Theory: could this have been a defense plan?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
how can you serve probation while incarcerated? isn't the purpose of probation (simply put) to be out in the real world and prove that you can be trustworthy and walk the straight and narrow? her probation period should not start until she is released from jail, otherwise being sentenced to 'probation' is nothing but a farce!
That is crazy! ludicrous! fits just perfect with this whole mess...
Not sure where this post should go but I think it could be incorporated into any thread.

I am rewatching the trial. JA plainly states that the cause of death was suffocation by duct tape (how she died) and that Caylee was prohibiting Casey from living the life she wanted to live--so she murdered her (motive).

The juror who said there was never a cause of death or motive...was she sleeping or just zoned out?
Well the jury expected the medical examiner to come up with the exact cause of death-and it was impossible because the body became skeletal remains. Regarding the motive, the prosecution did offer a possible motive-but appears the jury didn't believe that was a good enough motive.
IMO Cindy was never in denial. Their whole premise in the beginning was that the police were focusing only on Casey, but were willing to point fingers at anyone BUT Casey.
I took alot of hits for calling George on his fake azz suicide attempt and that is ok. That is why I love this site. We never agree on anything. And we don't have to. I have never believed he really tried to take his own life. His suicide letter was for one purpose, to deflect blame from Casey.
Both George and Cindy knew something was amiss when they got that car. Problem is, we only have the word of liars to go on.
But when did the lies start? The evening of the 16th? When George and Cindy walked the backyard, saw the 12 x 5 indention in the yard.
George told LE, he and Cindy were wracking their brains, what could have happened. Cindy said, "You don't think she could have gotten out and..."
Now here's the rich part. If you read their depositions and interviews, they talk in half statements, leaving the listener to infer their meaning.

Oh, and we all about fainted when Cindy and George moved to sit on the prosecution side. And they brought up six weeks. And all the media TH's fell all over themselves trying to figure this out. And Cindy's performance on the stand was overdone, just like Casey's room. And the media about wee wee'd over her pain. And she is sitting back there writing her book....did she take advantage of a SA who was trying to show compassion? Isn't that so familiar? George's fake suicide attempt? I remember after the psychic came forward, Cindy and George promised in a press release that they were willing to talk to LE and be more forthcoming/ Then they remained silent.

This family has played such a reckless game. And they won. And with that win they have jerked the rug of decency out from under all of us.

I don't trust any member of this family. I was sick that I had to pull for George and Cindy, knowing that their crimes were not going to come to light as a trade off for their testimony for the SA.

I want to see them go down for what they did, but could not see them taking blame for what they didn't do, just to save FCA.

I want all the truth to come out. I demand it now.
My thoughts as well. Good to know I'm not alone in my perception of the events. thanks
You know what strikes me a little odd? I really felt horrible for George Anthony throughout this whole thing....personally I always felt Cindy was a snake. Anyway, that testimony George gave about "Casey was the last one I saw Caylee with and one plus one add up to two in my mind" Sounds fishy to me. I wonder if there was some sort of back-room dealing with the defense and the Anthony family. Perhaps I am not articulating this very well.....but isn't it odd that George and Cindy were on polar opposite sides yet seemed to support each other so much. If your Husband was basically serving your daughter up to the prosecution would you still sit next to him every day? Maybe, just maybe, George's whole role was to confuse the jury into not trusting him. It seems to have worked. Like I said, just an observation.

BBM :yes:
IMO Cindy was never in denial. Their whole premise in the beginning was that the police were focusing only on Casey, but were willing to point fingers at anyone BUT Casey.
I took alot of hits for calling George on his fake azz suicide attempt and that is ok. That is why I love this site. We never agree on anything. And we don't have to. I have never believed he really tried to take his own life. His suicide letter was for one purpose, to deflect blame from Casey.
Both George and Cindy knew something was amiss when they got that car. Problem is, we only have the word of liars to go on.
But when did the lies start? The evening of the 16th? When George and Cindy walked the backyard, saw the 12 x 5 indention in the yard.
George told LE, he and Cindy were wracking their brains, what could have happened. Cindy said, "You don't think she could have gotten out and..."
Now here's the rich part. If you read their depositions and interviews, they talk in half statements, leaving the listener to infer their meaning.

Oh, and we all about fainted when Cindy and George moved to sit on the prosecution side. And they brought up six weeks. And all the media TH's fell all over themselves trying to figure this out. And Cindy's performance on the stand was overdone, just like Casey's room. And the media about wee wee'd over her pain. And she is sitting back there writing her book....did she take advantage of a SA who was trying to show compassion? Isn't that so familiar? George's fake suicide attempt? I remember after the psychic came forward, Cindy and George promised in a press release that they were willing to talk to LE and be more forthcoming/ Then they remained silent.

This family has played such a reckless game. And they won. And with that win they have jerked the rug of decency out from under all of us.

I don't trust any member of this family. I was sick that I had to pull for George and Cindy, knowing that their crimes were not going to come to light as a trade off for their testimony for the SA.

I want to see them go down for what they did, but could not see them taking blame for what they didn't do, just to save FCA.

I want all the truth to come out. I demand it now.

AMEN!!!!!! Very well put

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