This is Ubercreepy. Casey Anthony, "She's close. She's close."

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DNA Solves
Yes, and it shows that George is great at giving lip service. That whole interview is uber creepy. His animation, then skewering Orlando Salinas with an expression of hate each time OS tried to get a straight answer...

and Cindy jumping in on the GVS interview about "she's close." stating what she felt Casey meant, when any other time when asked to give her opinion on something damaging Casey spouted, she reverted to her "I can't speculate, I'm not in her head."

I agree. I saw a story on GVS page about the grandfather walking down the street and ending up at the very location where the remains were found, I remember, though I can not for the life of me find the article now. I believe they learned where she was and how she was, and I'm still not convinced they knew at that time about the duct tape. Once they learned about the tape, they sent DC to get Caylee. Moo.

Hmmmm LL, pondering what you wrote above, your signature quote about the gas cans, and recalling LE's interview comment to GA "you're a man who knows a lot about a lot of things" --- I am wondering if it is possible that GA was busted about what he knows/knew (exactly what that is, I am not sure) and he spilled the beans and came clean during the GJ hearing in return for immunity? He was really upset that day as I recall him being interviewed with MN at his side. And we know the result of that was ICA's indictment after just a short hearing. Wondering what he may've divulged at that hearing. Or did the gas can incident and the duct tape come to light after the GJI? MOO

ETA: To get back O/T, I'm not sure why Casey said 'she's close to home.' Trying to lead them to the body so she could say Caylee was kidnapped and she could possibly be released from jail? She was being sadistic? This is Casey we're talking about. Really no rhyme or reason to what she says or does. MOO.
I agree. I saw a story on GVS page about the grandfather walking down the street and ending up at the very location where the remains were found, I remember, though I can not for the life of me find the article now. I believe they learned where she was and how she was, and I'm still not convinced they knew at that time about the duct tape. Once they learned about the tape, they sent DC to get Caylee. Moo.

LL...IIRC, George was spotted looking into some woods, but not on Suburban. He or Cindy (can't remember which) claimed that he was searching out a place for the Donation Tent. Yea, right.....let's put that tent in the middle of some woods. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: LOL!
LL...IIRC, George was spotted looking into some woods, but not on Suburban. He or Cindy (can't remember which) claimed that he was searching out a place for the Donation Tent. Yea, right.....let's put that tent in the middle of some woods. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: LOL!

I remember that as well. This was a different time. Casey was out of jail, first night, protesters were there and the headline on the article was Grandfather Walks off to Cool down. He walked towards suburban Drive.
Hmmmm LL, pondering what you wrote above, your signature quote about the gas cans, and recalling LE's interview comment to GA "you're a man who knows a lot about a lot of things" --- I am wondering if it is possible that GA was busted about what he knows/knew (exactly what that is, I am not sure) and he spilled the beans and came clean during the GJ hearing in return for immunity? He was really upset that day as I recall him being interviewed with MN at his side. And we know the result of that was ICA's indictment after just a short hearing. Wondering what he may've divulged at that hearing. Or did the gas can incident and the duct tape come to light after the GJI? MOO

ETA: To get back O/T, I'm not sure why Casey said 'she's close to home.' Trying to lead them to the body so she could say Caylee was kidnapped and she could possibly be released from jail? She was being sadistic? This is Casey we're talking about. Really no rhyme or reason to what she says or does. MOO.

Yeah, George was all BFF with the police and FBI, going out to their car to voice his concerns, sneaking down to the station to voice his concerns, traveling with them to get the gas cans...don't look at me, I'm cooperating!

I didn't clean that car out. I didn't do anything, I didn't search for the one person my daughter said had my granddaughter, because, my wife is such a strong personality, she wouldn't let me. Whatever...George=piece

Don't know what George is afraid is going to come out, but he was obviously worried enough about it to warn Casey during the first jail visit. And this was before he was "looking out for his family, who meant everything" by visiting the homes of women who shoved money into his donation jar. He also mentioned to Casey "when I did what I did, it was all decided." Wonder if that will come out as well?
In one jailhouse visit,(or possibly just phone call) Casey was also explaining a location with a weird description. "not level".

I believe it was with her brother Lee. Was she trying to hint at SUBurban?

