'They Haven't Even Found Caylee's Clothes,' Anthony Says

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The thing that gives me headaches here is: Who on earth to believe?

KC: she was wearing?

George: I saw her last and she was wearing

CA: blah-blah-prattle-prattle

Lee: inapropriate laughter

All of them LIE so unless there are receipts for every article of clothing Caylee had...LE is once again wading through the Anthony muck...

The only way IF any clothing is/has been found can be ID'ed if there is trace DNA...not likely after months...or a neighbor, store employee, friend had seen Caylee on that fateful night (?) day.

The only thing that makes it only a bad headache is...LE is NOT popping up on TV to rebut every act in the circus...which I PRAY means they are in the catbird seat...
I just wonder if they would be honest about anything missing anyway or if they would even notice one outfit. I have a bedroom full of toys and clothes at my house for my granddaughter and to be honest if one outfit was missing, I would probably not notice. Unless, of course it was one she wore on a special occasion or one of my favorites.

Thats exactly what I think too....if one outfit was missing I'd never know it. I find things around my house all the time and do the, "Ah, I forgot all about having this." jmo
Ok I have been up all nite and so this may be really off the wall. But I was thinking about this tonight and about the report that KC liked watching CSI shows. One thing that has always struck me about the CSI shows is that when they interview, the person being interviewed never says things right out plain- even if they are innocent. They kinda hint and talk around what really happened.

The report of KC saying that they haven't even found her clothes reminded me of something else that KC allegedly said earlier. That if they had listened to her they would have found Caylee. We thought she meant that they should have listened to her about ZFG, but we knew that was a dead end.

What if KC arranged some macabre treasure hunt. She may have arranged her clues to implicate someone else, so she cannot just say this is where Caylee is. If you think of it like a CSI episode, she may have planned to lead LE indirectly to the clues, leading up to an ah ha moment where Caylee is found and a suspect (not her) is found. Not realizing that people don't think like her, and don't understand her clues. And thus her seeming to be disgusted with LE for not finding the clues and Caylee. Because it is plain in her mind.

ZFG/Zanny/nanny/kidnapping was nothing more than the "vessel" to get all of the clues in. She talked about Blanchard Park- so maybe the cross that was found was one clue she arranged. I heard it was found on a jogging path, so the clues are probably not well hidden. Just maybe not easily recognized.

She talked about Universal, but I think that is a dead end because it wasn't related to Caylee. I think LE trued to use that to break her and make her realize that her story wasn"t believeable. I don't think she really intended that as a clue. She allegedly warned her parents against Jesse.... could another clue be near Jesse??? What else has she said that may have been hints toward where a clue might be?

We may have to look at what she has said, not at face value but more like it might have been presented in a TV show. After all, that may have been her model for this.
mysteryview that is not too off the wall. At first I thought she may have said it to be a smart *advertiser censored**, just messing with them. Then I thought how dumb is that when she knows they think she killed her, this would be used against her. It is possible she put things all over the place, but maybe with the intention of having LE look in opposite directions. She does like to think she is cat and everyone else is mouse.
I'm confused :confused: is that just LP surmising what could have happened ?
Do you know how difficult it would be to get a shovel into the pool to scoop a child out from the bottom ? Water becomes heavy when you want to put something in move it like a oar from a boat.. you'd have to be strong.

I cant see that myself

We had a 4ft. deep above ground yrs. ago. No way I could have fished something the size of Caylee's body out with a shovel. Although petite, I'm no weakling either.

I think it would even be a difficult task for my hubby to fish something that size from the bottom of a pool without falling in.

