Theory: could this have been a defense plan?

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I have an idea about the death of Caylee, but I think that after the 911 call...after there was the realization that Caylee was deceased... and after the visit from Baez, per Leonard Padilla, where Baez brought a DVD for the family to watch of the Aisenbergs on how not to act...that the whole family agreed to work to save Casey from a life in prison. I believe that they all knew they would have to play their roles in order to help her. I have come to believe recently that Lee has had second thoughts about not disputing his role of the incestuous brother, thus his pulling away from the family. I look for Cindy and George to divorce, and Cindy to try to become enmeshed with Casey again.

hence the confusing testimony. they played all sides. if casey went to prison or got the DP the nation would grieve for poor george and cindy and all they suffered. there is $$$ in that story and a lifetime of stress disability payments. if casey walks then the could make $$ parading around selling her innocence and they can hitch their wagon to her gravy train of publicity. another $$$ plan... GA leaves cindy to sell his own story about being falsely accused and CA and Casey hit the talk shows united against GA. they left it open to play several ways to guaranee a story somehow. even if casey puts the screws to CA and cuts her off then she has the" i tried to save her ad she sold us out with lies" story. the anthony's have lost sight of Caylee. she is now a name to copyright and a story to sell. just like how they knew she wasnt kidnapped after smelling the death car but went on every tv show for their cause. tattoos, cruises, 5 star hotels ect. they only went silent when it was time for the defense to plan the story. im sure they knew after a month Caylee was dead. they may have loved her but they soon realized the loved money just as much. JMO
i think casey killed caylee. i think GA and CA had no clue. after the 911 call and the info from LE that there was no zanny CA realized she screwed up by calling LE cuz now she no longer had control of the situatuon. GA tried to help LE at 1st thinking its the right thing to do. CA felt guilt over having casey arrested and thus began the coverup mode. GA had to go along for the ride since without CA he had no place to live no money, no job. covering up their suspicions and going along with the zanny story they no longer had to work, made $, went on tv and had a cause. they figured it wasnt too bad-hey this is profitable. i truly think GA and CA hae no clue how Caylee died but it knew she was dead and Casey had something to do with it. GA was probably fine with Casey being in jail secretly. once the DP was put on the table the family freaked out and felt guilty. CA for the 911 call and GA for the grand jury testimony and the tongue lashing from CA. at that point they decided to do anything it took to save casey from the DP. they went along with whatever the DT came up with for trial out of guilt JB ellicited. GA mainly to appease CA. i think GA never realized casey would be aquitted on all charges and merely was appeasing CA enough to spare Casey the DP and hoped for manslaughter or something. CA being wiley knew to play along and being the greedy manipulative beotch she is played her testimony to both sides to ensure to cover her bases. one to "save" casey, the other to ellicit sympathy from the nation as grieving grandma who may lose her daughter. hence the "u never know what CA will say today" testimony. to this day they dont know how Caylee died and that is partly their fault for covering up for Casey. without all false info from family and cleaning the car and covering up her crime they may have had answers.
the drowning story i believe came within the last year and the anthonys may have been taken by surprise on that part. i think that was JB's ace in the sleeve saved for OS. the molestation was learned prior and CA made sure everyone knew to go ahead and deny it but to look hedgy about it and anything else the DT thru at them. they feared caseys wrath if the didnt play along to some degree. they had no way of knowing if the DT strategy would work but they were willing to try..if only to say they tried to save casey from death. honestly deep down i think they hoped/assumed she would have been convicted. then the money would be all their since casey couldnt profit AND they would have had a huge story as grieving grandparetns with a convicted daughter. now they are just purjurors and molesters who are complicit in a murderer walking. NOT what they had planned. they wanted a conviction but their dysfunction would not allow them to get it. they kept slipping into save casey at all costs mode and its going to bite them on their hineys.
I am glad to see this thread, because I have been thinking a lot of the same things about the whole family, Lee IMO was so FAKE in his testimony about the baby shower crying etc. I heard Ashton tonight on one of the shows on HLN say that Lee did NOT act that way during his depo so when he started crying during the trial it was like a 360...For George to seem to be throwing ICA under the bus, Cindy lying about computer searches and they all are sitting together? CA and LA impeached each other about the pyschic and the PI's searching yet were seen afterwards in the elevator chatting away....and then for her sentencing CA and GA are overheard discussing how "beautiful" ICA looked great big "HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" IMO the whole family is whacko and that poor little angel will NEVER get the justice she deserves!!! I keep thinking that the next REALITY SHOW we will see will be LIES WITH THE ANTHONY'S....May you RIP little Caylee...
hence the confusing testimony. they played all sides. if casey went to prison or got the DP the nation would grieve for poor george and cindy and all they suffered. there is $$$ in that story and a lifetime of stress disability payments. if casey walks then the could make $$ parading around selling her innocence and they can hitch their wagon to her gravy train of publicity. another $$$ plan... GA leaves cindy to sell his own story about being falsely accused and CA and Casey hit the talk shows united against GA. they left it open to play several ways to guaranee a story somehow. even if casey puts the screws to CA and cuts her off then she has the" i tried to save her ad she sold us out with lies" story. the anthony's have lost sight of Caylee. she is now a name to copyright and a story to sell. just like how they knew she wasnt kidnapped after smelling the death car but went on every tv show for their cause. tattoos, cruises, 5 star hotels ect. they only went silent when it was time for the defense to plan the story. im sure they knew after a month Caylee was dead. they may have loved her but they soon realized the loved money just as much. JMO

