Theories on what happened to Haleigh

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I think we can safely say at this point there is a 50% chance that someone in the same room would wake up. Keep in mind, I was not taking my child from her father slept.. could be a different story. I will also agree. DOGS WOULD MAKE THE DIFFERENCE!

6 dogs here that go on the alert everytime the wind blows! Also we live in the country and while I sometimes worry about someone breaking in....well lets just say " pit bull!" and when hes done, IF theres any movement, the other 5 will be more than happy to finish him off.
I for some reason truly think that Haleigh was abducted by a pedophile. There have been quite a few cases where the child was stalked and then taken at a convenient time. Was it Shasta and Dillon Gronie, not sure if correct name or spelling, Elizabeth Smart, Pauly Klaus, Jesse, etc. It happens a lot. I think the perp was stalking them and wanted Haleigh. I truly hope they find her soon!! Poor baby... You're right, they should all have Dogs, big Dogs...
Ok - my theory. This can be easily disproved if only LE would release whether dad was at work and at what times the night in question. Since LE has not done this - I'm still going with this.

Keep in mind the verbal abuse dad projected toward MC on the 911 call and police report. Also, I take RC's actions that night - just a tad over the top - he is ANGRY, very angry - not upset, not confused, nope just very very angry. And I also don't think that anger is because she (HC) is missing.

Ok - here goes.

Dad has had suspcions that MC is leaving the kids alone at night. He's new to this shift so there has been no "routine" of MC staying home alone at night with the kids. Either friends or "associates" have told RC that they heard or seen her out when she is supposed to be home.

This could be rumor or truth - so I'll throw it in here. If RC had just "found" MC after a 3 day binge he could be even more worried about her NOT being there and possibly even being with "another man". More fuel for the fire.

Dad leaves work early - maybe not too early - let's say 1 - 1:30. Sure 'nuff he gets there and no MC. Haleigh wakes up. Dad is seeing red - he has anger issues and control issues. Haleigh begins to defend MC - saying "she's never gone long or she always comes right back - I'm a big girl - I can watch out for Jr." Dad is really loosing it now. He "throws something" or turns to "punch the wall" (as we all know some controling men like to do) - either way he "strikes out" - accidentally hits Haleigh or she gets in the way or whatever. Hits her head or whatever and is gone.

Dad is over the top now - running on pure adrenline. He loads up HC (now this could be in car or this "john boat" that LE impounded on day 1). I'm thinking he put her in the car and drove to the end of the road - where the pond is - probably where the boat was as well. And he "disposes". He also "stages" the door - just in case MC does come back home before him.

Time now - around 2 - 2:15. He gets back in car. Drives around - tries to calm down a little. He drives home at the regular time - or maybe when MC calls him telling him HC is missing - we still don't know the phone situation.

Now - he's home. He's angry. He's over the top - and (he thinks) rightfully so because his daughter is missing. I thought it was just too much - threatening to kill whoever took her - why was he SO SURE she was taken? Unless he knew.

MC doesn't know squat. She wasn't there - or maybe she did come home while RC was out and found "a bloody blanket" and washed it? Scared out of her mind - she doesn't know what to do.

RC can't fess up to knowing MC wasn't there - cause that would blow his cover. MC can't fess up about not being there cause that would blow her cover.

Now with all these conflicting stories coming out about MC - why is RC still so "lovey dovey" with her? Walking arm in arm - having mom (TN) come on TV defending her. Its because he believes the focus is on MC and he'll be off the hook.

Meanwhile, LE is slowly piecing the puzzle together. Dad's work time - talks with co workers that night - maybe that "nosy" landlady that surfaced yesterday "saw" some things - either in the past or that night. Anonymous tips maybe being called in that MC was at such and such's drinkin' and partyin'.

I think LE is feverishly searching for lil HC's body. And I think they're getting close. They have to remain quiet because once they arrest or even announce a POI or suspect all he77 is going to break loose in that town.

Until I hear from LE about when RC was at work that night and what time he left, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

Since I do believe Ron is responsible for Haleigh's disappearance, I'm interested in all theories that point to him. I like your theory. It seems like you are tuned in to how his mind works (a scary place, I know).

