Theories: Who and Why?

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Personally, I think PP did kill the girls. #1 why did it take so long to call 911. # 2 It always bother me that he Kept repeating over and over. "I decribed it once and I'm not going to again. (maybe he was afraid he would contradict himself? #3 I think maybe he WAS sexually abusing the girls in some way. #4 More so now than ever, there seems to be some "problems" between Vickie and Peter. This is my opinion only.

Hi Sooner~
The baby in your Avatar is precious!!!
Why do you think that Vicki and Peter are having problems?

Hi Lets-think~
Are you not convinced that there was a witness that saw the girls shortly before they were murdered?

I have never believed the time frame that was given by LE.
I believe the girls had left the Plackers much earlier than 4:30.


Flossie, If we knew who the witness was, it would narrow our speculation..

IF the witness is a family member, they would have to take a Lie detector test to convince me of what they saw..

I feel if the time frame is OFF it could be anyone,
if the time frame is truly that tight, I lean toward a family member, or acquaintance.
OK, what if Peter and Joe had been molesting the girls, the girls ran from the house with the cell phone to call the police, the two men went after them with two guns, shot and killed them?
Joe and Peter agree that Joe will make up the story about the POI as a cover-up.
Vicky is afraid to tell because she'd be next....

YellowDog, I believe Vickie is indeed afraid and innocent...the move proves it.
Would she be this afraid IF she thought the killer was a teenager? I don't think so.....
I suspect the P's do know the reason why this happened.

I would still put my money on 'something that happened several years ago', and behind their move to W...home schooling etc...
It is really inexcusable that LE hasn't released a detailed description of what was going on at the Placker home that day.

LE is either trying to protect the Placker's because the girls may have been left alone that day or this is another one of LE's silly little games. I think the murder of two girls would trump either one of these reasons but I guess LE thinks differently.

I like the idea that what we know doesn't make sense because what we know isn't correct.

In the Caylee Anthony case the mother is playing games, in this case LE is playing games. How bizarre......

Albert, Good points..what we have been told doesn't make sense, because it isn't correct or truthful, imo...causing everyone to become discouraged and this case to grow cold..
You know, people read things all kinds of ways, but I personally cannot see on the autopsy reports whether or not they state that the girls had EVER had sexual intercourse or not.

I think it just sounds like it wasnt a part of THIS event, at the time of the killings.

Just my own observation and I am not an autopsy specialist by no means. Is anyone else who is on our threads, on this case?

Frog, I agree...not a part of the murders, only...
where does it say T. had never had sexual intercourse?
Frog, I agree...not a part of the murders, only...
where does it say T. had never had sexual intercourse?
Hi Letsthink!

In agreement with Frog, I don't see any evidence whatsoever of whether or not there was any sexual intercourse on the autopsy reports. Initially I thought the condition of the hymen would be an indicator of whether or not they engaged in intercourse, but the condition of the hymen is not always a reliable indicator of whether a woman (past puberty, mind you) has actually engaged in sexual intercourse. Regardless, it wasn't mentioned in the autopsy reports that I could find.

The closest thing I saw was the statements "there is no traumatic injury in or around the genitalia" (...granted, that was the notation in Taylor's report. In Skyla's, it says "The external genitalia is free of traumatic injury". Not sure why the descriptions differ.). Even that, though, is not a very good indication IMO.

YellowDog, I believe Vickie is indeed afraid and innocent...the move proves it.
Would she be this afraid IF she thought the killer was a teenager? I don't think so.....
I suspect the P's do know the reason why this happened.

I would still put my money on 'something that happened several years ago', and behind their move to W...home schooling etc...

You mean sort of like they went into hiding when they moved to Weleetka?
I find that plausible.
Frog, I agree...not a part of the murders, only...
where does it say T. had never had sexual intercourse?

I dont think it did say whether or not she OR skyla ever did. I think the autopsy reports just indicated that it didnt happen at the time of the killings.
Whether or not either of them ever did, is up in the air. Maybe it was a recent thing if one of them did. And maybe it wasnt full blown IC. Maybe the altercation was cuz someone had approached them either their, or earlier... even days earlier... trying to. Maybe this was the secret Taylor was going to tell. IF there even was a secret.
I dont think it did say whether or not she OR skyla ever did. I think the autopsy reports just indicated that it didnt happen at the time of the killings.
Whether or not either of them ever did, is up in the air. Maybe it was a recent thing if one of them did. And maybe it wasnt full blown IC. Maybe the altercation was cuz someone had approached them either their, or earlier... even days earlier... trying to. Maybe this was the secret Taylor was going to tell. IF there even was a secret.

