Theories: Why Would Elizabeth kill Gabriel?

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Did Elizabeth kill Gabriel?

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If this babysitter knows what she is talking about, then I fear that Gabriel is dead. Nyquil would be toxic to an infant in so many ways. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) dosage for a 22# infant is a max of 10 mg every 4-6 hours. One dose of adult Nyquil contains 650 mg. There would be no way to administer a safe dosage of adult Nyquil to an infant. The doxylamine succinate that is put in Nyquil to help you sleep is not even labeled for use in children under 12 years of age. There is 13 mg of this drug in an adult dose of Nyquil. Once again, no way to give an infant a "safe" dose of this drug.

I think this may explain Gabriel's appearance in those hotel photos with the droopy eyes.

she didnt have any nyquil. the babysitter mispoke. She has said Tylenol on many occassions. We see tylenol in the pictures. I sure hope she didn't have to give him any medicine while she was there because she obviusly don't know what she is doing!
she didnt have any nyquil. the babysitter mispoke. She has said Tylenol on many occassions. We see tylenol in the pictures. I sure hope she didn't have to give him any medicine while she was there because she obviusly don't know what she is doing!

I hope she misspoke. I know there were things she told LE that she had not told media before, so this was really scary. Of course, if she did tell LE that it was Nyquil, they might be more inclined to believe he may be dead.

ETA, I hate thinking about blame, but dang...I really really wish the babysitter would have reported EJ to CPS. :( It sounds like all the alarms were going off in her head, but she didn't listen to them....I'm guessing it is because she is so young, and didn't trust her instincts.
I sure wish the reporter had asked her more about it. If she meant to say Nyquil.

No joke. If I were able to interview her and use that expert, I sure would have asked some different questions!!! media...ugh.
I just listened again. She says that's what Eliz told her to give Gabe, doesn't say she gave it to him.

Now I'm going back because as another poster said, I could swear she's always said Tylenol.

This time she doesn't mention Tylenol, but says Nyquil and Oragel.

Oragel you just rub on your gums, right? Not a version you ingest?

Hopefully she was just nervous and meant to say Tylenol.
Sorry this post is so long! I've been thinking about this a lot!!

Theory: (Just my thoughts from reading and observing...)

There is a lot of evidence that E is a narcissist.

"Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance and a deep need for admiration. Those with narcissistic personality disorder believe that they're superior to others and have little regard for other people's feelings. But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem, vulnerable to the slightest criticism." (Mayo Clinic) I believe this fragile self-esteem vulnerable to criticism is what leads to her violent temper tantrums.

I do not believe that E would kill Gabe. She would only kill him in a rage, and he would not stimulate a rage in her. He can not challenge her self esteem. As a narcissist, I believe that if he was crying, she would just ignore it.

I believe that, as with her dogs, she would not simply get rid of something (or someone) if she stood to gain from it financially.

She stood to gain both in revenge against L and financially by selling Gabe. She knew she could not give him up for legitimate adoption.

TS was her original customer, but she realized it was too risky to sell him in AZ, and she could do better money-wise.

TS somehow became a partner in this-- perhaps when she realized she would not be given Gabe, she and E made a deal to split the money. Or, perhaps, TS came upon an opportunity to exploit someone who thinks she's smarter than everyone else, but is actually too self-centered to understand that at 23, she doesn't know squat.

TS and EJ both schemed against each other behind the scenes believing that each could end up with all the money by screwing the other one over...

TS set up the "adoption" (which I believe was really a sale). Gabe was sold to a broker who specializes in these types of transactions. I do not believe that TS and EJ are sophisticated enough to set up this type of deal themselves and leave no trace.

I don't believe that the people who actually want the child bought him directly from EJ or TS. I believe that most people who buy from a broker are just desperate, not evil. If they actually saw EJ or TS on the news, having bought Gabe directly from them, I believe they would come forward. (yes, criminal consequences or not). They would feel badly for Logan missing his boy. The couple who has ended up with Gabe has no idea who he really is because they bought him from a broker. (Nor do they probably really want to know.) They can hang on to whatever story the broker told them about getting the baby from some teen mom who was desperate and alone and just couldn't care for him.

The broker is the one who set them up with the babysitter. S/He does this frequently and knows the best way to set it up -- babysitter, meet alone without the kid, two hotel rooms (the broker was probably a guest at the other hotel), set EJ up with fake TX ID, etc The broker probably gave her cash for the hotel.

