Theory #1: Stranger Abduction by the "Couple in the Car"

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The lady whom was 17 at the time when she said she saw Anna with a Bill said that Anna was prononced more with an A , I have listened to your Radio broadcast and noticed that you pronounce Anna differantly to that of the English .Could Bill be from another state? and if so what state ?She obviously remembers this very clearly to remember it .
The other thing is Anna stated that the women (bills wife ??)couldnt have children , could there be any connection with the georges being docters and fertility treatment ?
Hope there not stupid questions .
suzannej said:
The lady whom was 17 at the time when she said she saw Anna with a Bill said that Anna was prononced more with an A , I have listened to your Radio broadcast and noticed that you pronounce Anna differantly to that of the English .Could Bill be from another state? and if so what state ?She obviously remembers this very clearly to remember it .
The other thing is Anna stated that the women (bills wife ??)couldnt have children , could there be any connection with the georges being docters and fertility treatment ?
Hope there not stupid questions .
Suzanne, welcome to the forum. It's great to have someone from the other side of the Atlantic looking at the case. We have always pronounced Anna's name with a broad A (as in "Swan"), but it's a good catch that the woman who believes she saw Anna in 1976 pronounced it the way we do. I am not sure whether this informant had heard DrDoogie say the name. I don't think there's any connection with fertility treatment, which is pretty specialized. GW just worked in emergency rooms and never specialized beyond being a general practicioner. However, the idea that a woman who wanted children might have been involved in Anna's abduction comes up again and again. Thanks for the invitation for a cuppa!
An interesting synchronicity has been uncovered that may or may not be related to Anna's disappearance. There is another thread on WS concerning Rose Cole, a sixteen year old girl who disappeared out of the Synanon organization about the same time as Anna's disappearance. It is unknown if she ran away from the drug treatment facility or met with foul play.

Of particular interest is the postmark of her last correspondence with her family: January 16, 1973, sent from San Francisco. The letter had been written in December 23, 1972 and was sent on this later date. The December date would align with the first sighting of the "couple in the car", while the postmark matches the date that Anna disappeared. Recall that SherlockJr hypothesised that the abducter could also be listed as a missing person - this would allow them to avoid explaining how they "added" a new daughter to the family. Also, the description of the woman could match Rose's description (except that Rose was younger than Annasbro's recollection).

There is a possible link to George Waters two ways: GW was attempting to work in the drug/alcohol rehab sector at a time when Synanon was the largest player in that fiels, and Rose had been treated for a kidney infection at a free clinic in San Francisco shortly before she disappeared - exactly the sort of place where GW worked (it is unknown which facility she went to).

This is probably just coincidence, but seems worthy of further examination. Any thoughts that you all have would be appreciated.
This is certainly an unexpected discovery you found here connecting Rose Cole to Anna's case. I'm sure Rose's last letter to her family is posted somewhere either here or at MySpace. I think I've come across it at one time. Several months back, I received a PM from a member requesting that I join in the search for Rose. I declined only for the reason that Anna's case is so complicated and being involved in other cases would confuse my cluttered mind. Perhaps spending the time to read the Rose Cole thread might find a connection. Has Annasbro seen a picture of Rose?
The letter from Rose was dated 12-23-72, but not mailed until 2-73 because she didn't have a stamp. There was a postcard also sent, but the dates are unclear. At one point Roses step sister said it was dated 1-18-73 (I found from doing a thread search a few minutes ago) and a few days ago when I inquired she said the date was 1-16-73. Also, there must have been one more letter written later in 73 that said she was in China town and had a kidney infection. This info was not on the post card, nor the letter dated 12-23-72 but in another letter the step mom remembers receiving a few months later in 73, (no one seems to know what happened to it). Hope that clears things up, though I'm still not convinced these 2 girls didn't fall into the same hands. Could very well be one of those Steve Stayner abduction stories where an older abducted helps to abduct a younger child.
Well now that you have brought the possibilty up that brings the whole Synanon thing back into the picture again. It also IMO brings the little girl in the picture back to the forefront again. Sorry, but I was never convinced that the little girl was not Anna. Everyone else seemed to accept whoever it was that said that they knew who that little girls parents were. I didn't but since the majority did I just let it drop.


Well now that you have brought the possibilty up that brings the whole Synanon thing back into the picture again. It also IMO brings the little girl in the picture back to the forefront again. Sorry, but I was never convinced that the little girl was not Anna. Everyone else seemed to accept whoever it was that said that they knew who that little girls parents were. I didn't but since the majority did I just let it drop.


That child does look a lot like Anna, but I thought someone actually identified her (him) as a little boy named Christian whose parents were in Synanon.
Well now that you have brought the possibilty up that brings the whole Synanon thing back into the picture again. It also IMO brings the little girl in the picture back to the forefront again. Sorry, but I was never convinced that the little girl was not Anna. Everyone else seemed to accept whoever it was that said that they knew who that little girls parents were. I didn't but since the majority did I just let it drop.



You are right, it does raise that possibility again. With some of the suggestions that we have received, if nothing quickly comes up to help support it, we have let them drop by the wayside and moved on to other possibilities. This may have been a mistake.

