This thread is for the posters that believe Caylee is still alive # 3

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My prayers for Caylee and her family that loves her dearly........
There would be no harm, of course. I'm sure the Anthony's would have done that already (the translating into spanish part, and getting it to the PR news) since that seems to be one of their theories.

Glad to hear it.
Does anyone have any thoughts on another "tribute" we could all do for Caylee. The balloon release was great, though I know there was some issues about releasing them and what happens to the enviroment.
Any ideas on what we can ALL do that is enviromental friendly.
I really want to keep Caylee in the forefront as it should be.
Any ideas?
I apologize in advance if that has already been discussed or suggested.

Everyone can email or mail Caylee's picture to the various media outlets in your state (tv news, newspapers, community newsletters, church newsletters, etc). Ask them to post the pic or cover the story. Just a thought.
I apologize in advance if that has already been discussed or suggested.

Everyone can email or mail Caylee's picture to the various media outlets in your state (tv news, newspapers, community newsletters, church newsletters, etc). Ask them to post the pic or cover the story. Just a thought.

Yeah I already did that......nothing came of it though
Does anyone have any thoughts on another "tribute" we could all do for Caylee. The balloon release was great, though I know there was some issues about releasing them and what happens to the enviroment.
Any ideas on what we can ALL do that is enviromental friendly.
I really want to keep Caylee in the forefront as it should be.
Any ideas?

Does no one have an idea ?? I'm feeling very alone on this thread today :whistle:
I have no ideas... Maybe bumper stickers.. Or a bracelet....

Everytime something new pops up on these boards my tummy does flips and flops than it turns up to be nothing.
I think thats very sad.... for all missing children , if this is how things work, I'm really dissapointed !

I thought there use to be a show on early afternoon on sundays. Maybe a few years I saw it and the did clips of missing children. I wonder if it is still on. I don't understand why something like that can't be on at night or even for a minute after each news show.
I thought there use to be a show on early afternoon on sundays. Maybe a few years I saw it and the did clips of missing children. I wonder if it is still on. I don't understand why something like that can't be on at night or even for a minute after each news show.

I agree it's just not right that this is not more public, how about a little ticker at the bottom during the news, something anything. It makes you wonder how many missing children/ people you may have walked past and never knew !
for those who do not have time to make bumper is very easy to buy letter stickers for car windows... to post the website address of .
Also, Fliers!!! Any state, county, and city. Both Americas. It is easy to ask businesses to post the fliers, as well as many rec centers have free boards... tons of places to post the fliers legally.
...Another thing. It seems that Casey must have had SOMEONE looking after Caylee during the day most of the time or a lot of the time. With both George and Cindy working, she could not have left Caylee with them most of the time during the day. And she had told her friends that Caylee was with the nanny, and none of her friends have come forward to say that they were doing most of the baby-sitting of Caylee. So Caylee had to be SOMEWHERE when Casey was alone and the grandparents were working. Where could she have been? I can't buy that Casey was doping the child and stashing her in her car a lot of the time over the last couple of years. So maybe in fact there has been a nanny...

Excellent point...I have wondered the same myself.
why would the body of the girl found in the park be in Casey's car?

I have been wondering about this same scenario. I believe that Casey may have been involved with some shady people, not really realizing what all she was getting into. It's possible that she was there, a witness or indirectly involved, it's possible that these people used Casey's car to transport Nicole. It would explain why there is evidence of decompostion and chloroform in the trunk.
I have been wondering about this same scenario. I believe that Casey may have been involved with some shady people, not really realizing what all she was getting into. It's possible that she was there, a witness or indirectly involved, it's possible that these people used Casey's car to transport Nicole. It would explain why there is evidence of decompostion and chloroform in the trunk.

One of the suspect sketches in the NG murder looks like a photograph of one of Casey's friends.
Oh really? Someone specific or someone in general?

Someone specific. The thread on this topic was pulled so we can't really say his name. A lot of people saw it and have commented on it. Unfortunately, I didn't save it.
Thank you so much Christine for such wise comments.

