'They Haven't Even Found Caylee's Clothes,' Anthony Says #2

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DNA Solves
The jury is still out on the clothing. There are also some reports that there was clothing in the bag. I hope we hear more about this soon.
Since she's such a CSI buff, I imagine she disposed of the clothes, if any, separately, to lessen the possibility of evidence to tie her to the body or implicate her in the death. That wouldn't be all that unusual. And clothes are a lot easier to toss somewhere than a body. Based on what we've seen of CA, I would never have expected a scenario of a "loving killer" wrapping the body in a warm blanket, with a favorite toy, etc. Think psychopath.
We haven't heard the details yet about the clothes or else I've missed it.
On greta tonight Dr Boden stated all the evidence needed would be on the tape. You have to leave prints on it / gloves stick to it.

I am so thankful she was found......
We need to wait for confirmation on whether Caylee's remains were clothed or not. Given KC's "excited utterance" (is that the right phrase?) about "they haven't even found her clothes yet" it's questionable...
Earlier today, another sleuth pointed out that maybe the pool ladder was used by KC to climb over the A's fence into this wooded area. Maybe so. Maybe to bury the clothes seperately, closer to the home. I'm guessing she drove Caylee's body around the block to place her where she did a day or two later.
We haven't heard the details yet about the clothes or else I've missed it.
On greta tonight Dr Boden stated all the evidence needed would be on the tape. You have to leave prints on it / gloves stick to it.

I am so thankful she was found......

(Bolded by me) IMO, the tape WILL hold lots of evidence. I posted this on another thread but, when Ive used duct tape I usually bite it to start the tear and then tear the rest with my hands. Hopefully KC did the same thing!
(Bolded by me) IMO, the tape WILL hold lots of evidence. I posted this on another thread but, when Ive used duct tape I usually bite it to start the tear and then tear the rest with my hands. Hopefully KC did the same thing!

Dr. Baden actually even said tonight that one time they got a bite imprint along with DNA because the perp bit the duct tape to help them tear it off the roll.
She also removed the doll's clothes. I still say the clothes were in the trunk on the 24th because GA spoke of seeing a pile of clothes there when she opened the trunk.
I still think she may have hidden those in plain sight at Universal Studios for the security guards to find for some odd reason.
I don't know what she did but the thought of this baby girl being tossed nude, into a garbage bag is more than I can handle...my daughter is Caylee's age...I'm just sick right now
The jury is still out on the clothing. There are also some reports that there was clothing in the bag. I hope we hear more about this soon.

It will be interesting to see if there was any clothing found. I just find it hard to believe that she would put the body in a familiar place and from what I've heard not really hidden that well, but have the forethought to remove Caylee's clothing?
I don't know what she did but the thought of this baby girl being tossed nude, into a garbage bag is more than I can handle...my daughter is Caylee's age...I'm just sick right now

The nudity and the duct tape are the worst parts for me, perhaps cause I too have a little one just a bit younger. My mind knew better but my heart kept hoping that it was an accident all along and KC just completely lost it because as a mother with a child smaller than that, I cant really grasp anything else. (I can barely grasp that - how does your baby die and you dont call 911 no matter how blue they are, in desperate hope??)

What. MOTHER. duct tapes her baby. and throws her nude. in a garbage bag. this is more than my poor little soul can handle.
I still think she may have hidden those in plain sight at Universal Studios for the security guards to find for some odd reason.

I agree that if Caylee's clothing was removed, Casey likely hid the clothing so that it would be found. The alleged "they haven't even found her clothes" statement seemed, IMO, to reveal the order Casey anticipated the recovery effort to follow. Perhaps she was amused that LE and searchers were just chasing their tails in her little mousetrap game. Perhaps she was also annoyed that the clothes hadn't been found sooner-- more and more time elapsed and still no evidence could substantiate Casey's abduction story, making Casey look guiltier with each passing day. The Universal idea makes a lot of sense because Casey took LE there to ask security if they had "seen Caylee." Perhaps she thought the clothing would have been discovered by then, security would hand it over to LE, and that evidence would naturally frame Caylee's disappearance as a believable abduction from "Day One."

