Things that make you say Hmmmmm!

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after finding out how the drug deals went down via the warrants, im having a hmmmm moment. i wonder if the UC was an aquantiance of Misty or Ron prior to all of this... With a "new" cell phone number since the disappearance and so forth, it tells me that she/they just met this person recently...enough to trust him that much? or did the UC state that he received the number from someone else & then stated what he wanted? if this is the case, then hmmmmm is it possible that Misty was selling drugs that night that Haleigh went "missing"? To a complete stranger? One report stated Misty & Tommy walked to the railroad tracks on buffalo bluff & entered the car w/ UC. maybe that night Haleigh was with Misty and they took a ride with the buyer & Haleigh never returned :( I was trying to see a pattern with the "sales w the UC" and for a minute, I thought I was on to something being that they occured on Monday's & Tuesday's but... no real pattern there. So... hmmmmm?
In Misty's list of waking up excuses, there is no mention of the freezing temperature in the house from the door standing open in the dead of winter. Even if she woke because of her bladder, her next sense should have alerted to the unnatural cold in the house.


Have always wanted to know what the responding officers noted about this... was it cold throughout the house? Or just a little in the laundry room/kitchen area?
after finding out how the drug deals went down via the warrants, im having a hmmmm moment. i wonder if the UC was an aquantiance of Misty or Ron prior to all of this... With a "new" cell phone number since the disappearance and so forth, it tells me that she/they just met this person recently...enough to trust him that much? or did the UC state that he received the number from someone else & then stated what he wanted? if this is the case, then hmmmmm is it possible that Misty was selling drugs that night that Haleigh went "missing"? To a complete stranger? One report stated Misty & Tommy walked to the railroad tracks on buffalo bluff & entered the car w/ UC. maybe that night Haleigh was with Misty and they took a ride with the buyer & Haleigh never returned :( I was trying to see a pattern with the "sales w the UC" and for a minute, I thought I was on to something being that they occured on Monday's & Tuesday's but... no real pattern there. So... hmmmmm?

BBM. Yeah, in my opinion that's a distinct possibllity, someone had to be at the trailer to carry on the "business". I even wonder if Ron was more worried about Misty being there to supply the "clients", or to watch the children.
after finding out how the drug deals went down via the warrants, im having a hmmmm moment. i wonder if the UC was an aquantiance of Misty or Ron prior to all of this... With a "new" cell phone number since the disappearance and so forth, it tells me that she/they just met this person recently...enough to trust him that much? or did the UC state that he received the number from someone else & then stated what he wanted? if this is the case, then hmmmmm is it possible that Misty was selling drugs that night that Haleigh went "missing"? To a complete stranger? One report stated Misty & Tommy walked to the railroad tracks on buffalo bluff & entered the car w/ UC. maybe that night Haleigh was with Misty and they took a ride with the buyer & Haleigh never returned :( I was trying to see a pattern with the "sales w the UC" and for a minute, I thought I was on to something being that they occured on Monday's & Tuesday's but... no real pattern there. So... hmmmmm?
During a couple of the drug deals, Misty stayed in the car while Ron left with the UC's money to go score. Playing on your theory, CG, what if Misty left Haleigh with a buyer while she drove off with one of her friends (or brother) to get the goods. And when they returned, the buyer was long gone with Haleigh.
Hmmmmm.... I'm thinking maybe misty did a drug deal with someone who thought haleigh was "cute".... and maybe knew misty was high so they came back later that nite or nights later and stole her.... I hope now that they know for sure she deals they get all the names of the people they sold drugs too...
During a couple of the drug deals, Misty stayed in the car while Ron left with the UC's money to go score. Playing on your theory, CG, what if Misty left Haleigh with a buyer while she drove off with one of her friends (or brother) to get the goods. And when they returned, the buyer was long gone with Haleigh.

Now there's a new and possibe thought!
Why was MC concerned that her phone was bugged. Innocent people could care less. Hmm
And the pink shirt.Hmm
Hmmm, all the innocent parents who have children stolen can't remember which bed their children are in. They all say someone bricked the door or broke in when there are NO signs of forced entry. HMMMM, they all move out and live in a tent and wonder if their phones are bugged. Hmmmm. They all have run-ins with in-laws and leave headless rats in mail boxes and LE let's them G E T A W A Y with it. A BIG HMMMMMMMMMMMMM here, no matter the subsequent trafficking charges. I believe every little bit helps, but maybe I don't have the same priorities as Le, HMMMMMMMMMMMMM???

