'They Haven't Even Found Caylee's Clothes,' Anthony Says

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di·a·bol·i·cal (d-bl-kl) also di·a·bol·ic (-k)
1. Of, concerning, or characteristic of the devil; satanic.
2. Appropriate to a devil, especially in degree of wickedness or cruelty.

Agree, JG appropriately described her.
Bring on the garlic, Holy water and Crucifixes.
....Absolutely, and after they threw me to the ground in JB Park, they threw Klee into the car with all these other children who I could see starting to strip the clothes off her. As they drove away, I could see clothing flying out of the car, but when I ran to pick it up, two dead squirrels dropped out of a tree above me, hit me on the head and knocked me unconscious. When I woke up some time later, the clothes were nowhere to be found, so I picked up the dead squirrels, put them in my car and drove to a neutral location to watch vids, cook lasagna, get a couple of bad checks ready to cash, come up with a matching club outfit and have sex. But I SAW clothes come out of the car, didn't see the license number, but I ABSOLUTELY saw clothing. I know she's close and safe with nice people who won't hurt her or kill my family as long as I keep my mouth shut!
Good one! You are quite creative!
sorry if this has been stated....but ...some childrens clothes are fire retardent...:( that could be one reason Caylee clothes inded up not being in the same place as Caylee...it would have shown burnt-and DNA from Caylee.....:furious:

They're not fire PROOF. They will withstand a certain amount of heat but it's not much. It also wears off easily with dryer sheets & wear.
Here's a question, and maybe this belongs in another thread, but if KC is writing letters wouldn't she have to buy paper, pens, and envelopes from the jail?
I think she has, check the Commissary thread...
You know how sometimes you have one of those thoughts that flashes into your head, literally makes you sick and then won't go away. Yeah, here's mine for today.
IF Casey made this statement and she made it in a certain context, it would indicate that Caylee's clothes are not with her body. Which means that Caylee;s body would most likely be naked. Is Casey sick enough to do something to her own child to simulate a sexual assault? No one would say it was her if they had found Caylee's body in time to prove that she was molested shortly before death.
I have a hard time fathoming that one. I really do. Parents kill their kids all the time, but for her to do that to her...I just have no more words. And I am sorry to share this very graphic thought, but it won't leave.

Hey, no worse than what we've speculated on the Ramsey forum...
Either dressed or undressed my question is--
Do gators eat decomposing human bodies?

A while back, a guy from Florida had said that alligators only eat their own "fresh kill".
If that is true then throwing a decomposing body into Econ Lake would not feed it to the
gators at all!

I'm very interested to know if this is true, of course Casey may not have known if it is true.
You know, I remember the BlackHawk diver saying on NG that they wouldn't be bit underwater because the gators can't open their mouths underwater because of some flap in their throat, I think. If that is the case, then I think Caylee's remains could still be IN the river if she was thrown IN the river. ??
Does anybody wonder in light of this statement about the Mickey Mouse dress that was found??? Was it a plant by Casey to throw LE off the trail? Maybe that's what she bought at Penneys???:waitasec:
Originally Posted by yolorado View Post
....Absolutely, and after they threw me to the ground in JB Park, they threw Klee into the car with all these other children who I could see starting to strip the clothes off her. As they drove away, I could see clothing flying out of the car, but when I ran to pick it up, two dead squirrels dropped out of a tree above me, hit me on the head and knocked me unconscious. When I woke up some time later, the clothes were nowhere to be found, so I picked up the dead squirrels, put them in my car and drove to a neutral location to watch vids, cook lasagna, get a couple of bad checks ready to cash, come up with a matching club outfit and have sex. But I SAW clothes come out of the car, didn't see the license number, but I ABSOLUTELY saw clothing. I know she's close and safe with nice people who won't hurt her or kill my family as long as I keep my mouth shut!


Much better than the story Casey gave.
I don't think this statment is anything relevent. Casey DID describe caylee's last clothing attire when she went "missing". I think all she was implying is "how can they think she's dead if they haven't even found her clothes". It's so unimportant and doesn't mean she knows the clothing and caylee are in 2 different places.
Please, if you suffer from hypertension; don't bother reading.
On Oct. 14, I posted this from NG show:

LP: But Nancy, let me take you back to the shovel. She backs the car into the garage, she takes the child, lays her down, takes her clothes off, moves the ladder towards the edge of the pool, puts the child in the pool, gonna make it look like a drowning. The child drops to the bottom of the pool, she goes to the neighbors, pulls the shovel from the neighbor, comes back up, scoops the child up, puts her back down on the grass. Anyhow, all I'm sayin' is, there's your shovel, there's your shovel.

Nancy: Let me just say one line, the search for chloroform shows me that there was never any accident, you're saying that that would explain......

LP: You're correct, she wanted to make it look like a 911 accident. But it never happened, never happened.

Nancy: Understood, understood.

I heard Leonard say on tv yesterday that the reason she borrowed the shovel was so that she didn't have to get in the pool with Caylee to get her out.

At the time I thought why on earth would he say that Casey took Caylee's clothes off. Now it makes sense.

What is it with this girl ? How stupid could she possibly be ?
She signs her own name on one of Amy's checks at the bank, in full view of the security cameras, she's virtually left her own calling cards every place she's been, and she just blurts this out ?

We're being bombarded by bombshells; I can't even keep up right now. And if you think we're shocked now, just think about the evidence we haven't even heard yet.