I, too, do not believe Ron worked the hours he said he did. IMO, he either started later, came home early, or left work mid-shift. You're right. Until LE spills the beans about the working schedule, we won't know.

I like your theory about why Ron and Misty would still be chummy. That is clever. That would also explain why he said to Misty during the 911 call, "How could you $#@* lose my daughter?"

My only problem is that I have felt for a while that Misty is in on this because of her lack of concern that the child is missing. All I see is fake tears and pretense. She is lying, so I have a problem with her being innocent. I still think Ron is the one who comitted the act, but I was thinking Misty was player #2.

Reading your theory, I would like to see Misty interviewed again once/if she can admit to not being in the house at some point during the night. I would like to see if I still detect the the deceit that was so obvious from the start.

I believe you are on to something here. Good job. Oh, and btw, did I read that Ron was working for a family member? I'll check that out. You know how you can get away with more impromtu comings and goings if you're related to the boss. But since I do not have the facts on that, I'll not say any more about it.
This video makes me more suspicious of him than anything else. He talks over six minutes and does not even mention Haleigh by name. It is my child or my daughter. He emphasizes that he was at work. His crying sounds more like he has been drinking than actual crying. Something about this man doesn't ring right with me. I think both of them know what happened. I didn't listen to the whole video this time, but I think it is the same one I listened to a few days ago.

I totally agree. Ron has been my #1 suspect for some days now. Ever notice how deceased children sometimes become nameless when someone in the family "did it?" It astounds me often the child's name is omitted (Haleigh, Caylee).

this is also one of my theories. the other being daddy just decided Haleigh was just gonna be a huge burden on him as far as having an expensive life long condition, not being able to afford proper care, etc. I'm 80% thinking daddy arranged to get rid of Haleigh and I think minor child gf does not have a clue about this but is being set up by daddy to take the fall.

I agree about Ron. Your theory is a good one. I'm inclined to think Misty is more involved some how, though. I know she's lying through her teeth about something. She's just not as good at it as Ron. It will be very interesting to watch this unfold.
I like Swag1959's theory about Ron coming home from work early, finding the children alone, gets upset, and harms Haleigh.

In Swag1959's theory, Ron has already hidden the body before Misty returns home (I believe). So how about another twist to Swag1959's basic theory...

Ron comes home, finds Misty gone, harms Haleigh, waits for Misty to return, and then tells her while she was gone, someone harmed (can't bear to print the word) Haleigh, and now Misty needs to help Ron hide the body. That way he has something on her. "Look what happened when you were gone?"

Actually, deep down, I think Ron was responsible, Misty was there when it happened, Misty helped cover it up, and then Ron hatched the abduction plan. I think this was done while Ron was claiming to be at work. They just look too too in cahoots.
I like Swag1959's theory about Ron coming home from work early, finding the children alone, gets upset, and harms Haleigh.

In Swag1959's theory, Ron has already hidden the body before Misty returns home (I believe). So how about another twist to Swag1959's basic theory...

Ron comes home, finds Misty gone, harms Haleigh, waits for Misty to return, and then tells her while she was gone, someone harmed (can't bear to print the word) Haleigh, and now Misty needs to help Ron hide the body. That way he has something on her. "Look what happened when you were gone?"

Actually, deep down, I think Ron was responsible, Misty was there when it happened, Misty helped cover it up, and then Ron hatched the abduction plan. I think this was done while Ron was claiming to be at work. They just look too too in cahoots.

Ill go you one better even tho this is not my theory. First of all I had to think "simple" because I feel MC thinks in simple terms. Ron comes home early for all the reasons you mentioned. MC is not there-he is pissed, takes it out on HC, disposes of her and goes back to work. Then the blame falls on MC when she gets home and finds HC gone.....
Why would he hurt Haleigh if he was mad @ MC dosen't make sense, looks like he would have hurt MC instead.
Ill go you one better even tho this is not my theory. First of all I had to think "simple" because I feel MC thinks in simple terms. Ron comes home early for all the reasons you mentioned. MC is not there-he is pissed, takes it out on HC, disposes of her and goes back to work. Then the blame falls on MC when she gets home and finds HC gone.....
It could be that MC came home while RC was trying to clean up. I don't believe RC intentionally hurt Haleigh - she just got in the way of a strike or something that was thrown. RC blames MC (certainly NOT himself) for this because MC was the one that made him mad. I've know people like this with anger issues - its always someone else's fault they got angry and did what they did.

