Theories on what happened to Haleigh

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Wow Reannan - that is weird - I hope you can find them tomorrow.

Since you brought up Couey - do you remember how long it was before LE got him and he confessed as to where she was?

Jessica disappeared 2/24/05 and is believed to have been buried alive on 2/27/05 after having been held capitive and raped in his pigsty of a pathetic excuse for a home (which burned to the ground, PRAISE GOD yesterday!!!). James Couey, the who committed the crime was arrested in Augusta, GA on 3/17/05. He confessed on 3/18/05 and the body was officially found on 3/19/05. Thus, you are looking at roughly a three week time period between when little Jessica was abducted and when the named Couey was arrested.
Jessica disappeared 2/24/05 and is believed to have been buried alive on 2/27/05 after having been held capitive and raped in his pigsty of a pathetic excuse for a home (which burned to the ground, PRAISE GOD yesterday!!!). James Couey, the who committed the crime was arrested in Augusta, GA on 3/17/05. He confessed on 3/18/05 and the body was officially found on 3/19/05. Thus, you are looking at roughly a three week time period between when little Jessica was abducted and when the named Couey was arrested.
Thank you. I know all about the case and Couey. I just couldn't remember how long it took before he confessed.
This case is creepily like Jessica's case....that is why I am DESPERATE to know that EVERY home has been thoroughly searched! Jessica was right next door in a closet for at least 2 days before being buried alive! That is just the worst possible situation for a victim to endure; and for LE to know they have overlooked! AGHHH!!! God, if I were in Florida, I would probably be arrested for breaking into all of the homes in Haleigh's neighborhood.....isn't that horrible? It is too easy to get over zealous..... but that is not as bad as being over complacent IMHO.
Dad left for work by 5. An 8 hour shift (9 with a lunch) would have him off by 2. Work was 12 miles away.
A theory with possibilities. Maybe drinking & doing drugs in the guys van outside the trailer house, so if kids woke up they wouldn't "see" anything....

That's a possibility! But why would they have H's blanket? If whoever was in the 'van' ... are 'they'.

Gosh, did she take H inside the van too? :banghead:
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! to whichever Mod gave us this forum! :clap::clap::blowkiss:! I haven't posted a lot because of work stuff going on, but I log on every chance I get at work! Anyway, I believe the father is clueless as to what happened. He is sincere in his shock and anger over this situation. MC is involved WAY more than she has admitted to, but I have never felt she was smart enough to harm a child with another child in her presence and successfully get rid of the body - still with the other child in her presence. M's being missing from the trailer for a period of time makes perfect sense. This case really does have a surreal feel to it, sort of like Elizabeth Smart, and Jessica Lunsford to name a few. I live in Augusta, Georgia (where James Couey was found), and I wasn't even thinking about Haleigh as I drove down Washington Road at lunch time (the busiest road in Augusta - traffic jam right now with construction). I saw a man (who looked like the missing SO) walking along the side of the road with a little girl who looked a bit like Haleigh. He was accompanied by another man who looked like Robert Plant (from Led Zepplin) after a bad night of drugs....this dude had a backpack on and was holding the hand of a little boy who was probably 4 years old. The whole thing set off alarm bells for me!!! I instantly thought - OMG - could it be Haleigh with the missing SO and another SO who picked him up after he ditched his car, and they are in Augusta filiming horrible movies? I found the nearest place to turn around and went back, and spent an hour driving and parking in motel parking lots looking for them. Nothing - nada -zip. I can't call LE with a statement that I saw "two strange guys with young children walking down the road". LE would NEVER believe me, but honestly - it just didn't look right. Thanks for letting me vent. I will probably be back looking in the area tomorrow. :bang: I should have learned how to knit instead of become addicted to True Crime!

I would have called LE anyway .. you just NEVER know. Anything is possible, and they could take a child from one state to the next.

You could STILL call you know.
I do not really 100% believe she left because I think family would have spoke anon to the police by now. I do believe a person may not wake up in less than 30 secs from a dead sleep. LOL my three year old came in my room in the middle of the night, had her eyeball 1 inch from my face and I did not wake up. I wonder how long she watched me... I only woke up because she said.. mommy. Yeah, someone could come in my house take my child.. be in and out in less than 30 seconds and I might not wake up. Would she wake up.. heck no.. you could take her to disneyland and back in the middle of the night and she not wake up!!!

I think we need to do a test to see how many SECONDS long it takes to open your front door, walk to the nearest room swiftly pick up something.. walk to the back door and walk out.

Hmmm?? Maybe those of you with small children, should all try this with your SO. Lie on your bed as if asleep, let your H open the door, walk in you child's room, pretend to lift child from bed and walk out. But H would have to 'prepare' door to be able to take child out, without making noise, whatever way that may be.

This should become a parent's new 'Fire Drill' perhaps.
Sometimes I miss the OLD WEST, where anybody could just go 'Find Em and Get Em'. :bananalama:

LOL .... sorry, just sometimes get very frustrated on how LONG it can take to find these children, and many times, it's too late. :banghead:
I'm torn, but I have a nagging feeling something may have happened to Haleigh on both Misty and dads time. Dads alibi was to go to work.... He's the adult, Misty is still a 'minor'... they made a mistake and daddy did not want to lost custody for jr. This was the only way they could 'stage it' in order for him to not lose his son.

