This is Ubercreepy. Casey Anthony, "She's close. She's close."

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Today was the first day I have heard her voice in over 4 weeks. I'm afraid of what Caylee is going through after 31 days. I know that the only thing that matters is getting my daughter back. With many and all attempts to contact Zeraida, and with in the one short conversation, on June 12, 2008, I was never able to check on the status or well being of my daughter. Zenaida never made an attempt to explain why Caylee is no longer in Orlando or if she is ever going to bring her home.

I have been reading at acandyrose, thehinkymeter, the Caylee Daily, and also a site called Bull Stopper that a Websleuther has in their sig line(I am sorry to forget who it was but thank you for that great link).

One of the sites was going through Casey's statement and brought attention for me to ICA's statement that "Caylee is no longer in Orlando." I had never paid attention to that before, I had always heard the line that is the name of this thread, "she's close." So I wonder when ICA went from her story that Caylee wasn't in Orlando to her being close.

I wonder why did Casey start with the "she's close" stuff? After reading from this thread I got the idea maybe Casey said that because of the searches being done. Because of the aforementioned sites, I was reminded there were hits in the Anthony backyard by the police dogs.

If it was me, I would know enough about police work(of which I know very little)to think if I had a body in my yard and then took it less than ten miles from my house: there was a real possibility that dogs would be able to follow that. I don't know if police dogs can really do that, but I would think that and maybe Casey would too-but now that I wrote that out it doesn't make sense. Casey would be giving a hint that she knew where Caylee was and that would incriminate her...she had given the statement that Caylee was no longer in Orlando...

so I'm back to my original question, why say "she's close?" I am asking this for myself, and more than likely this has already been covered but...I will go and listen to the part where Casey says this to get context.

I knew Casey had said, she's close. I had no idea she had said Caylee was out of Orlando. I figured all of the insisting by Cindy that the tips of Caylee being in other cities or other states was fueled by the idea/fact that Zenaida and the kidnap crew could not be located in Orlando. That when LE told Cindy there was no one at the addresses Casey gave them, Cindy used that/took that like they must have taken off with Caylee, because of course they do exist, ya know.

Websleuthers have been saying all along that Cindy started to cover up very early on, and I agree with that but I didn't realize how early. But, the more I read the more I see her cover up earlier and earlier. I will bump the post in this thread that gave me this idea: George was asked by GVS about Casey saying Caylee "was close" and Cindy got defensive! IMHO, you can see Cindy trying to dissuade everyone from the idea that Caylee was close to home.

(Originally posted by RevCrim #53 of this thread)

Isn't is strange that In August 2008 right after KC was arrested, Greta interviews GA & CA at their home, and when GA was asked by Greta, KC's comment to hime that " She's Close, she's close.

CA jumped into the mix and gave a very interesting reply- '
That could mean- within the central florida area, or the neighborhood, but I don't think that's what she meant, or coming home.
(end quote)

The GVS interview was August 5th, 2008. And Cindy sent Dominic Casey to the woods "close" November 15/16th, 2008 where Caylee's remains were found a month later.

It's like at that point, Casey was trying to direct everyone to where she knew Caylee had been left, but Cindy was trying to stop that? :waitasec: As I said, I will go listen to Casey give that information in context.

(Dominick Casey video)

It's a long, long time til May...

Isn't is strange that In August 2008 right after KC was arrested, Greta interviews GA & CA at their home, and when GA was asked by Greta, KC's comment to hime that " She's Close, she's close.

CA jumped into the mix and gave a very interesting reply- '
That could mean- within the central florida area, or the neighborhood, but I don't think that's what she meant, or coming home.

CA was not there when KC said this to GA- so how could she define what KC meant- and.. why was she so fast to interrupt and totally dismiss the idea that KC may have meant in the neighbor.......

By the end of June CA began to back away from all the things she originally said as fact and became quite defensive of KC. H-m-m-m-m

KC never tried to define- "she's close, she's close" , so why did CA have a need to try to do so.

Respectfully Quoted RevCrim

The question: why did Cindy need to try to define what Casey meant by "she's close" is a very good question. Thank you.

