Theories on what happened to Haleigh

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I agree with you, there HAS to be ATLEAST ONE clue! I have heard MANY times that the perpetrator ALWAYS leaves behind something, like one single hair.. We shed on a regular basis, and unless the perpetrator was bald there HAS to be atleast ONE hair somewhere! I know finding that hair is tough, but a child is at stake here, and that ONE hair could being Haileigh home! NO AMOUNT of money can be too much to bring a child home!

I agree...there has to be at least one hair! OR footprint, fiber from a car mat, skin flakes, clothing fibers, SOMETHING!

This has gone on waaaaay too long!
I really got upset last nght in thinking about what they were saying on NGrace.There is that forest with I believe they said over 2000 acres and has alot of lakes,there would be no way they could have checked all of that and much of it was just checked overhead.How on earth could they see through all of those trees.And also,remember the teen who was kept in the woods underground,the homeless man had made an underground dwelling.The searchers walked right over the top of where they were.

N/k :( Even after just doing a "virtual tour" (google's street view) of short distance (the .08 mile to SO TL) I was distraught at the seemingly endless densely wooded areas along the roadside--and that's just one short route--w/out even considering all the possible canals and other waterways. When I dwell on those, I even found myself returning to the possibility that Haleigh really could have drowned alone while playing unseen beside a canal or at one of the marinas. Then I went over the same horrible thought as you that she could have been put in the water anywhere using a boat, it tears me apart to think of the possibilities. Can not imagine what her family is going thru, to me it's never been about assigning blame, but about waking up--and preventing a replay.

A young girl was killed this week in our community simply trying to take a shortcut thru a small field. TG they caught the guy who eventually confessed (a homeless SO). Then a girl who had been missing was found in a truck driven by an SO whom she met on a "chatline" and was promptly charged w rape. And blocks from our home there was an attempted abduction of yet another girl who goes to my son's school--only yards from their school--about which phone alert system was activated (along w bulletins sent home) notifying every parent in our district. All in one week! (Had she not run and ignored his persistent advances, we might have been solving her case along w Amber Dubois who vanished under similar circumstances.) I am saddened that even my little girl who is in kindergarten has to worry at such a young age about "bad mans." I get angry at parents everytime I see children, as young as three and four allowed to roam unsupervised for hours. I wish I didn't know that it took me reporting to evict the registered SO who was living across the street sharing our community pool. And that I didn't have to know where every one of the 20+ registered SOB's are w/in just 3 miles of my daughter and all the other innocent children living here--but I do. I know too much about these SOB's to feel they had nothing to do w this but I hope to God I'm wrong. I am praying against all odds and stats that Kat is right, and maybe this is a really lame, pathetic hoax. Honestly. I pray our worst fears aren't realized, that all our grim theories are wrong, and her's is right. JMO

If what was said about Misty being on a 3 day drug binge prior to Haleigh going missing, Misty had to have been so dragged out and exhausted it's likely she doesn't remember all that much about what really happened that day and evening. She could have easily claimed the time frames the children and later she went to bed because those were routine times, even if they didn't happen that night.

Knowing how 'addicts' are, I once had a roommate who actually fell asleep with the burners left on the stove. TG I was awake and caught it.

Something is telling me Misty had that door propped open and left the light on and simply passed out. She probably had many times before and the kids, being kids, were tired and fell asleep on their own. Night time, no street lights surrounding the home, that wide open back door with the light blaring could have caught anyone's attention.

this is just so sad, so much time has passed and no sign of Haleigh.
She had extremely recent pics of Ronald picking Haleigh up from the bus stop with what I believe is the pink Hannah Montana shirt on. Who was taking these pictures and when were they taken? The bus driver would know. More importantly, why were these pics even taken? I never had pictures of my child taken at a bus stop.
I did. :blushing:

BUT, what bothers me is the time frame involved. Initially, IIRC, Ronald said he got home at 3:27 AM. Now, that is pretty precise. He did not say around 3:30 or 3:20, or even 3:25. He said 3:27 AM. Now he gets home, Misty tells him that Haleigh is missing, he does not spend much time looking around the house before calling LE. The 911 call was several minutes long. So he calls his Mom @ 3:26 or 7? Does not fit.
This puzzles me too!

Re phone, I'm not sure gf was provided any phone either (altho, as controlling as dad's reported by some to be that would strike me as somewhat odd). He had only been working the late nite shift for a little over a month. More significantly, I'm skeptical dad even provided gf with any KEY. Not to mention she might not have even had any vehicle to transport children in case of emergency, but the inability to lock either door (from the outside) had she cracked her brain and decided foolishly to leave those children--is KEY to this case IMO.

Remember too, dad's apparent jumping to conclusion re stranger abduction may also have been solely the result of gf's version of events that nite. Dad has two choices. If dad is to believe the gf he entrusted w his children that nite, then Haleigh was safely tucked in at bedtime, present and accounted for, along w the responsible gf he charged w his children's care and safety. OR he can admit to himself that when he allowed this minor, alleged drug user to become his free live-in babysitter he made a possibly fatal error in judgment. So dad's going ballistic about an intruder may simply result from his willingness to accept the only version he's being offered by his gf of four or five months.