I wanted to repost here some of my reasons for having reasonable doubts:(sorry it's so long)

Here is my thinking on the case, which I hope to be able to articulate without offending anyone. I am not sure if Caylee is dead or alive. I agree that it looks bad. However, I have a huge mountain of reasonable doubt. There are four things about this case I know for sure:

1- Caylee is an adorable Angel and she will always be in my heart, no matter what happens.
2- Casey is a liar and a thief.
3- Caylee is missing.
4- There was a dead body in the trunk of Casey's car.

Now, here is why I have reasonable doubt:

Many people here on this board, in the media, and in the general public have made the statement "I trust LE 100%".

This is a dangerous attitude for citizens of a democracy to take. Trusting authority completely is just asking for tyranny. There are many reasons to take the pronouncements of LE skeptically, not least of which they have made many honest mistakes, or mistakes born of incompetence and a desire to quickly close a case, high profile or otherwise.

But in many instances LE have made corrupt "mistakes". Remember the Riley Fox case? I bet the Sheriff in that case told the media many lies about Kevin Fox in a corrupt desire to be re-elected. Kevin Fox is sitting home today, innocent as can be while the real murderer has had years of freedom while the evidence grows cold.

LE has said that there are "indications" "suggestions" that Caylee was in the trunk, dead. There is no reason, if they have the reports back from the labs and they show Caylee to be dead, for them NOT to come right out and say: "Caylee was dead in the trunk. No question". Forensic science of this sort does not 'indicate' anything. Caylee is either dead or alive. Period.

Lies, distortions, and spin in the media-(remember "WMD"?)


Media reports have taken the leaks about chloroform and run with them. According to NG and the rest of the media the trunk had "significant amounts" of and the air was "saturated" with chloroform. The whole world now thinks Casey either used the chemical to drug Caylee or to murder her. But could that possibly be true?

Chloroform is an ingredient in many pesticides. If Casey had used it on Caylee, there would have been NO INSECT ACTIVITY in the trunk of her car at the tow yard. But according to the testimony of the tow yard employee, we know that there was. If the trunk was "saturated" at the time of testing, how much moreso must it have been at the tow yard?

ZG/Samantha/the script

How do we know that Casey ever changed her story on this score? First, LP said that Casey told him the script story in the living room of the Anthony home. When he told NG about it, he added that he told Casey he didn't want to know from ZG. Casey then told him to get out of her house. NG was outraged that she would have the gall to tell him that about her parents home.

Then, someone must have pointed out to LP that he had earlier said that Casey never said ONE WORD to him about the case while he was down in Orlando. So then RD comes out with the story that Casey told him the story as they rode alone to her attorney's office.

That version must not have worked out too well either as LP NOW says (on Fox the other afternoon) that CINDY told him the story. How are we to find this supposed change in Casey's story credible? I don't think we can until we have proof.

Now, many people on this board and in the general public have said "Presumption of Innocence only applies in a court of law!! The public can think/say whatever they want"

Technically, that is true. But *who* in a court of law is it most crucial that they apply this principle? The jurors, of course. And where do the jurors come from? The public. If it is ok, if it is allowed, if the public *allows* themselves to presume the guilt of every person LE investigates or even arrests for crimes then how is any accused person to ever hope to receive a fair trial from an untainted jury?

Remember Sam Shepherd? The US Supreme Court overturned a guilty verdict saying pre-trial publicity had tainted the jury's deliberations.

Remember Richard Jewel? The FBI had him tried and convicted and the media went right along with the witch hunt. Some of them are very sorry they did that but it hasn't seemed to have changed the way they operate.

All I am saying is things are not always as they seem. Authorities can lie, authorities can make mistakes and the public has a solemn duty not to turn into a lynch mob and convict a person of murder before all of the facts are laid bare, before the accused has a chance to confront and cross-examine the evidence against her, and certainly not on the word of sensationalist media who seem in many instances to have a blatant disregard for the truth.

You have said everything I have been thinking about this case but did not have the words to say. Thank you for this post. :clap::clap::clap:
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