However, high adrenalin gives people strength to accomplish tasks that we think would be difficult or impossible to accomplish.
I think I remember the last thing anyone saw her in was George, a pink blouse and a jean skirt

(You know what ? I don't buy this about the blouse and skirt. I cannot tell you what I wore 31 days ago. Can any of you remember what your child wore 31 days ago ?)
....Absolutely, and after they threw me to the ground in JB Park, they threw Klee into the car with all these other children who I could see starting to strip the clothes off her. As they drove away, I could see clothing flying out of the car, but when I ran to pick it up, two dead squirrels dropped out of a tree above me, hit me on the head and knocked me unconscious. When I woke up some time later, the clothes were nowhere to be found, so I picked up the dead squirrels, put them in my car and drove to a neutral location to watch vids, cook lasagna, get a couple of bad checks ready to cash, come up with a matching club outfit and have sex. But I SAW clothes come out of the car, didn't see the license number, but I ABSOLUTELY saw clothing. I know she's close and safe with nice people who won't hurt her or kill my family as long as I keep my mouth shut!

Tee Hee! OOOOOOH JB. Now I understand. Yes, KC is mother of the year. It explains it all.
Great ideas here. I also think that she meant "I can't believe they haven't even found those yet." So it makes me also think that they could be in the backyard (or were at some point). People have mentioned how she couldn't have dug a grave in her backyard to bury Caylee in the short amount of time she had the shovel, but she could have had enough time just to bury some clothes. Maybe the clothes were put down on the grass/ground here and there as she was looking for a place to dig, therefore the dogs hitting on areas where the clothes might have been above ground, but missed them if they are buried deeper.

Under the hydragia (sorry spelling!) bush? Didnt Cindy mentioned they replanted one of the bushes in the back yard?
I don't think this statment is anything relevent. Casey DID describe caylee's last clothing attire when she went "missing". I think all she was implying is "how can they think she's dead if they haven't even found her clothes". It's so unimportant and doesn't mean she knows the clothing and caylee are in 2 different places.

I thought George described what Caylee was wearing. Did Casey do that as well? Is there documentation released of Casey's description?

Casey is maintaining that Caylee was kidnapped. Why would Caylee's clothes be found if she were kidnapped? You think the kidnappers threw Caylee's clothes out where they could be found?

I believe this statement is highly relevent.
You know how sometimes you have one of those thoughts that flashes into your head, literally makes you sick and then won't go away. Yeah, here's mine for today.
IF Casey made this statement and she made it in a certain context, it would indicate that Caylee's clothes are not with her body. Which means that Caylee;s body would most likely be naked. Is Casey sick enough to do something to her own child to simulate a sexual assault? No one would say it was her if they had found Caylee's body in time to prove that she was molested shortly before death.
I have a hard time fathoming that one. I really do. Parents kill their kids all the time, but for her to do that to her...I just have no more words. And I am sorry to share this very graphic thought, but it won't leave.

"If they never find her, guess who spends eternity in jail?"

Remember Casey saying that to Lee during a jail visit ?
Who do you think was dead and decomposing in KC's trunk?

The two "dead" squerrils who crawled inside the car. Seriously, I just want so badly for this child to be alive, just some wishful thinking. I forgot about the car.
Under the hydragia (sorry spelling!) bush? Didnt Cindy mentioned they replanted one of the bushes in the back yard?

I think that bush should be dug up and looked under...She could have been bought back to the house after the dogs left and put under that bush.....
It makes me think that she removed the clothes due to the smell (urine, feces, vomit, etc.) soon after her death and disposed of them thinking more about the immediate situation than what was to come with the decomp of the body.

This is as far as I read. The implication of what she has done just maked me so sad. From what I am understanding this to mean, is that casey took off caylees cloths and put them somewhere else. Now that poor little baby is naked and dumped somewhere, all alone naked. I can hope casey would have wrapped her in a blanket. To kill a child is horrible, but to not care about the "remains" after death is just plain evil. I cant stand the thought of that poor baby purposefully being undressed and laid naked someone in the cold exposed to animals.
Thats exactly what I think too....if one outfit was missing I'd never know it. I find things around my house all the time and do the, "Ah, I forgot all about having this." jmo
It is not likely that Cindy forgets anything in that house she bought and cleans. How could she throw it up in the perp's face constantly if she did that?! LOL Seriously tho...Cindy has everything just so-so in her house including clothes. Look how quickly she found that too little mickey mouse dress. Went right to it, I suppose. Caylee had not been able to wear that dress for a long time, too.
Casey is barely 5 feet tall. A shovel is approximately that tall. The pool in the backyard is easily that tall, even if the water level inside is only 4 ft. In order for Casey to have gotten Caylee into the pool, it would require her balancing up the ladder, which is possible. Dropping Caylee in, then, is a possibility.