I'd never explain a location as Not level. (going to look for that visit)
I don't think Casey was ever trying to give hints to anyone about where she had disposed of Caylee. I think all of those "clues" are not clues at all but only her lame attempts at deflecting any connection to herself. I say lame attempts because she couldn't even keep her stories straight as highlighted by many posters here. My favorite is the obvious incompatibility of "She's close" and "Zenaida never made an attempt to explain why Caylee is no longer in Orlando or if she is ever going to bring her home." (Casey Anthony Statement 07/16/2008; )

If she simply wanted help in moving the body she would have had plenty of opportunity to ask for that during the loooooong time she was at home on bail. I don't think she wanted anyone to know where the body was because there was no advantage for her in that. Her reaction, upon learning that a child's body had been discovered on Suburban, was clear indication that she not only knew whose body was there but also that she knew it spelled big trouble for her. She knew it would make her look even more guilty.

I don't believe she was trying to give clues; I think she was just trying to get through her next 10 minutes with any answer she thought would float. Moo.
Here's the bit where Casey tells LE she knows in her gut that Caylee is alive contrary to any evidence they may have. This is what I knew about, what I had seen. Obviously Casey said anything and everything to everybody, whatever she needed to say at the time, for herself. I agree.

I don't think she was ever really trying to tell her family what she had done(either/exactly), and I bet she never really said it out loud, but their actions show they did know.

So, does this video take place while she is out of jail during that long stretch? TIA.

I am off to go look at time lines now that I have some new awareness of this case. For some reason I thought I had the time line down(or at least I didn't think I was that confused). Here is one more video, one I had never seen before today. It is about George testifying before the grand jury. In it George says he would like to say a prayer for Caylee.

That is the only time I have ever heard anyone in that family say anything about Caylee. I had seen footage of the memorial service which I feel was not about Caylee and what she endured at all. I think it is telling that George said that as he was done with the GJ. I think the evidence presented in that court, plus George adding in what he knew/knows, made it horribly clear to everyone what Casey had done to Caylee.

Now, I need to know what we know George did next, as I said off to the time lines. Thank you to everyone who posts at Websleuths. I couldn't imagine following this case without being able to read here.


I don't think Casey was ever trying to give hints to anyone about where she had disposed of Caylee. I think all of those "clues" are not clues at all but only her lame attempts at deflecting any connection to herself. I say lame attempts because she couldn't even keep her stories straight as highlighted by many posters here. My favorite is the obvious incompatibility of "She's close" and "Zenaida never made an attempt to explain why Caylee is no longer in Orlando or if she is ever going to bring her home." (Casey Anthony Statement 07/16/2008; )

If she simply wanted help in moving the body she would have had plenty of opportunity to ask for that during the loooooong time she was at home on bail. I don't think she wanted anyone to know where the body was because there was no advantage for her in that. Her reaction, upon learning that a child's body had been discovered on Suburban, was clear indication that she not only knew whose body was there but also that she knew it spelled big trouble for her. She knew it would make her look even more guilty.

I don't believe she was trying to give clues; I think she was just trying to get through her next 10 minutes with any answer she thought would float. Moo.

I agree. Jose had already made it clear that Casey telling what she knew would not be in her best interest. That was early on, I believe, leaving me to conclude that he knew, she knew, they ALL knew.
Here's the bit where Casey tells LE she knows in her gut that Caylee is alive contrary to any evidence they may have. This is what I knew about, what I had seen. Obviously Casey said anything and everything to everybody, whatever she needed to say at the time, for herself. I agree.

I don't think she was ever really trying to tell her family what she had done(either/exactly), and I bet she never really said it out loud, but their actions show they did know.

So, does this video take place while she is out of jail during that long stretch? TIA.

Hi Chiquita

Guess I'm about to blow your mind again, because the answer to your question is.......she has just been arrested and mirandised for first degree murder. This was October 14th 2008. Her long stretch had come to an end but you'd hardly know it by her behaviour here.

When discussing this girl, we often hear labels like narcisist and sociopath. I think we see here, how well those labels fit her.
Here's the bit where Casey tells LE she knows in her gut that Caylee is alive contrary to any evidence they may have. This is what I knew about, what I had seen. Obviously Casey said anything and everything to everybody, whatever she needed to say at the time, for herself. I agree.

