TH's cell phone pings

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The Kim family, this article tells how a cell ping briefly connected to a tower, even though they had no cell service.

"According to one of two cell phone engineers who honed in on the Kims, the chance of the split-second signal making it through the rugged mountains was "very slim.""

It would ping, if it could, from the last STRONGEST service providers tower.
Generally there is an issue with reception in the mountains. I know I have my fair share of it here where I am at. The signals become obscured by the mountains, and such.

If the pings did drop out it could do this in a heavily wooded area, but that really depends on how strong the providers signals are.
I am sure there is a way to find out what the weakest/strongest providers in Oregon areas are.

If someone was able to do that, or had the time (I have a chapter to read for class + my child is on vacation).. you could probably find the weakest/strongest providers then cross reference the towers in the area, and where the reception is.
You might have to do an entire list of providers to towers, i.e. Verizon = strongest. Towers = here, here and here.

Probably a huge task, could be worth it though.
LE has not said Terri's phone pinged on SI. unless that happens, i call it a rumor.

Uh-oh, if that's the criteria set (that LE has to have divulged or corroborated something) then practically nothing about this case is known then.

The following (in your mind by your standard) would all be rumors:

Carol Moulton is Terri's mom
Terri has a friend name Jaymie
Terri has a son from a previous marriage
Terri has an arrest for DUI while driving with her son from a previous marriage
Terri's son from a previous marriage lives with his grandparents
Terri was married to Kaine Horman in Hawaii in 2007
Kaine works for a company named Intel
Terri and Kaine have a daughter
Terri has a FB account
Terri went to a gym a few days after Kyron went missing and walked away from a reporter
Desiree was ill at the time she and Kaine divorced and figured out custody
Desiree lives in Medford, Oregon

I could list dozens and dozens more like this. Are you sure you want to classify everything as a rumor just because it didn't come from LE?
Uh-oh, if that's the criteria set (that LE has to have divulged or corroborated something) then practically nothing about this case is known then.

The following (in your mind by your standard) would all be rumors:
I could list dozens and dozens more like this. Are you sure you want to classify everything as a rumor just because it didn't come from LE?

Finding out where/when a phone pinged is NOT something that the public could get access too. That is something at LE and FBI would have to ask for from the cell phone carrier, and sometimes acquiring those is a pain in the butt.

I agree, this is probably a rumor. is the map from the school to Sauvie Island for reference island&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl

Hi - one thing to keep in mind when you have a map from the school to "Sauvie Island". Sauvie is quite large. Your map, for example, traces the path from the school to the middle of Sturgeon Lake.

Had you made your map from the school to the southern portion of Sauvie, you'd find it to be a lot closer in mileage. The drive from the school to a southern Sauvie area (such as near Kruger's Farm Market), is closer, for example.

I have no idea where on Sauvie Island Kyron might be (if he is there) but it isn't necessarily the map you have shown here. FWIW.

Thanks for posting it for others though as the general vicinity is still accurate (in terms of where Sauvie Island is relative to Skyline Elementary).
Are ping records accessible to anyone, or just to LE when they get a subpeona or something?

Just to LE and usually a subpoena is required.

Couldn't it be possible that a calculating fan of CSI might dispose of a body close to home and then drive to another location (the island) allowing cell phone pings to mislead LE?

Sure they could, but if they had their phone w/them as they went home (assuming they disposed of the body first then went to S.I.) the different cell towers used will show they went to their home area. (Unless they were savvy enough to remove the battery or leave the phone somewhere and pick it up later).

Most people aren't that clever or that knowledgeable about cell phone technology.
Finding out where/when a phone pinged is NOT something that the public could get access too. That is something at LE and FBI would have to ask for from the cell phone carrier, and sometimes acquiring those is a pain in the butt.

I agree, this is probably a rumor.

I think you missed my point. All of the things I listed were things found out through media and public records (and none corroborated by LE).

The ping information is also coming from media. And not just any media, but actually the investigative-award winning Willamette Week. It's been our local paper for over 35 years.

Had WW said their sources "assumed or thought" pings must have been discovered on Sauvie, then I wouldn't give it any credence yet. But they didn't say it that way. They said their sources knew the pings existed.

Many days has passed and the editor of WW has not retracted that reporters work. WW is not some fly by night rag that wants to stimulate false rumors or mimic a gossip/gawker type 'paper', online or otherwise.

Just something for everyone to consider; these are my opinions.
I wonder if the Sauvie Island Towers ping phones that are on the island only?
The Kim family, this article tells how a cell ping briefly connected to a tower, even though they had no cell service.

