Theory: could this have been a defense plan?

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Jun 10, 2011
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You know what strikes me a little odd? I really felt horrible for George Anthony throughout this whole thing....personally I always felt Cindy was a snake. Anyway, that testimony George gave about "Casey was the last one I saw Caylee with and one plus one add up to two in my mind" Sounds fishy to me. I wonder if there was some sort of back-room dealing with the defense and the Anthony family. Perhaps I am not articulating this very well.....but isn't it odd that George and Cindy were on polar opposite sides yet seemed to support each other so much. If your Husband was basically serving your daughter up to the prosecution would you still sit next to him every day? Maybe, just maybe, George's whole role was to confuse the jury into not trusting him. It seems to have worked. Like I said, just an observation.
Oh I definitely agree and I think Lee was being forced into it and was not liking it too much. Which is what the meeting with Baez was all about.

I guess it all goes to show that honesty in a court of law is not for certain people and defense lawyers. It was all a rouse.

I also wonder what if anything the prosecution has in mind as a result. Maybe nothing but it was trial by hijacking.
I do think the CA and LA stuff were all a ruse planned with the defense. I think GA's comments were honest. I think accusing him of being involved and being a child molestor made him decide he was going to be honest and let the chips fall where they may.
I don't know if this was conceived by the defense or Casey's family. I definitley believe River Cruz was recruited whether she realized it or not.
I have no doubt in my mind that everyone was involved in participating in the "script".
I believe this is so. This is also the reason that Cindy was smiling when the verdict came up not guilty. The plan worked for them beautifully. Lee would do well to stay away from them and start his own family and keep his future children away from Auntie KC. IMO
You know what strikes me a little odd? I really felt horrible for George Anthony throughout this whole thing....personally I always felt Cindy was a snake. Anyway, that testimony George gave about "Casey was the last one I saw Caylee with and one plus one add up to two in my mind" Sounds fishy to me. I wonder if there was some sort of back-room dealing with the defense and the Anthony family. Perhaps I am not articulating this very well.....but isn't it odd that George and Cindy were on polar opposite sides yet seemed to support each other so much. If your Husband was basically serving your daughter up to the prosecution would you still sit next to him every day? Maybe, just maybe, George's whole role was to confuse the jury into not trusting him. It seems to have worked. Like I said, just an observation.

Very interesting theory, and with this group, I would not doubt it one bit. There are so many twists and turns to it. If this theory is true, I believe George, along with Lee, both were not wanting to do this but felt pressured to. I always found it very odd that that whole family could sit there stone faced beside each other and have such different stories. I couldn't do it.
CA worked with the DT all along. LA seemed to turn towards them at the end despite being accused of sleeping with his sister. I think GA said that because he was falsely accused of a c/o and molestation. I think that was his one shot at getting his feelings in and trying to get justice for Caylee.
A close relative of mine firmly believes this. I have to admit that she has swayed me. The whole family, including reluctant Lee, was in on it.
You know what strikes me a little odd? I really felt horrible for George Anthony throughout this whole thing....personally I always felt Cindy was a snake. Anyway, that testimony George gave about "Casey was the last one I saw Caylee with and one plus one add up to two in my mind" Sounds fishy to me. I wonder if there was some sort of back-room dealing with the defense and the Anthony family. Perhaps I am not articulating this very well.....but isn't it odd that George and Cindy were on polar opposite sides yet seemed to support each other so much. If your Husband was basically serving your daughter up to the prosecution would you still sit next to him every day? Maybe, just maybe, George's whole role was to confuse the jury into not trusting him. It seems to have worked. Like I said, just an observation.

Their attorney was basically asked the same question and he absolutely denied it. My friend, who has followed the case from the beginning, too, said that the first day, that she thought it was done to create reasonable doubt and that GA was in on it and would do anything to protect KC, even be labeled a child molester and body snatcher. At this point, seeing this family in action, nothing would surprise me.
You are just now wondering this???

JK...a little. I can see it like I can see the nose on my face. It was hatched waaaay back when. The tattoos were part of the plan...."Go ahead George and Cindy, make sure you get tattoos so we can say it was a memorial to Caylee's life." The jailhouse letters were part of the plan. That is when the molestation defense first took hold. All of it. Planned, planned, planned.
The only thing I don't think was planned was Lee deciding he could not go public with the molestation accusation (since he will be married soon and starting his own family), hence JB sure backed off that one in a New York minute.
Come on, who actually believes Lee was THAT UPSET Casey didn't invite him to her shower? WTF? Creepy McCreepers.
These people are DISGUSTING.

