'They Haven't Even Found Caylee's Clothes,' Anthony Says #2

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This will come back to haunt her IMO!

I think so too. What worries me is that the defense will try to say of course KC's associated with these clothes, she's Caylee's mother for crying out loud!
I want to say something so mean about all the A's,but I'm afraid I'll get banned.
We need to wait for confirmation on whether Caylee's remains were clothed or not. Given KC's "excited utterance" (is that the right phrase?) about "they haven't even found her clothes yet" it's questionable...
Earlier today, another sleuth pointed out that maybe the pool ladder was used by KC to climb over the A's fence into this wooded area. Maybe so. Maybe to bury the clothes seperately, closer to the home. I'm guessing she drove Caylee's body around the block to place her where she did a day or two later.

I theorized that as well about a month ago in the sticky 'new time line what's that smell'. It just made sense.
I don't understand, why she would have taken the time to remove Caylee's clothes when she placed her in the garbage bag...I wonder why she was placed in the bag nude. I just don't get it.

Evidence was probably on the clothes she was wearing (blood (Casey's or Caylee's), vomit, soil if she was buried for a period of time). I think the clothes were removed because there was something incriminating on them. Just a theory....
The jury is still out on the clothing. There are also some reports that there was clothing in the bag. I hope we hear more about this soon.

I agree if Caylee had clothes on they were found with her, Casey would never take the time to remove them, this is a girl who only whated to get the job done and go on to party. There was something in the bag that made them sure right away it was Caylee.
For two days I have been trying to remember where the "they haven't even found her clothes" came from. Who did KC made this statement to? After yesterday every is starting to run together.
For two days I have been trying to remember where the "they haven't even found her clothes" came from. Who did KC made this statement to? After yesterday every is starting to run together.

If I remember correctly, she made the statement to "Tracy", the girl LP had staying with her when she was out on bail the first time.
I still think she may have hidden those in plain sight at Universal Studios for the security guards to find for some odd reason.

Maybe she used a knife to remove the clothing??? The knife CA washed? I can't see KC undressing a dead body - too gross for her. But then again, duct tape? That would be grosser/more gross? Unless the tape happened before - oh no, please no...
Sheriff on TV last night said "no clothing". Media reported this morning that "clothes were found nearby"...whatever that means...
Remember that "spokespersons" from the OCSO don't always give the full scoop. Everything is still under investigation. I think there were clothes in the bag with the body and they may have looked for pics of Caylee in the same outfit dutring there search of the home. I think KC's comment about "they haven't even found her clothes yet" was a reference to a bag of clothes that she "planted" elsewhere to make it look as if Zanny took off with the child....perhaps near JBP or Sawgrass, hence her disgust with their inability to find them during the organized searches. JMO
Sheriff on TV last night said "no clothing". Media reported this morning that "clothes were found nearby"...whatever that means...

think it means she wasn't wearing any...they were found around the area....?

Sheriff on TV last night said "no clothing". Media reported this morning that "clothes were found nearby"...whatever that means...

Clothing found nearby... I guess those were disposed of near the baby and she thought those should have been found earlier, hence the comment to LP's inside lady. She probably thought the body would have decayed to nothing or been eaten by animals. I don't think she ever thought the body would remain. I think that is why she watched LP at Blanchard Park calmly. She figured the body was under water and that searchers were looking for minuscule objects and got strengthened by the hoopla.

Maybe the sociopath even thought God was looking out for her all this time with no discovery. She probably has a bit of a God complex. I think it is more Caylee saw the Grandparents act foolish on LKL and decided to roll over in her grave and with God's help get discovered.

Casey turned red when told the news. That is merely embarrassment.
I had a thought. Do you suppose KC took her clothes off and buried her naked to make it appear as if she were kidnapped and molested? Wonder how close her clothes were found?
Maybe THAT was the gas cans?

That was my first thought too. I wouldn't be surprised if she burned them somewhere, because after all, why was she close to the airport? There are still a lot of places she went and things she did that doesn't make sense. There is a lot of time where Casey was unaccounted for. If she didn't burn them, I have no doubt that she took the clothes somewhere else and dumped them. Possibly even in the carwash trashcan that she washed TL's car. I think the clothes will be as hard to find as Caylee was and they may never be found.
That was my first thought too. I wouldn't be surprised if she burned them somewhere, because after all, why was she close to the airport? There are still a lot of places she went and things she did that doesn't make sense. There is a lot of time where Casey was unaccounted for. If she didn't burn them, I have no doubt that she took the clothes somewhere else and dumped them. Possibly even in the carwash trashcan that she washed TL's car. I think the clothes will be as hard to find as Caylee was and they may never be found.

She could have been scouting around looking for a place to put Caylee's body . Maybe KC needed a place to hide Caylee quick and this was just temp , planning on going back to move her after she found a better location.

They are reporting that clothing was found on or near the body .
That statement "They haven't even found her clothes" will ultimately be Casey's demise. If in fact the body was not clothed, only the murderer would know that.

She doesn't have to testify at trial, she already did.

Wow, amazing insight! You are 100% right on that!
I think Casey believed they would find clothes first, because she believed that is all that would be left. I think she has actually thought about her own daughter decomposing. Perhaps animals would scatter the clothes and remains around so they would first see clothes. It is hard to imagine that anyone can be that evil and have no remorse whatsoever.
I had a thought. Do you suppose KC took her clothes off and buried her naked to make it appear as if she were kidnapped and molested? Wonder how close her clothes were found?

that is what I'm thinking as well..just another thing to throw out there see if it sticks......jmo

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