Theories on what happened to Lindsey B.

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re: ChuckMaureen post #115 above

(respectfully snipped)
"And, how did they search the culverts? Using DWV cameras?...Unless they send remote cams up the pipes, no one can be sure what might in those pipes."

This is a subject that has been heavy on my mind lately. One cubic yard of water weighs over 2,200 pounds (that's not very much water in the outdoor environment).

When we are talking about heavy rains and storm sewers, the force of flowing water can be unbelievable. Even when (or especially when) a culvert or drain has tree/plant roots growing inside of it, an object (or body, sigh, sorry) can be wedged so far into the plant debris, it would be a huge challenge even for experts.

It worries me.

I did talk to a gentleman in the Bldg Dept who said they were searched right away and nothing was found. I should havwe asked him if the culverts were re-searched after they were flushed out during the summer.

What I learned tho was there are 2 culverts that run side by side criss-crossing under the town of McCleary from NE to SW. One is 3' across and the other 4' if I remember right. Also, there are only 3 places in town where the creek is exposed. One at the bridge off Mommsen, one at the water treatment plant up past Kara's house and the other I believe is where the creek comes out N of Hwy 8 and flows under it into Sand Creek lake/pond. Maybe it is culverted to the little lake as I don't see it on a map as the creek running under the freeway.

I'd like to know what the exposed area by the water treatment center looks like. Is it accessible, somewhat hidden?{E826C197-7887-4FAA-83CE-EDA999FE502B}

Still looking Scandi

Hi again, Thanks for that as I hadn't seen those pics. Sam's Canal. Yes, that is what they call the creek that runs thru McCleary. He referred to the area by the bridge as 'Sam's Canal'. And now I see the other area by 7th and Maple referred to that as well. Is that where the water treatment plant is? Could someone have hid her there until she was moved again? xox

PS: I fixed your link in the previous post and here but can't in the original. You need to put the [URL boxes around your link ;}
Working on a mini notebook thing, no mouse and the screen is the size of my cell phone, lol. Look for better pics tomorrow. I have seen photos of the McCleary WWTP, but can't remember where. Maybe on the NPDES permit site?
Does water flow there in the summer? Prob not, so you are saying hide her in the pipe? Questions about the WWTP; the plant pics I saw, there was a pretty substantial security fence around it. Is there a pipe outside the fence area? Sorry still kind of foggy with this headcold.
This is my first post in the forum and I have admittedly not read through every thread about this case, but from the get-go I have had a theory about what may have happened to this girl.

From my understanding through what the media has said, LE, and what I have read on this forum and others, the area where Lindsay went missing is near a major highway or interstate. Until I was about 12, we lived on the outskirts of town near the interstate. I did not live in a bad neighborhood, but there were always quite a few unsavory characters around because of the fact that the interstate was so close. There were lots of gas stations, motels, and hotels nearby. Sometimes we were allowed to walk to the gas station to buy soda and candy in groups, but our parents really frowned on it. A lot of older kids would hang over underneath the overpass, and I even did it once but never again because the sound of the semis and vehicles on the interstate scared me, and there were always a lot of drifters in the area and I was a cautious child.

Anyway, I'm wondering if the area Lindsey went missing in is similar to what I am describing. I really think, if it is, the interstate had a lot to do with her disappearance and that it is very likely the perp was someone from another state, who did not dispose of her body in the area. Are there any suspects that fit this MO? Maybe a truck driver, or someone else who has a reason or excuse to travel a lot? Has anyone tried to look up if there have been any other disappearances, assaults, or murders along this same highway/interstate? If not, I would be happy to do so.
This is my first post in the forum and I have admittedly not read through every thread about this case, but from the get-go I have had a theory about what may have happened to this girl.

