Theory: could this have been a defense plan?

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I am a proud Southerner and appalled that he represents Southerners in so many people's minds these days. Despicable.

CM doesn't represent Southerners to me, but you know how the saying goes: If you lay down with dogs you're gonna get fleas.

Of course, he might've brought some fleas of his own.

Another pithy but true saying: Birds of a feather flock together.
Since day one of the trial, Cindy was taking "notes"; George was sitting stoicly by her side... when BOTH of them KNEW what the defense was going to say in their opening statement! I think this was the beginning of this "book" outline that can be presented to a publisher to get the $1M advance, this way, Cindy and George both WIN...Cindy will take the $$$ to get ICA out of the country...maybe Ireland so she can buy an RV and adopt an Irish child! George will be "rid" of the competition he has with KC for Cindy's affections...and let's not forget that GA & CA won the "trademark" on the name "Caylee Anthony"! Planning all along through back room deals and shady dealings, what they were going to do during the trial!

Lee, in my opinion, probably did molest ICA...for that matter, ICA may have been a willing participant...sick, but in their world of "exclusiveness" (don't really know of any "family friends" or neighbors that these kids grew up with), decided to act upon their own "sick fantasies".... puberty, promiscuity, and the ever loving INTERNET and *advertiser censored*! I believe that Lee "broke down" on the stand because he knew that CA & GA questioned him as to whether or not he could be CAY-LEE's father, hence, the hush-hush nature of the pregnancy! CA & GA questioned him, because they did catch the siblings in something compromising...of that, I'm pretty sure!

IMO, this family is totally DYSFUNCTIONAL, SCHEMING, CONEIVING, CHEATING, LYING, SHADY people! Little Caylee is protected from all of them now...too bad that no ONE in this family ever gave a dam* about anything other then themselves!

BBM. This is exactly what I think happened.
I totally agree, I was so disappointed the prosecution didn't show the true relationship between Casey and Cindy but instead created concerned parents who were innocently searching for Caylee. Maybe they should have concentrated on how Cindy enabled Casey and murder didn't bring an end to the enabling.
Who in their position would bring the car home that smelled like death. Who would blame others when they knew their daughter was a sociopath. When they knew the child was with her. THE ANTHONY's

ITA. The prosecution made a huge mistake in presenting Cindy & George as just the wonderful, normal, grieving grandparents. They are anything but and the jury was able to sense that. It made the prosecution's theory seem suspect to them, IMO.
I have never doubted that 911 call. Trust me, you would have to be an Oscar Nominated Actress to pull that type of emotion off.
It is questionable to me what and when George knew. I believe Cindy "knew" early on, but chose to disbelieve it. However, I am as positive as positive can be that she KNEW THE ENTIRE STORY in November when she was taped on the Larry King show looking like one step from death. And, voila, Domic Casey and Hoover go searching the woods for a dead Caylee. Come on.
I do believe in psychic powers to an extent, hell I even believe in UFO's! But I will never, never, never, never believe a psychic sent them to look for 3 pavers marking a grave for a dead Caylee. Only the killer/disposer knew that.

This I completely agree with. I am just having trouble coming to terms with they ALL were in on this defence.
I fully believe Cindy used George with out letting him in on it.
As for Lee, I feel he DID remember everything with out having to be reminded.
Cindy is the master mind & always has been. No doubt in my mind about that.
I felt her actions on the stand, doubling over were insincere.
Cindy & JB are both masterfull at spinning & confusing.
JMO Don't know if anyone has commented on this prior. My gut tells me KC and JB were not strangers when she hired him, I feel there is a history here and a much bigger "story" behind all of this complete farce.

Ditto ... This is what I have always thought . I agree with you 100% .
Why didn't Tracy get called by the state? If all of ICA's 'friends' could speak of her demeanor & their convos re: Caylee why couldn't she? She had so much to tell! It's :crazy: she never did.

I believe the cover up but not the death itself..And speaking of JG! he had said just weeks later on NG that he thought it was possible that Caylee drowned in the pool & if that happened ICA would've had a complete breakdown over it explaining those 31 days..This was before the As hatched their plan to "frame" him..He may have actually given them the idea without even realizing it..And the DT too! I bet he wishes now he never went there!

eta..why would the As be looking to "frame" anyone IF they believed the Zanny story?

This is so true & dawned on me when Jesse was on dr Drew.
The whole defence accident was built around that statement & those pictures. I felt it so strange that they had all those pictures of Caylee going up the ladder step by step, all the way to when she jumped into the pool.
The picture of her opening the door raised my suspicions as well.
It was so planned I couldn't believe the jury missed that.
Infact if Caylee had not have been dead at the time I would have thought she was alive & it was all a set up by these pictures alone.
Nothing would surprise me after this fiasco. I think it is possible that the parents of ICA ignored and supported all of this although I wish it is not so.
I think that ICA will have her bella vita. I think that her family members will not. They will forever live with the memory of Caylee.... and ICA, believing her own lies, will go on...have life and love.
Oh well...other than Caylee this entire thing has been a waste...a huge waste. I am so frushtrated but see nothing but torment for this family and friends in the future.


Did Casey ever really talk about Zanny before June 15th....anyone testify to this besides the A's?

Also, if info comes out about the A's involved in a cover up, could they be charged?
You know what strikes me a little odd? I really felt horrible for George Anthony throughout this whole thing....personally I always felt Cindy was a snake. Anyway, that testimony George gave about "Casey was the last one I saw Caylee with and one plus one add up to two in my mind" Sounds fishy to me. I wonder if there was some sort of back-room dealing with the defense and the Anthony family. Perhaps I am not articulating this very well.....but isn't it odd that George and Cindy were on polar opposite sides yet seemed to support each other so much. If your Husband was basically serving your daughter up to the prosecution would you still sit next to him every day? Maybe, just maybe, George's whole role was to confuse the jury into not trusting him. It seems to have worked. Like I said, just an observation.

