Theories we have regarding Kyron's disappearance

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I would dearly love to be wrong....and more than likely my theory is incorrect.

A living Kyron would be the greatest blessing for his family, and for all of us who have come to care for him.....Kyron...our little tree frog expert.

But sadly I just don't believe it will end the way we all hope it will.

Terri is a very good liar and manipulator. She also seems to be a planner. I think she planned to do something one way or the other to save her financial status. She was not getting along with Kaine, and she saw Kyron as an obstacle. Once she had Kiara, she no longer needed Kyron to mother. She had her own real Kaine baby to show off. But Kyron could be used to get what she I have no doubt that she set that poor helpless little boy up to take the fall for all her misery and anger and twisted needs.
I think the whole DR. appointment was planned to ensure that Kyron was labeled as having something wrong again....just like the glasses.

I also think she was trying to set up Michael Cook to be her new source of financial security.
He was available,and he came with a professional salary. I think she had him in her sights because Kaine was clearly gone for good and her nice comfortable middle class life was coming to an abrupt end. She used her husbands as a way to finance her life, and each one was a step up from the last one. Michael Cook would've been a nice catch financially speaking...

Was Michael Cook financially secure? In the early day I remember reading about him but nothing about his financial status. It always seemed to me that Michael Cook planted himself in the middle of the investigation for some unknown reason.
Was Michael Cook financially secure? In the early day I remember reading about him but nothing about his financial status. It always seemed to me that Michael Cook planted himself in the middle of the investigation for some unknown reason.

I don't recall getting that impression at all (that he was financially secure in any significant way.)
I would dearly love to be wrong....and more than likely my theory is incorrect.

A living Kyron would be the greatest blessing for his family, and for all of us who have come to care for him.....Kyron...our little tree frog expert.

But sadly I just don't believe it will end the way we all hope it will.

Terri is a very good liar and manipulator. She also seems to be a planner. I think she planned to do something one way or the other to save her financial status. She was not getting along with Kaine, and she saw Kyron as an obstacle. Once she had Kiara, she no longer needed Kyron to mother. She had her own real Kaine baby to show off. But Kyron could be used to get what she I have no doubt that she set that poor helpless little boy up to take the fall for all her misery and anger and twisted needs.
I think the whole DR. appointment was planned to ensure that Kyron was labeled as having something wrong again....just like the glasses.

I also think she was trying to set up Michael Cook to be her new source of financial security.
He was available,and he came with a professional salary. I think she had him in her sights because Kaine was clearly gone for good and her nice comfortable middle class life was coming to an abrupt end. She used her husbands as a way to finance her life, and each one was a step up from the last one. Michael Cook would've been a nice catch financially speaking...

I'm not so sure about the whole Mike cook thing...
I ventured over to his FB page in the early days and read a bunch
and noticed he quoted from a 12 step program quite a bit.
That combined with the accusations about terri's drinking
leads me to believe she might have met him in program
unbenounced to Kaine or maybe with his blessing.
After reading the blog by his ex-wife regarding their marriage
and his activities
I'd have to assume he's still a little rotten at the core
regardless of his sobriety and any new-found religious views.
I would dearly love to be wrong....and more than likely my theory is incorrect.

A living Kyron would be the greatest blessing for his family, and for all of us who have come to care for him.....Kyron...our little tree frog expert.

But sadly I just don't believe it will end the way we all hope it will.

Terri is a very good liar and manipulator. She also seems to be a planner. I think she planned to do something one way or the other to save her financial status. She was not getting along with Kaine, and she saw Kyron as an obstacle. Once she had Kiara, she no longer needed Kyron to mother. She had her own real Kaine baby to show off. But Kyron could be used to get what she I have no doubt that she set that poor helpless little boy up to take the fall for all her misery and anger and twisted needs.
I think the whole DR. appointment was planned to ensure that Kyron was labeled as having something wrong again....just like the glasses.

I also think she was trying to set up Michael Cook to be her new source of financial security.
He was available,and he came with a professional salary. I think she had him in her sights because Kaine was clearly gone for good and her nice comfortable middle class life was coming to an abrupt end. She used her husbands as a way to finance her life, and each one was a step up from the last one. Michael Cook would've been a nice catch financially speaking...

just word dowsing a little bit here -
but, what if Kyrons fate was previously determined
and Kiara was next on the list
and all her FB photos were part of the marketing strategy ?
There were a bunch of Kyron in the earlier years as well
but at some point they stopped being posted...
its simple to assume it was because Kiara took the spotlight
but I wonder if the methodology
was something even more complex and sinister.

