Thousands Expect Apocalypse in 2012

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Live life each day. If you spend all your time worrying about death, end of the world etc, then any time you have will be wasted. Life is fragile without end of the world etc hanging over your head. So each day should be cherished and enjoyed.

But I DO like the leaving Christmas shopping until the 22nd idea!!!
Live life each day. If you spend all your time worrying about death, end of the world etc, then any time you have will be wasted. Life is fragile without end of the world etc hanging over your head. So each day should be cherished and enjoyed.

But I DO like the leaving Christmas shopping until the 22nd idea!!!

Thanks for the nice reminder to enjoy today.

Maybe leaving the Christmas shopping until the 22nd every year would keep us all from spending too much money? :)
We have to get past 8-8-08 first. :eek:


8-8-08 is the 20th anniversary of my son's discharge from neonatal intensive care. He was in there until 8-8-1988, so I'm hoping 8-8-08 is a good day! :)
These prophetic dates have been stated many many times..

I remember being like 11 and my friends mom who was a religious nut thought they would not live to see the following Holloween.

SO whatever!
8-8-08 is the 20th anniversary of my son's discharge from neonatal intensive care. He was in there until 8-8-1988, so I'm hoping 8-8-08 is a good day! :)

Opening day of the summer olympics!!! I hope its a good day too.
8-8-08 is the 20th anniversary of my son's discharge from neonatal intensive care. He was in there until 8-8-1988, so I'm hoping 8-8-08 is a good day! :)

Ohhh, that's so awesome! I bet that was a good day in '88 too! :woohoo:
These prophetic dates have been stated many many times..

I remember being like 11 and my friends mom who was a religious nut thought they would not live to see the following Holloween.

SO whatever!

Every single time I see/hear the #11 I think of Rocky. :eek:
We have to get past 8-8-08 first. :eek:


08-08- 08 is an unusual number in many ways. It is a cube

2^3, 2^3, 2^3.

The only other example we have is 01-01-01
1^3, 1^3, 1^3

Next year we will have 9-9-9 which is squares.
3^2, 3^2, 3^2.
That only happened on 01-01-01 and on 04-04-04

That is our last chance at these crazy math dates. Perhaps 09-09-09 is the end of time? Or was that 06-06-06? :waitasec:
Every single time I see/hear the #11 I think of Rocky. :eek:

Whoa..what about seeing the #11? I see the number ALL the time! It seems that for the past 6 months or so I always seem to look at the clock at 11 after the hour! I started telling my kids "look it's 10:11...look it's 2:11..look it's...." My kids thought it was funny at first and then said it was really weird! I think it's strange too! What does it mean? Who is Rocky?
Ohhh, that's so awesome! I bet that was a good day in '88 too! :woohoo:

Bless your heart Taximom, you know that 8-8-88 was the only day on our calendar back then. Today? I know everyday is a gift.
Whoa..what about seeing the #11? I see the number ALL the time! It seems that for the past 6 months or so I always seem to look at the clock at 11 after the hour! I started telling my kids "look it's 10:11...look it's 2:11..look it's...." My kids thought it was funny at first and then said it was really weird! I think it's strange too! What does it mean? Who is Rocky?

LOL, oh my, didn't mean to start anything! Rocky was a member here until recently banned. :eek: You can probably look at his/her posts and find whatever was written about the #11. I don't remember it all because I really don't get into that kind of stuff, although I do seem to look at the clock a lot when it is 12:34...which is pretty cool.
Afraid so.
Since I listen to Coast to Coast AM, I am starting to feel paranoid about this. LOL. I am stocking peanut butter and SPAM by the cases in my basement. ;):rolleyes:

No joking, people for hundreds of years have given 2012 as "the end". How things are going in the middle east and Iran being all sorts of crazy, it very well could be.

I'd rather die!! :eek:
I remember when people were worried about Y2K--that all the computers would stop working and the world would end. Did anything even happen to computers? I stayed awake all night on December 31, 1999 waiting. Nothing happen to my computer. And, more importantly, the world did not end.
Apparently, there is also a Year 2038, year 2070, and year 10,000 computer crisis expected to happen. :O

I don't even know how people will write out the year 10,000. 1/1/10000 on a check? I don't think the Earth will make it to that year anyway.
Apparently, there is also a Year 2038, year 2070, and year 10,000 computer crisis expected to happen. :O

I don't even know how people will write out the year 10,000. 1/1/10000 on a check? I don't think the Earth will make it to that year anyway.

Since it's only the year of 2008, I really shouldn't worry about 1/1/10,000! At this rate, the year 2038 might be a stretch for me! :)

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