JHMO, but the last sentence should be they soon realized they loved money even more.
You, know, and this is my opinion only---a lot of THs and a lot of posters and a lot of comment writers are all asking the same question: How could this have happened....and a lot of it is just easy to eat the prosecution's case wasn't strong enough. Well, we here all know (and anyone else who watched the trial) --that it all boils down to one thing: The smarmy, backhanded LIES and sleazy tactics employed by the defense through out the 44 days of trial ACTUALLY worked on this jury. Why aren't there MSM reports on this? Why can't anyone admit what we all saw happen, actually happened???

Nope. They are that cunning and diabolical. The aim is to confuse and they sure did that...they are experts at it. Lifetime of practice.


I couldn't agree more. After the anger and emotion settled down with me yesterday and I got back to RL, I had a light bulb moment and came to the same conclusion as most of the posters here. This whole thing was put together with JB, ICA, CA, GA and the Anthony attorney. It was meant to cause nothing but confusion for the jury.

I wonder if over time some of the people feeling sympathy for the A's will also realize this. My hope at this time is that they just go away and I never have to hear of them again, EVER.
I still do not understand why, if Casey wanted to call incest and accident, she did not do it years ago instead of sititng in a jail cell for 3 years.

Why go all the way to putting your life on the line. She got really lucky with that jury. She could be on death row right now.

If all the A's are in on this together...this, whatever it is...why make KC the scapegoat and let her risk her life?

Why would SHE risk her life?

No - not lucky. They had to complete the script over three years. By the time the trial came, the script was ripe for publishing.
I feel that they are all in on it...but when did the cover up start? If Caylee's death was an accident, did it start right then and the whole "31 days "was concocted?

It did confuse me though when it seemed George was throwing ICA under the bus the last few days of the trial.

I remember when I first heard about Caylee missing & I started following everything (mostly from Nancy Grace & this website). In the beginning remember how Cindy & George moved a bush around their pool & during a 4th of July weekend (or maybe during the week, I just know it was near July 4) they had pavers replaced, or newly put in the back yard? It seemed weird considering the "anguish" they were going through. I don't remember when the bush had been moved, but I just remember thinking how fishy a family they seemed right from the get go. I always thought she drowned & before I knew what a lying family they are, I thought it was an accident KC was afraid to admit. I still think she drowned, but I can't even fathom what the circumstances around it are. I only know the whole family knew she wasn't missing, probably right from July 16.
They are really consummate con artists. And we thought they (including Jose) were Not That Smart ;-) They sure fooled us.

