Theories on what happened to Haleigh

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It would be nearly impossible for Ron to go by the trailer to check on Misty and the kids during his work shift.

He works at PDR on Hwy 17 North. PDR makes huge steel beams used to build bridges, space shuttle launch assemblies, etc. Most employees are welders & general labor. I don't know of any who leave the site during their meal break because they only get 30 minutes. Most pack a lunch, and some get lunch from a mobile cafeteria.

A crow might be able to cover the distance from PDR to Satsuma and back in 30 minutes, but not a person in a vehicle.

Here is link to updated google map with PDR marked. [PDR is northern most pin on map.],-81.634598&spn=0.362202,0.725098&t=h&z=11

I know that I originally asked that you limit the comments about the locals being dumb rednecks, but some of the msgs on here give the players in this drama WAY too much credit, IMO. They are not all that smart. JMO.

Thanks LFlorida! I appreciate your insight!
something that has occured to me that i haven't seen mentioned.......

it would require even more complicated plotting by a perp, and therefore an even more unlikely possibility than a stranger abduction already is, but......

what if a perp waited until a train came by to go in and snatch haleigh? he could have propped the screendoor open with the cinderblock (quietly) ahead of time, known that the other door was unlocked (or unlocked it) (maybe he did these things when a train was going by as well) and then went in and out of the trailer quickly while the train was passing. i noticed a train went by while NG was talking to a reporter on the scene last night and it sounded really loud.

i know the perp would be risking the train waking up misty, but it was a chance he was willing to take and figured she was used to sleeping through the trains.

this could explain how someone could get in and out of the house without being heard.

i don't know how often trains come by there, and it does seem unlikely that a perp would just sit around waiting for a train unless he knew when a train was coming.
something that has occured to me that i haven't seen mentioned.......

it would require even more complicated plotting by a perp, and therefore an even more unlikely possibility than a stranger abduction already is, but......

what if a perp waited until a train came by to go in and snatch haleigh? he could have propped the screendoor open with the cinderblock (quietly) ahead of time, known that the other door was unlocked (or unlocked it) (maybe he did these things when a train was going by as well) and then went in and out of the trailer quickly while the train was passing. i noticed a train went by while NG was talking to a reporter on the scene last night and it sounded really loud.

i know the perp would be risking the train waking up misty, but it was a chance he was willing to take and figured she was used to sleeping through the trains.

this could explain how someone could get in and out of the house without being heard.

i don't know how often trains come by there, and it does seem unlikely that a perp would just sit around waiting for a train unless he knew when a train was coming.

I heard the train on NG also. I was surprised how loud it was. The reporter even had to cover his ears just to hear Nancy. I also heard the police calls where they talk about the fact that a train had "just gone through". Maybe that's what woke Misty up at that precise time and she just didn't realize it. The close proximity to the train tracks could also explain why Misty/kids slept so soundly.

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He, takes her down to the pond and leaves her in the shed - while they figure out their plans - he then takes the boat & body (possibly in a container) and takes the water route to his dad's (placing her somewhere along the route) and has Misty get JR and drive his truck and meet him there. JR is sleeping. at this point Misty could take JR back home by boat and dad rushes back to work, or they drive to dad's work and Misty takes the truck and rushes back home. Cleans as directed. then picks him up after work and drops him off to pick the boat back up and they meet back at the trailer.
2. Ron's temper gets the best of him. He takes Haleigh's body to the shed down by the pond and leaves it there until later. Takes off early from work, stops by dad's grabs a boat - takes the waterway over to pick up haleigh and dispose of her on way back over to dad's then heads home. He knows Misty was gone, Misty really has no clue what happened while she was away.

been thinking on it more and Ron & Misty could have drove over to fathers, grabbed boat without dad knowing - Misty then takes the boat back to their place, puts haleigh inside it, ties that boat to the one at their place and pulls it back to ron's dads. leaves the boat & child (wrapped in blanket) there and heads back home to JR who is alone sleeping in trailer. When Ron gets off he stops over a dad's and takes the body to dispose of it - before heading back home in his truck.

I'm sure LE has checked the boat to see if it's been moved around the premises, any signs of being launched because LE can tell if the boat had been used within that short distance in time span. Ron's Father would have been able to tell also if the boat had been in his yard, moved or launched also. I thought the boat was Ron's.

It would be nearly impossible for Ron to go by the trailer to check on Misty and the kids during his work shift.

