Theories we have regarding Kyron's disappearance

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It's so frustrating that someone can get away with murder just because they managed to hide the victim's body well.
.. a child's body; Kyron's body.

I have no theory either, just the same heartbreak everyone else has.

I think about Kyron so often, and his mother Desiree. Really hurts sometimes to do so... and then I find myself in these treads.

.. a child's body; Kyron's body.

I have no theory either, just the same heartbreak everyone else has.

I think about Kyron so often, and his mother Desiree. Really hurts sometimes to do so... and then I find myself in these treads.


I agree. My teenage kids still say to me "Mom, doesn't that little boy look like Kyron?" It is very heartbreaking.
I've stayed away from these threads because it's so painful, I'm local to this case and it hurts so much to see this ... I've only read from this map down, the theories presented just in these couple of pages just seem so wrong based on what we've heard/seen locally.

I want to say that many of the "45 min" markers on this map are inaccurate.
I'm too tired to go into each one, but from personal experience and knowing the area, the drive times on many of them are wrong.

Please let me know if this is still an active map and if you would like corrections.

Hello Newshound

I just want to say that ANYTHING in this case that can be contributed, especially from locals, is most appreciated, particularly if something seems out of whack or wrong. Post on!
I popped in and reread a post I made on this page and I stated thinking about it a bit more. If TH did have someone take Kyron with the excuse of him going to a Dr. appt and her catching up, who would he go with? I remember an interview with his bio parents and they said they had to have a talk with him to go with people or listen to people he could trust. He wouldn't go with anyone, not even people he was told he had to listen too. So if this is what happened, did he know any of TH's friends well enough to get into a truck or car and have them take him to this "Dr. Appt"? This person may be on the fringe of people he would listen too, yet no one LE has thought of as a POI. Terry worked part-time at the school, didn't she? The person would not look out-of-place that day, most likely they belonged at the school, but was able to take off so to speak, maybe for a short-time. Not a teacher, because they had schedules and would be accountable for their time. So who? A relative, a close friend, a parent of one of the kids? She had help, I have no doubt with getting him out of the school that day...... just thinking out aloud as always here. Maybe something will pop into someone's head.
I have never read anywhere whether or not the Dr. Appt was confirmed or not to my knowledge.

That is a big risk to lie about in a missing child's case. If you tell someone that and intend to use it as an excuse as to why he is out of school, then I would think one was made, or how do you explain this lie? I realize it bought them time, because no one was looking for Kyron, but I bet an appt was made.

I am thinking that could have been a Plan "B" if anything went wrong. If something happened and she couldn't pull off the kidnapping, they could simply just show up at this Dr. Appt. and nothing would be out-of-the ordinary. I could be just over thinking this, but it is such a specific lie about what kind of Dr. and what he had to go for. It is something abstract if you will, not like a rash or a cold, something noticeable.
I have never read anywhere whether or not the Dr. Appt was confirmed or not to my knowledge.

That is a big risk to lie about in a missing child's case. If you tell someone that and intend to use it as an excuse as to why he is out of school, then I would think one was made, or how do you explain this lie? I realize it bought them time, because no one was looking for Kyron, but I bet an appt was made.

I am thinking that could have been a Plan "B" if anything went wrong. If something happened and she couldn't pull off the kidnapping, they could simply just show up at this Dr. Appt. and nothing would be out-of-the ordinary. I could be just over thinking this, but it is such a specific lie about what kind of Dr. and what he had to go for. It is something abstract if you will, not like a rash or a cold, something noticeable.

Why make an appointment and then simply go off and do your morning errands, without Kyron? Go to stores, get coffee, go driving, go to the gym. All of that is far more suspicious if she was supposed to be taking Kyron out of school. I don't believe there was an appointment, or that she said there was one for that day. JMO
Why make an appointment and then simply go off and do your morning errands, without Kyron? Go to stores, get coffee, go driving, go to the gym. All of that is far more suspicious if she was supposed to be taking Kyron out of school. I don't believe there was an appointment, or that she said there was one for that day. JMO

Because she never planned on him getting there. She may have made the appointment for the soul purpose of keeping people from thinking he was missing. It worked. But she would have had to make that appointment if she told someone about it to cover her butt. She knew if things went right, he wouldn't show up, most first appointments, they don't call and ask why. So if she set it up that someone else would drive him ( a way to get him to go with this other person by telling them she would meet them there later) this gives her an alibi, & a way to get Kyron into that other truck.