Who the heck really knows.... Sometimes I think I've heard it all and then WHAM!!!! As for what Cubby posted above, that could be a strong possibility, but do we know what time Haleigh got off the bus, who met her at the bus, and what time the dad goes to work.....????
This is my Theory, Bio-mom doesnt really seem to distraught that her child is missing. MC seems like she is hiding something.
I think MC was leaving the in the middle of the night, when the kids went to bed. Someone that knew the Bio mom and dad. Called the Bio-mom and told her these kids were being left at night alone. She figures she will sneak in and have someone take Haleigh while MC is gone. Make it look like a kidnapping. But I dont think they thought about Ron and MC calling the Cops. Now this has gone a little far.
I dont really have a theory yet because theres not alot to go on. But I do understand the dad's behavior about jumping right away on who ever has her Im gonna kill them or something to that effect. Because lets say he was what they call a snitch and turned in serval people for drugs. Those people would probably be out of jail by now and possible want revenge. Its not far fetch to believe it could be one of them who took HC to get revenge on the dad. Personally I dont think the dad had anything to do with it but I could be wrong. But I usely am pretty good judge of character now that I learned from my nieces nightmare. But who knows. My hinky meter goes off more for the girlfriend and the real mom of HC if anyone. But its also possible a SO took her to sadly:(
The answers are with Misty. If she left and came back and found Haleigh dead (drugs laying around) or if she came back and did something in anger, that IDK. She called her brother, Haleigh was taken to the van in Misty's blanket. Brother disposed of the "problem". Her statement of "the van they took", was a big slip. I am on the fence about what Ron knows, but I am leaning toward he knows or suspects a lot.
I am so conflicted.

One day I have in my head that Misty was in on it, helped hide whatever evidence there was for whoever did this.

The next day I have her in bed with Jr, oblivious to the stranger entering the house and taking Haleigh.

We have a missing SO whose previous offense involved breaking into a trailer in Putnam County and fondling a girl under 12 while she was in bed. He knows if he plans to do something similar again, he needs to cover his tracks or he's going back to jail.

We have a blanket that was "took" with a mysterious van that only Misty has spoken about.

Did she leave the kids sleeping and slip away from the house wrapped in her blanket to party with her brother and sister-in-law? And then leave the blanket in their van?

Did she come home from partying before 3 AM, notice Haleigh was missing and the blankets were in very bad shape, and, scared to death of Ron's temper, washed the blankets and then waited for him to arrive home, concocting the story of being asleep?

So, see, today I'm leaning towards Misty leaving the house to party, arriving home sometime prior to 3 AM to Haleigh missing and then covering her tracks and that of the perp - not for LE's benefit but for Ron's.
In one of Misty's interviews or was it the 911 call :waitasec: Misty says "somebody bricked the door"...don't know about you guys, but I said to myself what the heck does that mean? Somebody threw a brick at the door?

She said it so quickly and so matter of fact that it seemed to me to be something she was familiar with. Has she ever been asked if they ever used a cinderblock to prop the door? If so, I bet she or Ron "bricked" it...

Maybe "bricking" a door is something a lot of people do but do they call it that? I call it "propping" the door open...

Personally, I don't think Misty had anything to do with the actual disappearance but I do believe she is not telling all - probably about her own activities. At 17 I don't think she realizes that clearing herself by telling the truth is more important than making Ronnie baby mad! :rolleyes:
Reannan,PLEASE CALL LE ! for bio-mom,IMO she has nothing to do with this ,she seems too strung out and wouldn't care....
after listening to this video

I do not think ronald knows anything, this video made me cry.

This video makes me more suspicious of him than anything else. He talks over six minutes and does not even mention Haleigh by name. It is my child or my daughter. He emphasizes that he was at work. His crying sounds more like he has been drinking than actual crying. Something about this man doesn't ring right with me. I think both of them know what happened. I didn't listen to the whole video this time, but I think it is the same one I listened to a few days ago.
My theory, although based on speculation and rumor:

Misty looks 12... it was rumored she was homeless at some point, it is rumored she was on drugs... Therefore I think Misty's young looks caught the attention of an SO (or the SO was somehow related/known to them). Having been on the street possibly, I think she may have been "used to" trading her body for drugs/money/alcohol. (I can't see Ron giving her much spare money to feed any habits she may have had). I think the SO used this to get close to Misty, or used this to get close to his real target, the little girl. I think there are a variety of ways the girl could have disappeared, i.e., Misty wasn't there, she was drunk/drugged up, the SO was there earlier & unlocked door/ or unlocked, taped the locked "open" so that it looked locked but wasn't. Therefore I think analyzing her "misspeaking" or discussing all the nit picky details really doesn't explain or mean as much as some people think, but I do believe all this starts and ends with Misty.

I don't feel Ron had anything, directly, to do with this, other than make a lot of bad choices which probably led us here. But the world is full of people who make bad choices due to the path there life has taken, so my heart is broken for all those involved. (Misty and what sounds like her tragic life, Ron for someone who appeared to be "trying" to take care of his family, albeit in a dysfunctional way, to this little girl who deserved none of this.)

I've "thown this out there" a couple times (although in gentler terms) on a the general threads over the past few days.
The thing that bother me is the Ron automatically thought SO took his daughter.
I would thought ex came in took her child.
I have a feeling that Bio mom might had someone watching Ron and the kids for anything she could use in court.
I don't think that Dad or Bio mom had any thing to do with the disapperance of their child. I think Misty is scare of Ron and is holding something back. I do think it comes down to SO, that could be within the family or so call friend..
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