I also bolded the doctors appointment
because it occurred to me -
what better platform
to prequalify and organize
child-trafficking services
than a pediatricians office....
For what it is worth, I was watching a "Dateline" from Friday night, and they had a segment about the woman in Florida who arranged for a hitman to kill her husband, and LE had it all on tape, both audio and video, including her giving $1200 to her friend who was supplying the "hitman" (an undercover cop.) Anyway, even with all of that, the detective said at one point that the taped meeting with her friend and the giving over of money and stating what it was for, was not enough to make a case. They needed the second meeting, with the cop, on video and then did a sting with the woman pretending her husband had been killed.

Just reminded me of TH and how far away LE seems to be from any real MFH charges. I think they had their one and only chance at doing that and they blew it. If they had sent the landscaper in alone, maybe it would have worked, if true.
I don't recall getting that impression at all (that he was financially secure in any significant way.)

At the time....he made a really nice salary. I don't know if he is still employed at the same place, or if he still holds the same position there. But he has a college degree, and was employed in a very good job when Terri met him. He was researched on another forum that I was on when Kyron went missing, and I got a lot of information about him there.

His paycheck would've been very attractive to Terri....IMHO.
I'm not so sure about the whole Mike cook thing...
I ventured over to his FB page in the early days and read a bunch
and noticed he quoted from a 12 step program quite a bit.
That combined with the accusations about terri's drinking
leads me to believe she might have met him in program
unbenounced to Kaine or maybe with his blessing.
After reading the blog by his ex-wife regarding their marriage
and his activities
I'd have to assume he's still a little rotten at the core
regardless of his sobriety and any new-found religious views.

Terri and Michael Cook did not meet until after Kyron went missing.
For what it is worth, I was watching a "Dateline" from Friday night, and they had a segment about the woman in Florida who arranged for a hitman to kill her husband, and LE had it all on tape, both audio and video, including her giving $1200 to her friend who was supplying the "hitman" (an undercover cop.) Anyway, even with all of that, the detective said at one point that the taped meeting with her friend and the giving over of money and stating what it was for, was not enough to make a case. They needed the second meeting, with the cop, on video and then did a sting with the woman pretending her husband had been killed.

Just reminded me of TH and how far away LE seems to be from any real MFH charges. I think they had their one and only chance at doing that and they blew it. If they had sent the landscaper in alone, maybe it would have worked, if true.

That has always confused me because there's enough evidence for a judge to issue the RO, and to continue it several times, and to keep her totally away from her baby. That is significant. There has to be something there, even if the DA doesn't have enough to bring charges.
Was Michael Cook financially secure? In the early day I remember reading about him but nothing about his financial status. It always seemed to me that Michael Cook planted himself in the middle of the investigation for some unknown reason.

He made a very good living. He has a degree and was working in a company that paid him well at that time. I would say he was making at least as much as Kaine.

Was he a millionaire? No. But he would've provided her with security and a comfortable lifestyle just like Kaine did. That's really what motivated her....finding a new provider since Kaine was no longer going to do that.

My latest theory is that TH was drugging Kyron so that he would exhibit the symptoms she claimed he had. She said that she was the one who discovered his need for glasses....
Maybe she wanted to be the one who found out he had some other "medical problem" so she was creating one for him.
Then she could once again be the expert on Kyron, and all the problems she claimed he was causing would, in her mind, have a basis in fact. She was creating the medical issue for her own malevolent reasons.
I think she gave him something that morning, and he possibly started having a bad reaction, and she got him away from the school to try and do something about it, and cover up what she had done.
I think she planned for Kyron to exhibit symptoms at school, and have the teacher witness it, and put it in her report to the DR. Or even to call her and have her come get Kyron because he was ill at school, and that would be noted.
She was setting Kyron up to be the kid with "issues" and herself as the only one who could handle him because she enjoyed torturing Kyron. Her claims about Kyron would be validated in Kaine's eyes. It was her way of taking out her anger at Kaine without getting a divorce, and losing her financial support. Kaine was Terri's cash cow, but Kyron was a road block. I think she eventually would have killed Kyron, but was planning it out so that he had health problems beforehand, and no one would be suspicious. Then Terri would have Kaine, Kiara, the comfortable life, and no Kyron or Desiree to deal with.
Her plan went awry when she possibly overdosed him, and he died in the truck while she was trying to sober him up or figure out what to do.

Your theory made me think of Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome:

It's also interesting that if you interpret TH's going to two separate stores as setting up an alibi, this "alibi" also centers around her being the one caring for a sick child.
I don't think she got her kicks from making Kyron ill in that way. I don't believe Terri has Munchausen by Proxy. I think she was setting him up so she could kill him, and it would look like he died of natural causes.