I can't find the other post, but I was thinking she told Kyron that she needed to get baby K meds for her ear, and this other person would take him to his appt. This would be a way for him to leave the school, but not with her. She could have told him she would meet him at the office in a few minutes, but didn't want him to be late and So-and-so would drive him.
Because she never planned on him getting there. She may have made the appointment for the soul purpose of keeping people from thinking he was missing. It worked. But she would have had to make that appointment if she told someone about it to cover her butt. She knew if things went right, he wouldn't show up, most first appointments, they don't call and ask why. So if she set it up that someone else would drive him ( a way to get him to go with this other person by telling them she would meet them there later) this gives her an alibi, & a way to get Kyron into that other truck.

I can't find the other post, but I was thinking she told Kyron that she needed to get baby K meds for her ear, and this other person would take him to his appt. This would be a way for him to leave the school, but not with her. She could have told him she would meet him at the office in a few minutes, but didn't want him to be late and So-and-so would drive him.

It doesn't make sense to me. If she had told the teacher he had an appointment then she should have been looking for Kyron herself, in order to take him there. It would be a totally stupid thing to say, in my opinion, since she did nothing on that Friday that made it look as though she was supposed to be taking him to an appointment. I don't think she would have have said a word to anyone about anything, personally. JMO (Although I do believe she may have mentioned an appointment for another day and the teacher took it upon herself to assume it was that day, once Kyron was noted as missing.) Again JMO
It doesn't make sense to me. If she had told the teacher he had an appointment then she should have been looking for Kyron herself, in order to take him there. It would be a totally stupid thing to say, in my opinion, since she did nothing on that Friday that made it look as though she was supposed to be taking him to an appointment. I don't think she would have have said a word to anyone about anything, personally. JMO (Although I do believe she may have mentioned an appointment for another day and the teacher took it upon herself to assume it was that day, once Kyron was noted as missing.) Again JMO


I see your point, if she told them there was an appointment then that day she would have taken him along. The teacher and one of his friends confirms the lie about the appointment, so the lie was to just stall for time. I have read enough on this forum to know that people always weave a bit of truth into the lie, so I was picking apart the lie to see what part is truth on her part. She said Kyron was acting strange, walking into a room and then just standing there, or something to that effect, so she was having him see a Dr.

So the next lie is the teacher was confused about the day of the appointment, but the friend was also thinking it was that day. So this lie was dangerous on her part. She now has to dispute two people who think this, including Kyron who told the friend he had this appointment. If she was taking him that morning, why walk him to the classroom? See where I am confused. I think the lie was that she couldn't take him to the appointment, but someone else would and she would catch up later. I think this was the lie to Kyron. What was the reason she told Kyron he had to go? Was he confused and knew he needed a dr. visit or was there some other reason she told him he was going? I know this sounds small in the scheme of things, but I have never believed she drove off with him. I never believed she had the guts to do away with him; let alone the time involved. So if someone other than her, took him, there is hope this case will be solved and he may be alive.
The child who told his mother about the appointment was quoting the teacher...not Kyron. He said they knew Kyron was gone because the teacher said he had an appointment, not that Kyron had told him he had one. So it really still only the teacher who knows about this alleged appointment and TH saying it was never for that day.

I guess if LE knows very little else, they do know whether or not there was an appointment, at least, for what it is worth. If there WAS an appointment for that day, then why didn't he go/Terri take him? That would be a major question. If there wasn't, it only matters in the scheme of things because the teacher says she thought there was. Oh who knows...:(
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:twocents: Here is my :twocents: about the doctor's appointment :

If TH scheduled an appointment for Kyron with a doctor, and Kyron goes missing, TH knows that LE will absolutely check out her "story" about the doctor appt, and will want the name of the doctor, appt date and time, AND when TH scheduled the appt ...