The Anthony's began lying right from the get go, and I think that was the genesis of this plan. If everyone is such a blatant liar, who do you believe? No wonder we don't know which end is up! It's been such a crazy ride. And it's not over. They all stand to make big $$$$$$ on their media blitz and getting the *real* story out :sick:

Why can't someone expose this for what it is, and put an end to it? :cry:

Love your veiled reference there. I always knew that was somebody.

I couldn't agree more. After the anger and emotion settled down with me yesterday and I got back to RL, I had a light bulb moment and came to the same conclusion as most of the posters here. This whole thing was put together with JB, ICA, CA, GA and the Anthony attorney. It was meant to cause nothing but confusion for the jury.

I wonder if over time some of the people feeling sympathy for the A's will also realize this. My hope at this time is that they just go away and I never have to hear of them again, EVER.

Exactly. You and me both. I had the rug pulled out from under my reality a couple of days ago. I nearly lost faith in mankind. But then the numbness started to wear off, and I had a very clear picture of what just happened. It was solidified yesterday with George and Cindy in court talking lovingly about how beautiful their daughter looked.
Just think about it....seriously? You have been accused in front of the ENTIRE WORLD OF PUTTING YOUR P____S in your daughter's mouth, You commit a crime of perjury in front of the ENTIRE WORLD, but you sit unified in the back of the courtroom, and then you SMILE LIKE THE CHESHIRE CAT when she is found NG and your admire how long her hair has gotten while sitting in jail thinking up the unthinkable.
CMA......CMA......CMA......... Cover My Azz......Cover My Azz....Cover My Azz
:yes: I think it was started on June 15, 2008....

But the big SHOW aka Charade, started 6 weeks before trial.

ALL of them met with JB and formed the plan to get ICA off....:banghead:

And GA is the best actor of all....:steamed:
Exactly. You and me both. I had the rug pulled out from under my reality a couple of days ago. I nearly lost faith in mankind. But then the numbness started to wear off, and I had a very clear picture of what just happened. It was solidified yesterday with George and Cindy in court talking lovingly about how beautiful their daughter looked.
Just think about it....seriously? You have been accused in front of the ENTIRE WORLD OF PUTTING YOUR P____S in your daughter's mouth, You commit a crime of perjury in front of the ENTIRE WORLD, but you sit unified in the back of the courtroom, and then you SMILE LIKE THE CHESHIRE CAT when she is found NG and your admire how long her hair has gotten while sitting in jail thinking up the unthinkable.
CMA......CMA......CMA......... Cover My Azz......Cover My Azz....Cover My Azz

Spot On!
You know what strikes me a little odd? I really felt horrible for George Anthony throughout this whole thing....personally I always felt Cindy was a snake. Anyway, that testimony George gave about "Casey was the last one I saw Caylee with and one plus one add up to two in my mind" Sounds fishy to me. I wonder if there was some sort of back-room dealing with the defense and the Anthony family. Perhaps I am not articulating this very well.....but isn't it odd that George and Cindy were on polar opposite sides yet seemed to support each other so much. If your Husband was basically serving your daughter up to the prosecution would you still sit next to him every day? Maybe, just maybe, George's whole role was to confuse the jury into not trusting him. It seems to have worked. Like I said, just an observation.

If she goes back to live at Hopespring Drive, then I believe the entire family was in on that line of defense. I also believe keeping ICA away, isolated from her family was part of the plan for ICA to begin to go stir crazy.

I thought GA was being defensive for he was being used as a scapegoat. If ICA goes back home to live in that house of horrors, then it will be seen as a ploy...It also would appear to me that the two most toxic women of that home did this with the thought in mind of getting rid of GA...that way, CA would not have to give him 1/2 of anything, if the State wants to try him as a co conspirator in Caylee's demise this will work out well for CA. I do want the State to at least bring perjury charges on CA for intentionally lying about the computer searches but I doubt they will...this entire family got away with breaking the laws of the land...I await Karma to come full circle to them all...JMHO

But see, here's the thing: Is this family truly enmeshed/codependent/enabling as Jose put forth in his OS, OR are they intentional con artists/liars/narcissistic/opportunists?