TS was to wire the money or put it into a specific account once EJ was safely in FL

TS and EJ had a contingency plan that, if caught, EJ will sit in jail for a set amount of time, and let LE exhaust themselves following fake leads (like a landfill search) (plan possibly recommended by the broker)

EJ thinks that TS has the money and will split it with her when she gets out. (Or visa-versa, but I think it's more likely that TS is hiding the money knowing they would scrutinize EJ's financials, AND TS owns a business in which she could camouflage the money)

Also, LE doesn't have probable cause to search TS's financials like they do with EJ. She will have time to filter the money. They would need much more evidence of some financial involvement on her part to subpoena the records... so far, they have kept all the financial dealings attached only to EJ. (selling her dogs to raise money, paying cash, etc)

In a set time (like 60 days) EJ will come forward with some kind of story like: "Some people kidnapped Gabe. They told me that if I didn't keep quiet for "X" number of days, they would kill him (and my whole family or some such). This exonerates TS of any involvement. She was so scared she didn't know what to do. She will cry, say she is so scared for her family and her baby, and meanwhile, the trail has gone cold.

A time frame of about 60 days would be about right because she will have faded from the limelight, and then will suddenly be front page news again... and posing as a sympathetic creature.

I'm not saying people, LE nor the public, will BUY this story, but that is what she will come up with (Narcissists believe they are smarter than everyone else, so she thinks her plan is fool-proof).

Meanwhile, TS knows that
she has the money,
EJ's story, while unbelievable, doesn't point the finger (or any
new fingers) at her
EJ will be spending 20 years in jail, and after this, even if she comes out to implicate TS, no one will listen to her after so many lies.

This is all just my opinion from my mind, which, admittedly, leans toward conspiracy theories!! Feel free to punch holes in it, because I love to discuss these ideas with others. And the people here at WS have the best ideas and insights!!

One non-theory piece::
Question: Why are they searching a landfill in AZ, if he was last seen in TX... do they know something they aren't telling the public yet??? If I missed something, please post... TIA
I just listened again. She says that's what Eliz told her to give Gabe, doesn't say she gave it to him.

Now I'm going back because as another poster said, I could swear she's always said Tylenol.

This time she doesn't mention Tylenol, but says Nyquil and Oragel.

Oragel you just rub on your gums, right? Not a version you ingest?

Yes, Oragel is rubbed on the gums.
Hopefully she was just nervous and meant to say Tylenol.

She had to of misspoke. Like NG wouldn't of been all over her is she said she gave the baby Nyquil on her show. I think she meant to say Tylenol. She said "she asked me to give him Nyquil for teething", this girl should know that Nyquil is not for teething if she's been taking care of her siblings for so long.
Actually looking at all the NG transcripts, it looks like NG was leading with the word 'tylenol'. Here's every place the babysitter says tylenol. Next I'll copy in every place she says medicine if there are different quotes:

GRACE: She said, If the baby starts crying, just give more Tylenol?
URIAS: Yes, she said to give him more medicine to shut him up.

GRACE: … because — let`s go to special guest joining us, Analisa Urias, who sat baby Gabriel there at that San Antonio motel. Analisa, what do you make of the photos? The mother told you to give him baby Tylenol if he cried to shut him up, right?
URIAS: Yes, that`s right.

GRACE: What — you`ve seen the photos that have just been released. What is that the baby is sucking on in the photo we were just showing?
URIAS: That is the bottle of Tylenol that she had for him.

RACE: What about the Tylenol?
ANALISA: She told me that she had already drugged him up with medication, but that if he started to cry again, just to give him more medicine to shut him up.


This part right here just makes me think the babysitter doesn't know what she is talking about. Infant Tylenol (as shown in the photo) comes with a medicine dropper that you use to administer to the child. It is such a small amount that you would not put it in another container to let the baby suck it out.

The babysitter is just downright confusing.....I think she's so nervous in interviews she doesn't even know what she is saying.
I just started a Medication thread and will be deleting my posts out of this thread from this morning to avoid cluttering this thread.

Medication thread:

[ame=""]Medication Given to Gabriel - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
I'm still learning my way around here myself. I don't know if you do this already, but I just discovered the "View First Unread" option at the top of each thread. If you click that, it takes you right to the place you left off.

When I combine that with checking the envelope icon on the main page for a new message symbol, it greatly reduces time and effort.
I'm still learning my way around here myself. I don't know if you do this already, but I just discovered the "View First Unread" option at the top of each thread. If you click that, it takes you right to the place you left off.

When I combine that with checking the envelope icon on the main page for a new message symbol, it greatly reduces time and effort.

Thanks, I was not aware of that. Will try it and see if it helps!
Also if you go to the very first thread at the top of the forum called "News Media and Updated Information Only..No Discussion" some dedicated posters keep daily highlights or 'new' news updated constantly and in almost real time, lol! (TY for that guys!) You can see at a glance if anything new is happening and choose the topic thread you want to catch up on first..

[ame=""]AZ-Gabriel Johnson, 8 months News Media and Updated Information ONLY. No Discussion. - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Also, you can tell by the paper clip thingy on the right if it's a thread that you have posted on.