Could it be that TH told the teacher that she "might" be bringing Kyron to the doctor ... and it could have been misinterpretted, especially if she told the teacher during the Science Fair when it was "busy" at the school ?

If TH said "might" bring Kyron to the doctor, then TH would be able to "well, I said I MIGHT bring him to the doctor for appt" ... blah blah blah ...

Now could it be that TH scheduled an appt for the Friday AFTER Kyron went missing -- which would have been Friday, June 11, 2010 -- and by doing that, she "backs up" her "story ? And then she would be able to say "I told the teacher NEXT Friday" ... "the teacher misunderstood me" ... and blah blah blah ...

This is just me "speculating" ... I wish we had CONFIRMATION from LE that there was an appt scheduled, and if so, WHEN was it scheduled and for what day ...

Oh Kyron, where are you ?

MOO ...

thanks for the response. I think she could have said "might" or she told this lie to keep the school from calling and saying he was not there. But at any rate, she has to cover this lie. Either there was an appointment and it was June 11 just CYA, or she messed up. That is one thing LE would check on. The lie could also have been a way to get him out of that school voluntarily. Once he walks out the door to meet up with TH she tells him so and so is taking you. Remember his jacket and backpack were still hung up at the school. If he walked out of the school on the premise he was coming back, that would make sense to me. She had to establish an alibi and she did, while Kyron was taken by someone else. But if that is the case, there is one other person who knows what happened to him and she has to fear that every single day, both of them. Because to keep a secret with two people, one has to die.
I don't know where to post this, so I am asking here just in case someone knows the answer.

The day TH left Kyron in the hall, near his classroom, did anyone see her there or walking away from him? In my mind I have never imagined what it looked like, was there 10 kids or teachers in the hall, or was the hall empty, just the two of them? I ask because if no one saw TH walk him to that class, it changes things. I wish somebody from the school was here posting and helping answer questions about that day.

:twocents: Here is my :twocents: about the doctor's appointment :

If TH scheduled an appointment for Kyron with a doctor, and Kyron goes missing, TH knows that LE will absolutely check out her "story" about the doctor appt, and will want the name of the doctor, appt date and time, AND when TH scheduled the appt ...

Could it be that TH told the teacher that she "might" be bringing Kyron to the doctor ... and it could have been misinterpretted, especially if she told the teacher during the Science Fair when it was "busy" at the school ?

If TH said "might" bring Kyron to the doctor, then TH would be able to "well, I said I MIGHT bring him to the doctor for appt" ... blah blah blah ...

Now could it be that TH scheduled an appt for the Friday AFTER Kyron went missing -- which would have been Friday, June 11, 2010 -- and by doing that, she "backs up" her "story ? And then she would be able to say "I told the teacher NEXT Friday" ... "the teacher misunderstood me" ... and blah blah blah ...

This is just me "speculating" ... I wish we had CONFIRMATION from LE that there was an appt scheduled, and if so, WHEN was it scheduled and for what day ...

Oh Kyron, where are you ?

MOO ...

I went to Google and put in TH emails and found the email that she sent to the media. Peter H. analyzes it and she does say she made an appt. for next Friday. TH claims that the teacher thought she said that Friday. So she is admitting to making an appt. for the following Friday. So my guess is, there was an appt. made but she TOLD the teacher it was for that Friday to keep anyone from missing him. I also listened to old interviews and a minor doesn't mention that Dr appt, but says one teacher thought when it was brought to her attention by a aid that he may be getting a drink of water or in the bathroom.

When I go back and re read interviews and listen to videos it helps me to remember things. The more I read the more I think this was very well planned out and I think possibly 3 people were involved that day.
I went to Google and put in TH emails and found the email that she sent to the media. Peter H. analyzes it and she does say she made an appt. for next Friday. TH claims that the teacher thought she said that Friday. So she is admitting to making an appt. for the following Friday. So my guess is, there was an appt. made but she TOLD the teacher it was for that Friday to keep anyone from missing him. I also listened to old interviews and a minor doesn't mention that Dr appt, but says one teacher thought when it was brought to her attention by a aid that he may be getting a drink of water or in the bathroom.