For the most part, I believe KC was leading lee on a wild goose chase...She did so with phone #'s etc. But the part where she says "check places that are familiar to us, check locally"..I think she was trying to tell him something there because at that time it was obvious that she knew that her family knew what she had done.

Why would she tell him to check places familiar to them, but write in her statement something to the effect of.."Zenaida will not tell me if she's bringing Caylee back, or why they're no longer in Orlando."

Respectfully Quoted Reagan :)

Here is another person who asked this question waay before I did. I should have read up like, four more posts. I have got to learn to use the multi-quote tool: it intimidates me. :snooty: :blushing:

So, we have Casey who may be thinking the jig is up regarding her family. Would this be before or after TM and George tried to get her to point to a place on the map? IIRC, it would be after because the jail tapes are from a time when she doesn't get out again. I started on this case after Casey was in jail and never came out again. So, that time is hazy to me, sorry. But, even if she was trying to clue her family in...I don't know why...except maybe she figured they would "take care" of the "problem" for her.

And, we have Cindy-who if she did know Caylee was gone, would have been encouraging the idea that Caylee was not close to home(so they could recover the body and cover for Casey?) or so the $$$$ train would continue.


Monday August 4th, 2008
ORLANDO, Fla. -- The grandfather of a missing girl said he had tough questions for his daughter over the weekend (snip)

George Anthony said he spoke with his jailed daughter, Casey, for about 45 minutes over the weekend and asked about missing Caylee.

"I wouldn't wish this on anyone," George Anthony said. "She said, 'Dad, we're going to get her,' "And I said again, that's another question and I said, 'Where is she?' 'Dad, she's close, she's close,' (Casey Anthony said)."

Casey Anthony said she's given all the information she has, Local 6 reported.

The family remains optimistic when faced with questions of whether or not the girl is alive.

"That's a question you guys keep asking me," George Anthony said. "And, yes, I do." I hope that is the last time you ask me that because I do believe that. I can feel that."

George Anthony said he realizes that his daughter faces charges of child neglect and accusations that she's lied to authorities.

"She has to pay for everything she's put herself through (and) her daughter through," George Anthony said. "I realize that and I think she realizes that too."

Anthony said his daughter has lost weight and is broken hearted behind bars.

"She is crying inside and broken hearted," George Anthony said. "She said, 'Dad, I want to be home for her birthday."

I think ICA really wanted to get out of jail(again), and thought if she gave the crumb that Caylee was "close" she could/would be let out to "help." She had put in her statement that Caylee was not in Orlando and that her last contact with ZF had been on June 12, 2008 where:

Zenaida never made an attempt to explain why Caylee is no longer in Orlando or if she is ever going to bring her home.

Up until saying Caylee was close, it seems like Casey wanted everyone to think Caylee had been taken away from home. And, her switch seems self serving, "surprise" while Cindy is being interviewed by GVS and saying Casey did not mean to say Caylee was close.

Hmm- so broken-hearted she makes no attempt to find her once she is bailed, GA's visiting friend states 'The answer is in that room but the *advertiser censored*'s not talking'
and GA is so close to his first meltdown, crying that he was not going to live a lie anymore.
Broken-hearted, is GA trying to convince us or himself ?
Respectfully Quoted Reagan :)

Here is another person who asked this question waay before I did. I should have read up like, four more posts. I have got to learn to use the multi-quote tool: it intimidates me. :snooty: :blushing:

So, we have Casey who may be thinking the jig is up regarding her family. Would this be before or after TM and George tried to get her to point to a place on the map? IIRC, it would be after because the jail tapes are from a time when she doesn't get out again. I started on this case after Casey was in jail and never came out again. So, that time is hazy to me, sorry. But, even if she was trying to clue her family in...I don't know why...except maybe she figured they would "take care" of the "problem" for her.

And, we have Cindy-who if she did know Caylee was gone, would have been encouraging the idea that Caylee was not close to home(so they could recover the body and cover for Casey?) or so the $$$$ train would continue.