And you know what? I am seriously reconsidering whether or not I believe that George's suicide attempt was genuine. I remember when it happened we were all very skeptical. It just seemed too staged. After all, he did call JB to tell him where he was and all so JB could alert the authories.
When you get off the roller coaster ride and really start taking a look at all this you see it alot differently.
GA did know prior to the case beginning that the molestation claims and c/o was coming as did LA. They went to JB's office about 6 weeks before the trial started and were told what the defense was going to be. Their attorney has spoken of this on several occassions.

CA also stated she stopped looking for Caylee up to 6 weeks before trial. I think her denial was then over because she knew GA/LA didn't do these things.
GA did know prior to the case beginning that the molestation claims and c/o was coming as did LA. They went to JB's office about 6 weeks before the trial started and were told what the defense was going to be. Their attorney has spoken of this on several occassions.

CA also stated she stopped looking for Caylee up to 6 weeks before trial. I think her denial was then over because she knew GA/LA didn't do these things.

I call BS on all of that. This started way before the "6 weeks ago" carp. Not attacking you or yuor post Nova....but that whole "went to JB's office" is seriously suspicious. Then they "cooperated" with the state...but Lee didn't. GMAB
I heard bits and pieces of JB's interview with Barbwa Wawa.....I think he BELIEVES the lies himself now. Amazing.
Anything would not surprise me of the lengths this family would go to to abuse the system...and as for JB, ditto.

I've often thought of "if" the molestation theory were actually true, then this might have been how I think Caylee lost her makes me sick to think I could think this but, here goes:

GA & Casey are in the midst of an incestuous moment in another room while they thought Caylee was napping, watching a cartoon and somehow got out to the pool and accidentally drown.

By the time Casey & GA find Caylee, they panic and point fingers at each other in blame till he can convince her to go along with the disposal scheme.

I don't believe this is the true scenario but, in a itty bitty corner of my brain...that thought did occur for a split sickening second!:sick:

Then the facts & evidence that the SA discovered put reality back into better perspective and this thought wasn't even plausible on many levels.
I am so glad to find like-minded individuals. I definitely think that the whole Anthony clan was in cahoots with the Defense. The whole thing was a plan to continue to enable Casey. It's always been about Casey, and it will always be about her. "Family systems don't change overnight". Someone posted that on Facebook today and it really made me stop and think. The Anthonys have functioned this way for more than 25 years, so why would they stop now?

Yes, I agree with every one of you on this thread. All a staged play that we got to watch unfold and in the end Casey was made to look like the star that she's always been. Party on...

I dont think there was some grand conspiracy between the A's and DT. George, I believe was honest in his testimony except for the River C deal, which I do believe he had an affair with her. KC had turned her back on the A's and refused their visits for the last 2 years or more. I think CA really does think in her diluted mind that her search for chlorafil could have triggered the chloroform searches. I do think CA is relieved, but George can see whats coming down the pike.
I think everything is at appears to be..the A's didnt want to believe this until they had to. Cindy is probably hoping she can mend the relationship with her daughter.The prosecution did not prove the case, there was no evidence of how or when Caylee died and that is a huge deal when your on a jury for a death penalty case.
They are all greedy non-workers so I also really believe they want a piece of the pie KC will surely be getting. I think its very possible, they will be looking the fool when KC continues to not speak to them..
You know what strikes me a little odd? I really felt horrible for George Anthony throughout this whole thing....personally I always felt Cindy was a snake. Anyway, that testimony George gave about "Casey was the last one I saw Caylee with and one plus one add up to two in my mind" Sounds fishy to me. I wonder if there was some sort of back-room dealing with the defense and the Anthony family. Perhaps I am not articulating this very well.....but isn't it odd that George and Cindy were on polar opposite sides yet seemed to support each other so much. If your Husband was basically serving your daughter up to the prosecution would you still sit next to him every day? Maybe, just maybe, George's whole role was to confuse the jury into not trusting him. It seems to have worked. Like I said, just an observation.

I think you are right on the money!!!! I think a lot of what we witnessed was a big act to save KC's behind, including LA and CA disagreement.

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