He works at PDR on Hwy 17 North. PDR makes huge steel beams used to build bridges, space shuttle launch assemblies, etc. Most employees are welders & general labor. I don't know of any who leave the site during their meal break because they only get 30 minutes. Most pack a lunch, and some get lunch from a mobile cafeteria.

A crow might be able to cover the distance from PDR to Satsuma and back in 30 minutes, but not a person in a vehicle.

Here is link to updated google map with PDR marked. [PDR is northern most pin on map.],-81.634598&spn=0.362202,0.725098&t=h&z=11

I know that I originally asked that you limit the comments about the locals being dumb rednecks, but some of the msgs on here give the players in this drama WAY too much credit, IMO. They are not all that smart. JMO.
I'm sorry for the posts, the lowly few, whew, that have made these comments. I am a country gal and guess could be considered redneck by somes standards. I only use it when joshin and jokin. Thank you for making this point, because people in that area are just as important and good natured as anyone else in America.

Directed at no one in particular, but not all trailers and mobile crinks and make horrendouse noises. Their built differently these days, even have a flooring system underneath with the stell rafters that have these big bolts that can be turned and tightened to take out squeaks and squalls during the night once they settle and need that re-adjusting.

Those who keep bringing it up may want to find themselves a handy man to go under their trailer with an oil can, and tools to tighten up the floor and give you that peaceful walk in the night you long for. Plus it will help save the floor by strengthening it up once again, thus keeping plywood in ship shape. hahaha

One of my theories:

Misty may have been the original target. She may not have been home, and they were angry about all that planning and stalking, watching her and learning where she lived and when she was alone, then came and she was gone, so the sexual predator took the next vulnerable defenseless female. IF it is this latest RSO who got arrested, or her abusing cousin, these two take me into that direction as Misty being the orignal target, not the child. We will see. Googd theories kikid. I don't feel Ron is involved.

As the local pointed out, his drive time, type of work, what it would have taken for Ron to be involved and work that night, it's just not practical. Plus Local Florida is correct about the work shift, lunch breaks, etc... This is how they live while at work, my husbands in the trade and Local was spot on.
I really don't think Haleigh's life ended inside the house.
I have no idea why, I just don't. However, I think that LE does think so and that's why it hasn't been released yet.

I think that Misty did have something to do with it, but I'm not sure if it was in the capacity of outright abuse or neglect. I think she has been on some type of drug and it was a lot harder than pot.

My theories:
1. Someone that knows bio mom took Haliegh. I only say this because a lot of abductors, especially if they have been caught before, would look for a person that isn't the most attentive parent. (Not counting the grab off the street type of abduction.)
We know that Chrystal isn't the most attentive parent, thus the missed doctor's appointments, she probably said a lot of bad things about Ron. "He abuses the kids" or "He doesn't really care, he just wanted them to spite me". There's a very good chance that to anyone listening and watching closely enough, it seems as if no one loved this kid. They might have thought they could have a few hours or even days head start before she was noticed or reported.

2. Misty's cousin threatened her and out of fear, she "gave" him Haleigh. If what Misty says about being molested is true, then he went for younger kids, not Hleigh's age, but still. This one isn't the strongest theory I have, but it would explain a lot; from the discrepancies to Misty's demeanor.

3. Misty flat out wasn't there. Which leads to a lot of different theories.
a. Haleigh wandered out looking for her througha door that had been propped open earlier and died of an accident, or was kidnapped after leaving.
b. SO wanders in and thinks he hit the jackpot.
c. Ron comes home early, finds Misty gone, in a fit of rage (imagining her cheating or whatever) wakes Haleigh and asks her where Misty is. She doesn't know and his temper explodes. Haleigh ends up dead due to his temper, so he takes the body and gets out of there, propping the door first and then comes home again at the proper time to have left work.

Note: I saw in an earlier post that Ron's criminal record shoes he likes to hunt at night. IIRC, that was the record of one of the grandfather's, I think Chrystal's father. Not Ron's.
I heard the train on NG also. I was surprised how loud it was. The reporter even had to cover his ears just to hear Nancy. I also heard the police calls where they talk about the fact that a train had "just gone through". Maybe that's what woke Misty up at that precise time and she just didn't realize it. The close proximity to the train tracks could also explain why Misty/kids slept so soundly.