KC hasn't spoken to anyone in family via video jail phone since her last arrest in October 2008.
Monday August 4th, 2008
ORLANDO, Fla. -- The grandfather of a missing girl said he had tough questions for his daughter over the weekend (snip)

George Anthony said he spoke with his jailed daughter, Casey, for about 45 minutes over the weekend and asked about missing Caylee.

"I wouldn't wish this on anyone," George Anthony said. "She said, 'Dad, we're going to get her,' "And I said again, that's another question and I said, 'Where is she?' 'Dad, she's close, she's close,' (Casey Anthony said)."

Casey Anthony said she's given all the information she has, Local 6 reported.

The family remains optimistic when faced with questions of whether or not the girl is alive.

"That's a question you guys keep asking me," George Anthony said. "And, yes, I do." I hope that is the last time you ask me that because I do believe that. I can feel that."

George Anthony said he realizes that his daughter faces charges of child neglect and accusations that she's lied to authorities.

"She has to pay for everything she's put herself through (and) her daughter through," George Anthony said. "I realize that and I think she realizes that too."

Anthony said his daughter has lost weight and is broken hearted behind bars.

"She is crying inside and broken hearted," George Anthony said. "She said, 'Dad, I want to be home for her birthday."

I think ICA really wanted to get out of jail(again), and thought if she gave the crumb that Caylee was "close" she could/would be let out to "help." She had put in her statement that Caylee was not in Orlando and that her last contact with ZF had been on June 12, 2008 where:

Zenaida never made an attempt to explain why Caylee is no longer in Orlando or if she is ever going to bring her home.

Up until saying Caylee was close, it seems like Casey wanted everyone to think Caylee had been taken away from home. And, her switch seems self serving, "surprise" while Cindy is being interviewed by GVS and saying Casey did not mean to say Caylee was close.


Why would she say "June 12" when GA said he saw her with Caylee on June 16 morning????
Respectfully Quoted Reagan :)

Here is another person who asked this question waay before I did. I should have read up like, four more posts. I have got to learn to use the multi-quote tool: it intimidates me. :snooty: :blushing:

So, we have Casey who may be thinking the jig is up regarding her family. Would this be before or after TM and George tried to get her to point to a place on the map? IIRC, it would be after because the jail tapes are from a time when she doesn't get out again. I started on this case after Casey was in jail and never came out again. So, that time is hazy to me, sorry. But, even if she was trying to clue her family in...I don't know why...except maybe she figured they would "take care" of the "problem" for her.

And, we have Cindy-who if she did know Caylee was gone, would have been encouraging the idea that Caylee was not close to home(so they could recover the body and cover for Casey?) or so the $$$$ train would continue.




Casey only ever gave one written statement, that was in the early hours of July 16th 2008. At this point she was giving June 9th as the day Caylee was taken from her. She was arrested later that day and and taken to jail. The jail tapes are all from period July 25th till August 14th. Padilla bonded her out 22nd August. IIRC, she spent another night, possibly two in jail after being arrested for the fraud charges August 29th . However, point is, she remained free on bond till she was endicted on October 14th for Caylee's murder.

Padilla's people were there for around 9 days only which means there were about 40 days, she was out and alone with her family.

I have no doubt that shortly after Casey came home from jail, Cindy had worked out Caylee was not coming back to her, though I don't believe Casey ever admitted what she'd done. At the time of Casey's endictment, Cindy, Lee and George would have known the following:

1. She lied to cops and took them to phony addresses.

2 Casey's phone records showed no incoming or outgoing calls for ZFG, Jeffrey Hopkins or Juliette Lewis. She had lied to Lee.

2. Lee attempted to call Juliette Lewis only to find the number he had been given was Brittany Schreiber's.

3. There was no second blackjack phone as her phone records show each call's handset and sim ID.

4. No call ever received from Caylee July 15th around noon.

5. She hadnt worked since first quarter of 2006.

6. The switch to the new JBP story.

7. She was not looking for Caylee during those 31 days.

8. Hairs consistent with female Anthony found in trunk, one reported to have proximal banding on it.

9. Results of the air samples.

All of them had experience the stench from the trunk first hand.

Can you imagine the conversations Lee would have had privately with his sister. George we're told worked till November and stayed away from the house quite often.

