Theories on what happened to Lindsey B.

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scandi, there is a ditch at the edge of JMs property.. during the winter and early spring I'm sure it's probably full of water. It's not a "creek" really but I think thats what everyone in town calls it.
Scandi, clean out your PM's :)
scandi, there is a ditch at the edge of JMs property.. during the winter and early spring I'm sure it's probably full of water. It's not a "creek" really but I think thats what everyone in town calls it.

Yes, that could be it Jennifer. Tnanks, as we researched that even to the trees the TV cameraman panned in on behind his house and off to the east. I don't think those trees were on Jim's property. Looking at the ariel photo it is sometimes difficult to imagine exactly where the property lines go.

But I don't think this gentleman can be excluded, and am interested to see what the Astros have discovered as he seems to fit that profile they have developed.

I also don't feel bad discussing him as he was quite vocal in the case at the beginning. Looking at him is to rule him out and bring the crime closer to being solved so Lindsey will be found and brought home. I have heard of no one ruled out as of yet by LE, and only that Scott and MB had requested LDT's and they 'passed'. LE never uses the word passed with regard to a LDT so I do wonder where that came from. Maybe a journo. xox
At one point, Tuba mentioned Melbourne and Surround as a search area. Did that ever happen?
Yes, that could be it Jennifer. Tnanks, as we researched that even to the trees the TV cameraman panned in on behind his house and off to the east. I don't think those trees were on Jim's property. Looking at the ariel photo it is sometimes difficult to imagine exactly where the property lines go.

But I don't think this gentleman can be excluded, and am interested to see what the Astros have discovered as he seems to fit that profile they have developed.

I also don't feel bad discussing him as he was quite vocal in the case at the beginning. Looking at him is to rule him out and bring the crime closer to being solved so Lindsey will be found and brought home. I have heard of no one ruled out as of yet by LE, and only that Scott and MB had requested LDT's and they 'passed'. LE never uses the word passed with regard to a LDT so I do wonder where that came from. Maybe a journo. xox

I agree that no one should be ruled out just yet. I was just saying that the "creek" he was talking about is, in fact, there. When it has any water in it, I'm not sure.
The rains have started here I will check the "creek" when I go to McCleary this week. It's right down the road from the search center.
At one point, Tuba mentioned Melbourne and Surround as a search area. Did that ever happen?

We can't confirm where any searches have been done. Sorry.
Hi, I was just talking to Haddie about Lindsey having her swimming suit on when she was taken, as per the Affidavit they were looking for her pink 2 piece suit.

I had this major mouse fa*t in my brain and sat up straight, as things started to click ~ like a Gestalt moment!

* Due to the friends Lindsey had she was growing up faster than the average child age 10 1/2. We discussed that early on. Running thru the friends on her MS page and tracking all those people down it does tell a story.

* Could it be the reason Lindsey and MK decided to see if Lindsey could spend the night at MK's so they could sneak out later and go back swimming at Libby's house again - a late night swim would be very exciting for a girl her age? I think they probably thought of this walking from the video store to Lindsey's, and they weren't really lying, as if this is when the change of plans came, they were walking to one of their houses.

* After the 'NO' from Scott, Lindsey knew she had 1/2 hour left before curfew. She might have turned right on 6th to take a shortcut to Libby's house anyway to see if she could go swimming again. Her plan was to walk a block and a half down 6th and cut thru the area where Fir Street would be if it had ever been put in. That put her right in front of Jim Mullins home on her way over to Main St where Libby lived.

* I always thought it very suspicious that Jim told the reporter on TV the kids loved to play in that field adjacent to his house {as the cameraman panned over the field} and play in the creek on his property.

From the convo I had with the man at the Bldg Dept he told me there were 3 places in town where the creek was exposed and not culverted, the bridge, the treatment center and before it goes under Hwy 8 {as best as I can remember}. Why would Jim say this if it weren't true ??? Big RED flag!

It really is very simple if it were played out in a reactivation & just takes longer to explain it ;}

What 'cha think?

I also wondered since she had her suit on if she planned for a swim later on - there could have been a plan to sneak out from MK's that night and when she couldn't stay the night, Lindsey decided to go "there" anyway (wherever "there" is). Does anyone wonder if MK knows or suspects something?

Can anyone tell me if "up the hill on 6th" means North or South?

I also wondered since she had her suit on if she planned for a swim later on - there could have been a plan to sneak out from MK's that night and when she couldn't stay the night, Lindsey decided to go "there" anyway (wherever "there" is). Does anyone wonder if MK knows or suspects something?

Can anyone tell me if "up the hill on 6th" means North or South?


BTW, the swimsuit thought came from Haddie ;} I believe if one turns south on 6th street going past the Beehive, you will be going uphill and away from Maple.
It is good to think of and look at everything we can in the case, people, surroundings, possibilities. We do that in every case, pick it apart and put it back together. I do feel for the locals who have been interjected into the case. We go by our rules here out of respect to them.

So considering everything I have learned so far in Lindsey's case, I think the first mention of the 'white car' and her being 'scared' will tell the tale of what really happened to her.

It could be IMO that we have the one POI, a young buck who is temporarily on leave from that status. But I could easily see an older man brought into the frey out of necessity, at this point an unsub who would know how to handle the situation simply, quickly and effectively. We need to keep our eyes to the grindstone IMO!
I also wondered since she had her suit on if she planned for a swim later on - there could have been a plan to sneak out from MK's that night and when she couldn't stay the night, Lindsey decided to go "there" anyway (wherever "there" is). Does anyone wonder if MK knows or suspects something?