Trains are pretty LOUD, I'll give you that. But if the perps plan was to then HOP said train then the train had left the station. KWIM?

This would involve a perp on foot or a perp with a car parked elsewhere. Otherwise, why plan a stealth plan (to occur during a noisy train passing) but then load up with Haleigh in a car parked in the driveway (noisy).
At this point it wouldnt surprise me if this whole thing ends with a theory that no one has come up with! Something or someone totally out of left field-never even considered by anyone here....just something to ponder.....

i totally agree with u!
i dont think ron is involved here
i think misti is somehow, not sure how...
i believe haleigh is alive
just a feeling i have
i never had that feeling with caylee...
It would be nearly impossible for Ron to go by the trailer to check on Misty and the kids during his work shift.
He works at PDR on Hwy 17 North. PDR makes huge steel beams used to build bridges, space shuttle launch assemblies, etc. Most employees are welders & general labor. I don't know of any who leave the site during their meal break because they only get 30 minutes. Most pack a lunch, and some get lunch from a mobile cafeteria.

A crow might be able to cover the distance from PDR to Satsuma and back in 30 minutes, but not a person in a vehicle.

Here is link to updated google map with PDR marked. [PDR is northern most pin on map.],-81.634598&spn=0.362202,0.725098&t=h&z=11

I know that I originally asked that you limit the comments about the locals being dumb rednecks, but some of the msgs on here give the players in this drama WAY too much credit, IMO. They are not all that smart. JMO.

(bold mine) Agree w bolded. Think we also need to give *LE* a little credit--were he not at work as he indicated for entire shift, dad would be their main POI.

Directed at no one in particular, but not all trailers and mobile crinks and make horrendouse noises. Their built differently these days, even have a flooring system underneath with the stell rafters that have these big bolts that can be turned and tightened to take out squeaks and squalls during the night once they settle and need that re-adjusting.

Those who keep bringing it up may want to find themselves a handy man to go under their trailer with an oil can, and tools to tighten up the floor and give you that peaceful walk in the night you long for. Plus it will help save the floor by strengthening it up once again, thus keeping plywood in ship shape. hahaha

One of my theories:

Misty may have been the original target. She may not have been home, and they were angry about all that planning and stalking, watching her and learning where she lived and when she was alone, then came and she was gone, so the sexual predator took the next vulnerable defenseless female. IF it is this latest RSO who got arrested, or her abusing cousin, these two take me into that direction as Misty being the orignal target, not the child. We will see. Googd theories kikid. I don't feel Ron is involved.

As the local pointed out, his drive time, type of work, what it would have taken for Ron to be involved and work that night, it's just not practical. Plus Local Florida is correct about the work shift, lunch breaks, etc... This is how they live while at work, my husbands in the trade and Local was spot on.

Whether it was theoretically possible for dad to manage the logistics, if dad wasn't at work, LE would be all over it. Dad did pass his poly and LE does not seem real interested in him beyond his seedy associations. As another poster said the MO of most of the SO's in question is preying upon young children (gf was younger when cousin abused her too). Also, during interview of trailer's previous tenant (the pastor), he described how noisy this particular trailer is (doubt perplord did much maintenance on his units). If children were there alone, it wouldn't matter how much noise the SOB made. :mad: JMO

A theory, similar to KiKi's theory 3.
MC had "someone" over after the kids were asleep. They drank?, drugged?, smoked?, out back so no one would see them. She probably wasn't supposed to smoke in the house and we have seen her smoking, (if pot they wouldn't want the smell in the house). They go back in the trailer, she is "overexhausted" and passes out. The perp (this "visitor"),then takes advantage of the situation and takes this precious angel on his way out. MC was there as she says, but can't admit about the back door, guest etc., so she starts making up details. This would be the deception we are all seeing.
Based upon development re cousin...