IMHO....Her main motivation was MONEY. She did not want to lose her financial support. If Kaine died....she got the house, insurance money, SSI for Kiara and no Kyron to deal with. Since that didn't work out, Terri needed to save her marriage so that she could keep her lifestyle. She saw Kyron as a threat to her security, so he had to go.
I keep thinking back to her former in-laws from her second marriage, and the inappropriate claim Terri felt she had on their estate. She was all about the money in that marriage too.
No one else in his life had a reason to harm Kyron. I believe Terri had the motive and the opportunity to harm that poor little guy, and I think she did it.
Here's the map and any additional info or corrections would be great! I can't stand the fact that Kyron is still missing and I want to help as much as I can with this.,-122.840881&spn=0.890385,1.884155

I've stayed away from these threads because it's so painful, I'm local to this case and it hurts so much to see this ... I've only read from this map down, the theories presented just in these couple of pages just seem so wrong based on what we've heard/seen locally.

I want to say that many of the "45 min" markers on this map are inaccurate.
I'm too tired to go into each one, but from personal experience and knowing the area, the drive times on many of them are wrong.

Please let me know if this is still an active map and if you would like corrections.
I've stayed away from these threads because it's so painful, I'm local to this case and it hurts so much to see this ... I've only read from this map down, the theories presented just in these couple of pages just seem so wrong based on what we've heard/seen locally.

I want to say that many of the "45 min" markers on this map are inaccurate.
I'm too tired to go into each one, but from personal experience and knowing the area, the drive times on many of them are wrong.

Please let me know if this is still an active map and if you would like corrections.

I think Matou only had the mileage given by Google maps to go by, so the map would be based on that alone. Matou was looking for assistance and should be along shortly to take you up on your offer.

BBM: We would love to know what has been "heard/seen locally", but the moderators (Kimster or one of the others) may not allow anything/much that is not in mainstream media. At the same time, many of the theories here are based on nothing but speculation and/or unverified facts.
I've stayed away from these threads because it's so painful, I'm local to this case and it hurts so much to see this ... I've only read from this map down, the theories presented just in these couple of pages just seem so wrong based on what we've heard/seen locally.

I want to say that many of the "45 min" markers on this map are inaccurate.
I'm too tired to go into each one, but from personal experience and knowing the area, the drive times on many of them are wrong.

Please let me know if this is still an active map and if you would like corrections.

I would love to hear your theory.
I would love to hear your theory.

My gut tells me that TH is part and parcel of his disappearance. Is she being quiet as a manner of self-protection? Or simply because her attorney has advised her to? I have no idea.

All I know is that for some reason, this particular case has hit me too close to home and I've had to step away from it. I still get info out on him from time to time, but I honestly don't know if it matters. It's heartbreaking. :sick:
I've stayed away from these threads because it's so painful, I'm local to this case and it hurts so much to see this ... I've only read from this map down, the theories presented just in these couple of pages just seem so wrong based on what we've heard/seen locally.

I want to say that many of the "45 min" markers on this map are inaccurate.
I'm too tired to go into each one, but from personal experience and knowing the area, the drive times on many of them are wrong.

Please let me know if this is still an active map and if you would like corrections.

Sure and thank you. I'm not surprised about the inaccuracies and I even posted in the description of the map that it is a "very inaccurate map" LOL. I used the map to create lines from the school in different directions along the roads and and each line gives a total distance. I kept the outer limit marker and got rid of the road line markers.
By the way, I hate google maps so much, I wish I had Microsoft Streets and Trips. JMO
I've stayed away from these threads because it's so painful, I'm local to this case and it hurts so much to see this ... I've only read from this map down, the theories presented just in these couple of pages just seem so wrong based on what we've heard/seen locally.

I want to say that many of the "45 min" markers on this map are inaccurate.
I'm too tired to go into each one, but from personal experience and knowing the area, the drive times on many of them are wrong.

Please let me know if this is still an active map and if you would like corrections.

I'm very curious about this point that you made. I'm interested in what you think happened.

edit: I just read your post where you feel TH is involved in this.
Matou, I ran into a major problem with Google Maps because it would throw some of the roads onto the second page instead of keeping all the information on one page. Roads have a lot of plot points that use up the memory of each map. My worst problem was occasionally finding the map had decided to move Skyline Blvd. to Hwy 30 even though it had been fine for days.

This warning is for anyone who uses Google Maps. Just be aware that a map might not hold all the information you need.
My gut tells me that TH is part and parcel of his disappearance. Is she being quiet as a manner of self-protection? Or simply because her attorney has advised her to? I have no idea.

All I know is that for some reason, this particular case has hit me too close to home and I've had to step away from it. I still get info out on him from time to time, but I honestly don't know if it matters. It's heartbreaking. :sick:


In her's one and the same IMHO.

This case is indeed heartbreaking. Desiree and Kaine wear their despair and pain openly and it's so hard to watch them. I hurt for them.....their grief is tangible.
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