Can anyone tell me if "up the hill on 6th" means North or South?


If Lindsey was going for a swim later on, her friend would have known. I'm certain LE found that out when she went missing. Jim M. property was searched 6X for a reason, and I'm sure that's it. Regarding Jim M., he seems to enjoy having the kids use his property for swimming - I haven't read one single word from anyone that kids find him strange, or overly friendly, touching inappropriately, staring while they swim...I don't think he has anything to do with this.

IMO - the person who took Lindsey gained her respect and trust - she liked him for a reason that made sense to her. Maybe a visitor she got to know over time, a person of religion, someone posing as a LE officer, a person from her school, a neighbor, or possibly a friend's father whom she grew to trust and was fond of. Seeing this person on a Friday night did not strike Lindsey as odd.

One thing I think is possible - she might have gone into a familiar person's home to make a phone call - a person she got to know from her walks...someone she knew and trusted (her cell was at home charging). Just my thoughts and guesses.
keep in mind that she was VERY afraid of the anything that she would have done that night she would have only had about 30 mins left of light did stay a bit light out after 10pm.....but i would think someone who was as afraid as she was....would have wanted to be inside by 10pm that night....
i wish i had some kind of soft ware to be able to put differnt scenarios together...and take a look at what direction she could have gone that little movies....reenactments of what could have happend in that time frame...
keep in mind that she was VERY afraid of the anything that she would have done that night she would have only had about 30 mins left of light did stay a bit light out after 10pm.....but i would think someone who was as afraid as she was....would have wanted to be inside by 10pm that night....

I remember reading about her being afraid of the dark, but do you remember where you read/heard that?
Jules71, It was in the media early on. I believe her mom was quoted as saying it. I just don't know exactly which article it was in.
Jules71, It was in the media early on. I believe her mom was quoted as saying it. I just don't know exactly which article it was in.

Yes, I believe it was in one of the first articles. So an article dated June 27th through July 2nd or so, most likely.
I also wondered since she had her suit on if she planned for a swim later on - there could have been a plan to sneak out from MK's that night and when she couldn't stay the night, Lindsey decided to go "there" anyway (wherever "there" is). Does anyone wonder if MK knows or suspects something?

Can anyone tell me if "up the hill on 6th" means North or South?

Re: Lindsey's choice of a "mismatched bathing suit" to wear: was it worn as a top, under the hoodie - perhaps to impress somebody, or to make her look older? Did an older girl hand this suit down to Lindsey, either at the pool party or somewhere else? Is there an older crowd of girls, that Lindsey and KK thought were cool? Were these the 'mean' girls? (Nice that that conflict was resolved before she disappeared...just before...but I can't forget that it upset Lindsey so much that it affected her attendance at school). Is KK's daughter allowed to wear a 2-piece suit? Is Lindsey? Photos of LB all show her in one-piece suits.

(I remember a time when two years older was exactly who I wanted to be: those girls had bras and boyfriends and secrets they kept from their parents...they had great clothes, and makeup, and money. They cussed and smoked and maybe even (gasp!) spent time alone with boys. Some of them even had reputations. I don't think they ever really lost their mystery, for me. Sigh. I'll just never be that cool, or that 'fast'.)
Re: Lindsey's choice of a "mismatched bathing suit" to wear: was it worn as a top, under the hoodie - perhaps to impress somebody, or to make her look older? Did an older girl hand this suit down to Lindsey, either at the pool party or somewhere else? Is there an older crowd of girls, that Lindsey and KK thought were cool? Were these the 'mean' girls? (Nice that that conflict was resolved before she disappeared...just before...but I can't forget that it upset Lindsey so much that it affected her attendance at school). Is KK's daughter allowed to wear a 2-piece suit? Is Lindsey? Photos of LB all show her in one-piece suits.

(I remember a time when two years older was exactly who I wanted to be: those girls had bras and boyfriends and secrets they kept from their parents...they had great clothes, and makeup, and money. They cussed and smoked and maybe even (gasp!) spent time alone with boys. Some of them even had reputations. I don't think they ever really lost their mystery, for me. Sigh. I'll just never be that cool, or that 'fast'.)

Hi, I went to the Affidavit and pulled what was said about the swim suit:

"She was last known to be wearing a blue long sleeve shirt, blue jeans, black shoes, and a mismatched bikini style swim suit".

See you tonite with bells on! xox
ok..i don't know how plausable this is but here it goes...let's say Lindsey and JB were heading home from KK's and they got into a fight...say something happened and say by accident Lindsey hurt JB really bad (horrible cut he got around the LB disappearence)...JB looses it and fatally hurts Lindsey....JB tells MB what he did and she JB covers it up....she just lost 1 child and doesnt want to lose another one esp with his troubled background....IDK...just thinking
ok..i don't know how plausable this is but here it goes...let's say Lindsey and JB were heading home from KK's and they got into a fight...say something happened and say by accident Lindsey hurt JB really bad (horrible cut he got around the LB disappearence)...JB looses it and fatally hurts Lindsey....JB tells MB what he did and she JB covers it up....she just lost 1 child and doesnt want to lose another one esp with his troubled background....IDK...just thinking

Do we have more on this: horrible cut he got around the LB disappearence (bolded and red above by me)?

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