That meant mother and daughter spend ALOT of time together alone.
I always thought she was just talking to hear herself speak. Close to home, far from home, it was all a bunch of nonsense imo.

Casey only ever gave one written statement, that was in the early hours of July 16th 2008. At this point she was giving June 9th as the day Caylee was taken from her. She was arrested later that day and and taken to jail. The jail tapes are all from period July 25th till August 14th. Padilla bonded her out 22nd August. IIRC, she spent another night, possibly two in jail after being arrested for the fraud charges August 29th . However, point is, she remained free on bond till she was endicted on October 14th for Caylee's murder.

Padilla's people were there for around 9 days only which means there were about 40 days, she was out and alone with her family.

I have no doubt that shortly after Casey came home from jail, Cindy had worked out Caylee was not coming back to her, though I don't believe Casey ever admitted what she'd done. At the time of Casey's endictment, Cindy, Lee and George would have known the following:

1. She lied to cops and took them to phony addresses.

2 Casey's phone records showed no incoming or outgoing calls for ZFG, Jeffrey Hopkins or Juliette Lewis. She had lied to Lee.

2. Lee attempted to call Juliette Lewis only to find the number he had been given was Brittany Schreiber's.

3. There was no second blackjack phone as her phone records show each call's handset and sim ID.

4. No call ever received from Caylee July 15th around noon.

5. She hadnt worked since first quarter of 2006.

6. The switch to the new JBP story.

7. She was not looking for Caylee during those 31 days.

8. Hairs consistent with female Anthony found in trunk, one reported to have proximal banding on it.

9. Results of the air samples.

All of them had experience the stench from the trunk first hand.

Can you imagine the conversations Lee would have had privately with his sister. George we're told worked till November and stayed away from the house quite often.

That meant mother and daughter spend ALOT of time together alone.

Quote Respect krisskross :)

Thank you so much for your response. You have blown my mind. No. I did not know this, because of when I "came in" to this story. Wow. In my mind, I had it that she was home a week or so, I knew about Annie Dowling spending the night and the trips to Jose's office...

so I knew a lot but my brain did not put it together that she was home for that long. The impact of adding that information into what I know, is intense.

Annie had said she and Casey did not speak about Caylee, or about Casey's situation at all. Annie said she had personal problems she wanted to talk to Casey about, even though Annie also said she had stopped being friends with Casey about a year(two?)before because of Casey's lies, she said she didn't like being betrayed. I guess even though Casey betrayed her and lied to her, and was under investigation and had been arrested for crimes; Annie still felt Casey was the one to ask of her advice...

My long winded point is this: I guess this family can avoid the elephant in the room. They did with Casey's pregnancy. You asked about the conversations Lee had with Casey during this time...I wonder if he did talk to her? Did he talk to her about Caylee? I mean, I really really do wonder. With this family I have no idea how they would behave. I have never been able to avoid the elephant in the room, that is the opposite of my personality-so I truly do not understand and tend to see that ability as disturbing. :snooty: As in "what is wrong with you that you do not want to know? Something has to be wrong with you that you do not want to know."

As you said, George stayed away. George has, imo always walked that line. Makes me think George subscribes to "the devil you know is better than the one you don't" as his way of deciding why he won't just stand up for Caylee.

In the interviews with LE, where George talks about the smell and being former LE knowing that smell. He speaks of the tow yard and the smell, looking to the sky and asking that "it" not be his granddaughter. He tells LE he knows where this is going, that it is hard for him to believe that someone he raised could hurt someone else like that, but for LE to allow him to tell Cindy because "it will kill her." LE goes on to say that Cindy is the one who is hindering the investigation, the one who is hurting Casey, hurting Caylee, hurting herself. LE spends time talking about Cindy going to the media and saying LE is not doing their jobs, calling LE and telling them they are not doing their jobs.

Cindy putting down the idea Casey said Caylee is "close" is one more in the seemingly endless ways Cindy has railroaded this case all to her(or what she thinks is)benefit.