I hope no one has been offended if a suggestion seems to get the "short shrift" - it is only that at certain points something comes up that is judged more promising at that time, only to be forgotten by the time we can get back to it. Everybody please understand: I value each suggestion and hope that each of you continue to add your ideas.
I read on the Synanon site, in the guestbook, that someone was "dropped off" as a kid, not actually a member there...why did they take-in' kids that were "dropped off'? Just curious if a child could be 'left' there.
You are right, it does raise that possibility again. With some of the suggestions that we have received, if nothing quickly comes up to help support it, we have let them drop by the wayside and moved on to other possibilities. This may have been a mistake.

I hope no one has been offended if a suggestion seems to get the "short shrift" - it is only that a certain points something comes up that is judged more promising at that time, only to be forgotten by the time we can get back to it. Everybody please understand: I value each suggestion and hope that each of you continue to add your ideas.

Oh dear me, I think I came accross all wrong in that last post. We often have different views which makes this whole thing work. I just meant that I wasn't going to beat a dead horse about the little girl at Syananon if no one else thought that it could be our Anna. I didn't give up on my thoughts that it could be her but I wasn't going to keep harping on it.
Well now that you have brought the possibilty up that brings the whole Synanon thing back into the picture again. It also IMO brings the little girl in the picture back to the forefront again. Sorry, but I was never convinced that the little girl was not Anna. Everyone else seemed to accept whoever it was that said that they knew who that little girls parents were. I didn't but since the majority did I just let it drop.


I went back to read my e-mails from last April from people who lived at Synanon. They had several people look at the photo of this girl and all believe her name is that of the name on her overalls. Looking up the birth of this child, she was born in 1971. If I remember, the Synanon listed this picture from 1974 which would put this child at the age of 3. She looks older than 3 yrs old.
This is certainly an unexpected discovery you found here connecting Rose Cole to Anna's case. I'm sure Rose's last letter to her family is posted somewhere either here or at MySpace. I think I've come across it at one time. Several months back, I received a PM from a member requesting that I join in the search for Rose. I declined only for the reason that Anna's case is so complicated and being involved in other cases would confuse my cluttered mind. Perhaps spending the time to read the Rose Cole thread might find a connection. Has Annasbro seen a picture of Rose?

I recall reading Rose's letter, too.
I remember there were many troubling things in it. That poor child just wanted to be at home with her family.
What I didn't remember were the many references to "the baby".
I am posting the letter below....I don't think it will fit in here!
3:00 AM December 23, 1972

[It’s almost been a whole stinking, lousy year!]

[Sorry but I just got a stamp! ~ Feb 3, 1973]

Dear Mom,

I love you, oh mom what am I going to do! I can’t sleep no more at nites, I wake up from dreams, that leaves me frights.

I dream of you, and Daddy and Billy and Pose, and Jesse and Norma, I know its weird and sounds silly! I dream of being home, but wake up, and what happens, I’m all alone!

I am so scare out here,
I don’t like the atmosphere!
I walk the streets,
Oh God, if you knew the people I met.
Mom, I wanna come home,
Please understand, please!

If I thought you loved me, it would
put me being uptight, to ease!
Mom, I don’t know what to do!
All I can think of is you!
Mom, have you ever been lonely,
didn’t have no family to go to,
because they all hate you! Walk
streets, wondering what street to
take, know you don’t care, because
at least you’ll be going
somewhere, and whatever street
what difference does it makes.

I listen to different songs,
most make me feel like I don’t
belong. I feel so sad and blue,
I just want to make you guys
love me, as much as I love
you. I wish I could make you
see. Love me! Please, Mom,
Please love me! Oh God
love me, love me! please
love me! I can even go
to sleep at nites no-more. I
dream of one time, I was
walking down the street with my
suitcases, and Jesse and James
Hamilton was getting ready to
Get on the bus to Michigan and
I saw him, and I dropped my
suitcase, and I was so happy to
see him, and was crying, and
ran up to just hug him, and
I yelled Jesse, and he turned
Around and saw me, and I
Was getting ready to hug him, and
He said I hate you, Rose , I
hate your guts. He said don’t
ever come home again,
you’ve caused enough trouble,
and we all hate your guts so much,
we don’t ever want to here from you.

Then he got on the bus and looked
out the window, and I just stare at
him, and cried so hard, I didn’t think
I had anymore tears, and he just sat at
the window and cracked up laughing,
then mudged James and said something,
and James and Jesse waved there hand,
like get away you no – good Brad, and
they laughed and laughed.

I have a lot dream of the baby. I dream
of playing with him. I dreamed one time,
that I have to come home and Daddy was
the only one there, you guys was at Billy’s
and me and Daddy hugged, and kiss and stuff.
I was so glad to see him, and he took me where
you guys were at and I couldn’t wait to get inside.

I got out of the car and ran inside, and Pose was
looking out the door, and he opened it, and said
Rose you’re home finally, and we hugged and
Pose yelled, Rose is home and you came running
out and we hugged and hugged and we cried. And
then Norma came and said Rose I missed you so
much, I can’t wait to call Claire, and we hugged,
and then I said where’s Billy, because he’s who I
wanted to see so much. And you said he went to
pick up the baby, so then sat, and I never, felt so
good in my life, never. To bad it was only a dream.