Hello Everyone~
Frog, was it discussed that Taylor was going to tell a secret?

I tend to mostly agree with Flossie, on post 146 page 6 of this thread. I said MOSTLY. IMPO, I believe the timeline is tight because it WAS tight. I dont believe that whoever said that is experienced enough to know how much blood there was and if or if not that indicated they were moved. I think that is just his opinion and it was overheard and carried over to here.
We do not know if they found any bullets do we? If we do, please feel free to correct me and show me where.(other than the ones that were found in the bodies, and maybe one dug out of that tree... which had to happen later because it wasnt in previous pictures, and I had not seen that hole previous times I had been there, until the day I took that picture. I am fairly observant)
We do know, that a witness said the poi was seen somewhere other than at the scene of the crime... and to my recollection, that was at least a half a mile away.
I believe the OSBI may keep things back from us, but to out and out lie over and over.... thats just hard for me to believe.
Hello Everyone~
Frog, was it discussed that Taylor was going to tell a secret?


It has been discussed alot of times, that Taylor may have known a secret and was going to tell it, and that this may have been reason for a big argument which could have led to the shooting. I have seen it posted many times. Is it true, I dont know.

Remember, it even went back to something about a secret that someone may have told her, thus her possibly getting into an argument with DD's little sister. I think this is all speculation and I dont know that anyone knows the truth.
It has been discussed alot of times, that Taylor may have known a secret and was going to tell it, and that this may have been reason for a big argument which could have led to the shooting. I have seen it posted many times. Is it true, I dont know.

Remember, it even went back to something about a secret that someone may have told her, thus her possibly getting into an argument with DD's little sister. I think this is all speculation and I dont know that anyone knows the truth.

You're right. I had 4gotten all about the DD sister speculation etc...... Thanks for reminding me.
You mean sort of like they went into hiding when they moved to Weleetka?
I find that plausible.

If they were hiding, I dont think they did it very well, as some of the extended family lived in the area, and it is my understanding that some of them had criminal and or drug related charges. Yes, we feel their pain, but from what I have seen, this family was ROUGH!
Sorry... probably shouldnt have said that. I just got a repeat of a repeat of a repeat of a rumor, and by the time it got to me, that is the way they took it. I should have thought about that and realized that wasnt necessarily where it came from. It actually could have come from one of several people that was there when the rumor was told. Dont anyone take that literally. I think its what stuck with me, although other names played into this story.

You know how rumors go. Maybe I should have posted on the rumors thread.
My drugs havent worn off yet. lol I had to take something really strong for pain early this morning.
Sorry... probably shouldnt have said that. I just got a repeat of a repeat of a repeat of a rumor, and by the time it got to me, that is the way they took it. I should have thought about that and realized that wasnt necessarily where it came from. It actually could have come from one of several people that was there when the rumor was told. Dont anyone take that literally. I think its what stuck with me, although other names played into this story.

You know how rumors go. Maybe I should have posted on the rumors thread.
My drugs havent worn off yet. lol I had to take something really strong for pain early this morning.

HI Frog,
You can always edit your post if your uncomfortable with what you have written.
Not too bad, thanks! A little slow for me at work today as well. I have no complaints about that most of the time, but it sure does make the day drag.
Mr. Farrow is Skyla's grandfather, he has lived off the land all his life, works everyday right across the road from the murder scene, Placker's rented the home from Chancey and Mr. Farrow took care of that whole area, he knows every inch. They say he and Mr. Chancey would be waiting for LE's every morning.
I'm sure you are a very observant person, but I do believe Mr. Farrow has even more reason to be even more observant.

Hi Sheza~
(I love your Avatar) My questioning the blood that he may have seen (or not seen) came from the fact that LE had roped off the area so that people could not get close to the crime scene. That is why I thought there may have been more hemmorhage than what people actually saw. As always it is jmo......... :confused:


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