Things That Make You Go "Hmmmmm . . ."

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I've been sick and away from the boards so I apologize if this has already been posted...

Does anyone know where Tammi got the picture of EJ that she posted on her FB:

I just find it so strange that Tammi would post such a warning about EJ on Dec 29, but yet sound defensive/protective of EJ in interviews Tammi did after EJ's arrest. In this video, TPS talks about how she heard Gabriel in the background when talking to EJ. Tammi also says that after EJ was arrested, EJ asked her to help get an attorney to get custody of Gabriel.

Could someone post this video link to Tammi's pic/page where they are discussing why LE didn't search the landfills immediately?

ETA: Personally, I think this link should be posted everywhere that Tammi Fay and her supporters complain that LE should have searched landfills from the time of EJ's death-text. It would show her to be the liar and hypocrite that she is.
hhhhmmmm, so TPS felt the car seat EJ had was inadequate. She buys a replacement. We have pics of Baby G in the new car seat right? So why then later - after EJ has skipped town, does she (TPS) say on a phone interview that the car seat is in 'his' room at her house? I mean did she let EJ leave with the baby at some earlier point but say, uh, no you can't take this better car seat with you - you have to take the inadequate one? Doesn't make sense. I doubt that EJ would have turned down the new car seat.
Dang you are good!!!! LOL on "rod iron". TFFPRS (aka TPS) is a genius.

here is a HHMMMMMM- Tammi is selling a sink posted on the 18th of Dec. (right before EJ left) Is that because she is trying to get money to give to EJ?? The Smiths have plenty of money, but if they had given EJ a large amount of money say $500.00 (just so happens that is the amount she is asking for a $2000.00 sink) then it might raise a flag,LE could trace the bank withdraws, but this way it is untraceable cash??

From Tammis FB~~
When I noticed this, my stomach got that fluttery feeling, and I can't for the life of me figure out why. In the text that she sent saying she killed Gabe, she specifically says, she will email Logan the exact location.

Why specifically email? Why not call or text? This to me indicates that she did ditch her phone somewhere, likely resulting in the stray ping in Victoria. In fact, that may have been her last call from that phone, and then she got hold of Tammi from a different phone or the contact with Tammi immediately after Logan was her last contact from that phone.

I can't shake the feeling that this random thought is part of something pretty big, but I can't puzzle out what yet. I had no idea where to put this so it ended up here.
My biggest hmmm is;
Who did EJ trust, if : the father was in jail when the baby was born? if this doc is valid:
Where was EJ when she got out of the hosp? Who would she trust enough to stay with? This person needs to be in touch with her, not TS, IMO. She would obviously have trust issues, right now she has transferred the trust to the lawyer, who is not helping find Gabe IMO.
I found another CL ad (in addition to the sink, and king size bed) posted by T& S
In the description the reason for selling this expensive massage/detox table is because they are downsizing
The ad was posted December 30, 2009 --hmmmn
My biggest hmmm is;
Who did EJ trust, if : the father was in jail when the baby was born? if this doc is valid:
Where was EJ when she got out of the hosp? Who would she trust enough to stay with? This person needs to be in touch with her, not TS, IMO. She would obviously have trust issues, right now she has transferred the trust to the lawyer, who is not helping find Gabe IMO.

Do you have anything other than this document that leads you to believe Logan was not at the birth? Some of the pics we have seen look to be Logan at the birth and shortly after. Also, I read the document and it says Logan could participate in furloughs. He may have been home more than we know. :)

I agree EJ's atty has not helped find Gabe. I hope it is not because that is her best defense.
My biggest hmmm is;
Who did EJ trust, if : the father was in jail when the baby was born? if this doc is valid:
Where was EJ when she got out of the hosp? Who would she trust enough to stay with? This person needs to be in touch with her, not TS, IMO. She would obviously have trust issues, right now she has transferred the trust to the lawyer, who is not helping find Gabe IMO.

I must be missing something. I don't see where he was in jail at the time of Gabriel's birth. The most recent entry was Feb. 2009? I admit I don't know how to read these things.
When I noticed this, my stomach got that fluttery feeling, and I can't for the life of me figure out why. In the text that she sent saying she killed Gabe, she specifically says, she will email Logan the exact location.

Why specifically email? Why not call or text? This to me indicates that she did ditch her phone somewhere, likely resulting in the stray ping in Victoria. In fact, that may have been her last call from that phone, and then she got hold of Tammi from a different phone or the contact with Tammi immediately after Logan was her last contact from that phone.

I can't shake the feeling that this random thought is part of something pretty big, but I can't puzzle out what yet. I had no idea where to put this so it ended up here.

