full well that car had been in the lot for 2 weeks.

Why did he think Casey might be in the trunk?

You know full well Cindy had been telling George that whole time she was talking to Casey.

If George thought Casey might have been in that trunk then he had to have thought Cindy was lying to him and had killed her.

I though he said that prayer because of the smell emitting from the locked up car was so HORRIBLE and he knew that smell was human decomp.
I though he said that prayer because of the smell emitting from the locked up car was so HORRIBLE and he knew that smell was human decomp.

Yes he did, but he knew it could not be Casey because Cindy had talked to her everyday for the last 2 weeks the car had been in the lot.

I saw a thread about this somewhere..The so called pic of Caylee at the sliding glass door has been in question to many including me.

At the time the pic was released was when the video of Casey as a 5 year old on her birthday was also released. Could the child at the sliding glass door be Casey at 5? Could she have worn a scarf on her head when she was that age? The Anthonys lived in the home since Casey was 3.

I still feel that the child at the sliding glass door was too large for a toddler.
I though he said that prayer because of the smell emitting from the locked up car was so HORRIBLE and he knew that smell was human decomp.

Apparently, the jury bought Baez's insistence that George would have called the cops when he smelled the trunk if he didn't know what happened to Caylee...wink, wink. Short of a confession from George, no one will ever convince me that he had anything to do with Caylee's demise or disposal. Never bothered me that he didn't call...right away. What's he going to say? Cindy was pretty much talking to KC every day. George knew that. He had no reason not to think Caylee was with her, and even with the smell, he didn't want to think that it could have be either KC or Caylee. He opens the trunk and there's no body there. More than likely he may have wondered if she killed someone else. He was suspicious of her. He'd had enough, but it didn't cross his mind that she would have done in Caylee. That's a reality that would have taken a while to settle in for most of us. He's trying to keep a new job. He drives the car home. Cindy's all over it. She probably tells him to go to work. She's already got calls into KC. If he calls the police, if either one of them do at that point, what's he going to say? My daughter dumped her car and it smells like a body but we talk to her every day and her daughter's with her. I'm sure he wanted to find her. He thinks something up...and it might not be good, but he wants to find her first. Imo, he had no idea that Caylee was gone. The cops were called within hours once Cindy realized something was really wrong. I'm pretty sure George would have called later if Cindy hadn't beaten him too it.
Yes he did, but he knew it could not be Casey because Cindy had talked to her everyday for the last 2 weeks the car had been in the lot.

Which makes it more likely he was upset and confused when he encountered the smell. Tow yard guy backs up Georges comment about hoping Caylee and Casey were not in the trunk.

I saw a thread about this somewhere..The so called pic of Caylee at the sliding glass door has been in question to many including me.

At the time the pic was released was when the video of Casey as a 5 year old on her birthday was also released. Could the child at the sliding glass door be Casey at 5? Could she have worn a scarf on her head when she was that age? The Anthonys lived in the home since Casey was 3.

I still feel that the child at the sliding glass door was too large for a toddler.

Either way, that photo never meant a thing to me. I mean, I could take a photo of my husband holding onto the bumper of his truck...doesn't mean he can lift it. :waitasec:
Either way, that photo never meant a thing to me. I mean, I could take a photo of my husband holding onto the bumper of his truck...doesn't mean he can lift it. :waitasec:

I agree that photo proved little.It could be showing Caylee attempting to open/close the slider that was left open a crack for the dogs to enter or leave the house.
Which makes it more likely he was upset and confused when he encountered the smell. Tow yard guy backs up Georges comment about hoping Caylee and Casey were not in the trunk.

How could he be confused when he just had to take out 500 dollars from the bank to pay for the 2 weeks of storage? He had conversations minutes before with people and listened to people argue about the two weeks and how much it cost.
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