They have a verdict!!!!!!!!!

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Cindy smiled. 12 *************** jurors find her NOT GUILTY OF ANY MURDER CHARGES not even MANSLAUGHTER. Nothing. When Judge Perry look at the paper I got a funny " unhappy" feeling. Not guilty of anything. WOW.
The fact that the jury, some of them at least, came in dressed up this morning indicates to me that they made this decision last night.

I think they're probably eager to talk to the media, get on the shows, get famous and maybe make money off it. Disgusting. The whole thing is disgusting.

Casey's going to be in demand for every show, every possible media opportunity out there. Think reality TV, etc., etc.

It's a travesty. Not guilty on everything but the check charges is not justice.
I literally cannot take this. I put my heart out there and loved Caylee and prayed for her to have peace. Now I have to live with this knowing she will never rest in peace. I just can't take it. Tell me you all don't think George and Cindy will take her in.
I haven't been able to get in. Watched the verdict at work, had to leave to getting physically ill. I wanted to be with all you people who would understand. This is a travesty. I do not understand the world right now.
Time for a wrongful death civil suit and a criminal charge of disposing of a body illegally (don't recall the phrase for that crime).

On the other hand, someone may pick her off as she strolls the streets and cruises the clubs. She is hated.
My hubby says Casey will be posing for Playboy next month for $$$. Crazy thought, but he has excellent instincts. Even said he thought she'd walk right before the verdict was read.
What are the ODDS that the 12 jurors assigned to this case would find Casey NOT guilty not only of Murder 1 but every other murder charge as well? Statistically improbable.
My son (16) is sure that not having a cause of death was the reasonable doubt that the jury couldn't resolve.
I am so sad. This is heartbreaking for all.
I was assuming the jury bought the accident story but no responsibility for the cover-up, she had to have handled the body afterwards, disposed of her, put her in the trunk? No punishment for THAT? I was leaning towards manslaughter or something along those lines.

I'm also listening to HLN say no reaction from ICA's parents but I did see CA smiling as the verdict was read so I don't know where they're getting their info from.
The jurors shoud take her home with them and hire her as a nanny.
My brother's murderer will walk free.......

No he won't! Don't lose faith just because poor Caylee ended up with no justice today. Many, many more cases end up in just verdicts instead of the insanity that happened today. Hugs to you!
I'm done with this case or any other case! I had faith in the jury as they seem to get to the truth. This jury doen't seem to want the truth. I know the truth & there isn't any jury that is going to sway me this monster is innocent. I will not watch anymore of this on tv, nor will I see the movie or read the books that are sure to come. Not one cent of my time or money be wasted ever again on this case.
It's horrific enough that ICA will go free but knowing we will have to deal with CM and JB and their smugness makes me physically ill.

And then add that I've been unable to talk with my friends and support here because the websleuths server has been crashed for me since the verdict came out means I am devestated.
This is what I refer to as the CSI Effect, and, an overburdened jury. No smoking gun. I see it happening all of the time. Just a month ago there was a case here where the young man confessed to a murder. The police never found the gun, and did not sweep for all of the bullet casings. Not guilty.

Poor CA and GA, they have to let KC back in knowing the truth, knowing they or anyone close could be next. I stand by my position that KC killed Caylee as you can see.

Now, I can say we will see more of her in the news in the years to come.

Congrats to Jose Baez and the Jury!
I am totally disgusted.. what is wrong with those jurors.. hey.. maybe they can hire ica to "babysit" for them.. nice huh? George and Cindy... look out.
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