The whole thing reminded me of "A Witness For The Prosecution."

Not only were pieces to the puzzle missing but it was as if someone kept turning the table upside down when you least expected it.

Did Casey ever really talk about Zanny before June 15th....anyone testify to this besides the A's?

Also, if info comes out about the A's involved in a cover up, could they be charged?

I've wondered this EXACT thing! I don't believe anyone else has mentioned Zanny besides the A's
ALSO how would Baez know how GA buried a dog 30 years ago!

who could've told him that hmmm? Casey wouldn't have known! And why would GA implicate himself like that??

ohh this is all becoming so clear
This coverup has been going on since the first weeks. I don't think they knew where Caylee was right away. But at some point a message got out to them. Again through Baez.

I do not believe that this current plan was set in motion until in the last couple of months. Because they had to share discovery with the State. I believe George and Cindy bought into it just 6 weeks before.

They lost their fall guy Jessie. That is who was going to be the target that was clear from when Casey said that in jail about him..... no don't trust him.

It is a simple plan actually. You infect the most important witness. You make everything he says suspect and unbelievable. You spar with him and make him look like he is lying. And then you get a little out of him in a weird way and the jury believes it because they think that you were smarter than the witness and tricked some truth out of him. And they all are such actors.

George was intentionally infected and the jurors were not smart enough to see that.

It really disgusts me. I don't think we have come anywhere near the end of this story however. Something is going to blow I don't know what but I feel like this story is not going to go away for a good long time. And Casey will re-offend.[/QUOte
Coudn't have said it any better.
I've wondered this EXACT thing! I don't believe anyone else has mentioned Zanny besides the A's

Yes, Mr Grund said she mentioned the nanny when he quit babysitting for her. Caylee was 6 months old. Makes you wonder if she was plotting to get rid of Caylee way back then.
Yes, Mr Grund said she mentioned the nanny when he quit babysitting for her. Caylee was 6 months old. Makes you wonder if she was plotting to get rid of Caylee way back then.

True! but did he refer to her specifically as "Zanny"? or just a "nanny"?

This is what I've been thinking all along but Songline now has me wondering....

Not to disagree with Songline, but I think GA is being given way too much credit. Keep in mind that he and Lee "do as they're told" to do. CA is the one who gives the orders and makes sure they're carried out to the letter. IMO, the minute GA admitted to KC about having feelings of guilt and wishing that he had been a better father, grandfather, etc. etc., CA went in for the 'kill'. I believe that CA knew early on, that Caylee was dead and that, at some point in time, KC and JB recruited her to get a muzzle on GA. GA's focus was on finding Caylee at any cost, but CA wasn't on board with that. CA's focus shifted to covering up for KC..... at any cost. GA agrees, in his suicide note, that CA is the one with all the 'smarts' in that family and CA takes great pride in her ability to 'outsmart' everybody. She wrote the script....just like she's writing the book.
I STRONGLY believe that GA and CA had everything planned out with Jose Baez. I am sure GA knew what Casey was going to accuse him of and I am sure he agreed with it. All he had to do was deny the molestation, so he couldn't possibly get charges. I think all their communication goes through Jose Baez. IMO, GA lied on the stand about many things! I feel he lied more than CA. This was a plan by them and I think it was a plan for a while. It was the only way they could confuse the jury!
I STRONGLY believe that GA and CA had everything planned out with Jose Baez. I am sure GA knew what Casey was going to accuse him of and I am sure he agreed with it. All he had to do was deny the molestation, so he couldn't possibly get charges. I think all their communication goes through Jose Baez. IMO, GA lied on the stand about many things! I feel he lied more than CA. This was a plan by them and I think it was a plan for a while. It was the only way they could confuse the jury!

ITA with one exception. I don't think anybody can lie more than CA....not even KC! It is becoming more and more obvious that they have been in cahoots with JB for a loooooong time. All that bull about JB not wanting them to be allowed in the courtroom as well as KC turning down the meeting with her mother was just that....bull! Wasn't it just days before that, we saw KC mouthing "I love you" to her mother?
I remember when I first heard about Caylee missing & I started following everything (mostly from Nancy Grace & this website). In the beginning remember how Cindy & George moved a bush around their pool & during a 4th of July weekend (or maybe during the week, I just know it was near July 4) they had pavers replaced, or newly put in the back yard? It seemed weird considering the "anguish" they were going through. I don't remember when the bush had been moved, but I just remember thinking how fishy a family they seemed right from the get go. I always thought she drowned & before I knew what a lying family they are, I thought it was an accident KC was afraid to admit. I still think she drowned, but I can't even fathom what the circumstances around it are. I only know the whole family knew she wasn't missing, probably right from July 16.

I didn't know this. For me, every time I read something new, the case gets stranger and stranger.
I STRONGLY believe that GA and CA had everything planned out with Jose Baez. I am sure GA knew what Casey was going to accuse him of and I am sure he agreed with it. All he had to do was deny the molestation, so he couldn't possibly get charges. I think all their communication goes through Jose Baez. IMO, GA lied on the stand about many things! I feel he lied more than CA. This was a plan by them and I think it was a plan for a while. It was the only way they could confuse the jury!

ITA. And confuse they did. Of course, wouldn't have taken much to confuse that jury. Evidently.

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