Ah, over a month she was home! I have to let this "new" information sink into my understanding of this case. Is that where the wire tapping of the Anthony phones comes in(if I have that wrong please correct, I do not know that to be a fact)? From watching shows such as Forensic Files, The Investigators, American Justice, etc. I get the idea that LE would have been actively investigating Casey and her family during that time. But that is television, of course.

I know so many others have sleuthed so much on this case, I have no delusions of finding something others have not...but I find so much I did not know about. I have no choice but to wait with everyone else but I really wish to hear what LE and the Prosecution have to say about this case.

I have always been able to hold copious amounts of information in my brain but since I found Websleuths, I have more than met my match. Thank you for your post, you saw exactly what I was not understanding.

When this case is presented to a jury, they will get a condensed timeline as opposed to jumping around the information like many of us have, they won't have to sleuth...or read about this piecemeal: and it will be (I need a good word here)..alarmingly obvious and in my humble opinion the jury will have the same issue I have had: no choice but to believe Casey is guilty of what she is accused.

PS: Talking 'bout it on another thread...but all of this gives credit(for me)to those who say Cindy has a movie/book deal in the works. Now I will re-read that thread to understand how soon the WSers are saying she became connected to those who make those deals. It makes me wonder if I will unfortunately, understand how soon Cindy knew Caylee had been murdered by Casey and decided she would make as much money off of it all as she could.

I have always felt that was true about Cindy, it makes me ill to think she has even thought about story rights, etc. when her granddaughter has not had her day in court. When the person who murdered her granddaughter has not been found guilty. I have posted that I have seen the micro smile behind Cindy's frown and a sparkle in her eye that gave me a flash impression she derives a certain enjoyment from all that has happened since Caylee left her life.

Money plays a huge role(understatement)in this case, Casey and Cindy were imo obsessed with money and material items. Shopping and getting new things. Caylee had been new at one time, but she was getting old(to them): how else could Cindy have not followed up on where Caylee was when Casey was so obviously lying? People in my world grow more and more attached to those they love as time goes by...

But Cindy wanted Caylee when she wanted her, used her for her own reasons calling it love and wanted Casey to take adult responsibility but she wouldn't. And, Casey wanted to punish Cindy for trying to make her grow up, I think she said to herself about Cindy "if you are going to try and make me do this on my own, you will see that I simply will not, I will get rid of the responsibility and it will be all your fault." Spite. "You were the one who held her first, tried to be her mother, but when I ask you to watch her so I can go to Puerto Rico or anywhere other than work: you will not. So, I will punish you by hurting Caylee because it is a win win situation for me." (paraphrased and made up by me).

Is this time period the same as the pictures I have seen of Casey with her "media" folder? I guess it was a busy time for dealin' during Casey's stay at home. :sick:

ETA: And! Whether they thought Caylee was "close" or far away, no one in their family ever looked anywhere for Caylee.

I think Casey's "she's close" was nothing more than her taunting her parents... Casey wanted Cindy to know that "SHE felt that Caylee was close... that it was in HER gut... as Caylee's MOTHER." She was rubbing it in that she held all the cards... not them. She had the power... not them... she had full control... not them... and she did at that time. She held all the answers. JMO
Quote Respect krisskross :)

Thank you so much for your response. You have blown my mind. No. I did not know this, because of when I "came in" to this story. Wow. In my mind, I had it that she was home a week or so, I knew about Annie Dowling spending the night and the trips to Jose's office...

so I knew a lot but my brain did not put it together that she was home for that long. The impact of adding that information into what I know, is intense.

Annie had said she and Casey did not speak about Caylee, or about Casey's situation at all. Annie said she had personal problems she wanted to talk to Casey about, even though Annie also said she had stopped being friends with Casey about a year(two?)before because of Casey's lies, she said she didn't like being betrayed. I guess even though Casey betrayed her and lied to her, and was under investigation and had been arrested for crimes; Annie still felt Casey was the one to ask of her advice...