Today - in the press conference it was said that "Ron was at work" in response to a question about Ron "checking out" or being cleared. That was all that was said - Ron was at work. The guy looked down and left when he said that tho - I watched. Deception. Either he left early or left for a long dinner break could still be in question. Saying Ron was at work is true - its the details that are important.
Okay,Susieq just gave link to this new article,alot of info..
In the interview Wednesday, Croslin said Haleigh watched “Madagascar” and “AirBud” with her brother, then snuggled beneath a blanket in a pink Hannah Montana top. She reported Haleigh was wearing that top when she disappeared.
However, Croslin said she found the shirt on Monday, when she was allowed back inside the doublewide mobile home for the first time since the disappearance. She was there to discuss the layout of the mobile home with investigators and was looking for the clothes Haleigh wore her last day at school.
She then saw the Hannah Montana shirt in a laundry pile by the back door. “When I put her blanket on she had that shirt on,” Croslin told the Times-Union on Wednesday.
She said she has no idea how the shirt wound up there.
Croslin said the children’s great-grandmother, her brother and an air-conditioning repairman were the only ones to visit the mobile home that day.
After eating, Croslin said the children watched movies before Haleigh went to bed about 8:15 p.m.Croslin also told the Times-Union that the day Haleigh disappeared, she told authorities a cousin who had been staying in Crescent City for about a month went back to Tennessee. She said the cousin had “messed with” her sexually when she was a child but not been deemed a sexual offender.
The cousin had visited the mobile home she shared with Cummings but was told not to come back when a gun in the house turned up missing around the same time, she said.
So,this nixes the idea of James Overstreet,the RSO,and thank God,because he is so scary.
i dont think anyone can really have a strong theory on what happened yet, this one is pretty wide open.

several good possible scenarios have been mentioned but there isnt enough evidence to strongly support one over another yet.

could be the girlfriend, or the father, or someone on the bio-mom's side (custody dispute), ex-boyfriend of misty's that wants to hurt her new 25 year old boyfriends life, the AC repairman, relative or acquaintance or neighbor who knew the situation in the house at night, random stalker of haleigh's or misty's...

i could see any of those things turning out to be true, i just hope that somehow the girl is still ok and makes it back home. however unlikely that is. :(
a new theory with some new info that has come to light:

my guess is that ron beat up misty's cousin brandon for strealing a gun from ron. (although, we don't even know for sure that brandon was even in the area or is in any way involved.) brandon is obviously a wannabe /gangsta. to get back at ron, brandon kidnaps haleigh and is now on the run and could be anywhere in the country either alone or with some friends.

i think misty's story might be true about knowing nothing (doesn't really explain how brandon got in the house unless a door was left unlocked or brandon had stolen a key previously or something), or even misty might know who took haleigh and she was either afraid to tell on her family member and staged a stranger abduction, or she did tell LE from the beginning and they have decided not to release the info. maybe brandon threatened her that he would harm haleigh if she told on him. this could also explain the strangeness of the 911 call. ron maybe didn't want this info to be recorded if brandon said that he would harm haleigh if LE was alerted to him.

i think he would have taken haleigh out of feeling that it was a gangsta/ thing to do and didn't realize at the time the magnitude of it. he's probably on the run now and scared and not sure what to do.

at first, i asked myself why wouldn't LE plaster this guy's face all over the country? that could be the quickest way to find him, but i think that LE feels that their best chance of safely getting haleigh back is a sneak-attack on brandon. LE is afraid that if brandon knew they were closing in on him that he might get desperate and harm haleigh. they are trying to locate him on the down-low and then will try to swoop in and retrieve haleigh before the perps even know that LE is onto them.

i wonder if this is why TES left so soon and if the info that LE has been releasing has just been a ruse to look like their case is focused elsewhere (in case brandon is following the case). this could also explain why LE has been so tight-lipped and released so little info on the case.

this is a completely different theory from the direction i had been leaning until last night. until last night, i thought that the chances of finding haleigh alive were slim to none. i am now much more hopeful.
Ok - my theory. This can be easily disproved if only LE would release whether dad was at work and at what times the night in question. Since LE has not done this - I'm still going with this.

