Theory: could this have been a defense plan?

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This is my personal journey with the Clan Anthony:

They were all in on it!
But that 911 call of Cindy's is heartbreaking! So she's not!
Wait- she could have gotten into a cover-up after that call!
But she loved Caylee! She wouldn't do that!
George is quite fishy!
George loved that little girl more than life- he would never dump her body!
George so totally had an affair with that woman!
That woman sold her story! She's not believable!
George never touched Casey! Neither did Lee!
Wait--maybe they did?
Lee is the good one!
Wow- Lee is really not cooperating with Ashton!
George hates JB!
Wait---I think this is a show and they are in this together!
Cindy looks really happy Casey is coming home! George doesn't!
Wait--they both look happy!
No they don't! George looks sick!

Conclusions: I have no. idea. what is real with these people and what isn't. I'll just have to wait and see how it plays out. It's beyond me.

This sums it up pretty well for me too. I agree with a lot of what you all have said, and this is pretty knew to me. I am putting it together for myself while I read this thread. I hadn't followed this case closely until jury selection and then I dove into reading everything available. So I guess I am just now catching up to you all.

I do have questions though. And they are sincere questions without snark. Because I largely think you all are right but a few things don't sit with me. Maybe someone could give their insight.

- When did the plan/scheme take form? Because Cindy sounds truly frantic in that 3rd 911 call. And why would she involve LE if they could have been left completely out of it? They could have all acted, from day 31, like Caylee went to live with a distant relative or someone from the bio dad's family.

- Have they let anyone outside the family in on anything incriminating? If so, how did they get these people/this person to stay quiet or to play along for all this time?

- Where does chloroform fit in?

- Why did George make so many incriminating statements early on to LE? For example: if something happened to my granddaughter I have lost my daughter; I know the smell of a dead body I have worked in law enforcement; I don't want to believe I could raise someone who would do this;

- Just when and how did Baez get involved in this?

Sorry for so many questions, but I think you are all onto something. And for some reason I need to find a scenario that eases my mind. I guess since I didn't get closure from the trial I am seeking it this way. :)
One video that always bugged me is when Cindy mentions a drowning and Casey says "Surprise, surprise". IMO, she was saying it sarcastically and it seemed like "oh crap, I have been caught".

You know what bugs me about that video? Watch George's reaction right after ICA says "surprise surprise"... specifically, watch his eyes -- he kind of turns his head to the side opposite Cindy -- and then those eyes. It's not immediately after she says it, but soon thereafter. That right there has bothered me for a long time.
I concur.

When is the media going to realize this? They are droning on and on tonight about Casey and George and Cindy all making up.

Cindy was saying in court how beautiful Casey looked. What's that about?That's because Cindy is Casey. Whatever Casey says or does is Cindy.

I wonder if Lee's fiancee is seeing what her future role is going to be? Maybe she can be the lone voice in the wilderness and get Lee to fully break away and stay there.

They want the interviews. They want the ratings. There are actually people out there who buy into their BS.
Maybe Lee did touch her inappropriately, and she was letting them know she did not tell? Lee is a cool cucumber...I don't trust him as far as I can throw him, and that ain't far. :banghead:

JG is talking on Dr. Drew in a replay right now about what ICA told him about LA. They also came down a little harder on LA about the sex abuse in court as well implying he could be the father. I don't think it ever happened with either. GA is the one I trust the most and even that's not saying much. lol
Zenaida's suit is already filed and has a date set which is a civil case.
My original question was in regards to double jeopardy and why charges can't be pressed against Casey for those crimes she commited against these people.
Can you enlighten on that subject, I don't understand what is covered in the double jeopardy thing.

No, I'm sorry I can't. I would like to know as well. Perhaps an attorney will chime in for us.
She cannot be charged with anything associated with this crime which was not listed on the indictment...if they did not charge her with it on there? They cannot come back and do it later, as it applies to the same crime. At least that is how I understand it. :)
I am finding identity theft hard to put in with a murder charge. Thats why this is so confusing to me. i'd like to yell "NOT FAIR", lol.
Hello, everyone. I think all the Anthony's are in on it, too. But here is something that keeps bothering me. If the Anthony's were in on the defense, then they are d*mn good actors. Can they really be THAT good at acting? How? They are just a dysfunctional middle class family from Florida. Where did the acting skills come from?

BBM That's the thing, crucibelle. We all believed they were "just a dysfunctional middle class family from Florida."

Casey was telling the truth about one thing: she truly is a great liar. Where might she have learned to lie so convincingly?
I get the money vibe most from CA and the celeb vibe most from ICA. I think there will be a HUGE battle between JB and CA over ICA. I'd give JB the immediate edge but CA can be vicious and it will get ugly. Accusations are going to be coming JB's way in a matter of months.
I believe she acted alone in the death of Caylee, and for a very very very short time after that.

One thing that has always bothered me was when she said Don't worry, I haven't said anything. What was she talking about there? What was she not supposed to talk about?

Maybe Lee did touch her inappropriately, and she was letting them know she did not tell? Lee is a cool cucumber...I don't trust him as far as I can throw him, and that ain't far. :banghead:

BBM That always bothered me too. I really think that when she was arrested, George (being ex LE) told her not to tell them anything about Caylee's demise. Also Cindy kept saying to the media "There's no evidence." She even said it (looking toward Casey) while on the witness stand at the bond hearing. They made sure there was none.
I concur.

When is the media going to realize this? They are droning on and on tonight about Casey and George and Cindy all making up.

Cindy was saying in court how beautiful Casey looked. What's that about?That's because Cindy is Casey. Whatever Casey says or does is Cindy.