Oakley, they are all of the above imho! :sick:
The writer of the script..... JB :)

Maybe, but I doubt that JB had the experience to pull such an elaborate 'script' off without CM orchestrating from the wings. The notepad list of all the elements missing, no DNA, no this, no that, that's CM's style in court. Along with using his age and the fact that he can't hear to make himself appear like 'harmless' old man. Very deceiving, but apparent, nonetheless.
If she goes back to live at Hopespring Drive, then I believe the entire family was in on that line of defense. I also believe keeping ICA away, isolated from her family was part of the plan for ICA to begin to go stir crazy.

I thought GA was being defensive for he was being used as a scapegoat. If ICA goes back home to live in that house of horrors, then it will be seen as a ploy...It also would appear to me that the two most toxic women of that home did this with the thought in mind of getting rid of GA...that way, CA would not have to give him 1/2 of anything, if the State wants to try him as a co conspirator in Caylee's demise this will work out well for CA. I do want the State to at least bring perjury charges on CA for intentionally lying about the computer searches but I doubt they will...this entire family got away with breaking the laws of the land...I await Karma to come full circle to them all...JMHO


Live - you have your finger on the pulse of this situation. The thing that always nagged at me since the beginning of the trial and JB's opening statement was the A's keeping the swimming pool up. This nagged at me and now this all adds up to BS and part of the story.

The A's will ALL be leaving Hopespring Drive for bigger and better digs but they will all be together.

Please let the state of Florida be pressured by the taxpayers to file perjury charges against CA.
Maybe, but I doubt that JB had the experience to pull such an elaborate 'script' off without CM orchestrating from the wings. The notepad list of all the elements missing, no DNA, no this, no that, that's CM's style in court. Along with using his age and the fact that he can't hear to make himself appear like 'harmless' old man. Very deceiving, but apparent, nonetheless.

After witnessing his single gun salute and crotch grab, he just may be capable of just that. Despicable.
IMO Cindy was never in denial. Their whole premise in the beginning was that the police were focusing only on Casey, but were willing to point fingers at anyone BUT Casey.
I took alot of hits for calling George on his fake azz suicide attempt and that is ok. That is why I love this site. We never agree on anything. And we don't have to. I have never believed he really tried to take his own life. His suicide letter was for one purpose, to deflect blame from Casey.
Both George and Cindy knew something was amiss when they got that car. Problem is, we only have the word of liars to go on.
But when did the lies start? The evening of the 16th? When George and Cindy walked the backyard, saw the 12 x 5 indention in the yard.
George told LE, he and Cindy were wracking their brains, what could have happened. Cindy said, "You don't think she could have gotten out and..."
Now here's the rich part. If you read their depositions and interviews, they talk in half statements, leaving the listener to infer their meaning.

Oh, and we all about fainted when Cindy and George moved to sit on the prosecution side. And they brought up six weeks. And all the media TH's fell all over themselves trying to figure this out. And Cindy's performance on the stand was overdone, just like Casey's room. And the media about wee wee'd over her pain. And she is sitting back there writing her book....did she take advantage of a SA who was trying to show compassion? Isn't that so familiar? George's fake suicide attempt? I remember after the psychic came forward, Cindy and George promised in a press release that they were willing to talk to LE and be more forthcoming/ Then they remained silent.

This family has played such a reckless game. And they won. And with that win they have jerked the rug of decency out from under all of us.

I don't trust any member of this family. I was sick that I had to pull for George and Cindy, knowing that their crimes were not going to come to light as a trade off for their testimony for the SA.

I want to see them go down for what they did, but could not see them taking blame for what they didn't do, just to save FCA.

I want all the truth to come out. I demand it now.

JMO Don't know if anyone has commented on this prior. My gut tells me KC and JB were not strangers when she hired him, I feel there is a history here and a much bigger "story" behind all of this complete farce.

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