My long winded point is this: I guess this family can avoid the elephant in the room. They did with Casey's pregnancy. You asked about the conversations Lee had with Casey during this time...I wonder if he did talk to her? Did he talk to her about Caylee? I mean, I really really do wonder. With this family I have no idea how they would behave. I have never been able to avoid the elephant in the room, that is the opposite of my personality-so I truly do not understand and tend to see that ability as disturbing. :snooty: As in "what is wrong with you that you do not want to know? Something has to be wrong with you that you do not want to know."

As you said, George stayed away. George has, imo always walked that line. Makes me think George subscribes to "the devil you know is better than the one you don't" as his way of deciding why he won't just stand up for Caylee.

In the interviews with LE, where George talks about the smell and being former LE knowing that smell. He speaks of the tow yard and the smell, looking to the sky and asking that "it" not be his granddaughter. He tells LE he knows where this is going, that it is hard for him to believe that someone he raised could hurt someone else like that, but for LE to allow him to tell Cindy because "it will kill her." LE goes on to say that Cindy is the one who is hindering the investigation, the one who is hurting Casey, hurting Caylee, hurting herself. LE spends time talking about Cindy going to the media and saying LE is not doing their jobs, calling LE and telling them they are not doing their jobs.

Cindy putting down the idea Casey said Caylee is "close" is one more in the seemingly endless ways Cindy has railroaded this case all to her(or what she thinks is)benefit.

Ah, over a month she was home! I have to let this "new" information sink into my understanding of this case. Is that where the wire tapping of the Anthony phones comes in(if I have that wrong please correct, I do not know that to be a fact)? From watching shows such as Forensic Files, The Investigators, American Justice, etc. I get the idea that LE would have been actively investigating Casey and her family during that time. But that is television, of course.

I know so many others have sleuthed so much on this case, I have no delusions of finding something others have not...but I find so much I did not know about. I have no choice but to wait with everyone else but I really wish to hear what LE and the Prosecution have to say about this case.

I have always been able to hold copious amounts of information in my brain but since I found Websleuths, I have more than met my match. Thank you for your post, you saw exactly what I was not understanding.

When this case is presented to a jury, they will get a condensed timeline as opposed to jumping around the information like many of us have, they won't have to sleuth...or read about this piecemeal: and it will be (I need a good word here)..alarmingly obvious and in my humble opinion the jury will have the same issue I have had: no choice but to believe Casey is guilty of what she is accused.

PS: Talking 'bout it on another thread...but all of this gives credit(for me)to those who say Cindy has a movie/book deal in the works. Now I will re-read that thread to understand how soon the WSers are saying she became connected to those who make those deals. It makes me wonder if I will unfortunately, understand how soon Cindy knew Caylee had been murdered by Casey and decided she would make as much money off of it all as she could.

I have always felt that was true about Cindy, it makes me ill to think she has even thought about story rights, etc. when her granddaughter has not had her day in court. When the person who murdered her granddaughter has not been found guilty. I have posted that I have seen the micro smile behind Cindy's frown and a sparkle in her eye that gave me a flash impression she derives a certain enjoyment from all that has happened since Caylee left her life.

Money plays a huge role(understatement)in this case, Casey and Cindy were imo obsessed with money and material items. Shopping and getting new things. Caylee had been new at one time, but she was getting old(to them): how else could Cindy have not followed up on where Caylee was when Casey was so obviously lying? People in my world grow more and more attached to those they love as time goes by...

But Cindy wanted Caylee when she wanted her, used her for her own reasons calling it love and wanted Casey to take adult responsibility but she wouldn't. And, Casey wanted to punish Cindy for trying to make her grow up, I think she said to herself about Cindy "if you are going to try and make me do this on my own, you will see that I simply will not, I will get rid of the responsibility and it will be all your fault." Spite. "You were the one who held her first, tried to be her mother, but when I ask you to watch her so I can go to Puerto Rico or anywhere other than work: you will not. So, I will punish you by hurting Caylee because it is a win win situation for me." (paraphrased and made up by me).

Is this time period the same as the pictures I have seen of Casey with her "media" folder? I guess it was a busy time for dealin' during Casey's stay at home. :sick:

ETA: And! Whether they thought Caylee was "close" or far away, no one in their family ever looked anywhere for Caylee.



I think you are a very perceptive lady.