When I go back and re read interviews and listen to videos it helps me to remember things. The more I read the more I think this was very well planned out and I think possibly 3 people were involved that day.

BBM: I agree ... and I also believe she had an accomplice ...

MOO ...
I don't know where to post this, so I am asking here just in case someone knows the answer.

The day TH left Kyron in the hall, near his classroom, did anyone see her there or walking away from him? In my mind I have never imagined what it looked like, was there 10 kids or teachers in the hall, or was the hall empty, just the two of them? I ask because if no one saw TH walk him to that class, it changes things. I wish somebody from the school was here posting and helping answer questions about that day.


BBM: That is one thing that has "bothered" the you know what out of me !

Did ANYONE see Kyron in the hall near his classroom and TH walking him there -- as TH ALLEGES ?

I am going to check to see if there are any threads here on that particular issue because I do not recall anyone else saying they saw Kyron near his classroom ...

MOO ... I have NEVER believed TH's "story" that she walked Kyron to his classroom ...

I am thinking if Kyron was walking to his classroom, there had to be other children going to their classrooms as well and still walking around viewing the Science Fair exhibits ...

MOO ...
Is that email anywhere on WS? If not, Dog, you need to read it, out there. Also the old interviews are good to go back too, especially the video ones. One person says they passed Kyron in the hall and then went down the stairs, he also states he saw TH leaving the school in the next breath. So this gives me an image that there were kids milling around in the hall, going to classrooms or to see the exhibits and Kryon was seen in the hall just as she leaves the area. But that doesn't mean he wasn't instructed to "see" something and then go down stairs and out another door to hook up with her to get a ride to that Dr. visit. We don't know if Kyron was informed or not of this visit. If so, that would be a perfect reason for him to go out a door and wait for her to pick him up. Maybe that is what happened. Maybe it wasn't TH that pulled up in a van to take him. It could have been a set up. That lie was key to getting him out of the school that day. Ten to One, there was an appointment as she states in the email, but it was the following Friday to CYA.

I think someone else took him, while she rode around establishing an alibi and someone else took a drive to SI with her cell phone to dispose of it and throw off the cops. The driver of the van was free to take off with Kryon, while the other two were confusing the issue. I think the searches early on where for the disposable Cell phone on SI. If they could find it, the data may give them information about what happened that day.
Is that email anywhere on WS? If not, Dog, you need to read it, out there. Also the old interviews are good to go back too, especially the video ones. One person says they passed Kyron in the hall and then went down the stairs, he also states he saw TH leaving the school in the next breath. So this gives me an image that there were kids milling around in the hall, going to classrooms or to see the exhibits and Kryon was seen in the hall just as she leaves the area. But that doesn't mean he wasn't instructed to "see" something and then go down stairs and out another door to hook up with her to get a ride to that Dr. visit. We don't know if Kyron was informed or not of this visit. If so, that would be a perfect reason for him to go out a door and wait for her to pick him up. Maybe that is what happened. Maybe it wasn't TH that pulled up in a van to take him. It could have been a set up. That lie was key to getting him out of the school that day. Ten to One, there was an appointment as she states in the email, but it was the following Friday to CYA.

I think someone else took him, while she rode around establishing an alibi and someone else took a drive to SI with her cell phone to dispose of it and throw off the cops. The driver of the van was free to take off with Kryon, while the other two were confusing the issue. I think the searches early on where for the disposable Cell phone on SI. If they could find it, the data may give them information about what happened that day.

:seeya: Bern,

TH's e-mails are here -- somewhere ... I've read them a long time ago and will have to go back and re-read ...

I was "re-reading" many of the old threads here but got very "sidetracked" lately following Baby Lisa's case ...

But ... last night, I went back through some the "old threads" here to see if there was one on "who last saw Kyron" ...

Here is one I found from over a year ago:

[ame=""]The last person to have seen Kyron - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

There is some good discussion about WHO last saw Kyron, and info about the friend who says he last him when the class broke into groups with "chaperones" ...

IMO ... Kyron never made it to his classroom ... I think that TH had a "plan" that she informed Kyron of THAT morning of the Science Fair -- and that is how she got him out the building ...

MOO ...
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