Cousin and maybe friend (Brandon from TN eg) stop over sometime that evening while dad's at work to hang out w dad's gf for awhile. Gf goes along because dad's gone, she is bored, kids are in bed--and these guys are offering to get her drunk. After drinking up the beers, cousin moves in for the kill and asks the gf where they can a) get some more beer nearby; b) buy some ____ drugs in the area; or c) find ___ relative or person. Gf knows kids can't be left all alone but is too drunk to care or realize the danger and besides, he's offering to get her high so she says, 'I could take you over and show you, but someone's gotta stay w the kids...' At that point, cousin "nicely" offers to let them take the car, and to stay w kids while gf takes cousin's friend. Once they leave, he's already drunk--and knows kids are alone. Before they return, he's propped the rear door thru which he carries Haleigh out back where he puts her in the outbuiding. Once the two return, while his friend's still inside smoking w/e it is, he quickly hides her in the vehicle. After that he tells friend, 'Come on we gotta get goin, it's a long drive and I'm fadin fast...' and they take off. Gf is so wasted by this point that she passes out on sofa in family room. It isn't until shortly before dad arrives that she even comes around and realizes Haleigh's gone. They are both guilty (on different levels), and drugs may also be involved. This might explain why gf hasn't ratted out cousin (she would have to tell dad she got wasted and left SO cousin w kids), and certainly why cousin wouldn't report knowing she'd left. It would also explain why there was a vehicle LE has impounded and searched. (And could possibly explain sightings in TN if Haleigh was alive when taken from FL.)
Some variations on this could be...
1. cousin is driver who makes the trip w gf, and cousin's friend is the one who stays behind
2. dad's gf and cousin walk to bro or another nearby relative, leaving cousin's friend behind
3. Gf never leaves but before cousin leaves he "bricks" or puts something in back door and,
knowing how wasted gf is, sneaks back inside after she's passed out. Yea that one always
sounds right, actually... JMO


(bold mine) Agree w bolded. Think we also need to give *LE* a little credit--were he not at work as he indicated for entire shift, dad would be their main POI.

Whether it was theoretically possible for dad to manage the logistics, if dad wasn't at work, LE would be all over it. Dad did pass his poly and LE does not seem real interested in him beyond his seedy associations.


And we do not know that LE is not all over it.

I have not heard that LE verified that Ron passed his poly. Do you have a link for that info? We only have Ron's word for it and I do not believe anything Ron says, so in my mind, it bears no weight.
We have no proof that LE is not interested in Ron. There is a reason Misty keeps being questioned. I think it has to do with Ron.
Until LE tells us in no uncertain terms that Ron is eliminated or Misty is eliminated, they are not in the clear.
It would be nearly impossible for Ron to go by the trailer to check on Misty and the kids during his work shift.

He works at PDR on Hwy 17 North. PDR makes huge steel beams used to build bridges, space shuttle launch assemblies, etc. Most employees are welders & general labor. I don't know of any who leave the site during their meal break because they only get 30 minutes. Most pack a lunch, and some get lunch from a mobile cafeteria.

A crow might be able to cover the distance from PDR to Satsuma and back in 30 minutes, but not a person in a vehicle.

Here is link to updated google map with PDR marked. [PDR is northern most pin on map.],-81.634598&spn=0.362202,0.725098&t=h&z=11

I know that I originally asked that you limit the comments about the locals being dumb rednecks, but some of the msgs on here give the players in this drama WAY too much credit, IMO. They are not all that smart. JMO.

Nice post, thank you! Great job on the map! :)

Do you know if Ron works for a family member? Thought I heard that somewhere.

Do you know the route Ron would take to work? Do you know how long it would take to make a trip from Ron's home to work? It's nice to see all this mapped out.

I still think it is possible for Ron to have left work early, even if it is not possible for him to go home on a lunch break. I'm not saying we would be privey to this info, just sayin' is all.

Sorry for all the questions. :)
Nice post, thank you! Great job on the map! :)

Do you know if Ron works for a family member? Thought I heard that somewhere.

Do you know the route Ron would take to work? Do you know how long it would take to make a trip from Ron's home to work? It's nice to see all this mapped out.

I still think it is possible for Ron to have left work early, even if it is not possible for him to go home on a lunch break. I'm not saying we would be privey to this info, just sayin' is all.

Sorry for all the questions. :)

Ron doesn't seem amiable enough for his co-workers to cover his a$$.

Nevertheless, Ron would exit PDR onto Comfort Rd., probably go ahead and take Barge Port Rd. out to Hwy 17 N. Turn south on Hwy 17, stay on it through Palatka, over the bridge [St. Johns River] into East Palatka, and just stayed on 17 south to Satsuma.

Note that Hwy 17, Hwy 100, and Hwy 20 all merge through Palatka & East Palatka. In San Mateo, Hwy 100 east branches back out to the left and goes to the coast, but Ronald would stay on Hwy 17S.

Stay on 17S to Buffalo Bluff Rd. [Hwy 309B] which will be on the right.
Take Buffalo Bluff Rd. back north to Hermit's Cove.