From my understanding through what the media has said, LE, and what I have read on this forum and others, the area where Lindsay went missing is near a major highway or interstate. Until I was about 12, we lived on the outskirts of town near the interstate. I did not live in a bad neighborhood, but there were always quite a few unsavory characters around because of the fact that the interstate was so close. There were lots of gas stations, motels, and hotels nearby. Sometimes we were allowed to walk to the gas station to buy soda and candy in groups, but our parents really frowned on it. A lot of older kids would hang over underneath the overpass, and I even did it once but never again because the sound of the semis and vehicles on the interstate scared me, and there were always a lot of drifters in the area and I was a cautious child.

Anyway, I'm wondering if the area Lindsey went missing in is similar to what I am describing. I really think, if it is, the interstate had a lot to do with her disappearance and that it is very likely the perp was someone from another state, who did not dispose of her body in the area. Are there any suspects that fit this MO? Maybe a truck driver, or someone else who has a reason or excuse to travel a lot? Has anyone tried to look up if there have been any other disappearances, assaults, or murders along this same highway/interstate? If not, I would be happy to do so.

Welcome Tokalu! Great post. Others will be along shortly who may be able to answer your questions. I think its worth looking in to.

Hi Tokalu and welcome! It's always wonderful to have new thoughts on this case. I provided you with a link below to the thread which contains photos. Take a look around there, I think you'll find an answer to your questions. There is also a forensic astrology thread if you would like to see what the charts say about Lindsey's disappearance.

Photos of points of interest in McCleary - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
In this pic, I highlighted the route Lindsey might have taken if she turned south on 6th and cut across Fir to possibly get to LN's. The house I circled is JM's, right? Is this the property that was searched 6 times? Where is the creek he references the kids liked to swim in?


  • JM creek..jpg
    JM creek..jpg
    108.8 KB · Views: 22
In this pic, I highlighted the route Lindsey might have taken if she turned south on 6th and cut across Fir to possibly get to LN's. The house I circled is JM's, right? Is this the property that was searched 6 times? Where is the creek he references the kids liked to swim in?

I am not sure if that's JM's property.

I had wondered where this creek was too.

Recently, they (re-?)dug a ~creek here (drawn in blue)

It's fairly narrow and doesn't seem too deep.
I am not sure if that's JM's property.

I had wondered where this creek was too.

Recently, they (re-?)dug a ~creek here (drawn in blue)

It's fairly narrow and doesn't seem too deep.

Do you know how recently? I believe I am correct about JM's property. Iirc from the parcel search, the mayor's house is next door to that on the corner of Maple and 6th. I believe it is VERY possible that Lindsey did go south on 6th and cut right through here along JM's property and creek on her way over to LN's.

ETA: Map of route from KK's to along JM's to LN's


  • KK to JM to LN.jpg
    KK to JM to LN.jpg
    135.3 KB · Views: 22
I'd say within the last month, maybe 2-3 weeks.
Well there's water flowing through it, so my guess is the rain. Although that may not be where all the water is coming from. I guess it dries up in the summer?
I am not sure if that's JM's property.

I had wondered where this creek was too.

Recently, they (re-?)dug a ~creek here (drawn in blue)

It's fairly narrow and doesn't seem too deep.

Do you see the thing that looks like a shadow on the street on your picture? I thought it was a shadow at first but now I think it looks like the road may have been dug up there and then repaved. I believe this picture is of the same corner.{9535A50C-4177-424A-9DB7-83EF3AD81743}.JPG

ETA: Note the July 1st date on the picture.
That does look like a re-pave (from the picture)
Do you see the thing that looks like a shadow on the street on your picture? I thought it was a shadow at first but now I think it looks like the road may have been dug up there and then repaved. I believe this picture is of the same corner.{9535A50C-4177-424A-9DB7-83EF3AD81743}.JPG

ETA: Note the July 1st date on the picture.

I looked through all of the pics from Mikeb on Aug. 4th and this is not a shadow, it was re-paved. When?

Lindsey went missing June 26.
The street flooded on July 1st (as shown on the city site).
And we have the re-paved picture on Aug. 4th.

My question then is - was there some work being done there around the time Lindsey went missing - a hole she could have fell in. I think this is along the path where the creek is culverted under the town. I have a really strong feeling about this.

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