Today was the first day I have heard her voice in over 4 weeks. I'm afraid of what Caylee is going through after 31 days. I know that the only thing that matters is getting my daughter back. With many and all attempts to contact Zeraida, and with in the one short conversation, on June 12, 2008, I was never able to check on the status or well being of my daughter. Zenaida never made an attempt to explain why Caylee is no longer in Orlando or if she is ever going to bring her home.

I have been reading at acandyrose, thehinkymeter, the Caylee Daily, and also a site called Bull Stopper that a Websleuther has in their sig line(I am sorry to forget who it was but thank you for that great link).

One of the sites was going through Casey's statement and brought attention for me to ICA's statement that "Caylee is no longer in Orlando." I had never paid attention to that before, I had always heard the line that is the name of this thread, "she's close." So I wonder when ICA went from her story that Caylee wasn't in Orlando to her being close.

I wonder why did Casey start with the "she's close" stuff? After reading from this thread I got the idea maybe Casey said that because of the searches being done. Because of the aforementioned sites, I was reminded there were hits in the Anthony backyard by the police dogs.

If it was me, I would know enough about police work(of which I know very little)to think if I had a body in my yard and then took it less than ten miles from my house: there was a real possibility that dogs would be able to follow that. I don't know if police dogs can really do that, but I would think that and maybe Casey would too-but now that I wrote that out it doesn't make sense. Casey would be giving a hint that she knew where Caylee was and that would incriminate her...she had given the statement that Caylee was no longer in Orlando...

so I'm back to my original question, why say "she's close?" I am asking this for myself, and more than likely this has already been covered but...I will go and listen to the part where Casey says this to get context.

I knew Casey had said, she's close. I had no idea she had said Caylee was out of Orlando. I figured all of the insisting by Cindy that the tips of Caylee being in other cities or other states was fueled by the idea/fact that Zenaida and the kidnap crew could not be located in Orlando. That when LE told Cindy there was no one at the addresses Casey gave them, Cindy used that/took that like they must have taken off with Caylee, because of course they do exist, ya know.

Websleuthers have been saying all along that Cindy started to cover up very early on, and I agree with that but I didn't realize how early. But, the more I read the more I see her cover up earlier and earlier. I will bump the post in this thread that gave me this idea: George was asked by GVS about Casey saying Caylee "was close" and Cindy got defensive! IMHO, you can see Cindy trying to dissuade everyone from the idea that Caylee was close to home.

(Originally posted by RevCrim #53 of this thread)

Isn't is strange that In August 2008 right after KC was arrested, Greta interviews GA & CA at their home, and when GA was asked by Greta, KC's comment to hime that " She's Close, she's close.

CA jumped into the mix and gave a very interesting reply- '
That could mean- within the central florida area, or the neighborhood, but I don't think that's what she meant, or coming home.
(end quote)

The GVS interview was August 5th, 2008. And Cindy sent Dominic Casey to the woods "close" November 15/16th, 2008 where Caylee's remains were found a month later.

It's like at that point, Casey was trying to direct everyone to where she knew Caylee had been left, but Cindy was trying to stop that? :waitasec: As I said, I will go listen to Casey give that information in context.

(Dominick Casey video)

It's a long, long time til May...

"She's close and she not in Orlando"...
Could have been hints
I remember thinking suburban was just outside the city limits... as was also KC's neighborhood....
Maybe someone else could confirm this?
I always thought she was just talking to hear herself speak. Close to home, far from home, it was all a bunch of nonsense imo.

Me too. When she told LA that Caylee was still alive because she felt a gut feeling 'as mothers do' - she saw that he swallowed it whole, so went on repeating it when CA and GA came to visit.
The 'close to home' comment was a Freudian slip when she was trying to impress them as to how concerned she was.
Re: "She's close," and any other idiotic thing Casey said in those early interviews:

She's spoon-feeding her listeners what they want to hear.

That's all. No code, no secrets, no deeper meaning.

The con artist is conning.