Until I hear from LE about when RC was at work that night and what time he left, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

I saw late last night on the news that LE had confirmed that RC was indeed at work when all of this was occurring.
This case also reminds me of another that took place many years ago not far from my younger sister's home in Illinois. It was the little Jaclyn Dowaliby case. There was also no signs of forced entry in this case either. Very unfortunately both the police, SA and public did rush to judgement and it ripped their lives apart for many years to come. They lost custody of their remaining children for quite some time as well. They covicted her adoptive father and it was uncovered that he was indeed innocent. My sister knew this family quite well.

I am really truly on the fence with this one. I do have a feeling that Misty isn't telling us all, however at the same time I do not believe that she or Ron did anything to Haleigh directly. It is very clear to me that Ron is part of a close knit family and has lots of love and support in raising his children. I saw an interview with Ron's mom and she said if Misty wasn't available either she or great-grandma would care for the kids any time at the drop of a hat. IMO these children are very much loved etc.

I just have a feeling that someone who knows them or has studied them took thiis little girl. I have a feeling it is an SO too. I also noticed that the Chad guy has been missing since just before little Adji went missing. I do know that SO's do elevate their crimes too. Just a thought.
I know this is VERY off topic, but I just wanted to say thanks to everyone here! I made it through thread 13 for Haleigh, but then I had family coming from out of town so I haven't been able to read much since early Saturday. I was so happy to come on this morning and see so many people working so diligently for Haleigh!!!
I know I will never really be able to catch up on all of it now, but it makes my heart happy to see so many care for this sweet little angel.
a new theory with some new info that has come to light:

my guess is that ron beat up misty's cousin brandon for strealing a gun from ron. (although, we don't even know for sure that brandon was even in the area or is in any way involved.) brandon is obviously a wannabe /gangsta. to get back at ron, brandon kidnaps haleigh and is now on the run and could be anywhere in the country either alone or with some friends.

i think misty's story might be true about knowing nothing (doesn't really explain how brandon got in the house unless a door was left unlocked or brandon had stolen a key previously or something), or even misty might know who took haleigh and she was either afraid to tell on her family member and staged a stranger abduction, or she did tell LE from the beginning and they have decided not to release the info. maybe brandon threatened her that he would harm haleigh if she told on him. this could also explain the strangeness of the 911 call. ron maybe didn't want this info to be recorded if brandon said that he would harm haleigh if LE was alerted to him.

i think he would have taken haleigh out of feeling that it was a gangsta/ thing to do and didn't realize at the time the magnitude of it. he's probably on the run now and scared and not sure what to do.

at first, i asked myself why wouldn't LE plaster this guy's face all over the country? that could be the quickest way to find him, but i think that LE feels that their best chance of safely getting haleigh back is a sneak-attack on brandon. LE is afraid that if brandon knew they were closing in on him that he might get desperate and harm haleigh. they are trying to locate him on the down-low and then will try to swoop in and retrieve haleigh before the perps even know that LE is onto them.

i wonder if this is why TES left so soon and if the info that LE has been releasing has just been a ruse to look like their case is focused elsewhere (in case brandon is following the case). this could also explain why LE has been so tight-lipped and released so little info on the case.

this is a completely different theory from the direction i had been leaning until last night. until last night, i thought that the chances of finding haleigh alive were slim to none. i am now much more hopeful.
I think this Brandon is a good suspect as far as who might want to steal a gun, among other things. His myspace has been logged into, but we have no idea who logged in. Maybe that's why some of us here think the police language used seems to indicate they think or thought Haleigh was alive, that he was holding her somewhere. They would probably think some RSO off the street would harm her immedaitely, but a cousin of Misty with a vendetta might just hold her, not harm her. He gives me the absolute creeps
I'm frustrated by the lack of facts in this case. I can't form a theory based on what we've seen because the information provided by the media changes from day to day.
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