I don't think she was ever really trying to tell her family what she had done(either/exactly), and I bet she never really said it out loud, but their actions show they did know.

So, does this video take place while she is out of jail during that long stretch? TIA.

IMO, this video shows nothing more than KC doing her very own "fishing". She appears to be trying to find out just what they have on her. I am sure she used this same technique many times with CA and probably even a few boyfriends, and she actually thought she could get LE to tell her what evidense they had so she could begin to form the lies she would need to explain it all away. JMO, of course. I agree that she never wanted Caylee's body found. That duct tape is hard to explain.
Here's the bit where Casey tells LE she knows in her gut that Caylee is alive contrary to any evidence they may have. This is what I knew about, what I had seen. Obviously Casey said anything and everything to everybody, whatever she needed to say at the time, for herself. I agree.

I don't think she was ever really trying to tell her family what she had done(either/exactly), and I bet she never really said it out loud, but their actions show they did know.

So, does this video take place while she is out of jail during that long stretch? TIA.

This was when she was indicted for murder. Remember she was checking out the cameras and fussing with her hair and all ... she was waiting for JB to come down to the jail and have a "come to Jesus" meeting with LE. Of course, JB put a halt to that.

Here is a 22 year old accused of murdering her daughter, and she is just chit chatting away with LE, like she was in a coffee shop with acquaintances showing off her enormous degree of narcissism.
I don't think Casey was ever trying to give hints to anyone about where she had disposed of Caylee. I think all of those "clues" are not clues at all but only her lame attempts at deflecting any connection to herself. I say lame attempts because she couldn't even keep her stories straight as highlighted by many posters here. My favorite is the obvious incompatibility of "She's close" and "Zenaida never made an attempt to explain why Caylee is no longer in Orlando or if she is ever going to bring her home." (Casey Anthony Statement 07/16/2008; )

If she simply wanted help in moving the body she would have had plenty of opportunity to ask for that during the loooooong time she was at home on bail. I don't think she wanted anyone to know where the body was because there was no advantage for her in that. Her reaction, upon learning that a child's body had been discovered on Suburban, was clear indication that she not only knew whose body was there but also that she knew it spelled big trouble for her. She knew it would make her look even more guilty.

I don't believe she was trying to give clues; I think she was just trying to get through her next 10 minutes with any answer she thought would float. Moo.

I agree and I disagree... I don't think Casey was giving them clues during those visitations... I also don't think Cindy just happened to figure out that Caylee was out in those woods. DC knew exactly what he was looking for when he went out into those woods and that something was supposed to be in a black trash bag.

I don't believe Casey told them anything while she was out on bond... I think that once Casey was indicted, she told JB... JB then told DC... DC then told Cindy... and I believe that in those "secret" letters exchanged between Cindy and Casey is where all four of them set up the plans for DC to go out there and search for Caylee. Who could forget JB telling DC not to call LE if he found anything?

I just don't think any of them were smart enough to think about what the elements would have done to Caylee in those 5 months that she was out there. I think they thought that she would be found, all together, inside one of those many black trash bags DC was slicing through. Once DC didn't find Caylee... they thought they were in the clear... and I am so happy that they didn't find her, because I don't believe DC when he told LE that he would have called them if he did find something... because he would have called LE the moment he found that baby blanket!! I don't even want to think about what would have happened if they had found her.

I don't think that Lee or George knew anything about this... I don't think Cindy could trust George with such sensitive information... and it was clear in Lee's deposition with the state that he was very angry when he found out his mother had DC search those woods for a deceased Caylee...

What was in it for Casey if she told them where Caylee was?? She was indicted... something I don't think she thought would happen if they didn't have Caylee's body... she was sitting there hearing about the searches... I think she panicked... she knew if they found Caylee's body, with the duct tape, she was toast. So she took a chance... a chance that would have paid off for her if they would have found Caylee.
And clearly from those emails we have seen DC was taking directions from CA. If he never followed up on the other psychic tips why would he suddenly decide to follow up on this one if CA did not want him to do so. It is also suspicious that the A's were busy with the Meet and Greet while this search was going on acting like they knew nothing was happening. Lee admits his mother knew and also CA admitted to LE that she had had her people out there searching that area so she did know. jmo
Here's the bit where Casey tells LE she knows in her gut that Caylee is alive contrary to any evidence they may have. This is what I knew about, what I had seen. Obviously Casey said anything and everything to everybody, whatever she needed to say at the time, for herself. I agree.