Mom appears to me not only defeated and possibly sedated but, as another poster insightfully pointed out may have done a good deal of her grieving two years ago when she lost her children to dad.
I agree.

If what was said about Misty being on a 3 day drug binge prior to Haleigh going missing, Misty had to have been so dragged out and exhausted it's likely she doesn't remember all that much about what really happened that day and evening. She could have easily claimed the time frames the children and later she went to bed because those were routine times, even if they didn't happen that night.
Yep, and she may have been partying with some 'unsavory' people..... ones she didn't know too well.

Something is telling me Misty had that door propped open and left the light on and simply passed out. She probably had many times before and the kids, being kids, were tired and fell asleep on their own. Night time, no street lights surrounding the home, that wide open back door with the light blaring could have caught anyone's attention.
Very possible.
It was said on Geraldo that Misti had been sexting. Even though there's been no talk of her having a computer or even a cell phone to text with, I now wonder if Misti had been communicating online with some pervert who tricked her into giving personal information about living with children. Everyone is blaming cousins or drug associates, but Misti is a teenager and could easily be tricked and would be like other teens who spend lots of time online. Also, Misti didn't work or go to school so she had lots of time to be bored. Hopefully LE has looked into this angle instead of just seeing a bunch of people with records living in a trailer park.
I been reading " Broken Doll" it the story Roxanne Doll who was aducted from her bed while her father was asleep on the couch after having beers with a friend Richard Clark . Richard Clark aducted Roxanne while her father was sleep on the couch. Every time I pick up this book I think of Haleigh. I am leaning to one of Misty's friend that was over the house( SO) Maybe Misty didn't know this friend was a SO.
One of the thing that stick out in the book is how Richard Clark have given Roxanne and sister and brother stuffed animals. I wonder if any of Misty or Ron friends gave Haleigh any presents out of the blue.
Also it stick out that Roxanne was not reported missing until the next morning, it seem that alot posters think 27 minutes is to long to called 911. I never thought that, I would be looking in closet and outside even in middle of the night. Now saying that, (31 days is way too long).
I been reading " Broken Doll" it the story Roxanne Doll who was aducted from her bed while her father was asleep on the couch after having beers with a friend Richard Clark . Richard Clark aducted Roxanne while her father was sleep on the couch. Every time I pick up this book I think of Haleigh. I am leaning to one of Misty's friend that was over the house( SO) Maybe Misty didn't know this friend was a SO.
One of the thing that stick out in the book is how Richard Clark have given Roxanne and sister and brother stuffed animals. I wonder if any of Misty or Ron friends gave Haleigh any presents out of the blue.
Also it stick out that Roxanne was not reported missing until the next morning, it seem that alot posters think 27 minutes is to long to called 911. I never thought that, I would be looking in closet and outside even in middle of the night. Now saying that, (31 days is way too long).

One of my first theories,she had some people over and crashed out,maybe door wasn't locked when they were leaving.But,since all of this with Crystal with both GR shows,I've looked at thier motives,it's very strong.But,I still have not totally let go of Misty and friends over or her with them and leaving door unlocked,I just don't know.
I've mentioned the fact,that in the dumpster,there were tree limbs,someone was cutting trees in park,alot of trees around.Or,that with construction workers and it was a park,maintenance was done all over there.If a maintenance worker had access to the park's vehicle,it's a cover for just sitting and stalking around those woods.People would think the worker is doing something around the trailers.I hope LE has checked into all maintenance and construction workers in the park.And especially if any have left from the time Haleigh did.
Here is a link to a report I read the other day at First Coast News about a Stranger Danger Alert in progress in Jacksonville. <snipped>

Director Micheal Edwards says six attempted abductions have been reported from that area this month.

An incident on Thursday involving a 5 and 10-year-old who attend Timucuan Elementary turned out to be a misunderstanding, Edwards says.

The girls, according to police, ran for cover after a man in a white car had his hand out the window. Edwards says officers interviewed all parties involved and determined the children were never in any danger.

Since early September, police have been looking for a man driving a white, police-style car who has approached girls ranging from 5 to 14-years of age.

Here is a link, copy and paste.

It doesn't specify in this report that I can find, but in one of the related forums or possibly even another news report, he was described as a black man with dreds. I'm in California and I have NO idea how close Jacksonville is to Satsuma.
I've mentioned the fact,that in the dumpster,there were tree limbs,someone was cutting trees in park,alot of trees around.Or,that with construction workers and it was a park,maintenance was done all over there.If a maintenance worker had access to the park's vehicle,it's a cover for just sitting and stalking around those woods.People would think the worker is doing something around the trailers.I hope LE has checked into all maintenance and construction workers in the park.And especially if any have left from the time Haleigh did.

I sure hope they are looking into all of that as well. I felt sure the AC man did it the first few days until they actually came out and said he had been "cleared"? Not sure what the wording was, but they had investigated him thoroughly and were satisfied he didn't do it.
At this moment I do not think Haleigh will be found
and no arrests will be made.