I wonder if Lee's fiancee is seeing what her future role is going to be? Maybe she can be the lone voice in the wilderness and get Lee to fully break away and stay there.

I hope so, but I don't see Mallory being strong enough to do that. I see her being a follower, not a leader.
I think there will be a HUGE battle between JB and CA over ICA. I'd give JB the immediate edge but CA can be vicious and it will get ugly.

Are we the same person wearing two different hats? We are thinking the very same things. LOL
I think the theory is right on and all the A's made a back room deal with DT . It created total confusion for us all including the jury. At one point when being questioned by Baez about the molestation George came across as guilty but never admitted anything I think this was intentional to plant a seed of doubt with the jurors and the public. the third 911 call was a real honest Cindy but after that it stopped an she reverted back to her old ways. And now they want to con the public to make moneythey will have to do some damage control and seem like truthful honest people so we will buy the book probably starting with the cousin's press release. Cindy can write her book of lies because she take a grain of truth and embellish on it to suit her. and George plays the eeyore part poor me what am I going to do to get sympathy so the public will buy his book that will be filled with CINDy LIES. and the DT really need to do control damage on Casey thru interview's she will tell the world how much she loves and misses we will be conned to buy her book..:sick:
I saw where Zenaida said she's going to file suit.

I think Jesse is happy to have not been the one ultimately thrown to the wolves.

George was a part of the ruse. He's the reason she will be partying in two weeks at the club in Houston. Now he has to decide how he will proceed. I predict he won't stay.


Why would George follow this complicated script (which leaves him the worst looking of all in the end) if he was going to just cut all ties when it was over?
I hope so, but I don't see Mallory being strong enough to do that. I see her being a follower, not a leader.

I agree. I think she was a part of the play, too. She got on the witness stand and said what a wonderful mom Casey was.

Oh well, I had hopes for a minute there.
Hello, everyone. I think all the Anthony's are in on it, too. But here is something that keeps bothering me. If the Anthony's were in on the defense, then they are d*mn good actors. Can they really be THAT good at acting? How? They are just a dysfunctional middle class family from Florida. Where did the acting skills come from?

I agree with you. I don't trust anything any one of them says, but are they that good? And are they that smart? I'm not sure....
BBM That always bothered me too. I really think that when she was arrested, George (being ex LE) told her not to tell them anything about Caylee's demise. Also Cindy kept saying to the media "There's no evidence." She even said it (looking toward Casey) while on the witness stand at the bond hearing. They made sure there was none.
We always believed they destroyed evidence to cover up for her else how would they be so sure there was none? One tiny hair escaped them-like a cry in the wilderness from poor Caylee and the jurors just blew that right off. Sickening does not describe how I am left feeling over it all. Desolate...there's a word.
This sums it up pretty well for me too. I agree with a lot of what you all have said, and this is pretty knew to me. I am putting it together for myself while I read this thread. I hadn't followed this case closely until jury selection and then I dove into reading everything available. So I guess I am just now catching up to you all.

I do have questions though. And they are sincere questions without snark. Because I largely think you all are right but a few things don't sit with me. Maybe someone could give their insight.

- When did the plan/scheme take form? Because Cindy sounds truly frantic in that 3rd 911 call. And why would she involve LE if they could have been left completely out of it? They could have all acted, from day 31, like Caylee went to live with a distant relative or someone from the bio dad's family.

- Have they let anyone outside the family in on anything incriminating? If so, how did they get these people/this person to stay quiet or to play along for all this time?

- Where does chloroform fit in?

- Why did George make so many incriminating statements early on to LE? For example: if something happened to my granddaughter I have lost my daughter; I know the smell of a dead body I have worked in law enforcement; I don't want to believe I could raise someone who would do this;

- Just when and how did Baez get involved in this?

Sorry for so many questions, but I think you are all onto something. And for some reason I need to find a scenario that eases my mind. I guess since I didn't get closure from the trial I am seeking it this way. :)

Cindy was truly frantic on the third 911 call. She did what Dr. G said 100% of people do for a child.
However, according to Lee she also screamed at Casey, "What did you do?!"
IMO, she relied on the police to get Casey to produce Caylee.
Once that did not happen, I think she and George knew.
Baez said early on it did his client no good to tell LE what she knew.
So that tells me he knew there was no accident.
According to all sources, Casey got Jose's name from other inmates.
Wouldn't be my first choice...I'd want a referral from someone not in jail, but that is just me...

George is an anomaly to me. Since I can't believe one word that spews forth from his mouth, I have no idea if he was being candid or trying to cozy up to LE in order to get information on the investigation. I think he was trying to play them. His interviews with them are all syrupy. And, he asks them if they find out that Caylee is dead to call him, so he can warn his wife and son. Not one word about warning Casay. He knew. He knew that smell.

I do not believe Cindy was ever in denial, or that she had George by the short hairs. They are a team.

I am still working on the chloroform....that was the only common sense argument Jose made during trial. But from the directions, it sounds pretty easy.
Why would George follow this complicated script (which leaves him the worst looking of all in the end) if he was going to just cut all ties when it was over?
To create confuson he denied the charges and she never took the stand he said she said, The DT needed something to create Casey's mental illness , Casey is crazy and lies and is a *advertiser censored* due to her father molestation of her...
I get the money vibe most from CA and the celeb vibe most from ICA. I think there will be a HUGE battle between JB and CA over ICA. I'd give JB the immediate edge but CA can be vicious and it will get ugly. Accusations are going to be coming JB's way in a matter of months.

Totally agree. I think Baez is going to be surprised at how fast all this will turn on him.

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