In the interview with LE, Casey provided a strange and, IMO, revealing response when asked whether Caylee had a birthmark or other identifying features: "Caylee has very distinctive features, even if her hair was cut or changed”
LE didn't say anything about Caylee's hair being cut or changed. Casey just blurted that out. I think Casey used the cliche mall abduction scenario as her template-- an abductor grabs a child, takes them into the bathroom and cuts their hair and changes their clothes-- abductors abscond with little girls by making them look like little boys, etc. I think she could have planted Caylee's clothing in a relatively conspicuous location, believing its recovery would substantiate the kidnapping scenario. If Caylee's body was found unclothed, I get a really creepy feeling that we could also find out that her hair was "cut or changed."
That statement "They haven't even found her clothes" will ultimately be Casey's demise. If in fact the body was not clothed, only the murderer would know that.

She doesn't have to testify at trial, she already did.
she was not wearing her clothes when she died, probably just a diaper. kc took her clothes off to keep her cooler in the trunk. I think her clothes, and mama dolls clothes are in the backyard somewhere. jmho.
I agree that if Caylee's clothing was removed, Casey likely hid the clothing so that it would be found. The alleged "they haven't even found her clothes" statement seemed, IMO, to reveal the order Casey anticipated the recovery effort to follow. Perhaps she was amused that LE and searchers were just chasing their tails in her little mousetrap game. Perhaps she was also annoyed that the clothes hadn't been found sooner-- more and more time elapsed and still no evidence could substantiate Casey's abduction story, making Casey look guiltier with each passing day. The Universal idea makes a lot of sense because Casey took LE there to ask security if they had "seen Caylee." Perhaps she thought the clothing would have been discovered by then, security would hand it over to LE, and that evidence would naturally frame Caylee's disappearance as a believable abduction from "Day One."

In the interview with LE, Casey provided a strange and, IMO, revealing response when asked whether Caylee had a birthmark or other identifying features: "Caylee has very distinctive features, even if her hair was cut or changed”
LE didn't say anything about Caylee's hair being cut or changed. Casey just blurted that out. I think Casey used the cliche mall abduction scenario as her template-- an abductor grabs a child, takes them into the bathroom and cuts their hair and changes their clothes-- abductors abscond with little girls by making them look like little boys, etc. I think she could have planted Caylee's clothing in a relatively conspicuous location, believing its recovery would substantiate the kidnapping scenario. If Caylee's body was found unclothed, I get a really creepy feeling that we could also find out that her hair was "cut or changed."

ITA. She has put time and effort into her staging. She is going to be PIZZED that things were not found in the order she wanted them to be. It would not suprise me if she STILL tries to lead LE to more of her "clues" that point to abduction by the non-existant Zanny/nanny.

I wonder if Mrs Baden is going to allow any interviews with her client. I guess we can only cross our fingers and pray...
That statement "They haven't even found her clothes" will ultimately be Casey's demise. If in fact the body was not clothed, only the murderer would know that.

She doesn't have to testify at trial, she already did.

This will come back to haunt her IMO!
Another thought; CA was very reluctant to give LE her Penney's charge card info, saying she didn't think it was relevant, or something to that effect. I don't know if LE ever got the info from CA or subpoenad it directly from JCP, but the very stonewalling there was a red flag. Speculation on another thread was that KC purchased either a bag that ultimately the baby's body would be found in (proved to be NOT), OR a necklace with a cross that matched hers, or to replace one she'd had and was missing and possibly placed on the body as a last ... in a moment of soft-heartedness, albiet totally out of character for KC. SO, I am leaning toward a cross necklace in the bag.
It will be interesting to see if there was any clothing found. I just find it hard to believe that she would put the body in a familiar place and from what I've heard not really hidden that well, but have the forethought to remove Caylee's clothing?

You have a good point here. I'm still stuck on the idea that she attempted to stage a drowning shortly after the baby's death. If she did, then she may have removed the clothes before putting her in the pool and just left her training panties on her. Maybe the plan didn't go right when nobody answered any of her "flurry" of phone calls. She wanted someone there with her when she called 911. You know, someone to back her up on her story.

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