Casey only ever gave one written statement, that was in the early hours of July 16th 2008. At this point she was giving June 9th as the day Caylee was taken from her. She was arrested later that day and and taken to jail. The jail tapes are all from period July 25th till August 14th. Padilla bonded her out 22nd August. IIRC, she spent another night, possibly two in jail after being arrested for the fraud charges August 29th . However, point is, she remained free on bond till she was endicted on October 14th for Caylee's murder.

Padilla's people were there for around 9 days only which means there were about 40 days, she was out and alone with her family.

I have no doubt that shortly after Casey came home from jail, Cindy had worked out Caylee was not coming back to her, though I don't believe Casey ever admitted what she'd done. At the time of Casey's endictment, Cindy, Lee and George would have known the following:

1. She lied to cops and took them to phony addresses.

2 Casey's phone records showed no incoming or outgoing calls for ZFG, Jeffrey Hopkins or Juliette Lewis. She had lied to Lee.

2. Lee attempted to call Juliette Lewis only to find the number he had been given was Brittany Schreiber's.

3. There was no second blackjack phone as her phone records show each call's handset and sim ID.

4. No call ever received from Caylee July 15th around noon.

5. She hadnt worked since first quarter of 2006.

6. The switch to the new JBP story.

7. She was not looking for Caylee during those 31 days.

8. Hairs consistent with female Anthony found in trunk, one reported to have proximal banding on it.

9. Results of the air samples.

All of them had experience the stench from the trunk first hand.

Can you imagine the conversations Lee would have had privately with his sister. George we're told worked till November and stayed away from the house quite often.

That meant mother and daughter spend ALOT of time together alone.


I do believe they all found out the truth when KC was out on bail (if they didnt know sooner).She tried to tell LA but he didnt catch on,or was afraid to go there for fear of being watched by LE.I would have been afraid if in their shoes (God forbid).Casey went but wound up in the wrong spot.CA is still trying to save the wretched neck..
Monday August 4th, 2008
ORLANDO, Fla. -- The grandfather of a missing girl said he had tough questions for his daughter over the weekend (snip)

George Anthony said he spoke with his jailed daughter, Casey, for about 45 minutes over the weekend and asked about missing Caylee.

Anthony said his daughter has lost weight and is broken hearted behind bars.

"She is crying inside and broken hearted," George Anthony said. "She said, 'Dad, I want to be home for her birthday."
She is crying inside????.... Most mothers in her situation would be physically crying and sobbing hysterically on the outside! To me this shows (once again) that Casey is incapable of real emotions.
She is crying inside????.... Most mothers in her situation would be physically crying and sobbing hysterically on the outside! To me this shows (once again) that Casey is incapable of real emotions.

Yes, and it shows that George is great at giving lip service. That whole interview is uber creepy. His animation, then skewering Orlando Salinas with an expression of hate each time OS tried to get a straight answer...

and Cindy jumping in on the GVS interview about "she's close." stating what she felt Casey meant, when any other time when asked to give her opinion on something damaging Casey spouted, she reverted to her "I can't speculate, I'm not in her head."

I do believe they all found out the truth when KC was out on bail (if they didnt know sooner).She tried to tell LA but he didnt catch on,or was afraid to go there for fear of being watched by LE.I would have been afraid if in their shoes (God forbid).Casey went but wound up in the wrong spot.CA is still trying to save the wretched neck..

I agree. I saw a story on GVS page about the grandfather walking down the street and ending up at the very location where the remains were found, I remember, though I can not for the life of me find the article now. I believe they learned where she was and how she was, and I'm still not convinced they knew at that time about the duct tape. Once they learned about the tape, they sent DC to get Caylee. Moo.
"She's close and she not in Orlando"...
Could have been hints
I remember thinking suburban was just outside the city limits... as was also KC's neighborhood....
Maybe someone else could confirm this?

"She's Close" IMO her guilty conscience let that slip...Casey knew Caylee was close because she put her there. IMO.

"She's not in Orlando" Technically the A's do not live in the City of Orlando..they live in unincorporated east Orange County. IMO She just associates where she live as being Orlando...because it's the city most associated with Orange county and this Metro area.

Example: People say they are going to Orlando to go to Disney World..well Disney World is not in Orlando but in Kissimmee which is in Osceola County.

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