One more thing that helped me navigate (cause I'm am the first to admit that I am 'puter illiterate) was to click on your own nic at the top right of the page..where it says Welcome _ _ _ _ _ _ and it will show all of your own posts so you can at least go back to see where you last posted. That helps me a lot, as my memory is shot.. :crazy:

Does that make any sense? Anyway, maybe it will help someone, lol!
You'll get used to the forums I promise....and when you do, you wouldn't know what to do without them..
I personally think that LE can take what is known together with EJ's statements (excited utterance) and use that to charge her with murder, especially if Gabriel is still missing and there are no credible leads. However, as stated, it is challenging to prove murder at trial without a body or more definitive evidence. They may gain some though, from the car, phone records, computer records, etc. It does not look good for EJ and they could charge her to force a reaction and a plea to a lesser charge, such as overdose.
I agree but I also think they'd need more evidence pointing to him being dead than what we're aware of now. And I think that's why LE has decided to proceed with the landfill search. Hopefully if he is dead, she put him in that diaper bag, which could make finding him easier, and preserve his remains somewhat. MOO
I'm still learning my way around here myself. I don't know if you do this already, but I just discovered the "View First Unread" option at the top of each thread. If you click that, it takes you right to the place you left off.

When I combine that with checking the envelope icon on the main page for a new message symbol, it greatly reduces time and effort.

WOW, that is THE MOST useful thing I've read all day, lol !!

That's a 3 woohoo tip there!
Does anyone know if LE in San Antonio used dogs to search the hotel?
I too wonder if cadaver dogs were brought to sniff the motel rooms or the car. Pat Brown was on Geraldo and feels that Elizabeth probably killed Gabriel and thinks that a parallel investigation should have been going on all this time. It's annoying that the landfill wasn't searched early since Elizabeth said that she murdered the baby.
I watched Geraldo and noticed that Pat Brown thought he was likely dead, but the vet. homicide detective did think it was at least possible that he was handed off.
Personally, Pat was being pretty persuasive until she threw the sociopath card out there. IMO, Pat Brown thinks that everyone is a psychopath, and that just literally is not possible.
So, I choose to side with the detective, as he didn't seem to have an agenda. I still don't want to believe she killed him.
I don't think anyone wants to believe Elizabeth killed Gabriel. I doubt that there is even one person following this case that wouldn't love for Gabriel to be found, alive and safe.

But, thinking with my head, and not just feeling with my heart, the chances that Gabriel is still alive seems to get slimmer by the day.

Just because you and I would never harm a baby, doesn't mean that Elizabeth didn't.

We do know that she was prone to violent rages, even before the stress of taking Gabriel 'on the run' with her. Her hurt, anger, fear and frustration may have taken over.

We also have heard how badly she wanted to destroy Logan emotionally. Killing Gabriel would definitely do that.

He has not been seen since December 26, 2009. The day after that, his mother contacted his father to say that she had killed their baby.

It has been one long month already, since Elizabeth was arrested, and even longer still, since the last known sighting of Gabriel.

I'm sure that at this point, if Elizabeth really did hand her baby off to some couple in the park, she would be conducting media interviews from the jail telephone, begging and pleading with that couple to please show themselves, and Gabriel, to help clear her name.

That isn't happening, because that phantom couple does not exist. Nobody took Gabriel. Nobody is hiding Gabriel.

I believe Elizabeth either overdosed Gabriel, smothered Gabriel, or drowned Gabriel in the motel bathtub, but no matter it happened, Elizabeth killed Gabriel.
I don't think anyone wants to believe Elizabeth killed Gabriel. I doubt that there is even one person following this case that wouldn't love for Gabriel to be found, alive and safe.

But, thinking with my head, and not just feeling with my heart, the chances that Gabriel is still alive seems to get slimmer by the day.

Just because you and I would never harm a baby, doesn't mean that Elizabeth didn't.

We do know that she was prone to violent rages, even before the stress of taking Gabriel 'on the run' with her. Her hurt, anger, fear and frustration may have taken over.

We also have heard how badly she wanted to destroy Logan emotionally. Killing Gabriel would definitely do that.

He has not been seen since December 26, 2009. The day after that, his mother contacted his father to say that she had killed their baby.

It has been one long month already, since Elizabeth was arrested, and even longer still, since the last known sighting of Gabriel.

I'm sure that at this point, if Elizabeth really did hand her baby off to some couple in the park, she would be conducting media interviews from the jail telephone, begging and pleading with that couple to please show themselves, and Gabriel, to help clear her name.

That isn't happening, because that phantom couple does not exist. Nobody took Gabriel. Nobody is hiding Gabriel.

I believe Elizabeth either overdosed Gabriel, smothered Gabriel, or drowned Gabriel in the motel bathtub, but no matter it happened, Elizabeth killed Gabriel.

I WISH they would have searched the dumpsters and landfills the minute they found out that EJ sent that text to Logan saying that she had killed Gabriel.

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