Theory #2: Family Abduction by George Waters with George Brody and/or Associates

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No one has clarified the Margaret Kukoda question I asked a couple times yesterday. Dr. Doogie...anyone? Is the Margaret, (Daughter of Anthony & Esther Kukoda) the one you believe to be Brody's MK? If so, has anyone called her sister Madlyn Chasar? (It is spelled Madaline in the census records, but spelled Madlyn in her parents obits) She's still alive (85) and lives in Hellertown PA. I've got her phone number if you want it.

Again, I will state that this Margaret has a different birth month than Brody's Margaret.

Madlyn is no longer living in her home. A neighbor was able to give me some information where to find her.
Madlyn is no longer living in her home. A neighbor was able to give me some information where to find her.

YIPEE! So she is still alive...(I had my doubts after I posted that...and seeing my mother was still listed as living)that is so cool!!! :woohoo: Oh the answers to many mysteries that lady could hold. I just hope she doesn't have dementia or alzheimer's or any mind altering disease! I'm praying she's like my 85 year old next door neighbor who remembers everything about everybody all the time!!!
Just a tought. This thread is so long perhaps it's time to start a second and lock this one. Can you look into that Doogie?
This thread has been moved to a Part 2. Please post any new info on the new thread. Thanks!
I found a George L. Brody listed in the online index of 'Cemetary Inscriptions Of Stark County, Ohio' Volume 4 - 1982. I wonder if Brody was from Ohio and had arranged for his ashes to be buried there, or if this is not even our Brody. I can find no further information. I don't know if the 1982 is referring to when the index was published or the date the cemetary inscription was made.

Wanted to bump this up...
Interesting. Laini's post has a lot more significance now knowing L. is possibly Brody's middle name.
since we have a part two started, I sent Christine a pm asking she lock this one.
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