Theories on what happened to Haleigh

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a new theory with some new info that has come to light:

my guess is that ron beat up misty's cousin brandon for strealing a gun from ron. (although, we don't even know for sure that brandon was even in the area or is in any way involved.) brandon is obviously a wannabe /gangsta. to get back at ron, brandon kidnaps haleigh and is now on the run and could be anywhere in the country either alone or with some friends.

i think misty's story might be true about knowing nothing (doesn't really explain how brandon got in the house unless a door was left unlocked or brandon had stolen a key previously or something), or even misty might know who took haleigh and she was either afraid to tell on her family member and staged a stranger abduction, or she did tell LE from the beginning and they have decided not to release the info. maybe brandon threatened her that he would harm haleigh if she told on him. this could also explain the strangeness of the 911 call. ron maybe didn't want this info to be recorded if brandon said that he would harm haleigh if LE was alerted to him.

i think he would have taken haleigh out of feeling that it was a gangsta/ thing to do and didn't realize at the time the magnitude of it. he's probably on the run now and scared and not sure what to do.

at first, i asked myself why wouldn't LE plaster this guy's face all over the country? that could be the quickest way to find him, but i think that LE feels that their best chance of safely getting haleigh back is a sneak-attack on brandon. LE is afraid that if brandon knew they were closing in on him that he might get desperate and harm haleigh. they are trying to locate him on the down-low and then will try to swoop in and retrieve haleigh before the perps even know that LE is onto them.

i wonder if this is why TES left so soon and if the info that LE has been releasing has just been a ruse to look like their case is focused elsewhere (in case brandon is following the case). this could also explain why LE has been so tight-lipped and released so little info on the case.

this is a completely different theory from the direction i had been leaning until last night. until last night, i thought that the chances of finding haleigh alive were slim to none. i am now much more hopeful.

This is an interesting theory. However, he has apparently been on his myspace page within the last couple of days (or I guess it could be someone logging in as him.) His page is beyond disturbing. Tons of weed, booze, gangsta language. I felt dirty just looking at it. Strangely, there are fuzzy pics of a little girl with him. It gave me a bad feeling.

My only problem with this guy taking her is - I think he'd find a 5-yr-old girl to be a real drag on his partying lifestyle and would have no clue how to feed, clothe, take care of basic needs. He seems to smoke a lot of weed, drink a lot and generally spend his time in a drug-induced haze. Look at how many times he captions himself "f-ed up" in his pics.

If he took her, do you think he still has her? I'm not even going to go there with my feelings about the probably molestation/incest that goes on in this group, it is just too sad to think about.
This is an interesting theory. However, he has apparently been on his myspace page within the last couple of days (or I guess it could be someone logging in as him.) His page is beyond disturbing. Tons of weed, booze, gangsta language. I felt dirty just looking at it. Strangely, there are fuzzy pics of a little girl with him. It gave me a bad feeling.

My only problem with this guy taking her is - I think he'd find a 5-yr-old girl to be a real drag on his partying lifestyle and would have no clue how to feed, clothe, take care of basic needs. He seems to smoke a lot of weed, drink a lot and generally spend his time in a drug-induced haze. Look at how many times he captions himself "f-ed up" in his pics.

If he took her, do you think he still has her? I'm not even going to go there with my feelings about the probably molestation/incest that goes on in this group, it is just too sad to think about.
Nope, I dont think if he took her, he has her, I think the river does.
I think he is the person that she was with when she "ran off" (RUMOR!!)
AND, I think he is the person that stole the gun, and the one Ron fought with.
Ill go you one better even tho this is not my theory. First of all I had to think "simple" because I feel MC thinks in simple terms. Ron comes home early for all the reasons you mentioned. MC is not there-he is pissed, takes it out on HC, disposes of her and goes back to work. Then the blame falls on MC when she gets home and finds HC gone.....

You know, unless my brain has turned to mush, I think I may have posted a theory along those lines ... where Ron comes home mid-shift and returns to work, only I think I had Misty home and more of an accomplice. Not sure if it was in the Mark Klaas thread or not, but can't picture Misty waiting at home with a body, but that's where me hoping LE checked Ron's place of business for evidence, comes in. Ron takes the body back to work. Or puts the body in the car, disposes of it, then goes back to work (but I really think he came home "early" and didn't return to work). A company that makes parts for bridges sounds like an enormous building/area. Lots of place to hide things. I keep running theories through my head and I keep coming back to Misty being more involved in that she was doing what she was told, by Ron, to cover up. "Here! Wash this! Here! Clean this!"... I think that is pretty simple too, which, like you said, would suit Misty.
Okay,Susieq just gave link to this new article,alot of info..
In the interview Wednesday, Croslin said Haleigh watched “Madagascar” and “AirBud” with her brother, then snuggled beneath a blanket in a pink Hannah Montana top. She reported Haleigh was wearing that top when she disappeared.
However, Croslin said she found the shirt on Monday, when she was allowed back inside the doublewide mobile home for the first time since the disappearance. She was there to discuss the layout of the mobile home with investigators and was looking for the clothes Haleigh wore her last day at school.
She then saw the Hannah Montana shirt in a laundry pile by the back door. “When I put her blanket on she had that shirt on,” Croslin told the Times-Union on Wednesday.
She said she has no idea how the shirt wound up there.

Ok, sorry if this has already been discussed, is this blanket number 4? I bolded in red for clarity. So which blanket is this? Not the one with Pee, Not Misty's it is in the van, and she said the other one was on the window, and it was being washed with the one with Pee, while kids were in bed. :confused::confused:
Ok, sorry if this has already been discussed, is this blanket number 4? I bolded in red for clarity. So which blanket is this? Not the one with Pee, Not Misty's it is in the van, and she said the other one was on the window, and it was being washed with the one with Pee, while kids were in bed. :confused::confused:
I thought the same thing..
"I covered her up with a little sheet" were Misty's words.
That is usually never good, to schedule one that quick....when one wasnt planned.....
Haven't changed my opinion since day 1. My gut instinct is my gut instinct no matter how many pressers there are or how many times people replay clips of the family. Misty did something to this child. I was the one on the original thread who 1st posted about my hinkey meter being high and something wasn't feeling right about any of this with Haleigh missing. That's what I said from the 1st moment Haleigh was gone, something is not right at all with Misty / her stories.
I think LE is tight lipped and no saying much as Misty is hangin her self. Trying to catch her in all her lies, half truths, .

Also I posted under pink shirt that it could be that she could have had that shirt on and if misty is telling the truth about bed wet that she may have got up and changed her self and hid it in the dirty clothes so she wouldn't get in trouble for wet the bed.

a 5 yrs can change them self and hid things I raised 3 boys and one girl.
Family press conference at 1. Sheriff at 3. Misty went with detective this morning.
Father denying any allocations of fight. Says he has no enemies. Lots of denial of any information. Doesn't know what goes on. Only here for a plea for his daughter to come home.
thanks everyone who helped in search. doesn't know anything again. says ask detectives.
Daddy just answered ? did he have another child besides Haleigh or Jr.
Possibly (wth)
So the fight story was a red herring? Just made up?

Surely these folks can understand that their constant stories, lies, tales, etc, is only making it harder to find Haleigh. It must be driving LE crazy. It has frustrated me to the point where I'm about to just say nevermind. If no one can be truthful and honest, that tells me all I need to know.
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