I really do not think it was a stranger, but still
not sure what it was...

I hope I am very wrong.
Does anyone know exactly where the "chair" was found? Could Haleigh's house be seen from where it was located? The scent ended on the railroad tracks. Have the railroad tracks been walked???!!!!!
Can't anyone find out what the train schedules were that night and where they were going and at what speed, and what type of cars they had on them. Listen to the dogs!!!

I am disgusted that LE is no closer to finding Haleigh than the first day.
That can't be true. They have a ton of info on families, and distant family members, coworkers of family members. The a/c guy. The absconded SOP, CR. etc. come on.
They need fresh eyes local LE giving the case to the Fbi.
if family members are receiving cash, they need to hire a pi.
Doesn't LE have a dept just for this kind of case. experienced people.
Manners of operation on perps of every kind.
This case is so much like the Lundsford case except for the cinderblock.
Someone has to know something!! jmo
Here is a link I found that describes all types of sexual offenders, who they are or how they fit into our families, neighborhoods, societies, etc. Informative, yet disturbing. I'm hoping by reading this someone who is local will think of a connectuion they hadn't already thought of. It also delves into statistics on familial offenders vs. strangers, etc. Myths and Facts.
A link to help identify locations of sex offenders, predators, can alert you to any address they move close to. Your childrens schools, churches, playgrounds, parks, etc. For those who believe Haleigh is a victim of a RSO/SO, using this tool may help you feel you are helping to keep your and your families more safe.

You can use this web site to subscribe for an e-mail alert in the event that an offender or predator moves close to any address in Florida you choose to monitor. For example, your home, workplace, school, daycare, etc.

You can also subscribe to receive an e-mail alert in the event that the offender or predator reports updated address information in the registry.
I still believe the theory I had since around Feb 13. Ron is responsible. Misty helped cover it up because she is afraid of him. I am posting again in this thread because the cadaver dogs hitting on the dumpster now lets me entertain the thought of Ron perhaps, temporarily storing Haleigh's body in the dumpster until he could later retrieve it... like after work... as in getting home a little earlier or whatever. LE says they don't know when exactly Haleigh disappeared, so I am less concerned with when he did it, than the fact that I believe he did do it. I know my opinion is not popular and I have no desire to argue with anyone over my opinion. I still feel 99.99999% sure Ron is responsible for Haleigh's disappearance.
Every day when I get on my puter I come here first hoping that there will be news of Haleigh. I want to know if she has been found but yet I'm almost afraid to look incase she was found deceased. It's been way to long without a sign of this little girl. I wonder if there was any evidence in the mobile and LE just aren't saying anything. This little girl didn't just vanish into thin air.

Did they ever find that guy who has been missing before Haleigh went missing? The one that broke into the mobile and ripped the underpants off the 11 yr old girl and molested her? If he is around somewhere he would be one to take to the station and question him really good.
Last night my hubby went to store and his truck died on him. I had to go give him a jump start.

My son was sleeping. I picked up put a blanket around him took out the door put him in the car seat and he never woke up.

I have talked to my son about not talking to strangers and running if anybody tries to take him but, I have never talked to about screaming if somebody takes him out of bed.

we came home when i was getting him out of the car seat he woke up. and looked at me and where daddy? I was sleep when they had came up earlier so he had no clue how he got with me.

I started talking to him. I said L if somebody goes in your room to take you you need to scream you have to wake up.

I have sat here and cried all day with his answer.
I belive my son has had the same excat dream every christmas eve

He looked up and said mommy santa takes me on the sleigh ride with the reindeer is that ok?

what was i supposed to say he 4 years old. He has told the same elaborate story the last two years on Christmas day about Santa and the sleigh and the reindeer. last Christmas he was so excited when he was telling us he told us im going to tell him to wake up you up so you can go too
my hubby said we already had are rides you just enjoy your time with santa.

why is there sick people in this world. i just don't have the heart to tell him L its only a dream.

sorry so long
No,I enjoyed reading it,it brings home the fact of how sad it is that a little girl had to wake up and ask where her Daddy is and it made me cry.This is so sad,we need to hear how Haleigh is and where is she? son is the same way. He's 10 now BUT he's always been a hard sleeper. I practically have to get in his face and yell in his ear to wake him up and when he does finally wake up...he in a daze for a few. It's scary.

I was always scared that my ex or someone in his family would try to take him....especially when he was younger. He doesn't know or remember any of them so I've always warned him about strangers and told him to RUN, SCREAM AND FIGHT if anyone ever tries to take him or get him into their car. We also have a password that only him and I know. If anyone ever says something like "Your mom told me to come pick you up"...he is to ask them for the password...if they know it, then it's OK, if they dont...RUN LIKE HECK.
No,I enjoyed reading it,it brings home the fact of how sad it is that a little girl had to wake up and ask where her Daddy is and it made me cry.This is so sad,we need to hear how Haleigh is and where is she?

i didnt even think about that. im sure Haleigh said where is my daddy

oh god Im crying again
please bring haleigh home
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