Once Caylee's body is in the pool and sunk to the bottom, however, Casey, the shovel, the ladder, and the depth of the pool all work against a theory of using a shovel to scoop out Caylee. There is no way Casey would be capable (adrenalin or no) of reaching the body with the shovel at an angle that would make it possible. The drag of the water on the shovel, as someone pointed out, would be like that of an oar in water. She would have to drag toward herself if positioned on the ladder, then maneuver in such a way that she could leverage the shovel against the drag to pull up a 30 lb dead weight. The incredible force needed to do this nearly eliminates this theory as a likely possibility.

If Casey actually got into the pool with Caylee, it makes no sense that she would use a shovel to scoop up Caylee. Once in the water with Caylee and a shovel, it would require Casey lifting the shovel, fighting the drag of the water with the dead weight, up and over her head. The force needed for this again makes it an unlikely theory.

So why did Casey need the shovel? Occam's Razor says: All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best. Casey had to dig a hole. What could she have needed to dig for in this particular time period? She needed to put something in the ground or take something out of the ground.

The what and why are the speculative facts.
This is as far as I read. The implication of what she has done just maked me so sad. From what I am understanding this to mean, is that casey took off caylees clothes and put them somewhere else. Now that poor little baby is naked and dumped somewhere, all alone naked. I can hope casey would have wrapped her in a blanket. To kill a child is horrible, but to not care about the "remains" after death is just plain evil. I cant stand the thought of that poor baby purposefully being undressed and laid naked someone in the cold exposed to animals.
Dressed or not, the perp didn't care before, during, or after for Caylee. She planned this to begin with then carried it out. She is evil to the bone. I think she is wrapped in something, personally...but not because the perp cared, but because it was more convenient to move Caylee's remains around. :(
(You know what ? I don't buy this about the blouse and skirt. I cannot tell you what I wore 31 days ago. Can any of you remember what your child wore 31 days ago ?)
I totally agree. Most people could not because there was nothing happening that particular time which would make it stand out in George's mind. However, Casey would know since she dressed her and undressed her that day (possibly). I think she told George what she was wearing and since GA recalled seeing her in that outfit before just stuck with it in his story (false or planted memory). That is unless George saw her later after she was dead with those clothes or they were left in the car.
It seems to me that she expected these clothes to be found, where could they be? It must be somewhere near that sawgrass place, because if that was her story of where caylee was last seen by her she would have wanted something of caylee's to be found there to solidify her (idiotic) story.


I keep thinking that the dog hit in the backyard maybe her cloths. maybe there was decomp on the cloths and they were in the truck and she had already gotten rid of the body and needed to hid some things that smelled. I don't think KC would risk putting her body back there too risky someone may find her; and she was too big to fit under the playhouse. What if she buried them under the playhouse, BEFORE George put down pavers. He may have found them on July 4 and thought WTF and just threw them away. So when they get the car and smell the smell they run to the backyard first!!!
The force needed for this again makes it an unlikely theory.

So why did Casey need the shovel? Occam's Razor says: All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best. Casey had to dig a hole. What could she have needed to dig for in this particular time period? She needed to put something in the ground or take something out of the ground.

The what and why are the speculative facts.
I agree. I don't think the pool had anything to do with Caylee's murder unless she used pool water to wash off dirt before giving it back to the neighbor.
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