Taking that child's life is horrible enough, but to take her clothes off, and discard her naked ? That is VILE. My brain can't even take this in. It's despicable. :furious:
You know, I remember the BlackHawk diver saying on NG that they wouldn't be bit underwater because the gators can't open their mouths underwater because of some flap in their throat, I think. If that is the case, then I think Caylee's remains could still be IN the river if she was thrown IN the river. ??

I remember the diver saying that on NG. I did a little research after hearing say that, as it was interesting and new to me. Here's a little of what I found.

From: http://alligatorfur.com/edu/pete.htm

Alligators have a cartilaginous flap of tissue at the back of the tongue that perfectly fits the inside shape of the throat. It fits so well that the alligator can open its mouth to catch and crush food underwater without letting water into its throat or lungs, but to swallow the food the alligator has to raise its head out of the water to let the food slide past the throat valve to get into the esophagus leading to its stomach. The valve flap has another use. It helps the alligator bellow by regulating the volume of air being expelled by the alligator when it exhales as it roars.
I don't think this statment is anything relevent. Casey DID describe caylee's last clothing attire when she went "missing". I think all she was implying is "how can they think she's dead if they haven't even found her clothes". It's so unimportant and doesn't mean she knows the clothing and caylee are in 2 different places.

Then it shows her arrogance or stupidity to think that finding clothing is necessary any more than a body to determine/declare a person dead. This was an OMG:eek::eek::eek: statement for me! Just like when Scott Peterson told Amber it would be his first Christmas without his wife.
On Oct. 14, I posted this from NG show:

LP: But Nancy, let me take you back to the shovel. She backs the car into the garage, she takes the child, lays her down, takes her clothes off, moves the ladder towards the edge of the pool, puts the child in the pool, gonna make it look like a drowning. The child drops to the bottom of the pool, she goes to the neighbors, pulls the shovel from the neighbor, comes back up, scoops the child up, puts her back down on the grass. Anyhow, all I'm sayin' is, there's your shovel, there's your shovel.

Nancy: Let me just say one line, the search for chloroform shows me that there was never any accident, you're saying that that would explain......

LP: You're correct, she wanted to make it look like a 911 accident. But it never happened, never happened.

Nancy: Understood, understood.

I heard Leonard say on tv yesterday that the reason she borrowed the shovel was so that she didn't have to get in the pool with Caylee to get her out.

At the time I thought why on earth would he say that Casey took Caylee's clothes off. Now it makes sense.

What is it with this girl ? How stupid could she possibly be ?
She signs her own name on one of Amy's checks at the bank, in full view of the security cameras, she's virtually left her own calling cards every place she's been, and she just blurts this out ?

We're being bombarded by bombshells; I can't even keep up right now. And if you think we're shocked now, just think about the evidence we haven't even heard yet.

Taking that child's life is horrible enough, but to take her clothes off, and discard her naked ? That is VILE. My brain can't even take this in. It's despicable. :furious:

I'm confused :confused: is that just LP surmising what could have happened ?
Do you know how difficult it would be to get a shovel into the pool to scoop a child out from the bottom ? Water becomes heavy when you want to put something in move it like a oar from a boat.. you'd have to be strong.

I cant see that myself
I remember the diver saying that on NG. I did a little research after hearing say that, as it was interesting and new to me. Here's a little of what I found.

From: http://alligatorfur.com/edu/pete.htm

Alligators have a cartilaginous flap of tissue at the back of the tongue that perfectly fits the inside shape of the throat. It fits so well that the alligator can open its mouth to catch and crush food underwater without letting water into its throat or lungs, but to swallow the food the alligator has to raise its head out of the water to let the food slide past the throat valve to get into the esophagus leading to its stomach. The valve flap has another use. It helps the alligator bellow by regulating the volume of air being expelled by the alligator when it exhales as it roars.
That is very interesting - thank you for locating it and sharing. In light of that, I still wouldn't want to be one of those divers...YIKES!!! :eek:
It makes me think that she removed the clothes due to the smell (urine, feces, vomit, etc.) soon after her death and disposed of them thinking more about the immediate situation than what was to come with the decomp of the body.

How could she do all this without throwing up ??

Just the thought of this makes me gag. :puke:

I wonder how many of her former boyfriends are taking long hot showers right about now.
How could she do all this without throwing up ??

Just the thought of this makes me gag. :puke:

I wonder how many of her former boyfriends are taking long hot showers right about now.

I know :( I cant even think about it or I will start bawling my eyes out
I have a daughter
I cant imagine it
I feel totally sickened by some of the stuff today that I have read in the evidence files and so on, that makes me angry at myself for ever thinking it was a accident and she freaked, Now I KNOW that isnt the case and that she absolutely premeditated it and I just want to cry...

How could a mother do this to their own child *cry* and carry on like nothing happend and go partying
....Absolutely, and after they threw me to the ground in JB Park, they threw Klee into the car with all these other children who I could see starting to strip the clothes off her. As they drove away, I could see clothing flying out of the car, but when I ran to pick it up, two dead squirrels dropped out of a tree above me, hit me on the head and knocked me unconscious. When I woke up some time later, the clothes were nowhere to be found, so I picked up the dead squirrels, put them in my car and drove to a neutral location to watch vids, cook lasagna, get a couple of bad checks ready to cash, come up with a matching club outfit and have sex. But I SAW clothes come out of the car, didn't see the license number, but I ABSOLUTELY saw clothing. I know she's close and safe with nice people who won't hurt her or kill my family as long as I keep my mouth shut!

Yolorado! How on earth did you get a hold of Jose's defense SCRIPT??? :crazy::crazy::crazy:
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