[Looking at my google map, you can tell I was just marking general locations. Sorry about that; will try to get corrected, specific pins on there ASAP.]
Ron doesn't seem amiable enough for his co-workers to cover his a$$.

Nevertheless, Ron would exit PDR onto Comfort Rd., probably go ahead and take Barge Port Rd. out to Hwy 17 N. Turn south on Hwy 17, stay on it through Palatka, over the bridge [St. Johns River] into East Palatka, and just stayed on 17 south to Satsuma.

Note that Hwy 17, Hwy 100, and Hwy 20 all merge through Palatka & East Palatka. In San Mateo, Hwy 100 east branches back out to the left and goes to the coast, but Ronald would stay on Hwy 17S.

Stay on 17S to Buffalo Bluff Rd. [Hwy 309B] which will be on the right.
Take Buffalo Bluff Rd. back north to Hermit's Cove.

[Looking at my google map, you can tell I was just marking general locations. Sorry about that; will try to get corrected, specific pins on there ASAP.]

This is just EXCELLENT!
My theory, which is strickly speculation:
RC had a fight with Joe about gun. Joe wanted revenge, went to visit MC, sneacked into where back door was, unlocked it. MC left trailer after putting children to bed, got high. While she was gone Joe came back, propped door open with cinder block in case he had trouble carrying Haleigh out. MC came home about 3am, knowing RC would be home from work soon, noticed Haleigh missing, was afraid to call LE because she had left children alone.
My theory, which is strickly speculation:
RC had a fight with Joe about gun. Joe wanted revenge, went to visit MC, sneacked into where back door was, unlocked it. MC left trailer after putting children to bed, got high. While she was gone Joe came back, propped door open with cinder block in case he had trouble carrying Haleigh out. MC came home about 3am, knowing RC would be home from work soon, noticed Haleigh missing, was afraid to call LE because she had left children alone.

I posted a week ago that some relative or friend while visiting Misty in that trailer probably slipped the back door lock while in the trailer. {OK, I'll go and search for my original post(s).} on the subject.
My theory, which is strickly speculation:
RC had a fight with Joe about gun. Joe wanted revenge, went to visit MC, sneacked into where back door was, unlocked it. MC left trailer after putting children to bed, got high. While she was gone Joe came back, propped door open with cinder block in case he had trouble carrying Haleigh out. MC came home about 3am, knowing RC would be home from work soon, noticed Haleigh missing, was afraid to call LE because she had left children alone.
Something tells me the cousin has nothing to do with this, but if he did, I'll go ya one better...:
Same scenario up until the door being propped open...maybe "someone" propped the door open to steal a tv or two, or a gun, or some drugs, or money, Haleigh wakes up, and this person grabs HER, so she doesnt talk, he gets scared, takes her, puts her in the nearest body of water, and hightails it out of town.....I dont think he even sneaked in to unlock it, I think Misty was bored out of her mind and let him in. Have you ever been so lonely you'd talk to the old man in line at the grocery store just to get some "adult" contact??? He unlocked the back door to come back and steal what he could before he returned to Tenn, or wherever, he had nothing better to do, he knew he was going back home the next day, and would be not only be far away, but back in his circle of thugs, crips, loser wannabes, whatever................maybe he wanted to steal anything he could get his grubby little paws on and Haleigh was collateral damage...
Ron doesn't seem amiable enough for his co-workers to cover his a$$.

Nevertheless, Ron would exit PDR onto Comfort Rd., probably go ahead and take Barge Port Rd. out to Hwy 17 N. Turn south on Hwy 17, stay on it through Palatka, over the bridge [St. Johns River] into East Palatka, and just stayed on 17 south to Satsuma.

Note that Hwy 17, Hwy 100, and Hwy 20 all merge through Palatka & East Palatka. In San Mateo, Hwy 100 east branches back out to the left and goes to the coast, but Ronald would stay on Hwy 17S.

Stay on 17S to Buffalo Bluff Rd. [Hwy 309B] which will be on the right.
Take Buffalo Bluff Rd. back north to Hermit's Cove.

[Looking at my google map, you can tell I was just marking general locations. Sorry about that; will try to get corrected, specific pins on there ASAP.]

If you have the addresses, even approximate, Google maps can determine a route and driving time. Probably more than 1/2hr for the round trip.
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