I don't think she was ever really trying to tell her family what she had done(either/exactly), and I bet she never really said it out loud, but their actions show they did know.

So, does this video take place while she is out of jail during that long stretch? TIA.

Here's the bit where Casey tells LE she knows in her gut that Caylee is alive contrary to any evidence they may have. This is what I knew about, what I had seen. Obviously Casey said anything and everything to everybody, whatever she needed to say at the time, for herself. I agree.

I don't think she was ever really trying to tell her family what she had done(either/exactly), and I bet she never really said it out loud, but their actions show they did know.

So, does this video take place while she is out of jail during that long stretch? TIA.

Hi Chiquita

Guess I'm about to blow your mind again, because the answer to your question is.......she has just been arrested and mirandised for first degree murder. This was October 14th 2008. Her long stretch had come to an end but you'd hardly know it by her behaviour here.

When discussing this girl, we often hear labels like narcisist and sociopath. I think we see here, how well those labels fit her.

"I know in my gut, certain things you know about your child, you can feel that connection. I still have that feeling, that presence. I know that she's still alive."

"Whether you have a bucket load of evidence downstairs that contradicts that and says otherwise <she pauses> or all you have is speculation <pause again> or nothing at all <pause.>"

What chutzpah! Seems to me as if she is 'fishing' to see if he'll tell her exactly what it is they know (buckets of evidence, speculation, or nothing at all?) She comes across so sure of herself to the point of arrogance and condescension toward her interviewer.

"Whatever it is there's still that chance with these tips that have come through I know. How many have there been?" <Interviewer responds: There's been a lot.> "There HAVE been a lot. I know that a lot have been discredited."

Yup, I think she was hoping he'd show her some of his cards.

Reminds me of GA telling Yuri it would kill his wife if the baby was dead. He wanted to be the one to tell her first. I think he was also hoping to get some information as he schmoozed with the boys. JMO.
IMO, this video shows nothing more than KC doing her very own "fishing". She appears to be trying to find out just what they have on her. I am sure she used this same technique many times with CA and probably even a few boyfriends, and she actually thought she could get LE to tell her what evidense they had so she could begin to form the lies she would need to explain it all away. JMO, of course. I agree that she never wanted Caylee's body found. That duct tape is hard to explain.

Haha should've read ahead before I posted. I just said the same thing about 'fishing.' She is so transparent.
Since we&#8217;re talking ubercreepy..........those stills of her at Blockbusters on June 16th give me the chills. I think the concensus is that little Caylee was in that trunk. Where else could she have been, given the timeline and Dr Haskel's conclusions about the coffin flies. Was she alive or dead or in the process of dying?

I think the State will drive that point home to the jury. As Jeff Ashton says, the jury is &#8220;free to draw inferences from the facts they hear.&#8221;

Then fast forward to the vt of her at Target...buying underwear, sunglasses, that blue hoodie. Caylee............... Caylee who?

This trial is going to get very graphic and Casey "can't make it stop."
We've all characterized GA as being weak and doing what CA tells him to do because he's trapped (no money, living off of CA).

I don't think GA realizes the power he holds. He could "roll over" on both CA and ICA and tell LE EVERYTHING he knows and he could get immunity, CA could get prosecuted for obstruction and probably a host of other related charges, JB would get disbarred and ICA would eventually get convicted.

This could get him the divorce he needs, the house (if CA is in jail) and he would become the "moneymaker" for the story, the book, the movie rights, etc. After nearly three years, I can't believe someone in that family hasn't turned on the others yet. If for no other reason than to bring this nightmare to an end.

How can CA wield that much power and control over them to keep them all silent????? The only answer I can come up with is the threat of exposing DARK FAMILY SECRETS.
Haha should've read ahead before I posted. I just said the same thing about 'fishing.' She is so transparent.

I agree she was fishing. What I get from that is that Jose was also wondering just how much they had on her. She was playing his agent IMO.

She just thinks she is so much smarter than anyone else.
I agree she was fishing. What I get from that is that Jose was also wondering just how much they had on her. She was playing his agent IMO.

She just thinks she is so much smarter than anyone else.

They ALL seem to think that! An Anthony trait.

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