Did Elizabeth "talk "to Tammi at any time after say 11:00 AM on the 27th??
Or was their communications only text and myspace messages??
Now I'm even confusing myeself, lol.....Yes i believe TS knew about EJ's trip before she left, since she (Tammi) had a hand (at least) in setting it up. What I was trying to say in my previous post, but never got around to, was that she's not keeping her stories straight. She says one thing in one interview and something else in another interview that contradicts the first thing, then posts on her FB something altogether different.

Her alibis and explanations are so full of holes, it makes me crazy just trying to keep up with all the inconsistencies.

W8nC, do you have something that supports Tammi having a hand in setting up Eliz's trip. The reason I ask, is because after I recently went back through reviewing the case, I couldn't find anything that definitely pinpointed Tammi helping with the trip. I could only find one statement that indicated that Tammi may have even known beforehand about the trip.

I'm trying to keep an eye on this aspect particularly, because it would raise the likelihood of certain other things.

Thanks for all your work on this case!
I've wondered the same thing! If she is trying to "help" LE, why not get some answers to REAL questions, why ask stupid ones instead. Would EJ know the alleged couple's phone number, even if she made the arrangements herself? Probably not. Who knows phone numbers anymore. You dial a number you see written down somewhere, then it's in your phone forever. You never need to actually know it.

She spends 28 minutes on the phone and doesn't get a single bit of new or useful information! What's the deal with that? Thanks SO much, Tammi, for drawing out the call so we could trace the number of a person we have in custody....yeah, we need to know WHERE she was calling FROM...that helps SO MUCH and we're eternally grateful, lol.

TS has supposedly had THREE conversations with EJ since her arrest, yet she has not asked any pointed questions-- in the first call, any questions she asked were related to clearing her own name --- think about the statements she made during the first call in Florida

Why would she feel the need to state "that's how we met"
To back up the possibility that EJ met some random adoptive parents willing to do it illegally in a park? HUH? That's insane, why back that up, TS?
What other reason would you have? Let's see you need to get that in because if EJ gave her baby away to some random couple in the park, then that let's you off the hook!

IMO and I've stated this since that first interview, TS was in damage control mode, and going over the script they agreed to previously
(IMO EJ did not meet the Smiths that way)

I find it more than coincidental that both EJ and the Smiths were Craigslists users --this is telling
IMO it's more than coincidental in the timing of the nanny ad EJ placed and the Smiths' hooking up with EJ and Gabriel

Why do we believe anything the POI and EJ have said? What are the odds of two people from the same town in AZ meeting in an airport, one wanting to give a baby away and one happening to want a baby? IMO very slimm

What are the chances of TS finding an ad post on CL by EJ since she's obviously quite familiar with placing ads there, and obviously looking for a baby? IMO quite strong, much stronger than the meeting in the airport --

Oh yeah if you listen to that first phone call in Florida, notice how TS starts to say hotel and then ends up saying airport
W8nC, do you have something that supports Tammi having a hand in setting up Eliz's trip. The reason I ask, is because after I recently went back through reviewing the case, I couldn't find anything that definitely pinpointed Tammi helping with the trip. I could only find one statement that indicated that Tammi may have even known beforehand about the trip.

I'm trying to keep an eye on this aspect particularly, because it would raise the likelihood of certain other things.

Thanks for all your work on this case!

If the GPS came from TS I think that says a lot...Not hard evidence I know..but just seems odd.
Why would you give this girl a GPS to go on a trip you weren't involved in?
If the GPS came from TS I think that says a lot...Not hard evidence I know..but just seems odd.
Why would you give this girl a GPS to go on a trip you weren't involved in?

I've heard one rumor that Tammi gave the GPS to Eliz. I haven't seen anything to support it. Have you seen something to support it?
I've heard one rumor that Tammi gave the GPS to Eliz. I haven't seen anything to support it. Have you seen something to support it?

Well hence why I said if..I thought I remember reading that in an article somewhere..I'll have to dig. Then again the media hasn't been who knows?!
I need to save these things on my computer from now on.
I must be missing something. I don't see where he was in jail at the time of Gabriel's birth. The most recent entry was Feb. 2009? I admit I don't know how to read these things.

Logan's court records for his 2004 Solicitation of Burglary charges show that he was in jail twice for violating probation: 7/31/06-9/30/06 and 2/18/09-6/18/09. So he was in jail when Gabriel was born.
Would they let Logan out of jail for the birth of his son? As the pics of him with Gabriel as a newborn look as if they are taken in a hospital -- I could be wrong
My hmmn of the day is -- is it usual practice for a lawyer to send a letter to LE to prove someone is innocent as far as involvement in a case before or after they are charged?
This was reported in the news today
I was wondering if AZ Lawyer could shed any light on this move?
Is that the right link, Prof? I don't see anything there about a letter or any communication from the S's attorney to LE.
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