Don't get me wrong, 25 - 50 years is NICE, and if it gave them enough rope . . .But, even so, what about all the other drug charges on RC's RAP sheet? Did LE spend all those years hoping they could catch him on camera? I'm of 2 minds about this whole thing, HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
During a couple of the drug deals, Misty stayed in the car while Ron left with the UC's money to go score. Playing on your theory, CG, what if Misty left Haleigh with a buyer while she drove off with one of her friends (or brother) to get the goods. And when they returned, the buyer was long gone with Haleigh.

This whole case has had me saying Hmmm when each one of the players said there first words to the 911 operator, media and interviews. All of them have me saying Hmmmm....

Hmmm, I wonder how many times these players went on a drug run with any children in the car? I wonder if Jr. was in the car on any of these occasions, could that be why Misty stayed behind a few times and if so, I would assume LE would have to report that to DCF and more charges would be on the horizon.
A five year old little girl who still had training wheels on her bike was "popping wheelies" in the sandy soil yard of the trailer. Hmmmm.....
The first thing that reallllyyy made me go hmmmm happened during the 911 call. It has remained stuck in my craw for a year and shaped all my feelings about this case.

I am one of many who had to lift her jaw off the floor when struck with the strong impression that Ron was referring to a specific individual during the 911 call when he exclaimed that he would have to be put in jail for killing the MF, etc., etc. And I disagree with the profiler (her name escapes me right now) who stated on Levi's radio show that she didn't interpret it that way, that many 911 callers express themselves similarly. Really? How many say, "My dumb *advertiser censored* gf let my daughter get stole?"
Bouncing off of bessie (and thank bessie, you reminded me of this:))

Ron said in the background of the 911 call that "he had better people to call" I also want to add that he also followed that comment with a hung on 911.

WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND (or maybe that is just it, hmmmm :)) WOULD SAY THEY HAVE BETTER PEOPLE TO CALL, when speaking with 911 operator, awaiting the arrival of LEO, to look into your emergency?
Why was Ron on the phone during the 911 call. As far as he knew Haliegh had just been snatched when he got home. Why wasn't he out looking.
Teresa Neves praised Misty as Ronnie's best est girlfriend and fiance after, and in FULL knowledge of:

(a) Her granddaughter disappearing while in Misty's care

(b) Misty's three day drug and sex binge with WBG


(c) According to Tim Miller, Misty's threesome with another girl around the time of Haleigh's disappearance ( Audio link at bottom)


Yet she hopes Misty STAYS in jail after getting her Ronnie locked up!

DOUBLE Hmmmm.....
The marriage...

RC looks quite angry & reluctant at the court house...before & after.
And in the wedding photos....

MC's girlfriends/relatives all seem to have baby "trophies"
As though that was their only purpose in life.

MC wanted Ronald & her own baby.
RC wanted a lover, a babysitter, maid, etc.

Was it MC, "Marry me and I won't tell of ____."
maybe Misty went to meet someone to purchase pills & left the kids home alone... and someone that knew they would be alone, went to steal something & Haleigh woke, so they took her. Could be why lil Jr saw men in black...
Misty,instead of Ron, calling 911. saying there was no way Haleigh had wandered off on her own. immediately assumed that she had been stolen. saying that Haleigh was deathly afraid of the dark-but slept wih no light? Ron Misty & Jr. sleeping ALL day. who picked Haleigh up? who had the van? the dumpster. what was the conflict with the stolen gun? Annette Sykes waiting so long to report being @ the trailer. the memorial tattoo. the marraige. Teresa Neves tearing down Crystal while praising Misty. Ron's arrest record. the man in black story being so swiftly pushed aside & discounted. the decapitated rat story. the rose memorial. Teresa Neves & the Cobra woods story. just to name a few.
Teresa aka Mom (the size of a football on RC's chest). Now that made me go :waitasec:
Bouncing off of bessie (and thank bessie, you reminded me of this:))

Ron said in the background of the 911 call that "he had better people to call" I also want to add that he also followed that comment with a hung on 911.

WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND (or maybe that is just it, hmmmm :)) WOULD SAY THEY HAVE BETTER PEOPLE TO CALL, when speaking with 911 operator, awaiting the arrival of LEO, to look into your emergency?

BBM - hhhmmmmmmmmmmm..I would love to have their cell phone records to see who he called after he hung up on 911..hmmmmmmmm

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