Thanks for that, Ruby. Reading that story again, just breaks my heart. So, it was actually their cell that got the family found. I had forgotten that. Interesting.

If we go into the mountains around here, like hunting or geocaching, we do take our GPS and a cell. But we always, take a map, a good ol' compass, food and water and matches. Standard glove box supplies! It is sooooo easy to get lost in the woods in OR.
Was Terri at school when she said she was? And...what about the Sauvie Island ping?

Horman’s cell phone records contradicted the story she was telling investigators -- that she watched Kyron go to his classroom after attending his elementary school science fair.

The records revealed that she may have been on Sauvie Island, about five miles away from the school, according to the Willamette Week.
Good question Emma Peel. Terri said she waved Kyron off at 8.45am. So, hypothetically speaking here, maybe her cell pinged at Sauvie Island around 8.45am. Did she leave the school earlier than she said she did?

Yup it's something to chew on. But not for me right now - bedtime for me. I just wanted to leave the story in the thread. I posted it after getting clearance from Grandmaj & Kimster. So we can discuss the ping stories that have been out there for days if we want... I'll be sleeping on it! For me it might be a game-changer.
I think you missed my point. All of the things I listed were things found out through media and public records (and none corroborated by LE).

The ping information is also coming from media. And not just any media, but actually the investigative-award winning Willamette Week. It's been our local paper for over 35 years.

Had WW said their sources "assumed or thought" pings must have been discovered on Sauvie, then I wouldn't give it any credence yet. But they didn't say it that way. They said their sources knew the pings existed.

Many days has passed and the editor of WW has not retracted that reporters work. WW is not some fly by night rag that wants to stimulate false rumors or mimic a gossip/gawker type 'paper', online or otherwise.

Just something for everyone to consider; these are my opinions.

Pinging. We have received info from a credible publication (WW - I also live here and know the journalist and the weekly, it's reliable, though I must say it was risky - and slightly journalese-ish - to publish the article when mainstream media is respectfully staying their distance) that sources told them TH's cell phone pings "may be traced" traced to Sauvie's Island.

That said, way early on, there was an awesome post by an WS member of the cell towers. 2, in total if I recall, for an area that leaves the city real fast to become rural real quick. It's still a little spotty to plain assume that a ping from Sauvie's Island means someone is on the Island. If heading downhill from the school, she could be in that range. I live downtown, and If I walk in my studio apartment from the living room to my dining nook, my phone drops. I think pings can be difficult at this time to use straight as evidence as being on the Island, but enough to speculate as possible.

Not trying to defend, promise!! Just, I am trying to understand the local region's cell reception in this thread. I know I can't seem to be able to text anyone easily when I'm on Sauvie's Island. Apparently, towers can pick up signals and pings and compensate when other towerss are busy. It's just not definite.

LE may have additional reasons to be looking where they are though, and the ping could be supporting reasoning.

On that note - Does anyone have a snapshot of the 2 towers in or around the Skyline area? I am still very much hoping to see this.
I wonder if the Sauvie Island Towers ping phones that are on the island only?

My understanding is that they do not, but I am technologically uneducated. I am trying to look into this for fairness sake. I do know St. Helens, St. Helens Rd., and Highway 30, border Sauvie's I for a while - It's not as large as it appears - and it is not very populated with residences. But there are a lot of industrial plants, small communities and home owners smattered along the other side of the river bordering it.

The need for towers lessens in the areas for Skyline and Sauvie's Island, and I think it stands within reason to wonder where pings originate and how far they stretch out. A large area with small number of users and 2 towers mean they could share pings.....
Was Terri at school when she said she was? And...what about the Sauvie Island ping?

If we can look at the towers maps again, find them - hint hint - who posted them? - for Skyline Elem and Sauvie's Island, we can get a better look at the plausibility of a ping from SI while TH was still at Skyline or understanding is that there are only 2 towers in that area that pick up strong reception. Even going from the school to her residence may lean her ping towards SI vs. the other one.

Looking for link to post!!
I know that on several occasions my cell phone has been routed thru towers 45+ minutes away from me because it showed on my bill that the calls "were made from" an area of VA that I wasn't in.

When I called my provider I asked them why calls were showing from my cell phone in another county, several counties away. They told me the towers closest to me were too busy to handle my call, so it was routed to the next available tower. I asked them, why so far away. They told me that it could have been a high volume time of calling and/or some towers just may not have been available/working.

So while I wasn't 4 counties away and I was home, someone would have thought that I was elsewhere because of what was showing on my cell phone bill. So while it's very possible that TH was on SI, it's also a possibility she was close by SI...or maybe she wasn't.

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