Too bad, then I heard the car outside. I looked
out the window, and I saw Billy carry a big fat
baby in a bunch of blankets, then I don’t know
why but I was so happy, I mean righteously happy,
tears just poured and poured, and then I ran to the
door, and you said, Rose, take it easy, sit down in
the kitchen, and don’t let him know you’re here.
He came in and took the baby and said where’s Rose?
I ran to him and hugged and he said your finally home.
I didn’t want to let go and I heard the baby cry. I reached
out to him and he wanted me. It was like he loved me
and as I held him he smiled. We had dinner and I
never wanted to leave. I love everyone so much.

I woke up and then I tried to get back to sleep. But it was gone, what I wouldn’t do to have another dream like that. Now all I ever dream is you guys laughing at me. If you guys hate me all I can say is I don’t blame you. I understand but I just want you to know I love you. I’m used to going off by myself and crying, and it’s not hard for me.

Here’s a poem for you.

Stars! Stars are bright,
Stars give off light.
Stars make your love scene bright.
Stars shine and look brand new.
They refuse to come out when the sky’s blue!
They must like the night black.
Must bring good memories back.
I love the stars.
They get attention even though they are so far.

With all my love, your daughter, R. L. C

It’s not much, I know, but it’s a little.
Mom I wish I could get you guys to love me.
Give a hoot, don’t pollute!

Today’s my birthday,
so what is all I can say.

I’m 16 but I’m the same sad and cold.

I’m to blame I look like I did before.

Like I got hit in the face with a door.

I walk like I did before inherited it, my Mom’s to blame.

I don’t yet have strength,

my feet have the same length.

My legs are long, my stomach’s in outer space.

They need to belong, same old neck and ears.

Lonely tears and I live the way it appears.

In this funky big atmosphere.

God why can’t anyone see I’m not living.

I’m dying.

There’s all kinds of people mean and cruel.

Too bad we can’t combine.

Understanding and kindness would keep you happy.

Never push you from behind.

Lonely people I respect,

I consider myself a lonely aspect.

Black and white wanting to fight.

High class trip disrespect.

Might consider themselves one of us.

Why can’t they make one more friend?

Here I am in here, feeling sad and blue.

Drinking water wondering what to do.

Feel the walls creep close to me?

They don’t want me to be.

I’m the only one there,

room’s full of chatter and laughter.

Why does it always have to happen to me?

Maybe it’s something in me that you see and hate.

Why can’t they see I want to be understood.

Push me away because I’m shy.

That’s what they think,

don’t understand why.

Rose Cole
Originally Posted by Shadow205
Well now that you have brought the possibilty up that brings the whole Synanon thing back into the picture again. It also IMO brings the little girl in the picture back to the forefront again. Sorry, but I was never convinced that the little girl was not Anna. Everyone else seemed to accept whoever it was that said that they knew who that little girls parents were. I didn't but since the majority did I just let it drop.


I've been thinking about this synanon picture while we've been waiting the last few weeks. Not only comparing the above photo, but several of the others posted in various places of Anna. After looking at them closer, I tend to think this little girl from Synanon is not Anna. In all the pictures I have seen of Anna, it appears she has a larger right earlobe than the girl in the synanon picture. jmo..... though.

I've been thinking about this synanon picture while we've been waiting the last few weeks. Not only comparing the above photo, but several of the others posted in various places of Anna. After looking at them closer, I tend to think this little girl from Synanon is not Anna. In all the pictures I have seen of Anna, it appears she has a larger right earlobe than the girl in the synanon picture. jmo..... though.

I feel the same way about "C" but in regards to the eye orbits. Anna appeared to have a "puffy" top eye lid. "C" does not. I've known a few people from birth with the same type of eye orbit, and neither ever lost that puffyness into adulthood. That's why I don't feel "C" is Anna. I'm also surprised that such a charctoristic was not prevalent in the age enhanced photo of Anna. That is pretty much an inherited thing, (In the case of my friends it was distant relatives who shared the common eye orbit.)
I feel the same way about "C" but in regards to the eye orbits. Anna appeared to have a "puffy" top eye lid. "C" does not. I've known a few people from birth with the same type of eye orbit, and neither ever lost that puffyness into adulthood. That's why I don't feel "C" is Anna.

I'm not sure what you mean. Are you talking about the area directly beneath the eyebrow extending down to the lid directly over the eye? I took a look at the pics again after reading your post, and wonder if difficulty seeing that would be due to eye makeup. I know makeup, especially in the eye area can really change the way the eyes look. I think the hardest thing I notice with the pic of C and pictures of Anna is the shape of the upper cheek bones. That area on Anna seems to be more recessed, for a lack of a better word and it's difficult to tell if C's eyes have the same downward slant as the outside of Anna's eyes. You can see what I am talking about seeing it in GW's pic with Anna as a newborn in Annasmoms manuscript. He has that same set of cheekbones.
I guess I could ask him directly, but has Annasbro ever offered to go under hypnosis to try and revisit this scene?

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